Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 964 Xiang Wentian Appears

Chapter 964 Xiang Wentian Appears

and so--

The reason why my father died is because I wanted to rescue him?
In order to protect the holy religion, Yang Lianting had to act preemptively and killed my father.

It was me who killed my father?
The culprit who killed my father was actually myself?

Ren Yingying's face was pale, and she felt that the whole world had collapsed.

She imagined that if she did not conspire with Xiang Wentian, but reported Xiang Wentian to the leader as soon as she found herself, what would it be like?

With the love of the leader for him, and his deeds to show his loyalty, will he let him meet his father in advance?
Even if you don't let daddy go, just say a few words, just tell yourself the formula of the antidote...

This possibility is still very high...

But now, everything is irreparable.

His father died, Xiang Wentian ran away like a stray dog, and his own life and death were uncertain...

Do not!

If you say a thousand words and ten thousand, the person in front of you still killed your father!It's him!It's all him!

Do not--

He said that as long as I kill Xiang Wentian, he will let me be the right envoy of the light, and teach me the great method of absorbing stars...

Is this bait?
Is it cheating?

Ren Yingying's chest rose and fell, her expression was complicated, and she could no longer keep calm.

"Boss, why did you tell me this?" She hesitated for a moment, then asked faintly.

"Why? Of course it's to prevent you from doing stupid things in the future, lest a tragedy like today will repeat itself in the future!" Su Yi had a half-smile.

He looked at Ren Yingying and said: "If you can kill Xiang Wentian, I will keep my promise, pass on the great law of attracting stars, and let you be the right envoy of light. You should know what this means, right?"

Of course Ren Yingying knew what this meant!
It was because she knew what it meant that she suspected it was a conspiracy!She suspected it was a bait!

Whether I do my own thing or Dongfang Invincible, including the previous leaders of the Sun Moon God Sect, they all rose to the position of leader from Guangmingyou!
It has even become a tacit unspoken rule of the Sun Moon God Sect that the right envoy of Guangming succeeds the leader.

And the Dafa of Absorbing Stars is a martial art that only previous leaders are qualified to practice!
Su Yi made such an arrangement, obviously because he wanted to train her as the next leader!
But how is this possible?

Who will train the enemy's daughter to be the next leader?

"What if, what if I can't kill Uncle Xiang?" Ren Yingying couldn't figure out Su Yi's thoughts at all. It was the first time she discovered that a person could be so unpredictable.

"It's okay if you can't be killed, but you will no longer be the holy aunt of the Sun Moon God Sect." Su Yi said lightly, "You can go wherever you want and live a peaceful life. Set foot in the martial arts half a step. Because you can't grasp the opportunity, it shows that you are not suitable to survive in the rivers and lakes, you should be an ordinary person honestly and take care of your husband and children."

After a pause, Su Yi looked at Ren Yingying and continued: "Miss Ren, let's go back to what you asked before."

"Why should I tell you this? It's because I promised your father not to kill you, but I'm afraid that if I don't tell you these facts and truths, you will still be stupid enough to fight against me in the future, and even want to kill me! I am not a pedantic person, if I really find out that you are doing this, I will have no choice but to break my promise and kill someone!"

Ren Yingying's heart trembled suddenly.

"Of course, I understand that the hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable. It is only natural for people and children to avenge their father." Su Yi said leisurely, "If you want to kill me, I will give you a chance, that is, when you are successful in martial arts, you and I can set Let's fight fair and sign the certificate of life and death, no matter who lives or dies, this account will be written off!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly approached Ren Yingying, stared into her eyes and said seriously: "Don't be smart and self-righteous, promise me, don't give me a chance to destroy the promise, okay?"

Ren Yingying stared at the pair of eyes that were close at hand. There was seriousness, sincerity and indifference in these eyes, but there was no sign of frightening or deceiving her at all.

It seems that every word this person said is beyond doubt!


Ren Yingying subconsciously swallowed her saliva and nodded slowly: "Okay."

As soon as she said this word, she saw the man across from her suddenly smiled.

This smile, like thousands of trees and pear blossoms, made her heart skip a beat.

"Maybe in the near future, people from the Wuyue Sword Sect or Shaolin Wudang will come to you privately." Su Yi said casually with his hands behind his back, "These people will show very miraculous abilities and talk about hype, and want you to cooperate with them internally and externally. Subvert the holy religion. At that time, you might as well agree to it first and follow the plan."

"How do you know?" Ren Yingying asked.

Su Yi smiled mysteriously at her, but did not answer, but changed the topic: "Do you still remember what your father looked like?"

"No, I don't remember." Ren Yingying replied subconsciously.

