Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 972 The Crisis of Not Eating Bunny

Chapter 972 The Crisis of Not Eating Bunny

"Liu Houer, why are you running around without taking a lunch break?" Lu Dayou just walked out of the room and was about to look for Master, when he met someone head-on.

This is the third brother Liang Fa?
He recognized this person, and hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "Third senior brother, I'm going to find Master."

Liang was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly softened, he sighed and patted his shoulder and said, "That's right, Master loved you the most before, oh... let's go, I'll go with you."

"Yes!" Lu Dayou said that the three brothers, Liang Fa, were quite enthusiastic.

On the way, Lu Dayou asked about Lao Denuo's whereabouts: "Third senior brother, have you seen the second senior brother?"

He was afraid that if Laudenau predicted his behavior and blew himself up first, it would be difficult for him to operate.

"I went back to my room after eating, and I haven't come out." Liang Fa replied, "Why do you have something to do with him?"

"No." Lu Dayou shook his head, glanced at Liang Fa, and decided to reveal a little bit: "What I want to tell Master later is related to Second Senior Brother."

Liang was stunned for a while, then said, "Hou'er, I think if it's not important, don't disturb Master's rest."

rest in peace?

Lu Dayou gave Liang Fa a strange look. It should be An Xie, right?

No culture, it's scary.

However, it is also understandable that those who can come to practice martial arts on the mountain will not have a high level of education, otherwise they would have gone to the No. [-] examination.

"It's very important!" Lu Dayou said seriously, "It's about the life and death of the Huashan sect!"

Liang Fa was stunned again.

After a while, he said: "This - if it is really so important, is it useful to tell Master?"

"It's useless to tell Master, is it useful to tell Master's Wife?" Lu Dayou looked at Liang Fa strangely.


Both of them looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Okay, I'll take you there first." Liang Fa scratched his head, but finally suppressed his doubts.

Lu Dayou noticed that something was weird, and based on the principle of saying too much, he didn't say anything more, so as not to make mistakes.

But even if he didn't speak, Lu Dayou still felt something was wrong.

So wrong!
Because Liang Fa took him around the main hall of the Huashan School, and went straight to the back mountain.

The road became more and more desolate, which made Lu Dayou feel very vigilant.

He was going to see his master, why did Liang Fa bring him to such a remote place?

Could it be that he wants to kill himself?

But why?
Because he is a spy planted by Yang Lianting?

Or did Laudnor buy him in advance?
Thinking of this, Lu Dayou couldn't hold back anymore, and asked again: "Senior brother, where are you taking me?"

"Didn't you say you were going to see Master?" Liang Fa looked back at him strangely, "Liu Hou'er, why are you so dumb today?"

...are you polite?
Lu Dayou stopped talking, but he became more vigilant in his heart until——

Liang Fa took Lu Dayou to a grave.

On the tombstone is impressively engraved—the tomb of the No.30 fourth generation head of the Huashan School, Yue Gong!

After Liang Fagui knelt down in front of the tomb and kowtowed three times, he said to Lu Dayou who was still in a daze: "Liu Houer, don't you have something to say to Master? Say it quickly!"


What the hell did I say?
Yue Buqun is dead?
Why did Yue Buqun die?
How could such a key plot character die before the opening scene?
Let Lu Dayou guess a hundred times, and he will never guess that things will turn out like this!

He couldn't believe it, he couldn't figure it out.

But he calmed down quickly and thought carefully about his current situation.

He found himself yet another reason to expel Laudenau.

Yue Buqun was not there, presumably it was his teacher Ning Zhong who was temporarily acting as head.

It is inevitable that a woman who manages a sect will be incapable. At this time, she definitely needs a capable helper.

Eldest brother Linghu Chong is a libertine, he can't even manage himself well, let alone manage a sect?
Just look at how messy the later Beiyue Hengshan School was in the original plot.

So who does the mistress rely on?

It's the seasoned and prudent second brother Lao Denuo!

Lu Dayou couldn't imagine that the Huashan faction would become a place where Lao Denuo made a decision with one word. How should he deal with himself?
Kneel down like a dog?

Do not!
no way!

So he and Laudno must go one by one!
Having figured this out, Lu Dayou knelt down in front of Yue Buqun's tombstone with a "plop", and cried out with a loud "Aww", tears running like rain!

"Master! Master! Master! The Huashan faction is dying!"

With just one sentence, Liang Fa was shocked.

"Liu Houer, what nonsense are you talking about!" Liang Fa snapped.

"Master, I found out that Lao Denuo is actually a spy of the Songshan School, he is a disciple of Zuo Lengchan..."


