Chapter 957
When the name of "Magic Gun" spread all over the Jianghu, Su Yi once again performed the "imitation makeup technique", disguising himself and his party of five as a bodyguard team, swaggering back along the official road.

What he and Dongfang Bubai had expected were right. Although Zuo Lengchan had suffered heavy injuries, he had predicted that Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi were also at their weakest at this time. If they could seize the opportunity and kill these two, they would be immortal forever. future trouble.

And if it succeeds, the huge loss caused this time can also be made up for.

Zuo Lengchan's movements were extremely fast. As the leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance, he already had a wide range of friends, and his friends and confidantes were everywhere in the Jianghu.

He recruited soldiers nearby in the land of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and quickly gathered more than a dozen masters, and marched towards Qiantang in a mighty manner.

He met Su Yi's "Escort Bureau" team on the left side of the road, but it was a pity that a group of more than ten riders galloped past, and did not look at Su Yi and others at all.

Naturally, they were all in vain, and then immediately dispersed to search back and forth. During the period, they ran into Su Yi again, but it was as if they were blind, and they didn't know each other.

In fact, it's not his fault. How could he have thought that there would be such a "makeover" disguise technique in the Jianghu?
Su Yi and the other five people completely changed their faces, and even changed their body shapes by using their clothes. It's no wonder Zuo Lengchan could recognize them.

Zuo Lengchan wanted to kill Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi, so why didn't Su Yi want to kill him to avoid future troubles?

But when Dongfang Bubai was injured and couldn't make a move, and he couldn't easily use his internal strength, he had little chance of winning by force.

Not to mention that Zuo Lengchan didn't know where to find so many masters who were not made of mud. After much deliberation, Su Yi decided to bear it.

Zuo Lengchan was not the only one who wanted to take the opportunity to kill Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai.

When Su Yi was on his way along the official road, he would often meet some Taoist priests passing by flying by, as well as some heretics in strange costumes. How lively.

These people were obviously looking for someone. They checked Su Yi back and forth no less than ten times, but no one found any clues.

Faced with such a situation, Su Yi didn't do anything, but went on his way step by step every day, neither in a hurry nor at a slow speed, without any changes or abnormalities.

But he knew that the days of stability would not last long.

There are only so many travelers on the official road from Qiantang to Heimuya. After searching around for these people to no avail, even if they use the most stupid method to filter them, sooner or later they will be selected among the five of them.

The fact is the same. Those who want to find Su Yi and his party have searched all the land and water roads from Qiantang to the north, and even deviated from the official road to the nearby market towns and villages, but they failed. The line of sight refocused on some people who had already been looked for, but were ignored by them.

Although Su Yi expected this result, he still didn't worry much.

Because he is not a member of the Jianghu Rundan Gang, behind him stands a behemoth - the Sun Moon God Sect.

As early as when Su Yi left West Lake Meizhuang, he sent a letter to Heimuya by flying pigeons, ordering Jia Bu, who was temporarily in charge of the power, and Tong Baixiong, the temporary supervisor appointed by him, to lead most of the troops. People and horses, all the way to Ludi, all the way to Yuzhong, put on a posture that they want to attack the righteous factions on a large scale and formally start the war.

Under such a threat of force, how could Zuo Lengchan, Shaolin, and Wudang dare to search for the whereabouts of Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi?

They have to hurry back to prevent the old nest from being taken away.

Ten days after the first battle at Meizhuang, Zuo Lengchan was the first to give up his search for Dongfang Bubai's whereabouts, and he withdrew first with the dozen or so masters he recruited.

The defeat in the First Battle of Meizhuang dealt a great blow to Zuo Lengchan's prestige.

When he fled from Meizhuang, Fang Zheng broke his arm. He originally thought that Fang Zheng must be broken in Meizhuang, so he planned to put all the faults on Fang Zheng and pick himself out.

But he didn't expect that the old monk escaped alive, and he revealed the inside story of that battle to the outside world before him.

Naturally, no one doubted that what Abbot Shaolin said was false.At this time, Zuo Lengchan jumped out to argue with Fang Zheng again, not only would it not have the effect of dumping the blame, but it would further question his character, so he had no choice but to give up.

Thus, Zuo Lengchan's plan to dump the blame was shattered.

Since you can't throw the blame away, you can only make up for it.

That's why Zuo Lengchan spared no effort in the past ten days to search for the whereabouts of Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi, hoping to "find a leak" and kill Dongfang Bubai to make up for his mistakes.

