Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 974 Reversal

Chapter 974 Reversal
"Second senior brother, I heard everything you said to the man in black last night clearly, I heard with my own ears that you promised that man that you would cooperate with him internally and externally, kill the Huashan faction, and even kill the teacher's wife! "Lu Dayou said loudly with grief and indignation, "Do you dare to say that there is no such thing?"

As soon as these words came out, except for Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan, everyone else was shocked into an uproar.

"Liu Hou'er, what you said is true? Second senior brother really said that?" Yue Lingshan was the youngest and the most impatient, especially when it came to her own mother, she suddenly became anxious.

"I, Lu Dayou, swear to the sky..." Lu Dayou immediately raised his palm, and made a poisonous oath in a sonorous tone. The oath was a vicious oath.

At this time, people are more inclined to swear. When Lu Dayou said this, the brothers immediately believed it, and when they looked at the eyes that did not eat Tutu, they became shocked and angry, full of regret or hatred.


Some even pulled out their swords directly.

"Lao Denuo, how do you explain it!" Yue Lingshan shouted in surprise and anger.

"Second senior brother, is what Liu Houer said true?"

"Bastard, you actually did such a despicable and vicious thing!"

The crowd was outraged, and all the disciples were filled with righteous indignation.

"Shut up!" Ning Zhong yelled, calming down all the disciples, and then looked at Buchi Tutu, "De Nuo, you said you want to come and confront Dayou, then confront him."

"Yes, Master." Buchi Tutu bowed his hands respectfully to Ning Zhongze, then turned his head, his eyes fell on Lu Dayou, and he praised him in his heart.

Yes bro!
You're making yellow mud fall off my crotch, it's either shit or shit...

He still couldn't deny it, and if he denied it, he would disagree with Lu Da, and no one could prove himself.

But in view of his status as a traitor, everyone must guard against him with an attitude of preferring to believe in what is there, not to trust what is not.

In this way, he loses.

So he can't deny it.

But he can't admit it, because once he admits it, no matter how much he talks like a liar, whether he says he is succumbing to the snake, or says he is dealing with it casually, it will make his wife and brothers doubt him further.

You can't admit it, and you can't deny it, so what should you do?
Lu Dayou really gave him a problem.

Don’t eat rabbits, I am a little impressed by this buddy,

Originally, he thought that the guy who fought among himself at the beginning must be a short-sighted idiot, but now it seems that this short-sighted idiot's tricks are quite vicious.

Don't eat Tutu smiled and looked at Lu Dayou, and said, "Liu Houer, you said that you were in front of the master's grave at the second watch last night, and saw me connecting with a man in black, so I discussed it with him. How can it be detrimental to our Huashan faction and Shi Niang, but I didn’t go anywhere last night, I slept in the room all the time, so I’m sure, you’re lying! Tell me, are you lying?”

Lu Dayou sneered in his heart when he heard this.

He laughed that Lao Denuo was too young to be wise and resourceful, and he was at the end of his wits!

As expected by not eating Tutu, no matter whether you admit it or not, there is no way to prove it, but as long as it is confirmed that Lao Denuo is a spy of the Songshan faction, then Lu Dayou has everything he said It's all true.

Is it easy to prove that Lao Denuo is a spy of the Songshan faction?

It's so good to prove that Lu Dayou can think of more than a dozen ways to expose Lao Denuo's identity in an instant.

So this game is a sure win!
Lu Dayou had the winning ticket in his hands, and he was about to speak with a sneer, but he opened his mouth, and suddenly, for some reason, the words came out of his mouth.


It's like suddenly forgetting to say something.

He frowned, what did he want to say?

Don't Eat Tutu seems to have expected Lu Dayou's reaction, he continued to smile unhurriedly: "Liu Houer, you deliberately fabricated this matter to complain to the teacher, in fact, it is revenge for me not wanting to take you to Songshan Pai, I introduced you to Zuo Lengchan, so I hold a grudge, and want to use the hand of my teacher to kill me, right?"


Lu Da was clever, and was about to defend himself in a hurry, but his mind went blank again when the words came to his lips.


What the hell am I going to say?

At this moment, everyone was in an uproar!
Do not eat Tutu staring at Lu Dayou, his tone suddenly accelerated, and his voice became severe: "Six days ago, I had to meet with people from the Songshan faction, but I deliberately let you break the news that I am a traitor, just to let You tell my wife, because I am determined not to be a traitor anymore, I can't bear the condemnation of my conscience, I decided to end this torment, and I want to be a good person!"

"But I can't report directly to my wife, because I made a poisonous oath to Zuo Lengchan, I will never reveal my identity to my wife, so I can only use this method, which will not violate the oath, but also achieve my goal .but what about you?"

