Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 955 Negotiations

Chapter 955 Negotiations
the other side.

Su Yi took the initiative to stop the operation of the star-absorbing Dafa, endured the churning and chaos of the internal force in his body, and shot Zuo Lengchan.

Zuo Lengchan's reaction was extremely quick, and he and Su Yi tried two tricks, but Su Yi suddenly displayed the flower hidden at the bottom of the leaf, and slapped him hard on his lower abdomen.

Although this blow did not use all his strength, it still caused Zuo Lengchan to spurt blood wildly and fly backwards.

Su Yi was about to pursue him, but his internal energy surged violently in his meridians, so he had to stop, watching Zuo Lengchan who flew upside down non-stop, using lightness kung fu, flying over the wall like a kite, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Brother Lian!" Seeing that Su Yi's face turned blue and purple, Dongfang Bubai didn't know why he couldn't suppress his inner strength anymore?
This is not a trivial matter. One bad thing is the tragic end of exploding and dying.

Dongfang Bubai was immediately very nervous, but before he came, Su Yi forcibly suppressed the disordered internal energy, pointed at Fang Zheng who was about to escape and shouted hurriedly: "Don't get away...Wow!"

But he couldn't bear it anymore, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Seeing this, Dongfang Bubai was even more anxious. He hesitated slightly, but in the end he followed Su Yi's will and jumped to Fangzheng in two vertical leaps.

Fang Zheng was seriously injured, seeing Dongfang Bubai standing in front of him, he knew that he would never escape today.

"Amitabha!" He sighed, chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, and stopped resisting.

Brush brush!
Dongfang Bubai didn't kill him, but restrained his acupoints so that he couldn't move, then hurriedly floated to Su Yi's side, put one hand on Su Yi's back heart, regardless of his injuries, and sorted out the messy internal force in Su Yi's body.

There is also Ning Zhongze, who disappeared without a trace.

A big battle is over.

Huang Zhonggong stopped the bleeding for Black and White Zi, but the latter kept wailing and screaming in pain, so Huang Zhonggong had to faint him.

Looking around, the entire Meizhuang Bieyuan was devastated and corpses were everywhere.

"God, God..."

Looking at the second brother who lost an arm, and the fourth brother who died tragically, Huang Zhonggong was deeply saddened and couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

Lifting the sword and straddling the horse, swinging the ghost rain, the bones flew like a mountain bird.Things in the world are like tides and people are like water, how many people in the rivers and lakes will only sigh?

The four brothers were tired of the grievances and grievances in the rivers and lakes, so they voluntarily trapped themselves on the edge of the West Lake. For more than ten years, they worked as jailers guarding important criminals.

But who knows, still can't escape this bloody fight?

In this battle, the righteous factions suffered heavy losses.

Ding Mian, the leader of the Songshan School, and Fei Bin, the leader of the Songyang School, died!
The head of Huashan Mountain, Yue Buqun, died!
Mo Da, head of Nanyue Hengshan School, died!
Master Dingxian and Master Dingyi, the heads of Beiyue Hengshan School, died!
Taoist Tianmen and Taoist Tiansong, the heads of the Taishan School, died!
Eleven masters of the righteous way jointly strangled Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi, and seven of them died on the spot. Master Fangzheng, the abbot of Shaolin, was captured, and only Chongxu, Zuo Lengchan and Ningzhong escaped.

Moreover, each of the four survivors was seriously injured, which was very miserable.

Compared with them, Su Yi's losses are within an acceptable range.

Although Dongfang Invincible was seriously injured, he still has the power to fight, and the spare parts are complete.

Apart from the loss of some internal energy, Huang Zhonggong was unscathed.

Hei Hei Zi broke his arm, and his combat strength was greatly reduced.

Bald Pen Weng was injured, but not too badly.

Dan Qingsheng, Ding Jian and Shi Lingwei died tragically.

But to put it cold-bloodedly, whether these three people die or not has little effect, they are basically cannon fodder roles.

Su Yi's situation is more complicated. He didn't suffer any serious injuries, but he absorbed a lot of Zuo Lengchan's internal energy. He couldn't completely control the majestic internal energy in his body, and now he added internal energy that is incompatible with Ren Woxing. The icy true energy, now two strands of internal force are running around in his body, making him very embarrassed, his whole body will be steamed with heat for a while, and frost will condense for a while, making him shiver with cold.

Dongfang Bubai expended his internal energy to sort out Su Yi for a long time before the "volcano" in Su Yi's body gradually calmed down.

"Brother Lian, this icy internal force is extremely domineering, and it is incompatible with Ren Woxing's internal force." Dongfang Bubai said with a serious expression, "If this hidden danger is not removed, every time you move your hand in the future, these two kinds of true energy will be destroyed. Make a mess. It’s okay if you can suppress it, but if you can’t suppress it... I’m afraid the consequences will be disastrous.”

""Yi Jin Jing"!" Su Yi looked at Master Fangzheng, "The only thing that can solve my internal hidden dangers is Shaolin's "Yi Jin Jing"! Fortunately, you didn't kill him."

