Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 961 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 961 Reaction of the Parties
Su Yi Feige sent a letter ordering the soldiers of the Sun Moon God Sect to divide into two armies to suppress the border. It was not really to start a war with the Wuyue Sword Sect, but to put pressure on Zuo Lengchan and Shaolin, so that they had to focus on the sun and the moon In order to escape the Jiangnan and return to Heimuya to share the pressure.

Facts have proved that such a move is extremely wise. In the end, more than a hundred people from the upright and heretics came to besiege Su Yi, and it was because of the pressure brought by the army of Heimuya.

But Su Yi's move of "encircling Wei and saving Zhao" has another hidden purpose, which is to find something for Jia Bu and Tong Baixiong to do.

Leaving them to fight for power on Blackwood Cliff, who knows what will happen?
It's better to mobilize them all and let them leave the power center of the Sun Moon God Sect. At least they will be distracted by the task assigned by Su Yi.

However, Su Yi had already decided on the evacuation route, and he wanted to enter Jizhou directly from Ludi, so the army going all the way to Yuzhong was just suspicious soldiers, and it was to put pressure on Zuo Lengchan.

Therefore, Su Yi clearly issued an order in Fei Ge's biography, asking Jia Bu and Tong Baixiong to come to Qinghe County to pick him up, and Yuzhong sent two elders to lead the team at random, just pretending to be fine.

As long as Su Yi arrives in Jizhou, he will go back home immediately.

But now, only Tong Baixiong was meeting Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai in Qinghe County, while Jia Bu went to Yuzhong.

As soon as Su Yi thought about it, he knew it must be Tong Baixiong's trick, because his Feige letter was sent to Tong Baixiong.

It stands to reason that Jia Bu is Yang Lianting's confidant, and Tong Baixiong is an outsider.

But in the more than a month since Su Yi left, the two sides have been passing letters. Tong Baixiong gradually won Su Yi's trust with his performance, but it was Jia Bu who disappointed Su Yi.

So when it comes to matters related to his own life, Su Yi trusts Tong Baixiong more.

But he couldn't believe it 100%, so he asked Tong Baixiong and Jia Bu to pick him up in Qinghe County together, just to let Tong Baixiong and Jia Bu supervise each other.

But now that Tong Baixiong has sent Jia Bu away, what exactly does he want to do?
Su Yi quickly ruled out the possibility that Tong Baixiong wanted to harm him.

Sure enough, Tong Baixiong quickly explained calmly.

"The leader, the chief executive, Rongbao, it is true that I tricked Jia Bu into going to Yuzhong." Tong Baixiong said calmly, "I did not show Jia Bu the letter sent by the chief executive, because Two things."

Su Yi looked at him, waiting for his explanation.

"Firstly, since you are a suspicious soldier, you must make the enemy suspicious." Tong Baixiong said, "According to the original plan of the general manager, Jia Bu and I will be in charge on Ludi's side, but Yuzhong only sent Elder Commander, once the enemy finds out about this situation, they will definitely think that my sect attaches so much importance to Ludi, but Yuzhong is a bit perfunctory, and they will further suspect that Yuzhong is a trick of suspicious soldiers."

"In order to make the chief supervisor's strategy of suspicious soldiers more effective, I decided to let Jia Bu go to Yuzhong. He was entrusted by the chief supervisor with an important task to temporarily lead the whole teaching. He is also the master of Qinglong hall and Zhuque hall. He sits in Yuzhong. , the enemy will definitely attach great importance to the army of Yuzhong, and dare not neglect it."

In fact, the army going all the way to Henan was not for "suspect soldiers", but for pressure.

No matter who is leading the team, the key is that if there is a large army going, Zuo Lengchan will never dare to ignore it, and it will definitely attract attention.

But Tong Baixiong can't fully guess Su Yi's thoughts, his thinking is correct, but it's still inappropriate to "check and fill in the gaps" for Su Yi on his own initiative.

If it were any higher-ranking person, Tong Baixiong's actions would not only be unfavorable, but would be reprimanded and disliked.

"Then what about the second one?" Su Yi couldn't deny it, and continued to ask.

"Secondly, I suspect that Jia Bu and Xiang Wentian colluded secretly and exchanged songs!" Tong Baixiong said with a look of surprise and death.

"Is there any evidence?" Su Yi remained expressionless, as if he didn't care about it.

Tong Baixiong shook his head and said: "There is no evidence, but the chief executive should also know that Heimuya is heavily guarded and waited for? It is not easy for anyone to get in and out. Xiang Wentian was able to escape from Heimuya quietly and without interest. He can't do it by himself, there must be someone covering him behind it."