But now, seeing the Sun Moon God Sect's brigade getting closer and closer to Songshan Mountain, and he led a dozen or so masters running around every day, but he couldn't even touch the shadow of Dongfang Bubai, Zuo Lengchan realized with disappointment that I realized that my desire to make amends would also come to nothing.

In fact, among the Wuyue Sword Sect, there is only one Taishan Sect who is busy fighting for power and fleeing the sect. It has not expressed its position on the death of Tianmen Taoist and Tiansong Taoist. Indignation, as well as dissatisfaction and doubts about his left leader.

As the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, you personally led the team to lead such a large operation, but in the end the entire army was almost wiped out!

Except for you Zuo Lengchan, all the leaders of the other four sects died in this battle. Who will bear the responsibility?

Master Dingjing from Mount Heng in the north and Zhengfeng Liu from Mount Heng in the south have publicly expressed doubts about Zuo Lengchan, claiming that this matter must be pursued to the end, and they will never let it go.

Ning Zhong of the Huashan sect was also busy attending to his deceased husband's funeral, so he didn't say much, but according to Zuo Lengchan's understanding, in private, Ning Zhong hated him to the bone, even more than the Demon Sect.

Ning Zhong said to his disciples: "The struggle between good and evil is life and death. No matter who dies, you can't blame others. But one general is incompetent and exhausts the three armies. Zuo Lengchan gathers the strongest forces of all righteous schools to crusade against an Eastern Invincible , but was defeated miserably by others, and the heads of the four sects were eliminated in one battle. Such a horrific tragedy has rarely happened since ancient times. Is that how Zuo Lengchan became the leader? What else does he have to be the leader?"

Zuo Lengchan felt murderous towards Ning Zhong who said these words. Originally, he planned to let this woman live, but now he found that this woman actually hated him, so he couldn't stay.

But that's something for later, now Zuo Lengchan had to give up his search and hunt for Dongfang Bubai, and return to Mount Song to deal with the threat of a large-scale invasion by the Demon Cult.

He once again issued the order of the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, intending to gather all sects and sects to Songshan to discuss the matter of fighting against the Demon Sect, and also invited Shaolin and Wudang sects.

In fact, long before Zuo Lengchan withdrew, those Taoist priests who were searching for Su Yi and others had long since disappeared.

The origin of these Taoist priests is obvious-who else can command the Taoists in the world to use, except Wudang Chongxu?

Different from Zuo Lengchan, Taoist Chongxu had actually tracked the whereabouts of Su Yi and his group of five, but in the end he gave up hunting.

After Taoist Chongxu escaped from Meizhuang that day, he deeply felt that he and Fang Zheng had made a big mistake, that is, they underestimated Dongfang Bubai, and they also misjudged Yang Lianting!
Dongfang Bubai's martial arts are unpredictable, Yang Lianting is full of tricks, and he has also learned the evil art of "Star Absorbing Dafa", who can beat the combination of these two people?
Is Zuo Lengchan his opponent?
Absolutely not!

If Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting have the ambition to sweep the martial arts world, it will be a disaster!
Would they be so ambitious?

Hard to say!
Dongfang Bubai did not walk in the rivers and lakes for 12 years before, Chong Xu and Fang Zheng once thought that Zuo Lengchan had no one to suppress, and even planned to change Zuo Lengchan's opponent.

But what about the results?

As soon as Dongfang Bubai went down the mountain, eight masters of Zhengdao martial arts were killed in Huangquan, including four masters.

Such Dongfang Invincible, how can he still be regarded as a useless existence like a chicken rib?

Not to mention that now there is "Magic Gun" Yang Lianting showing his sharpness. These two are perfect for each other, who can be decent?
Chongxu seemed to have seen a monstrous wave of blood rushing up Wudang Mountain, and he even had to correct this mistake, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

So after escaping from Meizhuang, he first received the same Fang Zheng who had "escaped from birth", and was immediately ecstatic, feeling that "my way is not alone", and completely forgot the scene where he left Fang Zheng and ran away alone.

Fang Zheng didn't mention this, and he didn't even care about his broken arm. He thought it was just a stinky skin, and he would throw it away sooner or later, so why should he care?
However, Fang Zheng has a different view on Chongxu's concerns.

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting will merge sooner or later." Fang Zheng made such a judgment, "Just like Ren Woxing and Dongfang Bubai back then, they can only exist by one person."

"Great monk, although we have misjudged Yang Lianting, his relationship with Dongfang Bubai should be fine." Chongxu questioned, "If they have that kind of relationship, they will only work together and speak out as one."

