Chapter 958
The Buddha is in the heaven and the earth, and I am the only one, so the Buddha wants thousands of families to be born into the Buddha; but the Tao has three Qings who are equal, and a heaven is created to share power, so the Tao is the best goodness like water.

Therefore, Shaolin will always be the number one martial art in the world, and Wudang will always be the second in the world.

Time will give the answer on who is better between the only one who is the only one and the best one.

Chongxu sensed something was wrong and withdrew decisively.

But there is still a group of people who are still searching for traces of Su Yi and others.

This group of people is a group of tycoons who came here upon hearing the news, and they are a group of leftist masters blinded by greed.

There are rumors in the world that in the battle of Meizhuang in West Lake, although Dongfang Bubai and Magic Spear Yang Lianting defeated the powerful enemy, they were also seriously injured.That's why Heimuya went south with great fanfare, the purpose is to attract decent masters to take precautions, so that their leader and chief executive can easily escape from birth.

This statement is actually a fact, because it is reasonable, so there is a market.

So based on this point, someone suggested that Dongfang Bubai's "Sunflower Treasure" and Yang Lianting's "Star Attraction Dafa" can dominate the martial arts world, but now these two are alone and injured... …

Under the temptation of "martial arts respect", even if Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting are well-known, many people can't restrain their greed and decide to take risks.

In particular, there is a person with a heart to incite people's hearts everywhere, urging those ambitious people to ignore the notoriety of the Sun Moon God Sect, and searching for the whereabouts of Su Yi and others.

Ludi, Yanggu County, Dongjun County.

According to legend, in ancient times, after the Yellow Emperor captured and killed Chiyou, he was buried here, with his head buried in Shouzhang Kan Township, his shoulders buried in Juye, and some of his bones buried in front of the stage.

Thirty miles east of Yanggu County, there is a large tomb more than seven feet high, like a giant beast, entrenched in the dense forest. This tomb is Chiyou Tomb.

Chiyou Tomb guards the main north-south traffic route, and because it is regarded as an ominous place, there are no people living in it for more than ten miles.

But although this place is high in mountains and dense in forests, there is a tea stall beside Otsuka, doing business for customers from both north and south.

On this day, a group of five riders came from the south and galloped all the way here, looking dusty.

These five people looked like Jianghu people walking darts, the leader was a stern young man with an extraordinary bearing, his eyes were sharp and cold, only when they fell on the face of the burly young man beside him, his eyes would turn soft.

The three people behind him are all middle-aged people, each wearing a hat, so they can't see their true faces clearly.

However, his gray beard and hair can be vaguely seen, which shows that these three people are not young.

These five people are naturally Su Yi and other five people in disguise.

They made a detour all the way from the water village in the south of the Yangtze River, and traveled more than a thousand miles in ten days before arriving in Yanggu County.

Under Su Yi's arrangement on this journey, they tried to avoid contact with outsiders, especially those who had to bypass waves of people searching for their whereabouts. It was a miracle that they could get here without incident under the eyes of many eyes.

At this time, the brigade of the Sun Moon God Sect was in Qinghe County, [-] kilometers away. After passing through Yanggu County, they left Ludi, and after crossing a mountain, Su Yi and others could come with Heimuya The corresponding congregation gathered.

But all the way here, Su Yi and the others have nowhere to hide.

From here to Qinghe County, the shortest road must go through Yanggu County. If you want to detour, you have to detour at least two hundred miles.

As time goes by, Su Yi and others are about to enter the territory of Hebei Province, and those gangsters and heretical masters who chased Su Yi and others became more crazy and urgent.

Because firstly, the later the time, the better the recovery of Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting's injuries; secondly, once Dongfang Bubai and others enter Ji Province and join the Sun Moon God Sect's brigade, they will have no chance to see each other again. Let's do it.

If they miss this good opportunity, they may never have any predestined relationship with "Treasure of Sunflowers" and "Dafa of Attracting Stars" again in this lifetime.

Soar to the sky, or continue to be mediocre?

This choice is not difficult to make. They are people from the rivers and lakes, and they are not lacking in blood. Even if they know that they are close to death, many people plan to give it a try.

Su Yi rode on the horse, looked at the tea stall in front of him, and then at the deep mountain forest in front of the tea stall, narrowing his eyes slightly.

It is the midsummer season, but there are no cicadas singing or birds speaking in this forest. It is self-evident what this means.

All the way here, Su Yi obviously felt that there were many people chasing after him.

