Chapter 973
"Master, if I want to harm Huashan, you and Master, there are too many chances to do it, but I have never done so, don't you understand my intention?" Don't eat Tutu sincerely.

This is true. Lao Denuo, an undercover agent, has been in Huashan for more than ten years. If he really counted his merits and demerits, his merits and demerits might even outweigh his demerits. I don't know how he was an undercover agent.

All the past flashed through Ning Zhongze's mind one by one, and she found that Lao Denuo had never done anything to endanger the Huashan faction.

She sighed suddenly, and said, "You go, just pretend that you have never joined the Huashan School!"

"If I want to leave, why should I stay until today?" Bu Chi Tu Tu said.

"Then what else do you want?" Ning Zhongze raised his brows upside down, "Although your master died at the hands of Yang Lianting, it may not have been the trick of Zuo Lengchan, a bastard! You are a spy sent by Zuo Lengchan, If I don't kill you, it's because you have worked so hard for so many years!"

The amount of information in these words is a bit large, and Tutu's heart is churning like a huge wave.

Fortunately, he is also an excellent actor. He stared at Ning Zhongze blankly for a while, and quickly digested the amazing information revealed in the sentence just now.

"Master, you must be very tired as a woman struggling to support such a big school?" Don't Eat Tutu suddenly said softly.

Ning Zhong was stunned.

After a while, she turned her head and said: "This has nothing to do with you! Lao Denuo, whether the Huashan faction lives or dies in the future has nothing to do with you!"

"I won't leave." Don't Eat Tutu emphasized again, "Especially when the Huashan faction needs me the most, how can I just leave?"

"What do you need?" Ning Zhong turned his head and stared at him sharply, "Need you to collude with foreign enemies and premeditate to murder me and seize power?"

"Did the six monkeys tell you that?" Buchi Tutu laughed dumbly, and he shook his head with a disdainful and helpless expression.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. He originally wanted to live in harmony with his companions, but in return he was betrayed and rejected.

Then there's no way.

Ma De, do you really think I'm a harmless little white rabbit?
Don't Eat Tutu looked around, pointed at the desk and said, "Master, do you mind if I write a letter first?"

"To whom?" Ning Zhong asked.

"Zuo Lengchan." Don't Eat Tutu said calmly, "I'll write a letter of renunciation now to draw a clear line with him. Master, you can copy this letter from me and distribute it to all parties in the world, so that everyone in the world can understand You know, I, Lao Denuo, will be born as a person of Huashan from now on, and will die as a ghost of Huashan. If I do something that is not good for Huashan, or bad for Huashan, or my wife, I, Laodenuo, will be inferior to pigs and dogs. If I am not worthy of being a human being, everyone in the world will cast aside me, and everyone will punish me if I get it!"

Ning Zhong was moved: " really dare to write like that?"

Don't Eat Tutu smiled slightly at Ning Zhong, turned around and went to the desk, rubbing ink and holding a pen to write quickly.

After a while, a letter will be written in a book.

During this process, Ning Zhong stood on the side holding the sword, his face was cloudy and weighing, and he looked very tangled.

"Master, take a look first, and I'll write something later." Don't Eat Tutu handed the written letter to Ning Zhongze, and then lay down on the table to continue writing.

Ning Zhong hesitated slightly, but finally put away his sword and looked carefully.

The more she watched, the more complicated her mood became.

In the letter, Don’t Eat Tutu first admitted that he was Zuo Lengchan’s disciple, then changed the subject and accused Zuo Lengchan of several major crimes. An unloving son flees to another land" to explain his motivation for writing this letter to draw a clear line with Zuo Lengchan, and express that he will be loyal to Huashan School in the future and will never change in this life.

The letter was written with sincerity and brilliance, at least Ning Zhong was shocked and moved after reading it.

She has been moved by the sincere attitude of Don't Eat Tutu.

But she still has some concerns, after all, the matter is related to the life and death of the Huashan faction.

At this moment, Don't Eat Tutu wrote a few more pages eloquently, then turned around and handed it to Ning Zhongze.

"This is..." Ning Zhong took a quick look and found that this was actually an extremely mysterious inner strength method.

"This is the "Rama's Inner Strength" that I got," said Tutu with a solemn expression, "Master, this inner strength is not trivial. It is said that it is the martial arts practiced by Bodhidharma in the past. Later generations got his body and recovered it. It is only through his exercise circuit that this miraculous internal energy can be passed down to the world. After practicing it, one can purify the internal organs and improve one's aptitude. If practiced to the extreme, one can even fill in the gaps and regenerate good fortune."