"Liu Hou'er, Liu Hou'er, you have always been honest, but I didn't expect you to be a shameless person with thick eyebrows and big eyes. I really misread you! After you learned this secret, not only did you not report it to the teacher, but You sneaked here and blackmailed me with this secret, hoping that I would introduce you to Zuo Lengchan as well!"

"I asked you the reason. What did you say? The boat on Huashan is sinking. A woman like my wife is bound to be alone. You also said that a good bird chooses a tree to live in. It's really shameless. I feel sick when I hear it, ah bah !" Don't eat Tutu's righteous words, his voice was stern, and he pointed at Lu Da and spittled and scolded him.

Lu Dayou was dumbfounded and furious.


But as soon as he said "I", his mind suddenly went blank again, and all his emotions subsided instantly, and he couldn't remember what he wanted to say or do at all.

"Lu Dayou, Lu Dayou, you despicable and shameless bastard, I really despise you!" Don't eat Tutu and continue to work hard, "When Huashan was in turmoil, I, a traitor, was determined to sever ties with Songshan faction, and wholeheartedly loyal to Huashan, to repay The grace of Master's teaching, but what about you? You actually want to abandon the Huashan faction and join the enemy!"

"You..." After hearing this, Lu Dayou wanted to refute again, but he forgot everything when the words came to his lips.

But in the eyes of others, this scene was as if he was speechless after being scolded by Bu Tutu, unable to refute.

"Eldest senior brother, fellow junior fellow apprentices, junior apprentice sisters!" Bu Chi Tu Tu raised a fist to the stunned crowd with a grim expression on his face, "I admit that I have been deceiving everyone for so many years, but I can't help it! Because I am Zuo Leng Zen's disciple, although he didn't teach me anything, and I have no relationship with him, but he did accept me as a disciple, and sent me to join the Huashan School to scout for him and steal the Huashan School's martial arts!"

"I had no choice at the time, and it was hard to disobey the teacher's order, not to mention Zuo Lengchan forced me to swear."

"You..." After hearing these words, Lu Dayou wanted to speak again, but he completely forgot what he said.

Don't Eat Tutu sneered at him, and said to him, go eat farts, if you can say a word, I will lose!
The reason why Lu Dayou can't speak is because he has a special ability of not eating rabbits - the group leader can't speak.

The effect of this ability is that when there are more than three people in a public place, you can designate any person to mute him for five minutes, so that he has nothing to say. It can be used three times a day and cannot be accumulated.

This skill may seem weak, but it can often receive magical effects on specific occasions, such as now.

As soon as Lu Da opened his mouth, he would forget what he was going to say. The most frightening thing was that he would even forget his emotions.

During these five minutes, everything he listened to came in from the left ear and out from the right. Even if someone scolded him or beat him, he would immediately forget about it.

"However, after I joined the Huashan School, my master and wife trusted me to take care of me, so I couldn't do anything against them!" Don't Eat Tutu continued, "Over the years, how many times has Zuo Lengchan urged me to kill him?" Master and wife even prepared poison for me to attack the two elders, and also asked me to steal the Zixia magical power of our Huashan sect, but I didn't do it."

"You..." Lu Dayou continued in a daze.

"Is it because I don't have a chance to do this?" Buche Tutu continued, "No! I have countless opportunities to poison you, I can kill you all in one go, and then run away with the secret book of Zixia Magic Art, but I Didn't do that! Why?"

"Because I really regard the Huashan School as my home. In my heart, master and wife are my real masters, and you are my real brothers in Laodenuo! How can I harm you? How can I harm you?" My own home? How can I do things that are inferior to pigs and dogs?"

Biaoxi is the basic quality of an actor. If you don't eat Tutu, you will be teary and emotional at the moment.

"You..." Lu Dayou's face changed, and when he spoke, he forgot everything again.

But he finally sensed something was wrong.

This is also a weakness of the ability of not eating rabbits, that is, it cannot eliminate the vigilance of the opponent, and it cannot completely leave no trace, so that the opponent will be tricked unconsciously.

Lu Dayou didn't know what happened, but he sensed that the situation was wrong, that his situation had inexplicably turned bad, and the worst thing was that he didn't realize what happened to him.

He sensed the crisis, and he noticed that the eyes of the people around him became disgusted and angry, but he just didn't know what was going on.

This weird situation made him feel hairy, so he made a decisive decision and decided to withdraw!

"Go away!" Lu Dayou yelled suddenly and punched Ying Bailuo behind him, because this person blocked his way.

