Chapter 976

For the next month, the rivers and lakes were calm.

At least on the surface, it was calm.

The nine assistant actors are all practicing diligently in the school, and many of them bought props for stream-of-consciousness teaching to "ripen" their martial arts proficiency.

Nanyue Hengshan School, Mi Weiyi asked his master to retreat for a month to practice martial arts diligently, and used his supernatural ability "slick tongue" to persuade his master Liu Zhengfeng to teach him all the three housekeeper martial arts of Nanyue Hengshan School.

These three kinds of martial arts are--"Zhenyue Jue" for inner strength and heart, "Flying Geese Kung Fu" for lightness, and "Thirteen Swords of Ever-changing Thousand Illusions of Clouds and Mist" for swordsmanship.

Mi Weiyi is determined to temporarily ignore the disturbances from the outside world and devote himself to practicing martial arts hard.

After Yilin learned the Hengshan school's martial arts and the "Wanhua Sword Art" from Beiyue Hengshan School, she left a book and went out to fight for justice.

She is very clear that the martial arts of the Beiyue Hengshan sect cannot be mastered quickly, and it is difficult to make much progress after learning for a month.

And there are rumors in the world that Shi Ge has acquired Ren Woxing's lifelong skills, he can also absorb star magic, and he has the big backer of Dongfang Bubai, so powerful that it is desperate.

Let alone a few months of study, even ten years of study, she is no better than Brother Shit.

So it's better to leave the rivers and lakes early, one is to make a name for yourself, and the other is to think of other ways.

She made a special hidden weapon for herself. This kind of hidden weapon is called "golden cicada wire". It is said to be a golden cicada, but it is actually a very thin steel wire.

This thing is used to set traps, or used in fights, often by surprise.Anyone who gets caught will end up bloody.

This is something she learned while playing So Hye-yong in "Dragon Inn."

In addition, she asked an old craftsman to make a special bow for herself. She had practiced archery hard and was very skilled.

The goal that Yilin set for herself is—the prostitute Tian Boguang!

Come to "Swordsman" and not kill Tian Boguang, it's like being innocent and not rebelling, not to mention that as a woman, what I hate most is the flower pickers like Tian Boguang.

She swore to kill the thief!

When Yilin went down the mountain to hunt Tian Boguang, the rest of the supporting actors were almost practicing martial arts in their own schools.

Chi Baicheng of the Taishan School learned the Taishan Sword Art "Taishan Eighteen Discs", and Shi Dengda of the Songshan School worked hard to practice the cold ice true energy "outsmarted" from his master Zuo Lengchan.

Jueyue from Shaolin Temple sought "Yi Jin Jing" but couldn't find it, so he began to practice "Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand" and "Burning Wood Knife Technique".

Xuan Gao of Wudang also started to get in touch with Tai Chi Sword.

Hou Renying of the Qingcheng faction was more miserable. The Qingcheng faction fought for power and profit. As Yu Canghai's only surviving disciple, he was squeezed out by all parties, and was bullied and suppressed by his peers. Let alone learning martial arts, he would be considered pretty good if he survived.

In just a few days, he experienced five life and death crises.

The Qingcheng faction couldn't stay any longer, so he decided to go far away, and by the way, act chivalrously and make a name for himself.

Fortunately, he had learned Miao Renfeng's swordsmanship and internal strength in "Flying Fox in the Snow Mountain". In this world, he can be regarded as a high-level warrior. As long as he is cautious, it is more than enough to protect himself.

The distance between central Shu and the Central Plains is difficult and dangerous, and Hou Renying only spent more than [-] days on the road.

So while others were practicing martial arts, Hou Renying hurried on the road among the high mountains.

What a terrible word?

In the end, Lin Pingzhi drew the knife and made a quick move.

He broke the basket, and after about ten days of cultivation, he began to practice formally.

Out of caution, he was not in his own bodyguard agency, not even in Fuzhou city, but found an extremely remote and secret place, and began to secretly practice "Evil Resisting Sword Manual".

There is no time in the mountains, Lin Pingzhi practiced martial arts without sleeping and eating, just tying ropes to record the day, reminding himself when it is time to go out of the mountains.

Huashan thinks over the cliff.

On the first day I went up the mountain without eating rabbits, I broke through the stone wall in the cave by "chance" and found the cave where the ten elders of the Demon Sect were buried, discovered the sword moves of the Five Sacred Sword School, and cracked the Five Sacred Sword School. sword move.

He immediately asked Linghu Chong to go down the mountain to report to Ning Zhongze, and then Ning Zhongze brought Yue Lingshan, and the four of them began to waste sleep and food to study the sword skills in the cave.