Ning Zhong was surprised and suspicious: "Bodhidharma is the patriarch of Shaolin. This "Rama's Internal Strength" is so powerful, it should be the secret of Shaolin. Why do you..."

"Master, whether this "Rama's Internal Strength" is true or not, there is no doubt about its origin." Buchi Tutu said, "You also saw it just now, you tapped my acupoints, but for those who have practiced "Rama's Internal Strength" In other words, internal force not only exists in the meridians, but also in the internal organs. Just sealing the meridians is useless to me. My "Rama Neigong" has only been practiced to the first level. It’s broad and profound, you can see it!”

"Just one thing, after all, this internal energy has some connection with Shaolin. In order to avoid trouble, Master still has to change the name of this internal energy in the future." Don't Eat Tutu continued, "Although our Huashan School's internal energy is good, we still have to learn it after all. It took a long time to come, and the effect is very slow. Besides, at such a precarious time, it is also a great thing for Huashan that you, Master, have learned this inner strength."

After a pause, he stopped eating the rabbit and said again: "There is one more thing to tell my wife, I have never told the Songshan School about this "Rama's Inner Strength", and I have never told Zuo Lengchan, the old monk who taught me this skill. He is a widow and lonely person, he passed away back then, and now the only ones in the world who know this internal skill are me and my wife!"

Ning Zhong's heart was ups and downs, and his expression was complicated. After watching Tutu for a while, he bowed his head again, and carefully read the "Rama's Internal Strength".

Ning Zhong is also knowledgeable, so he can naturally see how miraculous this inner strength is, and knows that what Lao Denuo said should be true.

When she looked up again, the expression she looked at Lao Denuo was much softer.

"De Nuo, you decided to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, so my wife is naturally very happy, but how could Zuo Lengchan let it go?" she said.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to Tutun!" Don't Eat Tutu said seriously, "Master, don't worry, I, Lao Denuo, will live and die with Huashan!"

"Good! Good!" Ning Zhongze had tears in his eyes, "It's not in vain that your master relies on you in every possible way, I believe you!"

She couldn't help but believe it, just relying on this miraculous "Rama Internal Strength", she couldn't help but believe it.

"Master, now I have no secrets about my sect, so I feel really relaxed!" Bu Chi Tutu smiled calmly, "As long as Master believes in me, it doesn't matter what the world thinks of me."

Ning Zhong said: "De Nuo, Liu Hou'er said that you and the man in black talked about cooperating internally and externally. What's going on?"

Don't Eat Tutu smiled wryly: "Master, I want to confront Liu Houer face to face."

"What? Could there be something else hidden about this matter?" Ning Zhong could hear something wrong.

Don't Eat Tutu nodded and sighed: "I didn't expect that Liu Hou'er usually looks honest and honest, but I didn't expect him to be this kind of person."

Brother, if you are the first grader, don't blame me for being the fifteenth grader!

Isn't it just rolls?
I can't kill you!
Huashan Welcome Hall.

More than a hundred disciples gathered together, and several deacons and elders also arrived.

Everyone was discussing, guessing why Ning Zhong called everyone here.

After all, Huashan was one of the Five Sacred Sword Sects, it could not be that the cats in the front fence and the lackeys in the back fence were so miserable, so of course it couldn't be as simple as Yue Buqun and his seven or eight apprentices.

It's just that after the battle of sword qi, the force value of the sect dropped precipitously, and the skills of the deacons and elders were almost the same as those of Yue Buqun's disciples.

On weekdays in the sect, it is just teaching disciples and managing internal affairs.

Ordinary deacons and elders are not as high in status as Yue Buqun's few direct disciples.

At this moment, Yue Buqun's seven disciples and his daughter Yue Lingshan were standing at the front, discussing what happened.

The seven disciples are the eldest disciple Linghu Chong, the third disciple Liang Fa, the fourth disciple Shi Daizi, the fifth disciple Gao Genming, the sixth disciple Lu Dayou, the seventh disciple Tao Jun and the eighth brother Ying Bailuo.

Leaving aside the others, Linghu Chong was born with bright starry eyes, delicate features, tall and well-proportioned figure, and a personable demeanor.

A protagonist.

Especially his lazy temperament made him stand out among the disciples.

Junior sister Yue Lingshan was standing next to Linghu Chong, she was petite and dainty, she looked strange, her eyes were very agile.

In half a year, under the company and care of Linghu Chong, she has already come out of the grief of losing her father.

