Chapter 962
When we left Heimuya, there were still few trees here, but this time when we came back, the autumn wind withered the green trees.

"Sun Moon God Sect, invincible, the leader of the East, Wencheng Wude, for thousands of years, unifying the world!"

The congregation who came to welcome them shouted in unison, and their voices pierced the sky.

Dongfang Bubai frowned slightly, turned to Su Yi and said, "Brother Lian, I'll wait for you at home to make soup, and I'll trouble you about the matters in the teaching."

He is not interested in academic affairs at all, and it can be seen that he is not interested in these sycophants.

But the thing is he never objected either.

Su Yi also felt that these flattering words were a bit embarrassing before, and thought of banning them.But as time went by, he discovered that his predecessor, Yang Lianting, was really a clever little ghost.

Now the Sun Moon God Sect is decided by Yang Lianting, the chief executive, but Dongfang Bubai, the official leader, hides behind the scenes and ignores the religious affairs.

It is true that Dongfang Bubai is indifferent to fame and wealth, but no matter how indifferent he is, he has never thought of passing on the position of leader to others, and then quitting altogether.

It can be seen that the position of leader in his heart is not something that can be given up at will.

After all, he won this position because he escaped from death and rebelled against Ren Woxing. It was hard won.

This position also represents more than just the word "fame and fortune".

Here comes the question, what would have happened if Yang Lianting hadn't invented these slogans and flattering cuts?
In the past twelve years, the Sun Moon God Sect has been confronted with a leader who was famous twelve years ago, but has neither heard nor seen him for more than twelve years, and only exists in "legends". How many impressions do you make?How much loyalty is left?
Time can dilute everything. In perhaps twelve years, the name "Invincible in the East" will be forgotten by many people.

A "Yun Guru" who only exists in the concept, will everyone still fear him and respect him?
Furthermore, if the Sun Moon God Sect only knows about Yang Lianting, the chief executive, but not Dongfang Bubai, what will Dongfang Bubai think?
He might accept this fact, after all he really loves Yang Lianting.

But he will definitely not be relieved, because he has always firmly held the position of leader in his hands, which shows that he doesn't really care about it.

And let me learn from others, how can he not be afraid, not afraid?

All of Yang Lianting's authority and prestige comes from Dongfang Bubai. If Dongfang Bubai is alienated from him because of rights issues, it will be a disaster for Yang Lianting.

Moreover, if he wants to take charge of the Sun Moon God Sect, he cannot do without Dongfang Bubai's support.

He is like a corporate executive who came by air. Without the full authorization of the "boss" Dongfang Bubai, it is impossible to manage a group of "old employees" under him.

What's more, he has no martial arts at all.

Therefore, Yang Lianting invented these sycophants such as "Wencheng Wude, unifying the Jianghu", and also derived a set of etiquette to praise the invincibility of the East.

Doing this can not only remind those respected elders and hall masters that Dongfang Bubai is standing behind him, but also dispel Dongfang Bubai's doubts and eliminate the hidden dangers between the two of them to the greatest extent. in the bud.

Moreover, this kind of personality worship, slogan ceremony, and etiquette solidification of superiority and inferiority are actually a powerful brainwashing method that moisturizes things silently.

Dongfang Bubai's ability to maintain such a high prestige and reputation in the Sun Moon God Sect is all due to this set of incisions and etiquette.

And what did Yang Lianting, who invented this set of things, get?

backing!A solid backer!

His predecessor, Yang Lianting, was really a mediocre person in terms of management. He has caused the Sun Moon God Sect to complain all these years, but none of this group of lawless Demon Cultists dared to stand up against him. Why?
It is because everyone is afraid of Dongfang Bubai, and if Dongfang Bubai does not fall for a day, Yang Lianting's position will always be as stable as Mount Tai.

Everyone shouted every day, "The leader of the East is invincible, and he will rule the world forever." The more you shout, the more afraid you are of Dongfang Bubai.

Su Yi has to admit that this set of things that sounds nasty and embarrassing is still very useful.

He doesn't plan to ban it anymore, so let's just shout it, it's good.

In fact, if you think about it, it makes sense to greet everyone with this set of things, "Have you eaten yet?"

Dongfang Bubai hides leisurely, but Su Yi can't hide.

After returning to Chengde Hall, he immediately summoned the hall masters and elders who were still on the Blackwood Cliff.

He also saw Shangguan Yun.

Shangguan Yun was very excited, and when he got close, he flattered Su Yi, and at the same time mentioned how dangerous it was for him to be a bait before, but how he was not afraid of sacrifice for the sake of the holy religion and the chief executive...

This is a show of merit.

Tong Baixiong was very disdainful about this, and couldn't help but snorted in protest.