A quarter of an hour later, Liang Fa brought Lu Dayou to Ning Zhongze's room.

"Liu Hou'er, tell Master what you said just now in front of Master's tomb!" Liang Fa couldn't hide the look of fear in his eyes, and spoke to Lu Dayou with a trembling voice.

Ningzhong, on the other hand, has seen vicissitudes obviously compared to half a year ago. His originally delicate face now has crow's feet visible to the naked eye, his skin is obviously duller, and his expression is indescribably tired.

"Liang Fa, Dayou, what happened?" Ning Zhongze asked intently.

"Master's wife, the thing is like this..." Lu Dayou said with a serious expression.

In his speech, he found out that the second brother Lao Denuo was wrong about three months ago.

Secretly practiced the Songshan school's swordsmanship in the back mountain, and he didn't know who to write letters to or send pigeons. Once he also found that Lao Denuo was quietly meeting with a masked man in black in the back mountain. He only knew about it by eavesdropping on the conversation , this Lao Denuo is actually the head of the Songshan School, the third apprentice of Zuo Lengchan, the leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance!

He has been lurking in the Huashan faction for more than ten years, the purpose is to monitor every move of the Huashan faction and secretly learn the martial arts of the Huashan faction.

"Master, I was so anxious when I found out about this, I've always wanted to tell you, but because I didn't have any evidence, I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me if I said nothing, so I ran to Master's grave and cried." Lu Dayou had tears in his eyes, An expression of pain, entanglement and despair was performed very well.

"But I overheard that night that Lao Denuo was going to open the gate of the mountain in the near future to lure the Songshan faction dog thieves into the mountain, cooperate with them inside and out, pretend to be the demon sect, and kill our Huashan faction to pieces. Especially for killing your mistress!"

"Then they will find a way to use Lao Denuo as the head. In this way, all the martial arts of our Huashan faction will be in the hands of the Songshan faction without any effort, and our Huashan faction will become the Songshan faction from now on. running dog..."

Ning Zhong was shocked and angry when he heard it, and couldn't help but shoot the case.

"Lu Dayou, how dare you swear that everything you said is true and there is absolutely no falsehood?" Ning Zhong asked sharply.

When Lu Dayou heard the words, he immediately raised his hand and swore: "What the disciple said is absolutely true, and there is absolutely no falsehood. If there is even a little bit of falsehood, call me Lu Dayou with ten thousand arrows piercing my heart and die! Call me Lu Dayou!" The family has lost all children and grandchildren, and no more sons can be born, and daughters are born as prostitutes..."

"Enough!" Ning Zhong cried out in pain.

Lu Dayou made such a vicious oath, she couldn't help but not believe it.

It was hard for her to accept that the second disciple, Lao Denuo, who had always been as reliable as an old scalper, was actually a spy of the Songshan School!

How much I and my ex-husband Yue Buqun trusted this disciple, entrusted him with heavy responsibilities every time, and spared no effort to cultivate him. Unexpectedly, they had always mistrusted this vicious jackal!

"Master, if the second senior brother is really a spy, what should we do?" Liang Fa asked tremblingly.

Ning Zhongze cheered up, gritted his teeth and said: "Take the thief and take the stolen goods, I will personally catch him who is colluding with foreign enemies, so that he has nothing to say!"

This can't be done...

Lu Dayou heard the words and said solemnly: "Master, the disciple is afraid of delays and changes! Besides, Lao Denuo has been in Huashan for so many years, who knows if he has developed new subordinates? They discussed that they will deal with me in the next few days. The Huashan faction will make a move, maybe it will be today, Mrs. Master... This disciple thinks that Lao Denuo must be controlled first!"

Ning Zhong looked at Lu Dayou and said, "Dayou, if they really do something tonight, what's the use of capturing Lao Denuo now?"

"Of course it's useful!" Lu Dayou said, "Lao Denuo is Zuo Lengchan's third disciple and an important figure in the Songshan School. We can use him as a hostage at critical times to fight for a chance of survival!"

"And now that we have him under control, if we can learn the specific plan from him, it will be even more beneficial to us!"

Ning Zhong was persuaded by Lu Dayou.

She gritted her teeth and nodded slowly: "Okay, I'll go and take down Laudno!"

"Master, do you want to call all the disciples to help, just in case?" Lu Dayou asked hurriedly.

"No need." Ning Zhong shook his head slowly and sighed, "It's just Laudno, I can still handle it."

She didn't know what to think of, and she seemed a little helpless and desolate for a moment.

But she quickly recovered.