"Third Junior Brother, what exactly is it that Master Wife summoned us for?" Linghu Chong asked Liang Fa curiously, "I asked you and didn't tell, it's mysterious."

Liang Fa said with a bitter face: "Brother, don't ask, anyway, it's a very serious matter."

"Brother Third, don't you even tell me?" Yue Lingshan's watery eyes blinked pitifully, "Just tell me, okay? You are the best!"

This little girl is very good at acting like a baby.

"Junior Sister, I can only tell you that this matter is related to Second Senior Brother!" Liang Fa gritted his teeth, "You will know the rest later."

"I guess, third junior brother, you must not know! That's why you don't tell!" Linghu Chong deliberately provoked.

If it was normal, Liang Fa would definitely not be provoked and told the story.

But now, Liang Fa didn't say a word, just stood there with a bitter face.

Linghu Chong said thoughtfully: "It seems that the matter is really serious?"

On the side, Lu Dayou looked on coldly, and his gaze towards Linghu Chong occasionally flickered with coldness.

In his opinion, the protagonist Linghu Chong is a shit-stirring stick, and a garbage scumbag who doesn't know right from wrong. This person can't be kept, otherwise it will only cause bad things.

After driving away Lao Denuo, he still had to think of a way to drive away Linghu Chong as well.

Linghu Chong is not very clever, but there are some clever people who can't stand on the stage, so it shouldn't be difficult to deal with...

While everyone was discussing, Ning Zhong walked in through the side door with Bu Chi Tu Tu.

With her appearance, the buzzing sound in the lobby suddenly weakened a lot until it disappeared completely.

Lu Dayou's heart sank when he saw that the rabbit who didn't eat it came in swaggeringly instead of being controlled by Ning Zhongze before sending it in.

He realized that something must be wrong.

But he didn't panic, and decided to stay the same.

"Disciples see the master!" Under the leadership of Linghu Chong and other disciples and elders, all the disciples saluted Ning Zhongze in unison.

Behind Ning Zhongze, Bu Chi Tu Tu locked on Lu Dayou at a glance, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Ning Zhong looked around for a week and began to speak: "Recently, the demon sect has been rampant, and it is suspected that it will be detrimental to our Huashan sect. All disciples must take strict precautions..."

Everyone has been summoned, and it’s not good to go without saying anything. Ningzhong simply arranged to deploy all the halls to be vigilant and prevent the infiltration of the Demon Cult, so everyone else dispersed first, leaving only the disciples and Yue Lingshan behind. present.

At this time, no matter how slow Lu Dayou's reaction was, he realized that his plan had completely gone wrong.

But he didn't panic too much. After all, he was out of a "public heart". He had no ghosts in his heart. He felt that he should figure out what happened and adapt accordingly.

"Mother, what happened?" Yue Lingshan stepped forward and pulled Ning Zhongze, "I asked third senior brother, but he refused to tell me anyway."

Ning Zhong didn't speak, but looked at Bu Tutu and said, "De Nuo, if you have something to say, just explain it clearly in front of your senior brother."

"Yes, Master." Don't Eat Tutu calmly cupped his hands, then fixed his eyes on Lu Dayou, and said with a half-smile: "Liu Houer, did you tell Master that I am a spy of the Songshan School?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone except Liang Fa was taken aback.

"It's me! Did I say something wrong?" Lu Dayou snorted coldly.

"Now I'm the one who asks you, and you can answer whatever I ask, and when it's time for you to ask, I'll let you ask." Don't Eat Tutu said with a smile, "I'll ask you, you tell my wife, you You overheard me meeting the man in black at the back mountain, is there such a thing?"

"It's true." Lu Dayou took it for granted, "I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears!"

As long as he insists on this matter, he believes that there will be no proof.

"Okay, then let me ask you, what day and time did the man in black and I meet, and where did we meet in the back mountain?" Buchi Tutu mocked, "How long have we been meeting? How long have you listened? How long have you heard?" Where did you hear it again?"

How could Lu Dayou know such details?
But he was already prepared, and he said calmly: "It was the early morning of last night, around two o'clock. The place where you met the man in black was in front of Master's grave. I was hiding behind Master's grave."

He is not familiar with the back mountain, but fortunately he has been to Yue Buqun's tomb at noon, so he still knows this place, wouldn't this be useful?

This time it was his turn not to eat Tutu, he was stunned for a moment, he thought that Lu Dayou was as unfamiliar with Mount Hua as he was, and his question would definitely let the other party out, but he didn't expect the other party to answer without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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