"After thinking about it, Jia Bu is the most suspicious person! I am not unreasonably suspicious. Xiang Wentian bribed Jia Bu with a lot of money. I knew about it. Another thing is that after Xiang Wentian fled, Jia Bu placed his cronies in Heimuya to exclude dissidents. Dismissed and killed. If it wasn't for the sudden letter from you, the chief executive, asking us to lead our troops down the mountain, I'm afraid Jia Bu would replace him in every key position!"

Speaking of this, Tong Baixiong paused, and continued: "I checked carefully, and among the people Jia Bu replaced, some of them were very close to Xiang Wentian, so I suspected that Jia Bu and Xiang Wentian were very close. Collusion."

"Since this person is suspicious, then the whereabouts of you and the leader cannot be known by him. Therefore, I made a small plan to make him mistakenly think that although you will meet us in Qinghe, the chief executive will meet us soon. Soon you and the leader will rush to Yuzhong, where there is a big move against the Songshan School and Shaolin Temple. Jia Bu really believed it, and I tricked him."

Tong Baixiong didn't hide anything when he said these things, he acted like it was a matter of course, and he didn't seem to be disturbed at all because of his own opinion.

Su Yi nodded after hearing his words, and said, "Go back to Heimuya!"

Tong Baixiong is not stupid either, in fact he can also guess that his straightforward character is very unpleasant, but he is devoted to the public, he doesn't care about it, and he is ready to make Su Yi displeased, and even punish himself After all, he was in a different place, and he felt that if someone treated his confidants like this, he would not be indifferent.

But he didn't expect Su Yi to have no reaction to this.

This surprised him.

After being stunned for a long time, he still couldn't help asking: "Does the chief executive think there is anything wrong with Tong's actions?"

Su Yi smiled but said: "If you think there is something wrong, then it's wrong, why bother to ask me?"

"But Tong doesn't think he did anything wrong!" Tong Baixiong said.

Su Yi said indifferently: "Master Tong, let me ask you, have you ever thought that Jia Bu may have obtained my secret order, so he will use his plan to contact Xiang Wentian?"

"This..." Tong Baixiong's eyes widened.

"Have you ever thought about it, I have a deeper plan in Yuzhong, so that you and Jia Bu are not allowed to go to Yuzhong in order not to startle the snake?" Su Yi smiled, "But you tricked Jia Bu to Yuzhong just because of suspicion." Will it ruin my event because of this?"

"Or because you caused Jia Bu to die tragically under the siege of those so-called decent people, then should I suspect that your Tong Hall Master colluded with the enemy bandits and killed his brothers?"

"I..." Tong Baixiong was dumbfounded, sweating profusely.

"Chairman, do you really, really..." He asked in a trembling voice.

"Of course it's fake." Su Yi said with a smile.

Tong Baixiong heaved a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, fortunately, you are just scaring me..."

"It's lucky this time, what about the next time?" Su Yi asked, "Any time you misunderstand my intention and cause a disaster, it will make my Holy Church suffer an unbearable loss! You are right this time, no On behalf of the next time will be good!"

Tong Baixiong bowed and cupped his hands sincerely: "Tong has written down the teachings of the chief manager! I will not make my own decisions in the future."

"That's not necessary." Su Yi smiled, "I don't blame you this time, because although you have the suspicion of self-assertion, you have done a good job. In fact, there is a saying that the king's life is not accepted. , as long as you have a good grasp of the speed, what you should do, you just do it with confidence and boldness."

Seeing Su Yi's complex expression, Tong Baixiong said: "Chief Manager, if you have always been so wise and understanding, why did you and I get into trouble before?"

"If you and I hadn't been in the same situation before, how could those wolf-minded and ambitious people let you, a person who is loyal to the holy religion?" Su Yi said with a smile.

Tong Baixiong's expression shook.

Su Yi suddenly changed the subject and ordered: "Flying pigeons pass a letter to Jia Bu, and he will immediately investigate all those who besieged me and the leader in Chiyou's tomb, and issue a black wood hunting order, ordering the gods and sects, all sects of heresy , anyone who took the initiative to fight against me and the teacher on Chiyou's tomb, I want them all to be wiped out!"

If you say kill their whole family, you will kill their whole family, and you must keep your word!

After thinking for a while, Su Yi said again: "Also tell Jia Bu that the Qingcheng faction should let it go first."

One of the ten assistant actors is from the Qingcheng faction, so it's not good for him to destroy the Qingcheng faction directly, otherwise he will be convicted of violating the rules.

"Also," Su Yi said calmly at last, "tell him clearly, if you can't handle this matter, don't come back to Heimuya to see me."

Tong Baixiong's heart trembled suddenly, he clasped his fists and said, "Chief Manager, I have no evidence for Jia Bu's suspicions, if I find out the truth, then I will punish him, so as not to wrong the good guy."

