Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 975 Minus 1 equals 9

Chapter 975 Ten Minus One Equals Nine

"Lu Dayou!" Ning Zhong said coldly with a livid face, "What else do you have to say now?"

"I..." Lu Dayou looked at a loss.

What am I going to say?

Why can't I move?
Why is everyone looking at me with such hatred and disgust?
"Your master loved you the most when he was alive. I didn't expect you to be such a child!" Ning Zhong was heartbroken, "Why? Even if you don't want to share weal and woe with us, why are you so cruel to Poirot?"

"I..." Lu Dayou continued to be confused.

Don't Eat Tutu thoughtfully gave Lu Dayou a free renewal after the expiration of the power, so he has now been banned for ten minutes.

Ten minutes is enough for this matter to settle.

"Master, it's my fault!" Don't Eat Tutu took a step forward with a serious expression, "Liu Hou'er is usually honest and honest, but it's because he knew that I have another identity, so his temperament changed drastically, and he even made mistakes, and the more It's all my fault for walking farther! Please don't punish Liu Hou'er, Mrs. Shi, and give him another chance."

Everyone was moved when they heard the words.

Second senior brother has such a broad mind...

Lu Dayou treated him like this, but he actually repayed him with kindness!
"De Nuo, he hurt you so much, and you still plead for him?" Ning Zhong looked deeply at Buche Tutu.

"Brothers for so many years, I can't bear it." Don't eat Tutu and started to play, with tears in his eyes, covering his chest, "I also have a heart! I also have a liver! I also have feelings! He is still young, he is just a child! When a young man makes a mistake, God will forgive him once! Mistress, please forgive him!"

He was tearful and emotional, and everyone was greatly moved.

The second senior brother is really kind...

But the more he said that, the more it brought out how cold and ruthless Lu Dayou was.

"I..." Lu Da had something to say, his eyes were dazed.

"Forgive him? What will Poirot do?" Liang Fa said angrily, "Poirot was almost beaten to death by this bastard!"

"That's right! Lu Dayou is too cold. He and Bai Luo are usually as close as brothers, but I didn't expect him to be so merciless. I don't dare to treat this kind of person as my junior!" Fifth disciple Gao Genming said angrily.

"He first wanted to betray the Huashan faction, and then he injured Bai Luo. I don't have such a vicious and insidious junior!" said the fourth disciple, Shi Daizi.

If Lu Dayou just wanted to betray Huashan, it could be said that he was confused for a while, but he made such a ruthless attack on Ying Bailuo, which made all the disciples feel sorry for him and couldn't accept it.

Even Linghu Chong, a good old man, was disappointed with Lu Da this time.

"Master!" He cupped his hands and suggested, "After all, we are in the same sect. He is not benevolent. We can't be unrighteous. Why don't we expel Lu Dayou from the sect, and he will no longer be a member of our Huashan sect!"

Don't Eat Tutu secretly gave Linghu Chong a thumbs up in his heart.

"I..." Lu Dayou forgot what he wanted to say again.


At this moment, a message was received on all actors' terminals:
"Actor Lu Dayou activates the performance exemption card for professional actors. From now on, any actor shall not cause physical or mental harm to the actor in any way. Violators will be deducted 1000 director points. Note: actors who activate the performance exemption card cannot use any Participate in the plot in the same way, and must leave the performance scene as soon as possible, and exit the performance set, otherwise it will be regarded as a failure of the immunity."

The expression of not eating Tutu froze on his face.

Fuck, scared away?
Not so, buddy?I didn't want to do anything to you, why are you running?

I'm just tit for tat, to teach you a lesson to let you know that I'm not easy to mess with, why are you so scared?

The actor exemption card is worth a thousand director points, why are you so rich?
We are all together, brother!

If you do this, what will the other assistants think of me?

Don't Eat Tutu looked at Lu Dayou full of depression, and although the latter started the actor's exit procedure driven by a sense of crisis, the effect of the supernatural power still hasn't passed, and he opened his mouth and forgot what he wanted to say.

He was depressed and didn't speak if he didn't eat Tutu, but in the eyes of other senior brothers, he was secretly sad.

Linghu Chong patted Buche Tutu on the shoulder, sighed and said: "Second Junior Brother, this is not your fault, you have never done anything wrong to the Huashan School, and even took the initiative to reveal your identity to everyone, you have a clear conscience. "

"Yes, Second Senior Brother, you will always be our Second Senior Brother!"

"Second senior brother, we all believe in you!"

All the disciples talked one after another to comfort Tutu, but the latter said with a full face, "Okay, okay! With you brothers and sisters, I, Laodenuo, would be willing to die!"