"You want to force him to hand over the "Yi Jin Jing"? I'm afraid this great monk will not be easy to obey..." Dongfang Bubai frowned.

"That's not necessarily the case." Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although the flaws and hidden dangers of "Star Attraction Dafa" were detonated because of Zuo Lengchan's physical examination, Su Yi's heart was not only free of worries, but was full of unsatisfactory excitement.

In this fight, the power of righteousness has been weakened by seven or eight, and Su Yi can completely imagine the dumbfounded expressions of those assistant actors after they landed in this world.

The most important thing is that everything that happened was reasonable, and Su Yi didn't violate the rules at all!
There is no malicious phishing, no deliberate weakening and suppression, everything is done within a reasonable framework.

It's a pity that Zuo Lengchan ran away. In Su Yi's heart, this guy is the most harmful of all.

Has the ability, has the wrist, the key is the extremely strong hands-on ability.

Su Yi is not afraid of schemers, because he is not afraid of anyone when he plays with his brain.But he is afraid of doers, because only doers can bring him real threats and troubles.

Zuo Lengchan is a man of action.

Moreover, Su Yi discovered that he seemed to have helped Zuo Lengchan by accident.

This lord's greatest wish is to unify the Five Sacred Sword Sect. This battle basically cleared away all the stumbling blocks for Zuo Lengchan to unify the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

But in any case, it is an indisputable fact that this battle has achieved remarkable results. Generally speaking, the consequences definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

With a lot of thoughts, Su Yi supported Dongfang Bubai and walked in front of Fang Zheng.

"Amitabha, it's a sin..." Fang Zheng sighed, "The two benefactors have committed a lot of murder, and they have done so perversely. Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

"You are not afraid, what am I afraid of?" Su Yi smiled bluntly, "Master Fangzheng, learning Buddhism is for enlightenment, not for scaring people."

Fang Zheng's eyes were slightly complicated: "Benefactor Yang is quite Buddha-nature, it's a pity, it's a pity. The loss of the righteous way today is [-]% due to Benefactor Yang. Benefactor Yang is so scheming and vicious."

When masters fight, they always listen to the thunder in a silent place.

What role Su Yi played in today's battle, only a smart person like Fang Zheng can see through.

What would have happened if Su Yi hadn't taken the initiative to show weakness and diverted part of his combat power?
Su Yi has no chance to kill three people in a row. When he kills the first person, everyone will be alerted.

And the top eleven masters will switch tactics instantly when they notice something is wrong, even if they have to pay a certain price, they must first get rid of the variable Su Yi.

If they can capture Su Yi and threaten Dongfang Invincible, the outcome of today's battle will probably be rewritten, or even completely opposite to what it is now.

Su Yi's simple one-step method of luring the enemy and annihilating them led to this irreversible tragedy.

At this moment, in Fang Zheng's mind, Su Yi's threat even ranks above Dongfang Unbeaten.

But the more he feared Su Yi, the more he couldn't understand why someone like Su Yi behaved so badly in the past few years?Why did the Sun Moon God Sect become so smoky and decayed?

This is so contradictory.

"I heard from Master Fangzheng that Zuo Lengchan presided over the siege and killing of the Eastern Hierarch this time?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Leader Zuo's prestige is very high, and he presides over the action, which is what he should do." Fang Zheng said, "It's a pity that this time the success is on the verge of failure, so that the Dao eliminates the demons, and the martial arts is afraid that there will be a bloody storm from now on."

"Master Fangzheng is compassionate and compassionate, and I admire you." Su Yi said with a smile on his face, "The bloody storm that the master said should mean that our Sun Moon God Sect will definitely not let it go this time, and want to retaliate against you wantonly. Is it right?"

"Although I don't want to see this happen, I'm afraid the two benefactors are not magnanimous people." Fang Zheng sighed, "I just hope that if the two benefactors want to express their anger, they will not be angry. Sprinkling it on ordinary martial arts people, it would be very good."

"What the master said is very true." Su Yi nodded in agreement, "As the saying goes, there is a wrong and a debtor. If you want revenge, you must find the right owner. I will send a letter by flying pigeons, and I will issue a black wood order to order God The whole world is taught by the heretic alliance, attack Shaolin together, and wash Shaoshi Mountain with blood!"

Fang Zheng's eyes changed slightly, and he said: "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? If Lord Benefactor Yang really makes such a decision, I believe that all righteous people in the world will never sit idly by..."

"That's not necessarily..." Su Yi said with a smile, "Master Fangzheng, this time all of you so-called decent leaders came together to attack the Eastern Hierarch, but in the end not only failed, but you lost your troops and almost wiped out the entire army. "

"The heads of the four sects of Taishan, Huashan, Beiyue Hengshan, and Nanyue Hengshan have all collapsed. Someone must be responsible for such a major tragedy."