Su Yi laughed and said: "I let him take charge of the Holy Cult temporarily, and make arbitrary judgments. He was deceived by Xiang Wentian because of his blindness, and then he was deceived by you to go to Yuzhong. I didn't kill him directly for such a waste. It’s already because of past love.”

Tong Baixiong was stunned for a long time, and felt for the first time that Yang Lianting was so kind and unpredictable.

Following a white pigeon flying to Henan, Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai sat on the couch dedicated to the leader, surrounded by thousands of followers, and turned back to Heimuya.

It is impossible for the Sun Moon God Sect to hide their whereabouts in such a large formation, and the surrounding area is full of eyes and ears monitoring this brigade.

Soon, with the evacuation of this group of people, more than a dozen carrier pigeons also "flapped" and flew to various places one after another.

In an unnamed valley not far from Mount Tai, the Taishan Sect received the news that the Sun Moon God Sect had withdrawn, and several elders were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

We must know that the Taishan Sect was the first to bear the brunt of the Devil's Cult's invasion of the South, and one can imagine how much pressure they were under.

After asking for help from Shaolin, Wudang and other sects several times in succession, the elders of the Taishan School reached a consensus—to withdraw strategically!
To put it bluntly, it means fleeing before fighting.

So a group of elders and a group of disciples left the mountain gate and ran away with large bags and small bags on their backs. This scene was in stark contrast to the resolute expression of the Tianmen Taoist not long ago that he would live and die with the Mount Tai sect.

Some of the comrades in the rivers and lakes who learned about the reaction of the Taishan faction directly laughed at the fact that there was no one in Taishan, and some did not say anything, but in their hearts they despised the fact that the Taishan faction was completely useless.

If you can't fight, you can't fight, but if you don't fight, you run away. How can you make people look up to it?

Especially this time the Sun Moon God Sect went back home without even entering Ludi, and it was more than [-] miles away from Mount Tai.It's fine for you Taishan faction to run away from the wind, but the wind hasn't come over yet, why are you running away?

The Taishan faction is destined to be ridiculed by the martial arts people.

On the other side, the Shaolin, Songshan and other sects also received the news that Su Yi, Dongfang Bubai and the corresponding brigade had joined up and retreated to Heimuya.

Fang Zheng sighed quietly, thinking that Yang Lianting and Dongfang Bubai had escaped after all.

Su Yi's ruthlessness and intelligence made Fang Zheng fearful. He secretly guessed that this person and Zuo Lengchan were bound to be incompatible.

But can Zuo Lengchan beat Yang Lianting?

When two tigers fight, one is bound to be injured, but what about a tiger and a fox?

If the strength of the two sides is too unbalanced, Shaolin's plan to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight is probably in vain.

Shall we tell Zuo Lengchan the whereabouts of the "Sword of Dispelling Evil"?
Fang Zheng suddenly thought of such a possibility...

When Fang Zheng was playing Zuo Lengchan's idea, Zuo Lengchan was in full swing, arranging troops and asking for help everywhere, planning to fight to the death with the incoming enemies of the Sun Moon God Sect at Songshan Mountain.

Although this person is treacherous and unscrupulous, he still has a stubbornness and pride in his bones. He can't be as cowardly as the Taishan faction.

Knowing that Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai had joined forces with his subordinates and retreated back to Heimuya, Zuo Lengchan was a little disappointed and a little relieved.

The disappointment was because the tiger had been let go after all, and it would be even more difficult to kill Yang Lianting's tiger in the future.

He breathed a sigh of relief because he also guessed Su Yi's thoughts, knowing that these two groups of people were trying to put pressure on him, so that he would not dare to stay in the south of the Yangtze River to hunt down Dongfang Bubai and his party.

Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting didn't come to Yuzhong at all, they just withdrew, and the people in Yuzhong should also withdraw.

Zuo Lengchan thought about it—come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, how can it be so easy?
He decided to tear off a piece of meat from this group of people!
But Jia Bu, who got the news, was a little panicked. He already felt that the chief executive was dissatisfied with him, but what made him even more afraid was, would the chief executive know what he had done?
In case the chief executive finds out...

no!Those plans must all be abandoned, and nothing can be done!

And Xiang Wentian...

A murderous intent gradually appeared in his eyes.

Tong Baixiong guessed right at least one thing, he had been in power for more than a month, which really made Jia Bu have some thoughts that shouldn't have arisen, and being bewitched by Xiang Wentian, his ambition gradually inflated.

It's a pity that when the results of the battle at Chi Youzhong came out, Jia Bu's little ambition was frightened away.

(End of this chapter)

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