A look of relief flashed in Ning Zhongze's eyes, and he said, "Shi Daizi, Gao Genming, take Bai Luo back to the room and ask Senior Brother Zhang from the medicine hall to show him again."

"Yes, Master!" The two disciples responded.

Ning Zhong smiled slightly, and looked at Lu Dayou: "Lu Dayou, what else do you have to say?"

"I..." Lu Dayou looked blank.

Seeing this, Ning Zhong shook his head in disappointment, waved his hands and said, "Liang Fa, Tao Jun, take him to pack his things, and send him down the mountain."

"Yes, Mistress!"

The two set up Lu Dayou, who was being acupunctured, and walked outside.

So there were only Ning Zhongze, Linghu Chong, Yue Lingshan and Buchi Tutu left in the welcoming hall.

Don't Eat Tutu said to Ning Zhong: "Master, although this disciple reined in the precipice, he concealed his identity from the master after all. Our Huashan School has clear rewards and punishments. We can't make an exception because of me. Please punish me!"

Ning Zhong looked at him and said: "Although you have no choice but to conceal your identity, and you have not caused any harm to Huashan. On the contrary, you have offered the miraculous inner strength you have obtained to the master, which is considered a great achievement."

"A merit is a merit, a demerit is a demerit? How can merit and demerit be offset?" Don't Eat Tutu said seriously, "Master, disciple, please go to Siguo Cliff and close your door to contemplate for a year!"

"One year?" Yue Lingshan said "ah", "Second senior brother, Siguoya is cold and windy, and there is nothing on it. I can't even stay for an hour, let alone a year?"

"That's right, Second Junior Brother, don't you have to be so cruel to yourself?" Linghu Chong also felt that Si Guoya's one-year retreat was too severe a punishment.

"If I don't do this, my conscience will be troubled!" Don't eat Tutu as if I have made up my mind.

"Mother! What do you think we should do?" Yue Lingshan looked at Ning Zhongze, "Second senior brother is too stubborn, in fact, everyone should not mention this matter, so it will be fine?"

Ning Zhong looked at the rabbit and said: "You volunteer to be punished. If I refuse you again, it will be selfish. Alright, Lao Denuo, I will punish you to retreat in Siguoya for three months as a warning Follow you."

Don't Eat Tutu showed a sincere smile on his face, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, Master, for punishing me! In addition, please trouble Master to announce the letter I wrote to Zuo Lengchan, so that everyone in the world will know that I, Lao Denuo, wholeheartedly share with Huashan. The determination to survive!"

"Isn't that necessary?" Ning Zhong frowned slightly, "De Nuo, rumors are like knives, I'm afraid the world will slander and criticize you for this."

"It must be done!" Don't Eat Tutu said seriously, "Master, by doing this, you can expose Zuo Lengchan's ambitions and remind other factions to take precautions; If you pester this disciple again, this person is full of tricks, and this disciple is afraid that he won't be able to deal with it..."

After he said this, Ning Zhong stopped insisting, nodded slowly and said: "Okay, De Nuo, but you have to remember anyway, the teacher believes in you."

"I know, Master." Bu Chi Tu Tu smiled at him.

Ning Zhong sighed and said, "Chong'er, send De Nuo to Siguoya."

"Yes, Master." Linghu Chong hastily cupped his fists.

"Mom, I'm going too!" Yue Lingshan said immediately.

"Don't go!" Ning Zhong said with a straight face, "Have you finished your homework today?"

"Eldest Brother hasn't finished yet, he can go!" Yue Lingshan shrank her neck and muttered dissatisfied.

Don't Eat Tutu, before he went to Siguya, he received the news that Lu Dayou committed suicide in fear of crime.

Under the eyes of Liang Fa and Tao Jun, he suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground. He was no longer breathing. Everyone speculated that he must have taken poison.

In fact, this is the actor offline.

Until he went offline, Lu Dayouzhong's silence was not lifted.

No wonder he was so extreme and chose to run away.Suddenly I couldn't remember anything, but my state changed again and again, and kept getting worse.

Anyone who changed would be horrified by his state, because even if he was killed, he would not know how he died.

The death of Lu Dayou made everyone feel very heavy. In the end, Ningzhong decided to bury Lu Dayou in the Huashan Cemetery in Houshan, but did not erect a monument.

Don't Eat Tutu didn't take part in the burial of Lu Dayou's body. He brought a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, food and clothing, etc. to salute, and was sent off by Linghu Chong to Siguoya.

At the same time, on Heimuya, Su Yi, who had received help and was offline, was also stunned.