There is an ambush in the front, and there are chasing soldiers in the back. A fierce battle is inevitable.

Maybe this time the enemy's martial arts are not as powerful as the first battle of Meizhuang, but this battle is bound to be more dangerous than the first battle of Meizhuang, because most of the people who come this time are murderous people who can kill and dare to kill people.

And this time there are more people.

Not to mention, in just ten days, it was impossible for Dongfang Bubai to heal from his injuries, and it was impossible to regain his depleted internal strength.

Fortunately, with the help of Dongfang Bubai in the past ten days, the two internal forces in Su Yi's body were temporarily calmed down.As long as he doesn't use the star-absorbing method, it won't happen again.

"The mountain is surrounded by auspicious clouds, and the water cage is auspicious. It is indeed a good place to kill people!" Su Yi looked around and said with a little emotion, "This place where the soldiers are buried is destined to flow into rivers again."

"Brother Lian, the rivers and lakes are full of smog and people's hearts are treacherous. Why should we fall into the quagmire?" Dongfang Bubai's lips parted lightly, "When we get back to Heimuya, let's ignore the disturbances in the rivers and lakes, okay?"

"The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind doesn't stop." Su Yi smiled, "I also hope to be safe and sound, but I'm afraid that there are many people in this world who don't want you and me to be free, and things will backfire in the end."

"We'll kill anyone who stands in our way." Dongfang Bubai said slowly, "If you kill them all, your wish will come true."

"That's a good idea." Su Yi smiled.

The two chatted and laughed happily, not paying attention to the upcoming fierce battle.

Dongfang Undefeated is proud, but Su Yi is stable.

After seeing the three of Huang Zhonggong and others behind him, they sensed that danger was looming, their foreheads were dripping with cold sweat at the moment, and they couldn't control their tension.

The five got off the horse together, Su Yi pondered slightly and said, "Let the horse go."

As the saying goes, when you shoot a man, you shoot a horse first, and a big battle is coming. If these five horses stay here, they will surely die. It is better to let them go, and there may be a way to survive.

Moreover, this move also has the meaning of breaking the boat and fighting for the last time.To save Huang Zhonggong and the others from being weak-willed and having distracting thoughts.

Sure enough, following Su Yi's instructions, the expressions of the three elders were all shaken and terrified.

But Su Yi has established absolute prestige in front of them, and they dare not disobey Su Yi's order.

After letting go of the five horses, the three of them calmed down, and there was a bit more determination and determination in their eyes.

The five people strolled into the tea stand, but there was no one in the tea stand.

Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai found a clean table and sat down, while Huang Zhonggong and the other three searched around tacitly, and returned from the back hall after a while.

"There are three dead people in the back, they should be the shopkeeper and fellows here." Huang Zhonggong said solemnly, "The water in the water tank and the food in the kitchen have been poisoned."

"It's unnecessary." Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

Even if they didn't poison, Su Yi and others wouldn't eat and drink in such an environment, and what did they kill the shopkeeper and the buddy for?
Afraid they would tip off Su Yi?

"Master, Chief Manager!" The bald penman handed over the water bag and dry food that he had brought with him, signaling Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai to use some first.

But Su Yi looked around for a week, and said lightly: "Put it away, they are here."

Huang Zhonggong and the other three were startled, they all drew out their weapons and looked in all directions vigilantly.

Sure enough, I saw shadows in the dense forest in front of me, and many people with weapons came out.

These people are scattered, and there are almost 50 people in various places.

Some of them covered their faces with black scarves, only showing a pair of eyes, apparently afraid that Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi would recognize them and retaliate afterwards.

But there are also bright and aboveboard ones who come with horses and chariots under the door.

After these people appeared, there was also the sound of "Dada" rushing horseshoes on the way, and after a while, dozens of riders appeared at the intersection up the mountain.

They stopped a long way from the tea stand, and spread out in a tacit understanding.

As these people slowly approached, many people came one after another. Soon, the tea stand was full of people standing around.

These people came to a distance of about two feet from Su Yi and the others and then stopped. They all stared at each other with different expressions.

At this time, the three of Huang Zhonggong were so nervous that they were sweating all over, but Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai still had time to relax.

The two looked around, and no one knew each other.

Those guys with black scarves and masks must be leftists, and these people who appeared aboveboard, there are many righteous sects.

For example, the dozen or so beggars in the northeast direction belonged to the beggar gang.

There is also a group of people from the south who blatantly raised the flag, but it was sent by Kunlun.

