Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 971 Acquaintances

Chapter 971 Acquaintances
Nanyue Hengshan, Mi Weiyi looked at senior brother Xiang Danian in surprise and asked: "What did you just say? Our master is the head? What about Uncle Mo?"

Xiang Danian looked at his younger brother Mi Weiyi with even more surprised eyes: "Master Mo has already been killed by the demon Yang Lianting. After Master Mo died, our master will take over as the master. Mi Junior brother, yesterday you were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to seek revenge on the blood demon Yang Lianting, why don't you know anything today?"

Mi Weiyi said sternly: "Of course I know. I ask you this, brother, just to let you remind me all the time that it was Yang Lianting, a bastard, who killed our Master Mo. I must remember it in my heart, and I will definitely avenge my brother." !"

"So it's like this..." Xiang Danian suddenly realized, but still felt a little weird.

Mi Weiyi said again: "Senior brother, tell me about the evil deeds that the big devil Yang Lianting has done! I want to deepen the impression and remember the hatred!"

"But, I know everything about Yang Lianting is what you said." Xiang Danian said blankly, "Junior Brother, why are you acting weird today?"

"What's wrong? It's because the senior brother is overwhelmed. I just changed my personality a little because of hatred. This is a very normal thing!" Mi Weiyi sighed inwardly, patted senior brother Xiang Danian on the shoulder, and fired His ability is "Slick tongue".

He got this ability from the world of "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate". At that time, he played the role of Fengli Dao, and he unlocked this ability by dealing with the gangsters and Dongchang fanzi with one mouth.

This ability has no effect on actors, but if the logic is smooth, it can 100% convince the plot characters to trust themselves. This ability can only be used twice a day, and the number of times cannot be accumulated.

Mi Weiyi is a very capable actor. He is also advancing to the front line, and he has cultivated his internal strength and has a profound background.

Before entering the set, he did research on Su Yi and had some understanding.

He regards Su Yi as the same kind!

And as a strong enemy!

He believes that Su Yi's strongest ability lies in his scheming. This person is too deep. Su Yi's personal ability depends entirely on his scheming.

And this person is extremely tolerant, a ruthless person who can shit in his trouser pocket at every turn, how many actors can do it?
At least Mi Weiyi felt that he couldn't fight it out, he couldn't do things like shit all over the floor.

A very scheming and generous person plays Yang Lianting, what will he do?
Mi Weiyi used this as a premise to deduce what Su Yi would do in the past six months, but the more he deduced, the more frightened he became.

He found out in despair that Su Yi would probably not want Bilian to flatter Dongfang Bubai, and he would do the matter of improving his strength on the bed.

Then this slut who has no bottom line will definitely take advantage of the loopholes in the rules to weaken the sect power of the assistants.

Facts proved that he guessed right. As soon as he landed on the set, he heard the news that his head, Xiaoxiang Yeyumo, had been killed.

And he was killed by this shit brother himself.

He didn't question whether it was in compliance with the rules, he believed that Su Yi would make this matter reasonable and compliant, so that the director couldn't find any faults.

He just wants to know what this shit guy has done in the past six months, and what kind of situation he is facing now.

For this reason, he even didn't hesitate to waste a chance with a supernatural power.

"Junior brother, what you said makes sense!" Xiang Danian was caught without any surprise, and was persuaded by Mi Weiyi's eloquent tongue, "Okay, then I will open a black shop dedicated to killing people from the blood demon Yang Lianting." Speaking of things..."

Yang Lianting still doing this?

Mi Weiyi was a little disbelieving, and hurriedly listened carefully.

After 10 minutes...

Mi Weiyi stopped his senior brother, dumbfounded, and stopped listening to him continue.

In the short 10 minutes just now, senior brother Xiang Danian took him to review the chapters of "Human Skin Inn", "Fatal Bend", "The Butcher Shop Group: The Treasure of Paradise" and "Top Ten Tortures of the Qing Dynasty". story plot.

And Hannibal.

At first, he even wondered if some ghosts had entered this world.

But listening to it, he felt that something was wrong.

After asking a few more questions, Mi Weiyi guessed what was going on when he learned that these things about Yang Lianting were spread all over the streets and alleys.

Isn't this just hype?

But it is relatively easier to fry in the dark.

Shit brother is very coquettish...

Mi Weiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this is a martial arts film set, how can things like fame and fame be played like this?
He can be regarded as a knife to pull his ass-opened his eyes.

Can you do the same for yourself?
He immediately thought of himself, after all, now it's their turn for the second unit to assist Shi Ge to become famous.