He looked at Fang Zheng with a smile, and continued: "Master said that Zuo Lengchan presided over this operation. Do you think Zuo Lengchan is willing to bear such a big crime and bear the world's infamy?"

Master Fang Zheng's expression changed.

Su Yi had a good time and then said with a half smile but not a smile: "If Zuo Lengchan doesn't want to take responsibility, but wants to regroup and save people's hearts, with the wisdom of the master, can he guess what Zuo Lengchan will do? Who will he ask to recite this sentence? The scapegoat that caused such a huge loss?"

He spread his hands: "Is there any more suitable choice than Shaolin and Wudang?"

He smiled and looked at Fang Zheng whose face changed rapidly, and said again: "If at such a time, my god sect aggressively attacks Shaoshi Mountain, the master thinks that the leader of the left alliance will take the opportunity to nail Shaolin on the pillar of shame, and then push it down. Go to the abyss? Or should we focus on the overall situation and call on the heroes of the world to rescue Shaolin?"

"Maybe the master will count on Wudang to save Shaolin." Su Yi smiled, "But if I were Daoist Chongxu, I would take the opportunity to reconcile with the leader Zuo, clean myself first, and jump out of this vortex."

After a pause, Su Yi gave a "tsk" and said, "From this point of view, this time is a great opportunity for our divine sect to destroy Shaolin Temple, because there is no decent party that will help Shaolin Temple."

Fear finally appeared in Fang Zheng's eyes, although it was only fleeting, he quickly calmed down.

But this is enough to show that Su Yi's words have shaken his heart.

"Amitabha." Fang Zheng looked at Su Yi solemnly, "Benefactor Yang, the background of Shaolin is by no means as simple as you imagine! Throughout the ages, many forces stronger than the Sun Moon Sect have tried to destroy Shaolin, but now these All the forces have become dead bones in the grave, but Shaolin is still standing after thousands of years. If Master Yang underestimates our temple's determination to protect the Dharma and protect the temple, he will definitely pay an unbearable price!"

"The more threatening the master is, the more certain I am that I will be able to use the Shaolin Temple as a stepping stone this time, and the First World War will establish my Sun Moon Sect's reputation for a century!" Su Yi said with a smile, "The opportunity is rare and worth fighting for. Besides, my holy The church also needs to use an elated victory to revive people's hearts."

Fang Zheng's eyelids twitched, he looked at Su Yi's smiling face, and suddenly let out a long breath: "Benefactor Yang, you won, I really don't want to see the blood flow, tell me, what do you want?" .”

He knew very well that if Su Yi really wanted to do what he said, there was no need to come and talk to one of his prisoners.

But from speculating on Zuo Lengchan's reaction to the threat of bloodbath Shaolin Temple, Su Yi spoke in a calm and unhurried manner, making Fang Zheng fully aware of the dire situation Shaolin Temple is about to face. If Fang Zheng still doesn't realize that this is Su Yi's negotiation If there is no skill, then he will be in vain as the behind-the-scenes driver of martial arts for decades.

""Yi Jin Jing"," Su Yi didn't make any further detours, and directly stated his purpose. He looked at Fang Zheng with a smile, "I believe that the master, as the abbot, must know the "Yi Jin Jing" of your temple by heart. As long as the master can After silently reciting the entire content of the "Yi Jin Jing" without any omission or error, I will give up the plan to attack Shaolin and let you go, Master."

Having said that, Su Yi paused.The tone turned cold: "But if the master refuses, or plays tricks, that's okay, the big deal is that I will fetch it myself when the horse rides Shaolin."

Fang Zheng's eyes flickered, staring into Su Yi's eyes and asked: "Forgive me for speaking bluntly, just as Benefactor Yang said, if you want the "Yi Jin Jing", you can go to Shaolin to get it in person, and you can also cut off the strong Shaolin. The enemy kills two birds with one stone, why bother to threaten and force the old monk to hand it over? Besides, you are not afraid of the scriptures that the old monk silently recited, are they fake?"

"If Shaolin is destroyed, isn't Zuo Lengchan cheap for nothing?" Su Yi said indifferently, "If Shaolin perishes, those who refuse to accept the divine religion will be in constant panic. At that time, Zuo Lengchan, an ambitious man, will raise his arms. , under the banner of opposing my Sun Moon God Sect, these monsters and ghosts will surely surrender to him. I am afraid that even Wudang will have to succumb to the evil power of this thief."

"Compared with this thief, Shaolin, which has not had any disputes with the Holy Cult for decades, is obviously less threatening." Su Yi looked at Fang Zheng, "But this time, the master suddenly attacked the leader of our sect, breaking dozens of times between you and me. Years of peace, but also let us see the threat of Shaolin."

"Master, you must pay the price for your mistakes and express your sincerity. This is why you must keep the "Yi Jin Jing", and you and I must sign a peace document, promising that we will not attack each other again!"

"Otherwise, why should I miss the great opportunity to destroy Shaolin?"

"As for the "Yi Jin Jing" you recited silently, could it be fake? Hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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