Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 965 Unpredictable

Chapter 965 Unpredictable
"Back then, I had long since discovered that the traitor Dongfang Bubai was colluding everywhere, intending to do something wrong! So I went to remind the leader, but unfortunately the leader didn't care at all, but if the leader and the old man pay a little attention, Dongfang Bubai will not There is a slight chance! Every time I think about it, I sigh with regret." Xiang Wentian sighed.

"It's not just Uncle Xiang. Although Yingying was young and ignorant back then, she also sensed that the crisis was coming." Ren Yingying said, "At the Dragon Boat Festival, I told Dad that many familiar faces were missing at the banquet, just to remind Dad that some Something was very wrong. I remember that my father was obviously shocked at the time, but after the banquet ended, he didn't respond again. As a result, within a few days, something happened to my father."

"The leader, the old man, has always been wise and decisive, why he reacted so slowly to Dongfang Bubai is really puzzling!" Xiang Wentian wondered.

"Actually, Dad also had some difficulties in not being able to tell outsiders back then." Ren Yingying said, "Uncle Xiang, do you remember that Dad rarely showed up in the past two years, leaving all the educational affairs to Dongfang Bubai to take care of, occasionally going out, It also looks restless and out of mind?"

"That's right! I've also noticed this!" Xiang Wentian said, "It's a pity that Dongfang Bubai didn't give us a chance to talk to the leader, and even I couldn't find out why.

"I know a little bit about this matter." Ren Yingying said, "I remember, once I was playing in the place where Dad retreated, and accidentally ran into Dad walking out of the secret room. Died or something, with a worried look, he didn't even hear me call him."

"If you don't blend together, you'll explode and die..." Xiang Wentian frowned and repeated, then suddenly widened his eyes, "Could it be——"Star Attraction Dafa" went wrong?"

"This is the only explanation!" Ren Yingying said, "Dad's frequent retreats in the past two years must have been to solve the hidden dangers of "Star Absorbing Dafa". Turn a blind eye to Dongfang Invincible's actions."

"It makes sense! It makes sense!" Xiang Wentian was stunned, "With this explanation, many things make sense!"

Ren Yingying said: "Uncle Xiang, if things are as we expected, it means that the "Star Absorbing Dafa" is flawed. Yang Lianting has inherited those flaws after learning Dafa's "Star Absorbing Dafa"! As long as we can do it Knowing what this defect is is equivalent to mastering Yang Lianting's greatest weakness, if he can use it properly, he might even be able to plot against Dongfang Bubai."

Xiang Wentian was thoughtful: "What kind of defect would that be?"

"Uncle Xiang is the person my father trusts the most, don't you know anything about this?" Ren Yingying said, "Uncle Xiang should remember well, maybe our success or failure depends on this point!"

Xiang Wentian frowned and thought hard, Ren Yingying's eyes flickered, she picked up the teacup on the table, put it to her mouth and sipped lightly.

The sound of Ren Yingying drinking water attracted Xiang Wentian and made Xiang Wentian feel thirsty.

He licked his lips, took off the wine gourd hanging around his waist again, and took a big gulp.

He didn't see that the corner of Ren Yingying's mouth suddenly raised an arc at this moment.

Xiang Wentian smacked his lips briskly, then suddenly his eyes lit up and said: "I have thought of something, I don't know if it has something to do with the flaws of the star-absorbing Dafa."

"Please tell uncle." Ren Yingying said.

Xiang Wentian glanced at Ren Yingying suspiciously. The latter smiled calmly and had pure eyes.

As before.

But for some reason, Xiang Wentian felt that Ren Yingying was suddenly different from before.

"To uncle?"

Xiang Wentian shook his head, thinking that he must be thinking too much.

It may be because he has been hunted down and killed recently, and he is too nervous.

"Just when the leader of the school started to retreat frequently, I once caught an elder of the Kongtong sect on Heimuya, and wanted to give it to the leader for him to absorb internal energy." Xiang Wentian said, "But the leader not only didn't accept it, but instead Suddenly he was furious and killed him!"

"The leader also said something at the time. He said—it is Kongtong and Emei, and it is Shaolin Wudang. Even the internal strength of the Wuyue Sword Sect is completely different. Water and fire are incompatible! What can I do? What can I do?"

Xiang Wentian paused for a moment, then continued: "Water and fire are incompatible... I wonder if the internal forces absorbed by the "Star Absorbing Dafa" are different, so they act independently and create conflicts in the dantian..."

While he was speaking, Ren Yingying got up thoughtfully, and walked to the window not far away. Hearing this, she couldn't help asking: "If all kinds of internal forces really conflict in the dantian, what will happen? ?”