During this period, Don't Eat Tutu also demonstrated the "Swordsmanship of Drizzle Rain" to Ningzhong. kept.

In order to attract Feng Qingyang, Bu Chi Tu Tu intentionally completed the following plot with Ling Hu Chong.

"Second Junior Brother, our Huashan School is one of the Five Sacred Sword Schools. It is a famous school with a long reputation in the martial arts world. How could we know that our martial arts are so vulnerable... There are at least a hundred of the sword moves on the stone wall that belong to Master Lian. , Mistress didn't know, even if it was like this, they were all broken one by one..."

It turned out that Linghu Chong found out that the martial arts he had learned for half his life were broken one by one, so he was disheartened.

During this period of time, under the intention of making friends without eating Tutu, the relationship between Linghu Chong and him has been warming up day by day. They talk about everything, at least they are not as unfamiliar as before.

"Eldest brother, you are so wrong!" Don't Eat Tutu solemnly said, "The move is dead, but the person who makes the move is alive. What's the use of a deadly move? You broke me This move, I still have the next move, how do you know what my next move is? If you can't even guess my move, how can you solve it?"

"These people who deciphered our moves know so much about Huashan swordsmanship, how could they not guess what our next move will be?" Linghu Chong smiled miserably, "Any swordsmanship has traces to follow, and everything is inseparable from its original principles. Even I can guess how other people will make moves, let alone these masters?"

"Really?" Don't Eat Tutu smiled faintly, "Eldest brother, you and I have fought each other, I only use Huashan swordsmanship, let's see if you can guess my moves."

These days, I have practiced Huashan swordsmanship without eating rabbits, so I am not afraid of showing cowardice.

Linghu Chong glanced at Lao Denuo: "Second Junior Brother, if you only use Huashan swordsmanship, you are no match for me."

Among the Huashan disciples, Linghu Chong had the highest talent and martial arts.

Originally Linghu Chong always thought so, until Bu Chi Tu Tu demonstrated the "Drizzle Rain Sword Technique" to Ning Zhong in front of him, Linghu Chong didn't know that his second junior brother had been hiding everything.

But to say that he only uses Huashan swordsmanship, Linghu Chong is still confident.

"Then it's up to senior brother to teach you." Don't Eat Tutu said with a smile, he turned his head to look at Ning Zhongze, "Master, borrow your sword."

"You brothers and sisters, please stop as long as you want, don't hurt your peace." Ning Zhong instructed.


Immediately, the two confronted each other with their swords out, not eating the rabbit to signal Linghu Chong to attack.

The latter was also not polite, and immediately stabbed with his sword, but he used the green pine in the Huashan sword technique to welcome the guest.

Don't Eat Tutu raised his sword to block it, the tip of the sword circled to make a move of Baihong Piercing the Sun, the tip of the sword raised upwards, and pointed directly at Hu Chong's chin.

It's just a sparring session, the Tutu sword is not fast, and it doesn't use internal strength, Linghu Chong naturally responded easily, and Qingshan faintly used a move to defend against it.

From his point of view, the next sword moves that Don't Eat Tutu are nothing more than white clouds coming out of the mountains, hanging upside down in the sky and other moves, but who knows that Don't Eat Tutu's sword tip swipe down with the trend, and unexpectedly used a move called Feng Laiyi.

This change surprised Linghu Chong, because normally these two moves would not be able to be combined together.

It's like it's impossible for you to keep up with the trick of rabbit and eagle after you become independent, the two are completely irrelevant.

But it happened to be displayed in the hands of Buchi Tutu, but it was very natural.

Fortunately, the sword speed of not eating the rabbit is still not fast, Linghu Chong hastily took this move.

But the next trick, not eating rabbits and rabbits, became "Golden Goose Crossing the Sky" again.

His moves are completely arbitrary, a sword in the sky, a sword on the ground, like an antelope hanging horns without a trace.

Although Linghu Chong could continue to fight, he stayed where he was.

If you don't eat rabbits, you just accept it and stop attacking.

His original intention was not to compete, but to demonstrate his "kendo talent".

Then he uttered a passage in which each word had been rephrased dozens of times.

Bu Chi Tu Tu stood with his hands behind his back, and said slowly in a low voice: "Brother, in my opinion, the predecessors invented moves, just like they created characters, just to let future generations understand martial arts. You have learned All the sword moves of the Huashan School are equivalent to a child knowing a lot of characters. But how to use these moves to write good articles is another matter."

"I think that if you want to take your swordsmanship to the next level, you have to practice all the moves and then forget them. Only when you don't stick to the moves can you write good articles and practice good martial arts."

"As the saying goes, looking at mountains is not mountains, looking at water is not water; looking at mountains is still mountains, looking at water is still water, and this is the truth."