"Twelve years ago, you were seven years old." Su Yi said.

This was Ren Yingying's age when Ren Woxing left Ren Yingying.

"No, it's six and a half years old." Ren Yingying adjusted her breathing, "As far as I can remember, I haven't seen Daddy a few times, and he's been practicing in retreat all the time, and sometimes we don't see him once a year. When I was young, it was Uncle Dongfang—the leader who accompanied me more. After my father had an accident, the leader also took me to his side and let the green ant take care of me to grow up."

"The reason why the leader didn't come to see you is because he knew that I would not kill you." Su Yi said, "I told him everything I told you."

After a pause, Su Yi sighed, and his tone suddenly softened a lot: "Yingying, the leader really treats you as his own child, and I decided to arrange your future like this because of him. Maybe in a few years, the leader and I will not be the same. Let’s not worry about the things in the discipline, at that time, the Holy Cult will be yours. Even if you want to not make the leader sad, don’t worry, okay?”

Ren Yingying's heart was shaking and she couldn't calm down. She wanted to say something, but suddenly found that something seemed to block her throat, and a layer of fog clouded her eyes.

The image of Dongfang Bubai Chongni looking at her smiling constantly appeared in her mind, and when she came back to her senses, she found that Su Yi had left at some point.

She gradually came back to her senses, only to feel a chill in her back.

Stretching out his hand to touch it, he realized that his entire back was drenched in cold sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"Yang Lianting..." Ren Yingying murmured with a complex expression, this person had left an indelible mark on her heart.

It is fear, it is admiration, and it is also some inexplicable feelings.


At this moment, the elder Sang Sanniang came in and cupped her fists respectfully: "Holy lady, the chief executive has orders, from now on, you can move around as you please."

"Can I go down the Blackwood Cliff?" Ren Yingying asked.

"Of course," Sang Sanniang smiled slightly, "Holy lady can go wherever you want!"

Ren Yingying nodded thoughtfully.

On the other side, Su Yi bid farewell to Ren Yingying, and summoned Tong Baixiong and Shangguan Yun again.

"The holy lady has regained her freedom, and she is still the holy lady of the Holy Cult. You all tell your subordinates that everything will be the same as before, and there is no reason to be unreasonable!" Su Yi ordered.

Both of them were taken aback, and then hurriedly responded.

Before they could ask any questions, Su Yi took out the "Yi Jin Jing" and handed it to Tong Baixiong who was nearby.

"There were too many people before, so I can't go into details. This is Shaolin's "Yi Jin Jing", which is a private reward for your ability to do things. This matter must not be known to outsiders, understand?"

The two were both surprised and delighted, they couldn't believe it, Tong Baixiong hurriedly glanced over and said in a broken voice, "It's really "Yi Jin Jing"!"

"This... chief executive, how can one's subordinates be so loved by the leader and chief executive?" Shangguan Yun said excitedly.

Su Yi waved his hand: "You are the mainstay of the holy religion, but your martial arts are not good enough. You are not good at martial arts but you are in a high position. How can you convince the public?"

"This time I got Shaolin's "Yi Jin Jing". The inner strength cultivated by this sutra is vigorous and steady, and it is inclusive of all rivers, and the progress is extremely fast. It is the most suitable for you." Su Yi said, "You should write down the content of the sutra now, and do not copy it privately! Go back to the logistics Practice more, today, one month later, I will personally check your practice progress to see if you are slack!"

Su Yi said seriously: "I have an important task that needs to be completed by one of you. If this task is done well, it will be a great achievement! After one month, whoever has made a higher progress in practicing the "Yi Jin Jing" will receive the reward. This important task!"

Tong Baixiong and Shangguan Yun were all in awe, and hurriedly clasped their fists together and said, "How dare you disobey your orders?"

After the two left after writing down the contents of "Yi Jin Jing", Su Yi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, with a relaxed smile on his face.

If there is no accident, Ren Yingying will definitely kill Xiang Wentian to make a nomination certificate, and then Su Yi will really fulfill her promise, pass on her "Star Attraction Dafa", and make her the right envoy of light.

This girl is actually extremely insecure, so desperately trying to hold on to something.

Su Yi decided to give her everything she wanted, and he believed that Ren Yingying would definitely become a good pawn.

And the mouse who practiced "Yi Jin Jing" was found again. If there is no problem after a month, Su Yi will immediately practice "Yi Jin Jing" to resolve the disadvantages of "Sucking Star Dafa", and let the different kinds of qi merge with each other.

Of course, he will not be idle this month. He still has to practice light work, acupuncture, marksmanship, and saber technique.

