Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 956 Fame

Chapter 956 Fame
Su Yi was really not afraid that Fang Zheng would silently recite the fake "Yi Jin Jing" for him.

Firstly, there is Dongfang Bubai, the number one in the world, to help him identify the authenticity;

Secondly, he won't practice the "Yi Jin Jing" first, but will find a few mice to practice.

If there is no problem, he will use it for practice.

If there is a problem, Fang Zheng is bound to pay the price for it.

And third, for people like Fang Zheng, the art of "compromise" has been imprinted in his blood. If "Yi Jin Jing" can save Shaolin from a bloody disaster and restore him to freedom, and Then he planned the overall situation as the abbot of Shaolin, so in order to complete this "cost-effective" deal, he would definitely not make extra troubles.

"I don't know the peace document mentioned by benefactor Yang, how can I explain it?" Fang Zheng asked after pondering for a moment.

He didn't talk about the "Yi Jin Jing", which shows that he has agreed in his heart that this deal can be done.

"Sun Moon God Sect and Shaolin Temple concluded a peace document, signing a treaty of mutual non-aggression and non-aggression." Su Yi suggested with a smile, "The term of the document can be ten years or 20 years, as long as you and I sign this agreement." This document, I can guarantee on behalf of the Sun Moon God Sect that I will definitely abide by the agreement on the document, and within the time limit stipulated in the document, I will never violate Shaolin half a step!"

Fang Zheng was moved by this proposal.

In today's battle, the righteous forces will inevitably fall into a low period, and Zuo Lengchan will inevitably be unwilling to be lonely and make troubles in the arena.

At such a precarious time, once Shaolin Temple gets involved in disputes with the Sun Moon God Sect and the Five Sacred Sword Sect, it will definitely be mired in the quagmire of war and it will be difficult to escape.

Especially this time, the leader of Dao Xiaomo, with two demon stars Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting sitting in the Sun Moon God Sect, it is conceivable that the world will definitely be a bloodbath from now on.

If Shaolin can sign this peace document with the Sun Moon God Sect and get the guarantee from the Sun Moon God Sect that they will not invade or attack each other, it will undoubtedly be a very good thing for Shaolin.

He can continue to fight with Shaolin Temple until the Sun Moon God Sect and Wuyue Sword Sect are both defeated, and then come out to clean up the mess.

As for the Sun Moon God Sect and the Five Sacred Sword Sect, will both lose?

This is what Fang Zheng is good at.

"Buddhism is a pure place, and martial arts is to protect the inheritance of Buddhism." Su Yi said leisurely, "However, the teaching of alienation has become the largest school in the martial arts, but it is the main business of the inheritance of Buddhism. , not as good as Mount Wutai, not as good as Baima Temple, not even Lingyin and Xiangguo Temple. Master, Shaolin needs to reflect."

He smiled and said: "If you and I sign a peace document, then the master can take the Shaolin Temple to practice hard work and ignore the disturbance from the outside world. Eating fast and reciting Buddha is what a monk should do. The rough work of beating, killing and killing Leave it to us ordinary people, what does Master Fang Zheng think?"

"Amitabha, I'm ashamed..." Fang Zheng sighed, "There is nothing at all, so where is the dust? Benefactor Yang has a lot of wisdom, and he has all the opportunities of Zen. It's a pity that the Benefactor's fate has not yet come, and he still has to suffer in the world of mortals and purgatory." struggle."

He looked up at Su Yi, and changed the subject: "Benefactor Yang, if Shaolin and Sun Moon Sect sign a peace document, do you want to announce this document to the world?"

"How could it be?" Su Yi sneered, "Since ancient times, there is no balance between good and evil, Shaolin and the Sun Moon God Sect both want face. It's fine to do this kind of thing secretly, how can you make it public?"

"Since that's the case, why do you need documents?" Fang Zheng said, "Why don't you and I make a gentleman's agreement, and this matter is settled."

"That's good." Su Yi smiled, "I believe in the character of the master. Even if the master doesn't believe in my character, he should believe that the main enemy of our Sun Moon God Sect is the Five Sacred Sword Sect."

"Benefactor Yang retreated from Shaolin, a powerful enemy, with a verbal promise. It is a pity that such a remarkable achievement cannot be publicized." Fang Zheng said deeply.

"Shaolin throws out a transcribed scripture, and you can get ten or even 20 years of pure peace, sit and watch the world, Master Fangzheng is a good fighter with great achievements..." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Amitabha, the benefactor's praise." Fang Zhengchang chanted the Buddha's name.

"Good, good, master is amazing." Su Yi gave a thumbs up.

The corner of Fang Zheng's mouth twitched, and he said, "Since that's the case, you and I should restrain our sects, not to provoke wantonly, and not to use knives or guns, so as not to let the gun go off, and even the peace agreement becomes a dead letter."