"For the light ones, the meridians will be reversed, and the martial arts will be useless!" Xiang Wentian's eyes sparkled, "The serious ones-explode and die!"

Ren Yingying's complexion changed, and she said, "Based on Uncle Xiang's knowledge, is there a solution to this defect?"

Xiang Wentian smiled calmly: "How amazing is your father? How can I do things that even he can't do? What's more, I have never seen the star-absorbing method. The reason why I infer this is that It is also because I created the "Small Method of Absorbing Power into the Earth" based on the "Dafa of Absorbing Stars" by the leader, and when absorbing people's internal energy, I can feel that the internal forces of different sects are not the same."

Ren Yingying frowned, nodded slowly, and asked again: "Uncle Xiang, do you know the formula of the antidote for the Three Corpse Brain God Pill that Dad refined back then?"

Xiang Wentian shook his head, and said in confusion: "Only the previous leader of the Three Corpse Brain Pill can refine it, and only the leader has the antidote. Of course, I can't know. Yingying, why are you asking this?"

"Of course it's useful." Ren Yingying sighed, "Unfortunately, Uncle Xiang, you don't know."

Xiang Wentian smiled: "Once we get rid of the thief Dongfang Bubai, you will naturally know."

He changed the subject: "Yingying, if the flaws in "Star Attraction Dafa" are as I expected, how do you think we should deal with Yang Lianting based on this?"

"What does Uncle Xiang think?" Ren Yingying asked in turn.

"I can't think of it for now..." Xiang Wentian shook his head.

"Then Uncle Xiang thinks, if Yang Lianting suddenly proposes to pass on "The Dafa of Absorbing Stars" to me, what kind of heart would he be in?" Ren Yingying asked.

Xiang Wentian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Ren Yingying's reaction today was very strange, and there seemed to be something faintly wrong.

He was secretly vigilant and raised his internal strength to be on guard.

However, it doesn't matter this mention, it scared him out of his wits!

He was shocked to find that he couldn't raise any internal energy at all!
But when did you get poisoned?

Why did Ren Yingying poison herself?
Xiang Wentian was startled and angry, but on the surface he pretended not to notice, and continued to talk to Ren Yingying.

"How could Yang Lianting be so kind to pass on "Star Attraction Dafa" to you?" Xiang Wentian looked amused, shook his head and laughed, "Yingying, if Yang Lianting really did this, you should be extra careful. There must be a conspiracy! You have to know that he is your father-killing enemy! How could he be kind to the enemy's daughter?"

"I think so too." Ren Yingying sighed, "That's why I can't see why Yang Lianting did this. Uncle Xiang, could it be that Dongfang Bubai really wants to compensate me, and that's why he did this?" made?"

"Absolutely impossible!" Xiang Wentian said categorically, "Dongfang Bubai is ruthless and inhumane, he is more cruel and vicious than you imagined! Compensation? Hehe, if he owed others something, he would never think of compensation! Yes He said, if you kill you, you don’t need to make up for anything, this is Dongfang Invincible!"

"The Dongfang Bubai I know is the same. It seems that I see the same thing as Uncle Xiang." Ren Yingying giggled, "If it's not Dongfang Bubai, then it's Yang Lianting? What about Dafa?"

"He must be lying to you!" Xiang Wentian sneered disdainfully, "He will never teach you the "Star Attraction Dafa"! Even if he does, he must pass on the "Star Attraction False Method" that will kill you as soon as you practice! Yingying, you are a smart person, you can't even see through such an obvious lie, right?"

"But he has no reason to lie to me." Ren Yingying said, "If he wants to harm me, he can kill me directly, so why bother?"

"This is the terrible thing about Yang Lianting, a thief!" Xiang Wentian looked at Ren Yingying and said sincerely, "Yingying, think about it, Yang Lianting clearly has a dimple in his chest, but for more than ten years, he has disguised himself as an uneducated An incompetent idiot, if you don’t make a name for yourself, you will become a blockbuster! This person is so scheming, even no less than the ancient Yue King Goujian’s forbearance, this person must have big plans!"

"Yingying, you must not fall for this man's tricks!"

"Yeah, Yang Lianting is really scary..." Ren Yingying murmured with a strange expression, "He seems to have given me a choice, but in fact I have no choice at all... Ren Woxing's daughter, the holy aunt of the Sun Moon God Sect, How can you really be an ordinary village girl?"

Xiang Wentian's expression finally changed, but he quickly returned to normal.