Su Yi returned to the embroidery building while thinking about the next layout and plan.

The red mud and the green ant came to say hello, but the latter looked a little worried, Su Yi looked around as if he hadn't seen him, and asked, "Where's Madam?"

"Returning to the master, the lady is taking a bath." Hong Ni said with a smile.

Su Yi's expression froze, and he suddenly realized that he hadn't paid the public food for a long time.

Come on.

He strode toward the house.

Ren Yingying left Heimuya that night.

She quickly returned to Luzhu Lane in Luoyang, where the green bamboo man was still waiting for her.

"Holy Aunt, are you alright?" Luzhu Weng was very excited, "Didn't that bastard Yang Lianting make things difficult for you?"

"Green Bamboo Man, don't call him Yang Lianting like that in the future!" Ren Yingying sighed quietly, "We have always misjudged this man."

The green bamboo man was stunned for a moment, his face blank.

"Has Uncle Xiang looked for you?" Ren Yingying asked.

"Yes!" Green Bamboo Weng hurriedly said, "After Xiang Zuoshi knew about your plan, Aunt Sheng, he was very worried about you, and felt that you shouldn't put your life on Dongfang Bubai's thoughts."

After a pause, the green bamboo man hesitated slightly, and said: "There is a saying, I don't know if I should say it... Xiang Zuo also said that Yang Lianting is very disguised, but he is actually a cruel and cruel person. Holy aunt, you have a high probability this time." He can't come back, so he wants to ask me to go with him."

Ren Yingying raised her eyebrows: "What else did he say?"

"He also said that only by following him can we avenge you, Holy Aunt!" said the Green Bamboo Man.

Ren Yingying was silent for a while, and said: "Green Bamboo Man, contact Uncle Xiang and tell him that I want to see him. I have discovered Yang Lianting's fatal weakness!"

"Yes!" Green Bamboo Man hurriedly said.

Two nights later, Xiang Wentian, wearing a straw hat, sneaked into Luoyang City and came to Luzhu Lane.

Green Bamboo Man noticed that there was an expert approaching, and immediately asked vigilantly, "Who!"

"It's me!" Xiang Wentian took off the hat, revealing his face.

"Make it to the left!" Lu Zhuweng said pleasantly, "Holy Aunt has been waiting for you for two days!"

"That thief Dongfang Bubai set up a net to arrest me, in order to avoid them, the road was delayed." Xiang Wentian explained, "Is Yingying inside?"

"Here! Follow me to the left!"

After meeting Ren Yingying, Xiang Wentian was very excited: "Yingying, it's great that you're fine!"

"Uncle Xiang, I cried a lot at Dongfang Bubai and promised never to take revenge, that's why he let me go!" Ren Yingying was very excited, "Yang Lianting also wanted to feed me the Three Corpse Brain Pill. Defeat stopped him!"

"Yang Lianting, that bastard! You're so cruel!" Xiang Wentian gritted his teeth with hatred in his eyes, "The reason for this bad thing is all because of this treacherous villain! I really regret it, why didn't I kill him earlier? ?”

"He has learned his father's "Star Attraction Dafa", and absorbed his whole life's skills, and he has become popular. If he wants to kill him, I'm afraid it will be very difficult." Ren Yingying sighed.

"Yingying, you said you discovered Yang Lianting's fatal weakness?" Xiang Wentian changed the subject, "Is this really the case?"

"How did Yingying lie to Uncle Xiang?" Ren Yingying said, "But it's a long story at this time, Uncle Xiang, why don't you sit down first and let me tell you slowly."

"Okay!" Xiang Wentian didn't refuse, and sat down carelessly.

"Green Bamboo Man, serve tea to Uncle Xiang." Ren Yingying ordered.

"No need!" Xiang Wentian smiled and waved his hands, took a wine jug from his waist and shook it, "There is enough wine."

Ren Yingying smiled: "I almost forgot, Uncle Xiang, you have always had a drink and a good time. Green Bamboo Man, you go out first."

"Yes, Holy Aunt!"

After the green bamboo man went out, Ren Yingying said: "Uncle Xiang, do you still remember that before Dad was killed in the past, he used to retreat frequently?"

"Of course I remember," Xiang Wentian nodded, "If the leader hadn't been able to retreat, how could Dongfang Bubai, a thief, have the opportunity to rebel?"

"Actually, Dad is not defenseless against Dongfang Bubai, but he was still succeeded by Dongfang Bubai. Do you know why?"

Xiang Wentian was completely attracted by this topic, with a look of nostalgia on his face: "That's right... I've been brooding over this matter..."

(End of this chapter)

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