"Brother Tutu is so fierce..." He couldn't laugh or cry, "Before the show officially started, he took one of his teammates offline. Brother Tutu is giving me a vote of honor, right?"

Of course this was just a joke, he didn't think that if he didn't eat Tutu, he would lie flat as soon as he played.

I have worked with this guy on two sets, and he knows this guy a little bit. He is a lucky guy, but he has a lot of things to do.

According to his character shown in the first two performances, there is a high probability that he will fight with Su Yi before thinking about other things.

In any case, one less opponent is a good thing for Su Yi.

He was too lazy to send someone to the Huashan faction to inquire, and continued to practice his martial arts hard.

If there were no accidents, he didn't have any role in this whole unit, at most he would come out occasionally to make soy sauce.

"Report to the chief executive, let the letter from the right envoy!"

His subordinates sent Ren Yingying's Feige letter, which told him that Tian Boguang had been executed.

This lewd thief, who played a lot in the original plot, just hit the street in an understatement, without even a splash.

"Understood!" Su Yi didn't feel any trouble about this, Tian Boguang "walked alone" again, but now the Sun Moon God Sect is going to deal with him, where can he go alone?
Death is his only way out.

Su Yi ordered his subordinates to summarize the news from the rivers and lakes to him every day, and then went to hide in the embroidery building to practice kung fu.

Lu Dayou activated the news that the actor's exemption card was offline, and the other eight actors also received it.

Except for Yilin from the Beiyue Hengshan school who gave a weird "haha" laugh and cursed "this bastard", the rest of the actors were all cursing in their hearts.

Is this Laudno sick?
Even if everyone can't work together to fight the enemy, don't kill each other, right?
Everyone has a common enemy. As for the moment you play, do you just fight to the death?
From the point of view of any actor, Lu Dayou must have been forced to the front line of life and death to activate the actor exemption card, otherwise he would waste a thousand director points if he was crazy.

For a while, in the minds of all the actors, Buchi Tutu was labeled as "ignorant of the overall situation".

Not eating Tutu is very satisfied with his operation. Although Lu Dayou's offline is beyond his expectation, it is not a big deal.

After his operation, it can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

First, he solved the hidden danger of his Songshan School undercover identity, and won the trust of Ning Zhongze and his brothers.

On the second day, he got into Siguo Cliff and achieved the prerequisites for getting in touch with cave stone carvings and Feng Qingyang.

And the third one - the letter to Zuo Lengchan will definitely make him famous in Laodenuo!
He doesn't have Ning Zhongze's worries. In his opinion, his behavior will only make the whole world applaud for his "loyalty and righteousness". Judging from the interests of all parties, he, Lao Denuo, is destined to be praised by the whole world.

In this arena, many people want to use him to attack Zuo Lengchan's prestige. The more popular he is, the more Zuo Lengchan's prestige will be hit. And he spared no effort to promote himself.

As for the three-month retreat at Siguo Cliff, will it affect his competition for the Top Ten Heroes?

I have never worried about this problem if I don't eat rabbits.

He hadn't planned to make a name for himself by fighting and killing. He was inefficient and tiring. He was brain-eating, unlike those reckless men who only knew how to use knives and guns.

In fact, the idea of ​​not eating rabbits is somewhat similar to Su Yi's routine of "hacking himself", which is to use public opinion.

But the difference is that Su Yi talks about small essays to smear himself everywhere, but he plans to make up a "demon-killing plan" to make himself famous!

In this plan, he intends to cover all the masters of Shaolin Wudang and Wuyue Sword School, and the opponents of the plan are Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting of the Sun Moon God Sect.

He will make this plan perfect and seamless, so that anyone who reads it will feel that it is very feasible, and anyone who reads it will feel that if he follows his plan, it is very likely to succeed.

After this plan is made, many people will support it and promote it.

When the time comes, he, the instigator, is afraid that he will not be famous?
At that time, regardless of whether this plan will become a reality, he, Lao Deno, will be famous all over the world!
As for how to do this plan?
Ha ha, this can't trouble him.

There are several worlds in the world that Buchi Tutu has experienced. He always relies on a PPT to cheat investment and support, and he has not failed so far.

Now that he wants to become a hero with PPT, there is no reason to fail.

But this matter is not in a hurry. He has to take advantage of the opportunity first, and then manage the Huashan faction into an iron bucket. Finally, after fully understanding the situation in the outside world, he will do the PPT according to the actual situation.

Looking at Linghu Chong who was carrying big and small bags by his side to send him up the mountain, Bu Chi Tu Tu showed a motherly and kind smile.

What a tool man this is...

As long as you are willing to cooperate, I will not rob you of my junior sister.

(End of this chapter)

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