Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 966 Summoned

Chapter 966 Summoned
Xiang Wentian's appearance is bold and unrestrained, but in fact he is cautious and meticulous, otherwise he would not have played around with the four elders of Meizhuang in the original plot, and finally rescued Ren Woxing by design.

But even such a person, who was prepared against Ren Yingying and was careful in every possible way, still followed her way.

"Bitch! How did you poison me?" Xiang Wentian was very unwilling, he gritted his teeth and stared at Ren Yingying.

"Uncle Xiang, I know you have always been cautious, and there is only one chance. A small omission will alert you to Uncle Xiang." Ren Yingying said softly, "If you use ordinary poisoning methods, such as lighting incense, mixing wine with poison, hidden weapons, etc. , Uncle Xiang will see through it at a glance."

"Indeed! As soon as I entered your room, I checked it immediately, and I didn't see anything unusual, and I didn't smell anything unusual!" Xiang Wentian said in a hateful voice, "The wine I drank was my own, where is it?" There is nothing wrong, why am I still poisoned?"

After a pause, Xiang Wentian gritted his teeth again and said, "Especially alcohol, I know that some poisons need alcohol to cause them to take effect, so just now I pretended to drink, but in fact I didn't swallow a sip, just to guard against your hand, I don't want to or poisoned!"

Ren Yingying smiled sweetly: "For things like poisoning, of course, the simpler the better, the tricks that are too complicated will fail if one of the links goes wrong. In fact, it's just superfluous."

"I deliberately guided you to drink, Uncle Xiang. In fact, I saw that you have always been wary and suspicious of me, Uncle Xiang, so I confuse the public, mislead your judgment, and make you think that I want to use your drinking as a means."

"But really, I was just playing for time and letting the toxicity kick in."

"Where did you poison it?" Xiang Wentian asked doubtfully.

Ren Yingying sighed: "In a girl's boudoir, it is very common to have some fragrance of powder."

"So you poisoned the rouge!" Xiang Wentian suddenly realized, "As long as I smell the aroma of rouge, I will be poisoned! And you must take the antidote in advance!"

"In the next life, Uncle Xiang must remember that girls' boudoirs are not allowed to enter." Ren Yingying said with a smile, "Although you are my elder, you can't meet for the first time, so why not force your way into my boudoir?"

"Ha! How can you remember such a trivial matter until today? Bastard, your heart is as narrow and vicious as your father's!" Xiang Wentian cursed viciously, "You bastard who rides thousands of people! I really hate you, I should have taken your lead early and killed you with one knife!"

Faced with such dirty cursing, Ren Yingying not only didn't get angry, but instead laughed happily: "Uncle Xiang, it sounds interesting to keep on cursing."

"You bastard..." Xiang Wentian knew that he was going to die, so he didn't hesitate, and simply indulged his appetite, swearing profanely.

It's hard to imagine that a heroic man like him could swear such unsightly words, especially his own juniors.

But he found it boring when he scolded, because he found that the harder and harder he scolded, the happier Ren Yingying looked, and she didn't intend to stop him or get angry at all.

"You cheap maid, do you like to hear others scold you?" Xiang Wentian couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"If anyone else scolded me, I would have cut off his tongue, gouged out his eyes, and finally cut off his limbs, making him live a miserable life like a beggar." Ren Yingying said with a smile, "But Only at this moment when I scolded my uncle, not only am I not angry, but I also want to thank you."

Xiang Wentian was surprised and suspicious: "Are you crazy?"

"Uncle Xiang's martial arts skills are no small feat, Yingying is very interested." Ren Yingying said with a smile, "Especially Uncle Xiang has been an envoy of the Bright Left for so many years, so he must know many secret things that are not known to everyone. Yingying also wants to know about these things." .But I know that Uncle Xiang is steadfast, so he must not want to tell me."

"You're self-aware!" Xiang Wentian sneered, "You've given up on it, bitch, I won't tell you anything!"

"As the saying goes, killing is nothing more than nodding your head. If Uncle Xiang really doesn't tell me, I won't do anything to you. After all, killing you is already immoral, and I have a guilty conscience." Ren Yingying said warmly, "But now Xiang Uncle scolded me like that, but you don't care about affection, don't put face first, then Yingying will have a clear conscience when she deals with Uncle Xiang."

"Uncle Xiang, the harder you scold me now, the more I use methods without any scruples. Why is Yingying unhappy when she thinks that she can deal with Uncle Xiang as she pleases? How can she not thank Uncle Xiang?"

Even Xiang Wentian, who was considered as a man of iron, was actually terrified by Ren Yingying's soft words.

"Ren Yingying, you poisonous woman, don't expect to get anything useful from me!" Xiang Wentian shouted bitterly.