After all the people present had reported what had happened in the past month, Su Yi spoke up.

"Xiang Wentian colluded with foreign enemies in order to subvert the holy religion. He was disloyal to the leader and unrighteous to his brothers. From now on, he will be dismissed from his position as the left envoy of light! And inform the whole church, all heretical sects, that Xiang Wentian is a traitor to the holy religion. Anyone who sees this person will be killed!"

Su Yi's words determined Xiang Wentian's fate, and everyone heard it with awe.

"Xiang Wentian is a traitor who seems loyal and hides deeply. If Hall Master Tong hadn't noticed the details, the consequences would be disastrous!" Su Yi suddenly changed the subject, "Elder Tong has always been upright and loyal to the holy religion. There are disputes, but they are all for the sake of the holy religion, right and wrong! I have discussed with the leader, and from now on, I will promote the head of Tongtang to be the bright left ambassador of the religion, replacing Xiang Wentian's position, and at the same time retain the supervisor position, still supervising Fenglei Hall."

Tong Baixiong became the envoy of Guangming!
This award was beyond everyone's expectations, and even surprised many people.

Even Tong Baixiong himself didn't think of it, and he froze in place.

After a long time, Shangguan Yun was the first to realize that he cupped his hands and said to Tong Baixiong, "Congratulations to Tong Zuoshi, congratulations to Tong Zuoshi, Zuoshi should take care of him in the future..."

Tong Baixiong hastily clasped his fists in return, and the rest of the elders also congratulated him one after another.

He gradually came back to his senses, and looked at Su Yi with complicated eyes.

"Boss, Tong has offended you so much in the past, I didn't expect you to have a lot of people, regardless of the previous suspicions... Shame! I'm really ashamed!" Tong Baixiong said with emotion, "Please rest assured, Boss, the subordinates will do their best and live up to the leader. And the trust of the chief executive!"

Su Yi smiled and nodded: "As long as you are loyal to the holy religion and do things with your heart, the leader and I will definitely see it, and we will definitely not treat you badly."

His eyes fell on Shangguan Yun who was on the side.

Shangguan Yun seemed to have guessed something, his face flushed immediately, and his heart was pounding.

Sure enough, Su Yi went on to say: "This time, the Lord Shangguan used himself as a bait to cover me and the leader to go to the south of the Yangtze River, and cooperated with Tong Zuoshi to find out the traitor Xiang Wentian. He also made great contributions to the Holy Church. Lord, from now on, besides the White Tiger Hall, you can also take over the errands of the head of the Qinglong Hall. When you leave the gate of the Chengde Hall, you will take the Black Wood Order to take over the Qinglong Hall!"

Shangguan Yun was immediately ecstatic when he heard the words, and said in a trembling voice: "Subordinates, thank you for the cultivation of the Chief Manager. In the future, I will die after doing my best! The Chief Manager is wise and mighty, and it is my luck for my subordinates to follow the steps behind the Chief Manager !"

Qinglong Hall and Baihu Hall are the first and second hall entrances of the Sun Moon God Sect. Each hall has three to five thousand congregants. Su Yi assigned Qinglong Hall to Shangguan Yun, which means that Shangguan Yun can control it all at once. Nearly one-third of the Sun Moon Sect's combat power!
How could this not make him ecstatic?
But the Azure Dragon Hall was always in charge of Jia Bu before, and now Su Yi divided the Azure Dragon Hall belonging to Jia Bu to Shangguan Yun, what about Jia Bu?
Some elders hesitated to ask this question.

Su Yi said lightly: "Doesn't he still have Zhuque Hall?"

Jia Bu has always been in charge of two halls at the same time, and now, there is only one left.

In fact, Su Yi still had nothing to say, this time he assigned Jia Bu the task of chasing and killing the attackers in the first battle of Chi You Tomb, and now he has taken back more than half of Jia Bu's rights.

If Jia Bu can think about it and show his heart with practical actions, then Su Yi will let him go and let him pass this test.

If you can't think about it...

Not only Su Yi would take back the rights of Suzaku Hall, but Su Yi didn't intend to keep this person anymore.

He wanted to make the Sun Moon God Sect into a monolithic one and solve all the hidden dangers before the assistants came online.

The promotion of Tong Baixiong's official position gave Shangguan Yun more power because both of them showed their ability and loyalty during this turmoil, and Su Yi also deepened his prestige by virtue of these two actions , Changed some inherent "prejudice" of his subordinates.

After the meeting, Su Yi, led by Tong Baixiong, went to the small courtyard where the elders lived on Heimuya.

After Ren Yingying was captured by Tong Baixiong and brought back to Heimuya, she has been imprisoned here and has been guarded by the elder Sang Sanniang until now.