After thinking for a while, Mi Weiyi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

It's not that it won't work, but it's much, much harder to create a good character than to discredit a black character, and doing so would be like picking on people's teeth, and he still wants to compete with Brother Shit.

Before Xiang Danian finished speaking, a younger brother came to report, saying that the master had invited him, so the two had no choice but to interrupt the conversation and walked to the master's room together.

Passing through a small courtyard, Mi Weiyi heard the sound of the zither coming from inside, and he asked curiously: "Brother, who lives in this courtyard?"

"Did you forget your brother? It's Master's good friend, Old Man Yang, and his granddaughter Yang Feiyan." Xiang Danian replied, "They have been living here for several months."

Mi Weiyi's expression immediately froze.

Uncle Yang?

Yang Feiyan?
Perhaps it wasn't the elder of the Demon Cult, Qu Yang, and his granddaughter, Qu Feiyan?

Damn, Master, people from the Devil's Cult don't want to collude...

Not to mention Mi Weiyi's headache for Qu Yang, Shaolin Master Fang Sheng's disciple Jue Yue also looked at Master Fang Zheng's empty left arm with a puzzled face in the Daxiong Palace, very doubting whether this Master Fang was pretending to be Yang Guo.

Where is the big eagle?

"As the saying goes, there is nothing in the first place, where does the dust come from? The common things that are disturbing in the world of mortals have their own causes and results. We Buddhist disciples have jumped out of the way, so why bother to be contaminated with right and wrong? To avoid the worldly things Disturbing my Shaolin disciples' worship of the Buddha, from now on, Shaolin Temple will be closed for half a year, no pilgrims will be received, and foreigners will no longer be received. Shaolin disciples are also not allowed to go out privately, and those who violate it will be dealt with strictly!"

Jue Yue was dumbfounded.


Close the temple for half a year?

Why do I want to become famous, and you want to close the temple for half a year?
This is forcing me to be a traitor!
Jue Yue's expression was cloudy, what happened, Shaolin actually wanted to close the temple for half a year?
This never happened in the original plot!

And why did Abbot Fangzheng lose an arm?
Jueyue was cautious by nature, he didn't show any abnormalities, and his words and deeds with the monks seemed to be flawless.

When no one was around at noon, he found an opportunity to sneak into a place where no one was around, and threw a rope into the sky.

As if someone was holding the end of the rope in the sky, the rope flew up into the sky and disappeared into the clouds, and Jue Yue climbed up into the clouds along the rope.

After three breaths, in a bustling market at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, a rope suddenly hung down from the canopy of a big tree with dense branches and leaves. Jue Yue climbed down along the rope, looked left and right, and pulled it lightly. Suddenly the rope fell to the ground with a "crash".

He rolled up his body and put it on his body, swaggeringly walked towards the turbulent crowd.

The rope art he performed is the legendary "God's Clue", and it is also a power that he unlocked after completing the task in "Sword Rain".

This ability can appear at any place within a hundred miles within three breaths after climbing the rope, and it can be cast twice a day.

Soon, Jueyue stopped by a tea stall, only to hear the storyteller inside saying vividly: "If you want to talk about this human centipede, what's the matter? You have to mention this blood demon Yang Lianting who has no conscience." It's..."

Human Centipede?

Yang Lianting?
Jue Yue was stunned.

Is there such a possibility—maybe I went to the wrong set?

Songshan School, Zuo Lengchan's chief disciple Shi Dengda listened to the story of "Chain Saw" by his younger brother with a blank expression, and there were a hundred thousand sentences in his heart that he didn't know whether to tell or not.

For the Qingcheng sect, Hou Renying watched the masters greet each other's mother in front of Yu Canghai's spiritual seat in the main hall for the sake of being the master, silently thinking about life.

For Beiyue Hengshan sect, Yilin learned that her master Dingyi Shitai and the original head teacher Bo Dingxian Shitai both died in the battle of Jiangnan Meizhuang, and she was shocked for a long time before she realized it.

"That's awesome, Brother Shit!" After a while, she choked out a sentence, "It seems that Tutu really didn't scare me, the lead actor broke his leg..."

Fujian, Fuwei Escort Bureau.

Lin Pingzhi rushed out of the Escort with a group of scoundrels, went to his old house in Xiangyang Lane, and took the "Evil Resisting Sword Manual" handed down by their Lin family ancestors.

Do you want to cut it?

This idea has been entangled from outside the set until now.