"Liang Fa, Dayou, call all your disciples to the reception hall, and don't leave a single one behind!" Ning Zhongze ordered, "Lingshan and your senior brother are in the Weapons Pavilion, don't forget them two."

"Yes! Mistress!" Both of them bowed their heads in agreement.

Lu Dayou's expression flickered, and his heart was half relieved.

He was sure that he would defeat Laudno later.

But this person must not be let go.

There was murderous intent in Lu Dayou's eyes.

Houshan's moves to crack the Five Sacred Sword School must not be leaked by Lao Denuo, at least not before he learns it!
There is also Feng Qingyang, who must find a way to learn this old man's Dugu Nine Swords, so that this trip will not be in vain.

At the same time, Don't Eat Tutu is looking at his new hairstyle with satisfaction, feeling that he is so handsome.

He feels that he is the handsome uncle now, but he was like a second uncle before.

"Okay, the image project is over, go see Yue Buqun." Buchi Tutu put down the bronze mirror in satisfaction, turned around and walked out the door.

But at this moment, a figure broke into the door, a cold light flashed, and if he didn't eat Tutu, he was startled and wanted to fight back, but he hesitated slightly when he saw who was coming, and suddenly gave up resistance.

So the sword rested on his neck without hindrance.

At the same time, with two fingers pointing at his two acupoints, Jianjing and Qihai, he was immediately unable to move.

It was none other than Ning Zhongze who came.

Don't Eat Tutu's heart changed rapidly, running Mo Luo's internal energy instantly opened the acupoints, but he still pretended to be unable to move, looking at the middle-aged beautiful woman in front of him.

The latter was looking at him coldly, without saying a word, as if waiting for him to speak.

"Master, what are you doing?" Don't Eat Tutu sighed, "If you have something to say, why are you using knives and guns?"

"Lao Denuo, you don't seem surprised at all?" Ning Zhong said coldly.

"As a spy, it will be a matter of time before you are discovered." Buchi Tutu smiled, "Master, let me guess, Liu Houer told you the secret, right? This kid really didn't disappoint me."

He has already scolded his mother in his heart, Ma De is mentally retarded, do you have to be so cursing?
Wouldn't it be nice to have fun hunting monsters together?

Ning Zhong frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Master, think about it, even Master and the old man didn't find out my identity. How could I be seen through by mere Lu Dayou?" Buchi Tutu said lightly, "If I didn't show my flaws on purpose, he would never want to find out about me for the rest of his life. !"

Although he didn't know much about not eating rabbits, he could probably guess why he was in such a situation. His mind was racing around while adapting to the situation.

He still had a doubt in his heart, why did Ning Zhongze come to arrest him?
What about Yue Buqun?

"You mean, you deliberately showed your flaws to let Lu Dayou discover your identity?" Ning Zhongze frowned even tighter, "Why?"

"Because I want to be a good person." Don't Eat Tutu looked at Ning Zhongze sincerely, "Master, I didn't have a choice before, but now, I want to be a good person! I have decided to sever all ties with the Songshan faction. From now on , only loyal to Huashan, loyal to Master and you!"

Ning Zhong sneered: "Lao Denuo, don't you think it's too late to show your loyalty under my sword?"

"It's not too late." Buchi Tutu suddenly made a move when he said these two words. He made a move like lightning, quickly removed the sword in Ning Zhongze's hand, and then took two steps back, before the startled Ning Zhongze made another move. , He suddenly held the sword in both hands, bowed his head and said: "Master, the sword has no eyes. If you don't want to kill me with a sword, put it away first. I promise, I will definitely give you and the master an explanation today!"

It's not that his martial arts crushed Ning Zhongze, but that he made a sudden attack, and Ning Zhong was defenseless.

"You... I clearly tapped your acupoints!" Ning Zhong was quite surprised, she couldn't believe that she didn't tap Tutu without eating it.

"The martial arts I practice is also called Moluo Neigong, which was taught by an unknown old monk when I was young." Don't Eat Tutu said to Ning Zhong, "Master, after we talk about this matter, no matter you still accept If you don’t accept me, I will leave this internal skill to you. I also have a set of Drizzle Sword Technique, which is especially suitable for you to practice, and I will also copy it down for you.”

Ning Zhong was puzzled, but seeing Lao Denuo's words were extremely sincere, he thought that he could not only grab his own sword, but of course he could also tap his own acupuncture points, but he didn't do that, it seemed that he really had no malice towards him .

"Master, I've been here in Huashan for so long, but I've never done anything to be sorry for Huashan." Don't Eat Tutu said.

 Happy Holidays to all the children

(End of this chapter)

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