"It's natural," Su Yi replied happily, "Once you and I reach an agreement today, I will immediately order that the whole religion and even all sects of heresy stay away from Shaolin Temple. .”

Fang Zheng thought for a while, and raised a few more conditions, and Su Yi also added some with a smile, and then Su Yi withdrew, and Dongfang Bubai and Fang Zheng clapped their hands as oaths, which was a gentlemen's agreement for peace.

In fact, both sides are well aware of how fragile this peace agreement is.As long as one party intends to tear it up, everything just said will be regarded as fart.

But why bother, agreeing to peace?

This is because the situation is treacherous and changeable, neither side has the idea of ​​attacking each other, and both are afraid of each other's strength.

In Fang Zheng's opinion, the Sun Moon God Sect is now focusing its energy on dealing with the Wuyue Sword Sect, so it is necessary to use this so-called peace treaty to appease the Shaolin Temple; in addition, it is also due to future changes in the situation, in order to avoid misjudgment by both parties and lead to conflicts The upgrade is out of control. It is also necessary for everyone to be vaccinated in advance and create a framework to restrain each other.

Afterwards, everyone came to a room, where Fang Zheng happily recited the full text of "Yi Jin Jing" silently, and Su Yi wrote it all down with his pen like flying, and then gave it to Dongfang Bubai for reference.

Dongfang Bubai watched carefully for nearly half an hour before stretching his brows and said to Su Yi: "It should not be bad."

Su Yi smiled, and the other party clasped his fists and said, "Master, happy cooperation! You are busy with everything, so I won't keep you here. We will meet later!"

"There will be a time later!" Fang Zheng saluted with one palm, turned and left.

After Fang Zheng left, Dongfang Bubai said: "Brother Lian, I'm at a great loss right now, so you shouldn't make a move. If another strong enemy comes again, you and I will be in danger."

"That's right, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time." Su Yi nodded and said, "After I appease Huang Zhonggong and the others, let's leave here and go back to Heimuya."

"I'm afraid this journey will not be peaceful..." Dongfang Bubai said.

Of course Su Yi also knew that Zuo Lengchan, who had escaped from birth, would not let himself and Dongfang Bubai go back to Heimuya easily.

But he didn't worry too much about it, because with Bai Dao's current situation and strength, the power and means they could use were extremely limited. He felt that as long as he was careful, he wouldn't have much trouble, or even no trouble at all. trouble.

"Is your injury serious?" Su Yi asked again.

"It's not a problem, it's just a skin trauma. I brought the golden sore medicine prepared by Ping Yizhi, so there won't be any problem." Dongfang Bubai smiled at Su Yi.

"I'll give you medicine first." Su Yi said.

Su Yi is very experienced in dealing with wounds.

In fact, Dongfang Bubai's injury was quite serious. His back was slashed, and his flesh was rolled; his left shoulder and left leg had penetrating injuries.

This kind of injury would be considered extremely serious in later generations, but in this world, the acupuncture points are sealed by internal force, so the blood will not flow too much.

Didn't see Fangzheng monk lost an arm, why did he still talk to Su Yi for a long time before leaving?

Walking is called a brisk walk.

Dongfang Bubai's injury is easy to treat, even sutures are not needed, just apply golden sore medicine, bandage it tightly, and then use internal force to warm it up slowly.

Injuries like Dongfang Bubai can basically heal in half a month, and he doesn't take it seriously.

After dealing with Dongfang Bubai's injury, Su Yi came to the back mountain of Meizhuang to meet Huang Zhonggong and the others.

They are burying people.

Dan Qingsheng, Ding Jian, and Shi Lingwei.

Three new tombs were erected, and three new tombstones were newly erected. Huang Zhonggong, Bald Biweng, and Heihezi, who was missing an arm, stood in front of the tomb, lit paper money, and paid homage to their brothers and friends.

"Chief Manager!" Seeing Su Yi approaching, although the three of them looked sad, they all hurriedly saluted.

Su Yi nodded, his eyes flicked over the three tombstones one by one, and finally settled on the three living people.

Bald Biweng's injury was not serious, but Hei Hei Zi lost his right arm, and lost [-]% of his strength.

The expressions of the three were a little dazed and a little numb.

"The dead are dead, and the mourning is changing." Su Yi said slowly, "At least they can still be buried in the ground, and it is a blessing in misfortune that someone will worship them."

Su Yi knew very well that the deaths of these three people had nothing to do with him, but he didn't feel much in his heart.

People who have seen a lot of life and death will inevitably take life and death lightly, whether it is someone else's or their own.

People say that the older you are, the less courageous you are.Su Yi didn't know why he came to him and turned around.

He is becoming more and more courageous, and he is more and more fond of taking the edge of the sword and taking risks.