The actor who played Lin Pingzhi was Chen Yiyuan who hugged Su Yi's thigh on the last deathmatch set.

In The Deer and Ding Ji, he worshiped Master Jiunan as his teacher, and learned the mystical movements and a set of iron swordsmanship. He once forcibly took ten moves from Chen Jinnan without losing, which is considered a good martial arts.

But he is very clear that such a good martial art is not enough in this world.

Therefore, he urgently needs to strengthen his martial arts within three months, otherwise he doubts that he might hit the street when he meets "Brother Shit".

He didn't want that.

Speaking of "Brother Shit", the experience of being the king of thieves together is definitely the most unforgettable experience for him. It was the first time he participated in the performance of the deathmatch set, and it was also the only case where he heard that the assistant actor killed the lead actor.

Compared with others, he left the deepest impression on Su Yi as "cruel and cruel".

He felt that Brother Shit was very cold-blooded and merciless towards the enemy.

But the good thing about this guy is that he is very trustworthy. The cooperation between him and Su Yi didn't make much effort from the beginning to the end, and he just won by holding his thighs.

If it were another actor, I'm afraid he would be used as cannon fodder, but Brother Shit didn't do that.

So he still has a good sense of Su Yi. This time he was invited by Su Yi to participate in Su Yi's deathmatch set, and he came more with the intention of "friendly discussion".

That's why he was so entangled in whether he wanted to cut it or not.

If it was really a game that had to be desperate, he would definitely cut it without hesitation, and it would grow back after leaving the set anyway.

But the problem is that he doesn't want to work hard, so is there any need to cut it?
But don't cut it, with his identity, he can't learn decent martial arts at all, which is very painful.

Lin Pingzhi sighed in his heart. In fact, he knew that he was still inclined to cut it, but he couldn't pass the test in his heart. After all, if he wanted to mess with his own affairs, it was impossible for a man to hesitate.

No, maybe one man is an exception—Brother Shit.

This guy is really ruthless...

Unsurprisingly, Lin Pingzhi found the "Evil Resisting Sword Manual" on the beam of his old house.


Don't Eat Tutu looked at his gray hair and couldn't help sighing.

Although he already knew that Lao Denuo was like an old man, but he really didn't expect that he would age like this before he got old.

It seems that this undercover job is under a lot of pressure.

"Okay, at least it's considered a decent family. If you operate it well, it's fun." Don't Eat Tutu drew out his sword, casually drew a sword flower, and studied his appearance in front of the mirror.

"This image is not good... There is no temperament at all! It's like an old farmer..." Not eating Tutu quickly frowned.

"With this image, how can you compete with the senior brother for the junior sister?"

"No, no, I have to remake it first."

Different from other supporting actors, Do Not Eat Tutu has always been very relaxed since he came to this set.

The reason is simple, he feels that he is no match for Brother Shit at all, so he is here to experience the life of a young hero.

"Of course, I will act as I want, but I have to say hello to Brother Shit first, don't kill me..." Bu Chi Tu Tu muttered, loosening his hair, and began to style himself.

He knew that there were a few hairstyles with white hair in ancient costumes that were still very handsome, so he decided to get one for himself.

"I still have to talk to my master, Yue Buqun. At least detonate my identity as an undercover agent first, and then give him the Drizzle Sword Technique. If it doesn't work, I will also give him Mo Luo's internal strength, so he must trust me, right?"

"If it doesn't work, I'll talk to my wife, she's soft-hearted..."

"You still have to play tricks in your relationship with Junior Sister, otherwise it won't be easy to get started."

"By the way, there is another buddy who is also in the Huashan School like me. After finishing talking with him, we can work together and make a fortune together..."

"Hey? This goatee is a bit coquettish, do you want to keep it?"

Don't eat rabbits, thinking wildly, unaware that his first crisis has arrived unexpectedly.

Lu Dayou, the sixth disciple of Huashan, is also one of the supporting actors.

This person is a cruel and ruthless person. He once practiced martial arts to the level of a master in Fang Shiyu's world.

Before he entered the set, he had already thought about the strategy of how to develop in this world.

First of all, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and the Huashan faction has limited resources, so he and Lao Denuo can only keep one!
In Lu Dayou's heart, there is absolutely no possibility of him and Lao Denuo coexisting.Huashan's greatest opportunity is destined to only be obtained by one person.

This person must not be Lao Denuo!
 It's the last day, let's ask for a monthly pass, there are still more than [-] monthly passes, and the monthly pass is [-].

(End of this chapter)

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