Ying Bailuo was unprepared, and was immediately vomited blood by him and flew backwards.

Lu Dayou kicked his feet, and he rushed out of the hall like lightning.

But almost at the same time, Ning Zhong moved at the same time as Do not eat Tutu.

The two were left and right, and Ning Zhong flew up, pointing his sword at Lu Dayou's back, and dodged Yue Lingshan's sword beside him without eating Tutu, and threw the scabbard at Lu Dayou.

Lu Dayou, who was running wildly, suddenly rolled on the spot, not only dodging the hidden weapon of Buchi Tutu, but also dodging Ning Zhongze's sword.


He smashed through the door, disappeared into the room, and then ran out.

Ning Zhong leapt out, chasing after him.

"Chasing!" All the disciples were still in a daze, and ran out first without eating the rabbit and shouting, the rest of the disciples just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly chased them out.

Did Lu Da manage to escape?

Although he is a master of martial arts, his martial strength is not as good as that of Su Yi before he came to this world, he has no internal strength, and he does not know how to do light work. How can he escape Ning Zhongze's pursuit?
The man was caught before he ran fifty meters.

And the reason why he is so unwise is actually affected by the skill of not eating rabbits. He just sensed the danger when he couldn't think of anything, and his first reaction was naturally to run away, so he didn't care too much ?
With his run, almost all the charges were confirmed.

Now he is the one who has the yellow mud falling out of his crotch, and he can't argue with it!

Otherwise, how could he explain that he suddenly hit someone and ran away?

When the crowd escorted the pale-faced Lu Dayou back to the reception hall, they saw Yue Lingshan tearfully hugging Ying Bailuo who was vomiting blood and crying to the crowd: "Come quickly, Brother Eighth can't do it! "

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, but Ning Zhong sealed all the main acupuncture points around Lu Dayou, and rushed to this side in a hurry.

She knelt down to check Ying Bailuo's injury, and her expression changed again.

"Master, how is Eighth Junior Brother?" Linghu Chong asked anxiously.

"Three ribs are broken, and the internal organs are also seriously damaged!" Ning Zhong gritted his teeth and glared at Lu Dayou, "Lu Dayou, no matter what Bai Luo grew up with you, how could you be so cruel?"

Lu Dayou was at the level of a master, and Ying Bailuo was punched in the chest without any defense, which meant that he had internal strength to protect his body, otherwise the punch just now would have killed Ying Bailuo.

"I..." Lu Da had something to say and forgot again.

"Liu Houer! Thanks to me, I still refused to believe it. I felt that Second Junior Brother wronged you, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious and despicable!" Linghu Chong cried out in pain, "Why? Why did you do this? Why did you strike so cruelly? ?”

"Lu Dayou, thanks to my trust in you, how could you do such a vicious thing?"

"Lu Dayou, Bai Luo is so friendly with you on weekdays, how can you bear it!"

"Know people, face, but not heart, Lu Dayou, you are too ruthless!"

All the disciples were excited and condemned.

Yue Lingshan cried and said, "Mother, is Bai Luo okay?"

Ning Zhong's face was heavy, and he said in a low voice: "His external injury needs at least half a year of training, but his internal organs, alas..."

Judging from Ning Zhongze's experience, Ying Bailuo suffered such a serious internal injury, which will inevitably leave serious sequelae, and his future martial arts practice will definitely be seriously affected.

All the disciples felt sad when they heard this, and they hated Lu Dayou who injured Ying Bailuo even more.

Bu Chi Tu Tu's heart moved, he stepped forward and said: "Master, you forgot that inner skill? As long as the eighth brother practices it, it may not be impossible to recover."

Ning Zhong, on the other hand, was a little moved, and looked at Buchi Tutu: "De Nuo, are you willing to take it out for Bai Luo to practice?"

Don't Eat Tutu sternly said: "Master, since I dedicate martial arts to the sect, you are the head of the sect. Whoever you want to practice, let whoever practice it!"

"What are you talking about!" Yue Lingshan sobbed.

"We'll talk about this later." Ning Zhong took a deep look at Tutu and didn't say anything about "Rama's Internal Strength" in public.

She stood up, looked around, and said in a deep voice, "Children! Although De Nuo was sent by Zuo Lengchan to deal with our Huashan School, as he said, De Nuo has never done anything against us in the past ten years. Unfavorable things for the Huashan faction! Now that our Huashan faction is facing internal and external troubles, he is even more willing to break with the Songshan faction and live and die with the Huashan faction!"

"And De Nuo has also made great contributions to the Huashan School. I believe in De Nuo. He will always be a good disciple of me and your master!"

(End of this chapter)

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