"That's not necessarily true." Ren Yingying smiled, "Uncle Xiang, you will beg me to kill you soon."

Xiang Wentian felt dizzy, couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground.

A month later, on the Black Wood Cliff.

Su Yi sat on the Chengde Hall, listening to his subordinates report on the recent educational affairs and some current events in the Jianghu.

"Report to the chief executive, in the past month, my subordinates have uncovered seven more spies who are stealing inside and out!" Tong Baixiong said, "Among them is an incense master from the Qinglong Hall! These people are all from the Wuyue Sword Sect and the Shaolin Wudang Sect. Here, they have been lurking in the church for several years, leaking news of the holy church to the outside world! They have confessed to their crimes, and now they are all in prison, waiting to be punished!"

"Kill!" Su Yi said concisely, deciding the lives of these seven people.

It was of course Su Yi who ordered Tong Baixiong to continue to investigate the traitors. Although it is impossible to completely prevent the leak of the news, let alone find out all the traitors, there is still work to be done.

"Yes!" Tong Baixiong responded with clasped fists, and then reported: "Teacher Jia obeyed the orders of the chief executive, traveled around Henan, Ludi, Ganzhou and other places for the past month, and successively found the leader and the chief inspector who besieged in Chiyou Tomb. Some of the people in the village were slaughtered everywhere, and innocent people were implicated. As far as I know, Jia Bu killed more than [-] people in less than a month, including many old and young women and children. It is quite unwise to earn money by fame and fortune, and to make enemies for the Holy Cult and the chief executive everywhere..."

"That's what I mean." Su Yi said lightly, "Don't worry about this matter!"

Jia Bu killed people everywhere because Su Yi wanted to make a name for himself.Although after the two wars at Meizhuang and Chiyouzhong, Yang Lianting's murderous reputation has spread all over the world, but Su Yi knows that this is not enough, so he sent Jia Bu to kill and destroy those who besieged him, and at the same time sent people to spread rumors everywhere. , Compose some small essays to smear themselves, and spread them everywhere in the market.

For example, Yang Lianting loves to eat human flesh, he eats a virgin boy every morning, and his favorite food is the heart of a beautiful woman.

For example, Yang Lianting is so cruel and bloodthirsty that he can't sleep without killing ten people every day.

Another example is that Yang Lianting loves to destroy people everywhere, and also likes to plant a tree on Heimuya every time a door is destroyed.It is said that 12 years ago, there was still a bare area on Heimu Cliff, but now it is lush and densely forested.

In short, no matter how exaggerated it is, in just one month, Yang Lianting's stench has surpassed Dongfang Bubai, and he has become the most teeth-gnashing villain in the martial arts world, eager to get rid of it as soon as possible.

With the ferment of public opinion, Su Yi didn't even need to send someone to smear him, and the public opinion spontaneously produced various versions of short stories, portraying Su Yi, the devil, as an inhuman, cruel and perverted image, and he could no longer stand up.

Tong Baixiong also understood this, so he reminded Su Yi that your reputation outside is already notorious, should you let Jia Bu rest?

You must know that any bad things that Jia Bu does outside are now on Su Yi's head, because everyone knows who Jia Bu takes orders from.

But Su Yi directly refused.

This makes Tong Baixiong a little confused, is there anyone in this world who thinks that his reputation is not bad enough?

"Boss, the subordinates are worried that Jia Bu's arrogant behavior will cause the so-called siege of righteous people..." Tong Baixiong persuaded again.

A trace of sarcasm curled up on the corner of Su Yi's mouth: "Besieged? Jia Bu has traveled all over the world, and we can see what these righteous people have said? The Wuyue Sword Sect is busy fighting for power and profit, Kunlun, Emei and Qingcheng are too busy to take care of themselves, Wudang is doing nothing, and Shaolin is chanting scriptures behind closed doors. Will you take care of a Jabu?"

Speaking of this, Su Yi paused for a moment, then turned to Shangguan Yun and asked, "What's the recent reaction of Wuyue Sword Sect and Shaolin Wudang?"

"Reporting to the Chief Supervisor, there is nothing unusual about Shaolin Wudang!" Shangguan Yun hurriedly stepped forward and clasped his fists together to report, "Especially Shaolin, since the Chief Executive ordered the whole sect not to provoke Shaolin, the Holy Cult and Shaolin have been living in peace. There is no conflict, people from Wudang seldom travel to the rivers and lakes, and there is not much conflict with us."

"On the contrary, the Five Sacred Sword Sect is indeed not at peace recently. Zuo Lengchan is ambitious and wants to unify the Five Sacred Sword Sect, but except Mount Tai, all the other sects are against it. Recently, the three factions of Huashan, Beiyue Hengshan and Nanyue Hengshan have hidden alliances. Together against the Songshan faction."