For example, using one's own body as bait this time, the risk is actually not small.

Huang Zhonggong and the other three were silent. It was obvious that they were resentful over the death of Dan Qingsheng and the others.

But Su Yi didn't care about it.

He looked at the three of them and said, "This time you have made meritorious deeds in defending the teaching. I have discussed with the leader and decided to reward the three of you."

He took out the manuscript of "Yi Jin Jing" and handed it to Huang Zhonggong.

Huang Zhonggong didn't take it seriously at first, and was still immersed in grief, but when he turned the first page and saw the words "Yi Jin Jing" on the first line, he was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened in disbelief.

"This, this is... Could it be... This..." Huang Zhonggong was dumbfounded, but he couldn't say a word, which shows how shocked he was.

"That's right, this is the treasure of Shaolin --" Yi Jin Jing "." Su Yi said lightly.

People in the martial arts world, you don’t need to know the Sunflower Collection, the evil sword manual, or even Wudang Taijiquan, but it’s absolutely impossible not to know the Shaolin Yi Jin Jing!

This martial art was once known as "the first treasure book of martial arts", and it is a magical secret book that everyone in the martial arts dreams of.

It is said that "Yi Jin Jing" was created by Shaolin Bodhidharma. The internal energy recorded in "Yi Jin Jing" is the veins of the body, which is the spirit of the five internal organs. Moisturize from the outside.After practicing this sutra, the heart will be moved and the force will be sent out, one store and one release, it will be applied naturally, and it will come out without knowing it, like the rising of the tide, like the hair of thunder.

The practice method of "Yi Jin Jing" is simple and simple, and the internal force obtained through cultivation is also unshakable and has a solid foundation.

Huang Zhonggong and the others knew about the negotiation between Su Yi and Fang Zheng, but they didn't know that the bargaining chip between Su Yi and Fang Zheng was Shaolin's "Yi Jin Jing", and they didn't expect that Su Yi would give him the "Yi Jin Jing" .

"This "Yi Jin Jing" was just obtained from Fang Zheng's hands, and the Eastern Hierarch has verified it, and there is no half of it. This is the genuine "Yi Jin Jing"." Su Yi said, "You three have contributed a lot this time. , The sacred teaching will be rewarded for its merits, and this "Yi Jin Jing" will be borrowed from you for a day, but it must not be copied or leaked."

Huang Zhonggong and the others looked at each other with ecstasy.

The three of them bowed almost at the same time and said excitedly: "Thank you, the leader and chief executive, for the reward, and the subordinates are very grateful!"

Although they lost their brothers and friends, they won the future with "Yi Jin Jing".

"Do things well, I won't treat you badly!" Su Yi encouraged, "Take care of yourself and get ready to hit the road. Go back to Heimuya!"


In this way, Su Yi gained three more mice, and also recruited three available subordinates.

Two hours later, following a carrier pigeon flying towards Heimuya, a group of five people withdrew from Meizhuang and headed north.

At the same time, the results of the Battle of Meizhuang quickly spread throughout the Jianghu with an avalanche!

The factions of the Righteous Way killed so many well-known and important people all at once, and the whole Jianghu was shocked by it!

This is the most tragic and sensational battle between good and evil since the battle of Huashan 70 years ago!

The reputation of Dongfang Bubai resounded throughout the rivers and lakes in an instant!
Along with Dongfang Bubai, Yang Lianting, the "magic gun" was also promoted by martial arts people!

In the eyes of the world, although it is shocking that Dongfang Bubai is so powerful, it is not surprising.

For more than ten years, although Dongfang Bubai has never been to Heimuya, his name has always been the existence that can stop children from crying at night.

This time, Dongfang Bubai was able to fight back against the powerful enemy and have the last laugh despite being besieged by so many righteous masters, but it just made everyone feel that "the rumors are true".

On the contrary, Yang Lianting, who was powerless according to the rumors in the rivers and lakes, shot and killed Yue Buqun, the famous head of Mount Hua in the rivers and lakes. Injuring Ning Zhongze and repelling Zuo Lengchan, such a great military exploit was in stark contrast to his previous unbearable reputation. The sharp contrast shocked the world's attention!
This kind of story full of dramatic reversals has always been the most talked about in the martial arts. They can't wait to put the name of "Magic Spear" on Su Yi's head, and then spread it widely.

Thus, Yang Lianting became famous all over the world!

But this reputation, of course, is notoriety.

Some people say that Yang Lianting endured for more than ten years just to become famous all over the world.

Some people also say that Yang Lianting is the descendant of the notorious "Star Absorbing Dafa", who sucked up the blood and internal energy of ninety-nine 81 peerless masters, and only then has he soared from an ordinary person who did not know any martial arts to a master of the world .

(End of this chapter)

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