"Okay, Yingying, in order to prevent you from falling into Yang Lianting's tricks, I decided to tell you a secret that I have been hiding for more than ten years!" Xiang Wentian pretended to be serious, "But you have to swear that you will never let this secret Mention it to anyone!"

"Please tell Uncle, Yingying will never be rumored!" Ren Yingying said seriously.

Xiang Wentian looked around mysteriously, and said in a low voice, "Come closer, these words are of great importance, and must not fall into the ears of a third person."

"No, I'm right here, just tell uncle!" Ren Yingying said.

Xiang Wentian's expression became a little stiff, and he said, "Yingying, don't make fun of Uncle Xiang."

Ren Yingying sighed: "Uncle Xiang, you joked with me first, what are you doing with a handful of drug powder in your hand? I'm your niece, Uncle Xiang, you've stunned me, what do you want?"

Xiang Wentian's face was completely gloomy, and he said solemnly: "Yingying, did you really believe Yang Lianting's nonsense?"

"I really believe it." Ren Yingying nodded and said, "I can see that he really doesn't want to kill me."

"Hahaha! What a big joke!" Xiang Wentian looked up and laughed loudly, "He killed your father, you said he didn't want to kill you? Cut the weeds but don't uproot them, spring wind blows and regenerates! He doesn't understand the truth , or do you not understand?"

"Maybe he thinks that his wife and children are worse than the disaster." Ren Yingying said, "And according to what he said, before my father died, he asked him to let me live. He agreed and decided to keep his promise."

"This is even more nonsense!" Xiang Wentian sneered, "He killed your father and drained your father's internal energy. With such blood and blood, how could he promise your father anything?"

"This is where Yang Lianting can't be seen through. He thinks that I shouldn't hate him." Ren Yingying's eyes glowed strangely, "I don't actually hate him that much. After all, I was raised by Dongfang Bubai since I was a child. Yes, I haven't met my biological father a few times."

"Ren Yingying! Are you going to commit treason and treat the thief as your father?" Xiang Wentian sternly shouted.

Ren Yingying looked at Xiang Wentian and said, "I've recognized him for twelve years, so why not continue to recognize him?"

"Okay, okay! Different ways, no conspiracy!" Xiang Wentian sneered, "Master Ren's blood is deeply revenged on you, his own daughter, and I will avenge it!"

After all, he forced himself to stand up and was about to go outside.

"Why struggle with Uncle?" Ren Yingying sighed, "You have always been a smart person, you should know that today you are bound to perish here!"

Xiang Wentian froze, and said in a deep voice: "Yingying, I have always been loyal to your father, and I have always treated you kindly. Do you really want to repay your favor?"

"Revenge for kindness?" Ren Yingying smiled, "Uncle Xiang, don't think I don't know. Back then, you thought daddy was gone, so you deliberately left Heimuya and watched my daddy be suppressed by Dongfang Bubai. Once something happened to daddy, you continued To be the invincible left envoy of light in the East holds great power. If Yang Lianting hadn't appeared to take away your power, it would be no wonder you would think of my father!"

"As for treating me well-hehe, have you ever come to see me and give me something in the past ten years?" Ren Yingying said, "A year ago, you were forced by Yang Lianting like a lost dog. Escaped from Heimuya, ran all the way to Luoyang to meet me, lied that he had always been loyal to my father, and said that you found out my father's whereabouts after going through many hardships... But the news that my father was locked up in West Lake Meizhuang, in fact, you have been there for a long time. You knew it six years ago, didn't you?"

Xiang Wentian looked at Ren Yingying in surprise.

"Hehe, Uncle Xiang, you must be wondering why I know so clearly?" Ren Yingying said with a smile, "Because six years ago, I was the one who quietly revealed the news of my father's hiding place to you through the relationship of heretics. Ah, thank you so much for you killing that person afterwards to silence him, Uncle Xiang, that person never listens to me very much, I was wondering how to kill him..."

Xiang Wentian felt chills in his heart, as if he met Ren Yingying for the first time.

"So I knew from six years ago that Uncle Xiang, you are not loyal to my father." Ren Yingying sighed, "Actually, I have no feelings for my father, after all, I haven't seen him a few times since I was born. I want to save him only for the antidote of the Three Corpse Brain Pill."

After a pause, Ren Yingying said again: "Actually, Uncle Xiang is also wary of me. For example, this time, you arrived two days ago, but you insisted on observing outside for two days, just to make sure there is no ambush here. You don't drink my tea because you are afraid that I will poison the tea, right?"

"But I still follow your path!" Xiang Wentian gritted his teeth, "Ren Yingying, I really underestimated you!"

(End of this chapter)

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