"In addition, it seems that something happened to the Huashan faction a few days ago. It is said that some unfamiliar faces went up to the mountain to provoke, but somehow this matter was left alone." Shangguan Yun said.

"What happened?" Su Yi couldn't help frowning.

Shangguan Yun hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "This subordinate has sent people to investigate, but there is no news yet."

Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head, the information was too late...

Even Huashan Ningzhong was temporarily acting as the head, Beiyue Hengshan faction Dingjing became the head, Nanyue Hengshan Liu Zhengfeng became the head, such a big event, he didn't get the news until more than half a month later.

Taishan sent Yu Jizi to become the head. According to the background of the original plot, this person should be Zuo Lengchan's puppet.

Among the four factions, Su Yi is most concerned about the Huashan faction, because there is an ultimate big boss living in seclusion behind the Huashan Mountain——Feng Qingyang.

This is the descendant of Dugu Nine Swords. His martial arts should be on par with Dongfang Bubai. As a kind and lawful hidden boss, he and Su Yi are natural enemies. There is absolutely no reason to win over or turn an enemy into a friend.

According to Su Yi's initial thinking, there is a "temporary killing card" in his actor props, which can designate an NPC to be killed by the plot, and he intends to leave this spot to Feng Qingyang.

But he was planning to do this, but was warned by a message from the terminal, telling Su Yi that this was a violation.

Because Feng Qingyang is the only descendant of Dugu Nine Swords, killing him is tantamount to breaking the inheritance of Dugu Nine Swords. According to the rules, Su Yi is not allowed to break any inheritance of the assistant's sect in this unit for any reason or in any way. .

Not only Sha Feng Qingyang couldn't kill him, he couldn't kill Zuo Lengchan, because the time limit for Su Yi to take revenge on Zuo Lengchan had passed.

In fact, when he was able to take reasonable revenge on Zuo Lengchan, Su Yi didn't think about killing Zuo Lengchan within the time limit for revenge.

But at that time, he just wanted to leave this item card to Feng Qingyang, and didn't want to waste it on Zuo Lengchan.

Unexpectedly, it can't be used.

Of course, it is only temporarily unusable. After Feng Qingyang leaves the inheritance, or after the second unit is opened, when it is Su Yi's turn to send a hand to Huashan, this prop card can be used.

Regarding the information matter, Su Yi has long planned, so there is no need to rush.

He looked at Tong Baixiong, and asked again: "Have you found Qu Yang's whereabouts?"

After Mo Da's death, Liu Zhengfeng inherited the head of Nanyue Hengshan Sect. In this way, the scene of Liu Zhengfeng washing his hands in the golden basin in the original plot would probably never happen.

Qu Yang, a key plot character, is likely to become a useless secondary character.

But this person is an elder of the Sun Moon God Sect after all, and his martial arts status is very outstanding. He may be used by the enemy because of Liu Zhengfeng's relationship, so Su Yi summoned Qu Yang and asked him to come to Heimuya for an audience.

But a month passed, and no one found Qu Yang's whereabouts.

"Reporting to the Chief Supervisor, Qu Yang has not been found yet," Tong Baixiong said, "But I have already informed the whole sect, all heretic sects, as long as anyone who sees him, will tell him the news."

The Sun Moon God Sect, which has power all over the place, can't even find its own elders.

Su Yi was also a little speechless. He didn't know whether it was Qu Yang who was too good at hiding, or the intelligence agency of the Sun Moon God Sect was too rubbish.

"Then keep looking!" Su Yi shook his head.

"Report to the chief supervisor, the holy lady has already gone up to the Blackwood Cliff, and asked to see the chief supervisor and the leader." Shangguan Yun hurriedly said again.

Ren Yingying is here?
Did she kill Xiang Wentian?

Su Yi was startled.

A month has passed, and Xiang Wentian's whereabouts have been unknown, but now that Ren Yingying has come, does it mean that this girl has killed Xiang Wentian?

Su Yi pondered slightly, and had no choice but to summon Ren Yingying now.

He looked around and said: "Others can go first, Tong Zuo Shi, Shangguan Hall Master, you follow me to meet the leader!"

Both of them were taken aback when they heard the words, seeing Dongfang Bubai?
Dongfang Bubai had never seen outsiders except for the last time he went to Jiangnan. This time he suddenly wanted to see them, which made the two very puzzled. They didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse, and their mood suddenly became uneasy.

Tong Baixiong hesitated slightly and asked: "Chief Manager, I don't know why the leader summoned us?"

He really doesn't want to see Dongfang Bubai now, because his good brother has become a younger sister.

(End of this chapter)

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