"Fame and fortune have moved people's hearts since ancient times," Fang Zheng said indifferently, "not to mention a resentful couple, even a father and son will turn against each other. Before Yang Lianting had no martial arts, and was fatuous and incompetent, naturally he was no threat to Dongfang Bubai. But now, he has I can sit on an equal footing with Dongfang Bubai. As long as one of them is vigilant and hostile towards the other, the struggle between them is inevitable and unmanageable, and one of them must fall down."

"I think you take it for granted, don't you?" Chongxu frowned, "Without Dongfang Bubai's support and help, Yang Lianting would have never been able to learn the star-absorbing method of letting me do it, and absorb his life's energy. Dongfang Bubai The fact that he was able to fight against me in the past years is enough to prove that he is not a fool."

"As long as he is wary of Yang Lianting, he will never be so stupid as to turn his lover into an enemy."

"Amitabha, no matter how strong Dongfang Bubai's martial arts are, he is still an ordinary person. How can he overcome the barriers of knowledge and perception?" After knowing them, there will be no gaps?"

Chongxu groaned slightly, and stretched his brows: "Monk, you are right, but that is all for the future. Now Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting are both seriously injured. If we can take the opportunity to get rid of one of them, the situation in this world will be changed." More clearly, at least for you and me, there is still peace for 20 years."

"I plan to chase and kill Dongfang Bubai, Great Monk, let's work together! You Shaolin lay disciples are all over the world, so you can't be lazy."

Fang Zheng said: "I have no excuse to blame myself. It's just that the demon sect invaded on a large scale. This matter is no small matter. I must rush back to Shaoshi Mountain to take charge of the overall situation. I can't stay here with you."

"Even if you want to stay, I dare not keep you." Chongxu sighed, "Grand Monk, although your Zen mind is open-minded, but after all, it is the pain of a broken arm. Go back and recuperate. I will leave the matter here to you. I'm dead, you just need to let your lay disciples listen to my orders."

Fang Zheng said: "On the way back, I will ask them to find out the news for you first."

After Fangzheng left, Chongxu immediately called Taoists from all over the world to search for Dongfang Bubai's whereabouts.

And Fang Zheng did not break his promise, and immediately called on the lay disciples of Shaolin Temple in Jiangnan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places to also search for it.

The two great schools of martial arts have extraordinary backgrounds, and now they are teaming up to find people, and the efficiency is naturally extraordinary.

Soon they discovered the abnormality of Su Yi's group of five people pretending to be an escort agency, and confirmed that there was something wrong with the group of five people.

Then through the route they traveled and the comparison with the number of people, their huge suspicion was locked.

Although the appearance of the five people is completely different from that of Dongfang Bubai and others, but if all the impossibilities are excluded, the remaining one may be impossible, and it is very likely to be the final fact.

After Chongxu locked Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi's whereabouts, he was overjoyed and immediately summoned his men to organize an ambush attack.

But that's when something went wrong.

Those lay disciples from Shaolin Temple will not participate!

They didn't listen to Chongxu's command at all, and immediately chose to quit after finding Dongfang Bubai's whereabouts without hesitation.

It is useless to allow righteousness to rush to Xiaoxu and move for profit.

Chongxu sensed that something was wrong, and immediately sent three letters to Fang Zheng, hoping to get Shaolin's support.

But the three letters are like a sea of ​​mud, and there is no news.

Calmly thinking about the ins and outs of this incident, Chongxu understood one thing, that is, Fang Zheng had no intention of letting Shaolin Temple participate in the pursuit of Dongfang Bubai at all.

Chongxu didn't know the reason, but he didn't even think about it, he just let all his people withdraw, he left Jiangnan without hesitation, and went back to Wudang Mountain.

In those years, Wudang Mountain was breached twice by the Demon Cult, and the True Martial Sword and the "Taijiquan Sutra" were taken away. There were countless deaths and injuries from the elders in charge of the sect to the disciples and servants.

But why has the Wudang School not only not declined for decades, but is still one of the masters of the martial arts, standing still?

Wudang's reputation and background are certainly one reason, but there is another very important reason-indisputable!
The so-called non-dispute does not mean lying flat, but "fighting without fighting".

Wudang didn't fight for the title of No. [-] in the world, but just formed good relationships, hid behind Shaolin Temple, and followed suit.

Wudang absolutely supports what Shaolin Temple is going to do.

What Shaolin Temple does not do, Wudang will never participate.

Let Shaolin be number one in the world, and Wudang be number two in the world, or even number three in the world, that would be great.

(End of this chapter)

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