A group of uniformly dressed people not far from the Kunlun School did not show their banners, but they spoke with a strong Sichuan accent.

They surrounded Su Yi and other five people, but they also guarded each other and kept a certain distance.

Su Yi looked around for a week, and was about to speak when he saw a masked man in black standing out, clenched his fists towards Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi, and said in an old voice, "I think the two are the Dongfang Bubai and Director Yang. gone?"

"Who are you?" Su Yi asked.

"The old man's humble name is not worth mentioning," the old man said, "but the 23 brothers behind me all listen to my orders! Director Yang, I think you already know why we are here. We don't want to be enemies of the holy religion. What we want It’s just a secret book of magical skills! We are not greedy, as long as Director Yang borrows the secret book of "Star Suction Dafa" from us for reference, I will turn around and leave, and I will never break my promise!"

After a pause, the old man purposely stretched out his palm to make a virtual drawing for a week, and said, "Boss Yang also saw that more than a hundred people are besieging you and the Eastern Hierarch today. If we quit, it will definitely be a good thing for you. , but how can life be important? Chief Executive, think twice."

"That's right! That's what we all mean!" The old man's voice just finished, and a masked man followed him on the other side and said, "We hide our faces and identities, but we don't want to be enemies with the leader and chief executive. As long as today The chief supervisor gave me the magical secret book, not only can we not attack the leader and the chief supervisor, but we can even help the leader and the chief supervisor to resist the enemy together!"

"That's right! That's what I mean too!" A masked man responded immediately.

"Eastern Hierarch, Director Yang, as long as you are willing to hand over the cheats, we can swear that we will never make things difficult for you!"

"Although the magical skills are good, they are just things outside the body. If you want to open up a little bit, the Dongfang leader and the chief executive must not make mistakes..."

The masked leftist masters around talked one after another, trying to persuade them with good words, hoping to defeat others without fighting.

And these words made the unmasked and aboveboard tycoons on the other side all startled.

But none of them spoke, but waited for the reaction of Su Yi and others.

Su Yi didn't disappoint them, and said with a sneer, "Even if I gave you the cheat book, do you dare to take the cheat book and leave?"

He looked around, and said in a cold tone: "You are very clear, if the leader and I leave this place alive today, every person who comes here today will be counted as one, and will suffer the most cruel revenge from the Holy Cult! Facing my Sun Moon God Sect The [-] sect members are endlessly chasing and killing you! Even if you hide your heads and show your tail, I will find you out one by one! Don’t even think about running away!”

"Unless we die, and there is no proof of death, no one will know that you have been here. Otherwise, you will definitely die!"

As soon as Su Yi's words came out, these masked leftist masters suddenly became restless and commotion, some pretended to be disdainful, some showed fear, and some looked solemn.

Su Yi sneered and continued: "So even if I gave you the cheats, you dare not let me and the leader go, because if you dare to appear in front of me and the leader, you are destined to fight to the death today!"

While Su Yi was talking, he also stood up with a spear in his hand.

He looked around for a week and continued to say calmly: "If you have any regrets, it's still too late to leave now. But if there is a fight, you'd better kill me and the leader, otherwise as long as we survive, we will be with you forever!"

After a pause, Su Yi continued with a smirk: "Even if you are dead, I will kill your relatives and children, cut grass and roots, kill all families, and leave no one behind! I will kill all of you to extinction, but everyone here There is only a trace of blood left in the world, and it is because of my incompetence, Yang Lianting!"

Su Yi's words were vicious and vicious, with awe-inspiring murderous intent.All the people present were terrified by it.

At this moment, in their eyes, there seemed to be a sea of ​​blood behind Su Yi!
"Yang Lianting! The rivers and lakes are all about the rivers and lakes, and the trouble is not as good as the family's young wife and children!" Someone from the Kunlun faction stood up and shouted fiercely, "You are so vicious, what kind of hero are you?"

"I'm the head of the Demon Cult, so I'm not a hero!" Su Yi said coldly, "Since you dare to provoke me and plot my martial arts cheats, then you must be prepared to be exterminated!"

After a pause, Su Yi said solemnly again: "I forgot to tell you, I have sent a letter by flying pigeons to tell everyone in the Holy Church that if the leader and I die here today, the younger generation wants to succeed the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect." Whoever kills the most people and destroys the most sects will be the next leader of the Sun Moon God Sect!"

"So, no matter whether we are alive or dead today, anyone who dares to attack us today must be prepared to be wiped out!"

(End of this chapter)

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