According to Tong Baixiong, Ren Yingying has been very honest since she was arrested, she plays the piano and reads every day, she doesn't make noise, she doesn't cry, she is quiet, as if she has been appointed, waiting to be punished.

Before entering the small courtyard, Tong Baixiong hesitated slightly, and said: "Master, Yingying is the one we watched and grew up, and she is also the holy aunt of our Holy Cult. The reason why she colluded with the rebel Xiang Wentian is also because she was bewitched by this thief." , I am eager to save my father, can you spare her life for Tong's sake?"

Su Yi smiled but said: "But Ren Woxing was killed by me, and I have revenge for killing my father with her."

Tong Baixiong's face suddenly changed, and he also had some guesses about Ren Woxing's fate, especially after learning that Su Yi suddenly gained an unfathomable internal force, and also learned the great method of attracting stars.

But guesses are guesses, as long as Su Yi doesn't admit it, no one will mention this matter.

However, Su Yi himself didn't mind it, and he directly admitted that he made it clear.

Tong Baixiong smiled wryly and said: "The chief manager is quite calm..."

"There is nothing you can't tell people." Su Yi said, "Ren Woxing had no good intentions for the leader back then. It is only natural for the leader to strike first in order to survive. Letting him live twelve years longer is the kindness of the leader. I will kill him. Just because some people want to make a fuss about Ren Woxing and overthrow the holy religion, I simply follow the example of the leader and come first to act first."

Su Yi smiled and looked at Tong Baixiong: "Tong Zuo Shi, Tong Zuo Shi, do you still want to persuade me to spare Ren Yingying?"

"The revenge of killing one's father cannot be shared!" Tong Baixiong sighed, "If you want to blame, you can only blame her for being Ren Woxing's daughter!"

The meaning of the words is to give up persuading Su Yi.

"I just ask the chief manager to give Yingying a good time, don't make her suffer." Tong Baixiong said sadly.

"I also want to give her a good time." Su Yi said lightly, "It's a pity that before Ren Woxing died, I promised him that I would never harm his daughter. I have a very bad problem, that is, promise Other people's affairs must be done, regardless of whether this person is dead or alive, enemy or friend."

He shook his head and walked towards the courtyard.

Tong Baixiong was a little moved. He stared blankly at Su Yi's leaving back, slowly clasped his fists, and bowed deeply to Su Yi's back.

This was the first time Su Yi saw Ren Yingying.

This girl is only twenty-eight years old, with a light body, dignified appearance, beautiful and graceful.

She looks very quiet on the surface, but when she speaks, you will immediately change your mind, because it is impossible for a quiet person to speak so lively, so-sharp.

"Yingying sees the chief manager, the chief manager is blessed and safe!" Seeing Su Yi coming in, Ren Yingying hurriedly got up and worshiped, "The holy leader Wen Chengwu's virtues will last forever, and he will rule the world!"

Instead, I recited the incision well.

Ren Yingying's martial arts is not low, so Sang Sanniang followed in, fearing that she would be disadvantageous to Su Yi.

But Su Yi sent Sang Sanniang away, and came to see Ren Yingying alone.

Ren Yingying must have heard the conversation between Su Yi and Sang Sanniang in the courtyard, but when she saw Su Yi, she acted very naturally as if she didn't know anything.

"There is no need to be too polite." Su Yi looked at Ren Yingying, "I heard that you don't like the etiquette of the holy religion?"

Ren Yingying looked normal and said, "How did the chief executive know that? This man is spreading rumors in front of the chief executive with sinister intentions. Yingying requests to confront him face to face to prove his innocence."

Su Yi waved his hand: "If you don't say flattering words, you are not innocent? I can't see it. It's okay even if you don't like it. You don't have to say these things in the future. This is the privilege given to you by the leader and me!"

Without waiting for Ren Yingying to react, Su Yi changed the subject: "I have already told the whole Sacred Cult, and heretic sects, that Xiang Wentian is a traitor to the Sacred Cult, and everyone will be punished if they get it. What do you think about this matter?"

Ren Yingying remained silent, and said, "Uncle Xiang really wants to harm Uncle Dongfang and Chief Manager?"

"Yes." Su Yi looked at her, "Also, don't call him Uncle Dongfang in the future, either the leader or Aunt Dongfang."

"Yingying remember." Ren Yingying bowed slightly.

"I, a little girl, shouldn't be the one to discuss the important matters of the Holy Religion. Besides, Yingying is also a sinful body, and she can't take care of herself. Yingying has no opinion on how the chief executive will send it to her uncle."

Su Yi couldn't help showing admiration on his face. This Ren Yingying, from the time he came in to now, has said every word very decently, without leaking.

"What do you think about the rumor about your father?" Su Yi looked at her, and Yoyo asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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