Ning Zhong waited for the three of them to be dumbfounded.

Linghu Chong has a high level of comprehension, although he half understands, but the words of not eating rabbits make him thoughtful.

Ning Zhong faintly felt that it made sense not to eat rabbits, but because of the stereotype, he didn't think it would be a profound truth, it was just some insights from the younger disciples, so he didn't think about it.

Yue Lingshan didn't understand at all.

"Second Junior Brother, you are really impressive, amazing!" Linghu Chong said with emotion.

Don't eat Tutu and smiled, although this big cheap brother's three views are a bit strange, but at least his mind is quite broad and magnanimous.

He will not feel jealous just because his junior brother is better than him, or more popular than him.

For the time being, only the four people present know the secret of the cave stone carvings. Originally, Ningzhong was hesitant to invite people from the Wuyue Sword Sect to visit, but he was stopped by Buchi Tutu.

Not only to prevent, but also to suggest that these stone carvings be destroyed as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble.

Ning Zhong accepted the suggestion not to eat rabbits, and decided to destroy them three days later, after the four of them had learned the martial arts on the stone carvings.

That night, Don't Eat Tutu practiced the Huashan swordsmanship over and over again on Siguo Cliff. At a certain moment, he finally caught a glimpse of a white-haired old man in gray clothes standing under the moonlight, stroking his beard and looking at him with a smile.

His heart that had been tense all this time was greatly relieved.

Feng Qingyang is finally here!
The biggest opportunity of his trip has arrived!
Now that Feng Qingyang has appeared, with the ability not to eat rabbits, naturally he won't let the old man run away.

He intercepted the opportunity that originally belonged to Linghu Chong!

For the next few days, every night when everyone is quiet, don't eat Tutu, he began to learn Dugu Nine Swords in a gentle manner.

His luck is still the best among the top ten supporting actors.

Soon, a month passed by.

In the past month, two assistant actors have made a name for themselves, and one of them is Yilin from Beiyue Hengshan School.

With a fast sword in one hand and the bow technique of piercing Yang with a hundred steps in one hand, she traveled all the way from Jindi to the Central Plains.

It is worth mentioning that she also tried to attack the sub-helm of the Sun Moon God Sect, but she sensed the danger before sneaking in, and retreated decisively, which was regarded as avoiding a fatal disaster for herself.

However, the name of "Quick Sword God Ni" is still spread within a limited range after all, and has not been widely recognized by the martial arts. Many martial arts people who have heard of this name scoff at it.

Yilin has always wanted to kill Tian Boguang and make a big deal, but unfortunately, she has not been able to find Tian Boguang's trace.

Another assistant actor who became famous is Hou Renying who is in the worst situation!
His fame is somewhat suspected of replicating Su Yi's road to fame.

This guy first quietly stole a rich family and dug up the "first pot of gold" for himself, then found a few storytellers in Sichuan, and bought some extras, and staged "Heroes Save the Beauty" in the downtown area. , "Slaying Bullies in Anger", "Interpretation of Heroes" and other dramas.

And every time there is a heroic scene, there are group performers leaving dialogues such as "Is he the Qingcheng swordsman Hou Renying? My God, he really deserves his reputation".

So after going back and forth, Hou Renying became famous throughout Shu.

The second step of Hou Renying's plan is to let his fame go out of Sichuan. He has already gone out of Sichuan with his partners and is about to reach the Central Plains!

In addition to them, the other supporting actors who had been in seclusion for a month also left the seclusion one after another and started to act.

Shi Dengda of the Songshan School took advantage of the opportunity of his master Zuo Lengchan's envoy to the Taishan School, and joined his little friend Chi Baicheng.

The two of them met in the fusion world of "Flying Fox in the Snow Mountain" and "Book and Sword Enmity". Shi Dengda learned Hu Yidao's sword technique, and Chi Baicheng learned Zhang Zhaozhong's sword technique. They are old acquaintances.

The two were natural allies and decided to act together at the moment.

Just as Su Yi expected, the first way they thought of becoming famous was to kill a branch of the Sun Moon God Sect, preferably a high-level figure.

But this is not an easy task, especially since they have all learned the news that all the small branches of the Sun Moon God Sect are united in one place through their own news channels.

This is not beyond their expectations. From their point of view, it is obvious that the leading actor Yang Lianting is creating obstacles for their fame plan.

It would be strange if Yang Lianting did nothing.

However, this didn't scare them away. They thought that if Yang Lianting's men couldn't deal with them, why should they fight with them?

But after all, the two were alone and alone, so they decided to invite a few more assistant actors to act as assistants to act together.

Many people are powerful, maybe everyone can do a big event together.

(End of this chapter)

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