Chapter 977
Unlike the deathmatch set that Su Yi had experienced before, the strength gap between the ten assistant actors and the leading actor Ma Jun in that deathmatch set was not that big.

In fact, according to the rules, the difference in strength between the leading actor and assistant actor in each deathmatch set will not be too large, it can even be said to be between brothers, and the company cannot arrange assistant actors with too great a disparity in strength to participate in the deathmatch set.

However, the strengths of actors promoted to the first line are very uneven, and it can even be said that there are big differences.

For example, Ma Jun from before, he is considered the weakest quasi-first-line actor Su Yi has ever seen, because this person has been spinning around in modern fashion dramas, and he will directly hit the first-line when he accumulates enough points.

So Ma Jun was able to match Su Yi at that stage. At that time, Su Yi had just mixed a few Hong Kong movies, using his brain more than his hands, but his strength was not very outstanding, and he had to go to "Guild Wars" before the release. Hug Buddha's feet.

But the strength of a normal first-line actor is about the same as that of Su Yi before he entered the set. For example, the assistant actors who came this time are basically on the verge of being promoted to the first line.

They all know martial arts, and their martial arts are very good. Some of them even mastered very rare abilities. The background is even better than some actors who have just been promoted to the first line.

The reason why the strength of the assistants is so high is because Su Yi is a ruthless man who has experienced death on the set, and is a strong man who has become a master of martial arts!
These assistants are all good, but this time on the deathmatch set, the leading actor Shi Ge put a lot of pressure on the assistants, and even made some assistants feel desperate.

This has to mention the role played by the director.

Before entering the set, the strengths of the leading actors and assistants are indeed relatively balanced.

The advantages of the leading role are more reflected in power.

But this is a world of martial arts, the convenient identity arranged by No. 032 for Su Yi, after some manipulations by Su Yi, he soared into the sky.

Of course, this is due to the efforts of Su Yi, but why isn't 032 deliberately providing a platform for Su Yi to take off?
The headmaster of the Demon Sect, the successor of "The Great Law of Attracting Stars", let me practice my life's skills...

While others were still cultivating internal strength one by one, Su Yi already possessed a six-year-old pure skill and became one of the few masters in the world, "famous all over the world".

In particular, Su Yi's operation severely weakened the power of the assistant actors, and even made some of them very miserable. This made the power of the two sides in this deathmatch scene look very unbalanced, and it can even be said to be disparate.

Fortunately, the psychological quality of actors who can reach the same level as Su Yi's strength is not covered. Although Su Yi's strength is far beyond their expectations, no one chooses to lie flat and retreat, even if it is Lu who has been eliminated. Dayou, in fact, wants to fight Su Yi to the death after integrating and absorbing resources.

It's a pity that he died before he got out of school.

However, although the actors still have the confidence to defeat Su Yi, they are not arrogant enough to think that they can single out Su Yi, so forming a group and forming an alliance has become their natural choice.

Therefore, Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng are not worried about having no allies. What they are struggling with is who should they choose?

"Actually, we should go to Xuan Gao and Hou Renying, after all, they both know us." Shi Dengda sighed, "But one of these two people is far away in Wudang Mountain, and the other is far away in the middle of Sichuan. I don’t know how much time will be spent on the road.”

"Lin Pingzhi can also be ruled out. This guy is more remote, far away in Fujian." Chi Baicheng said, "Otherwise, he must be cut off. Learning the evil sword technique will be of great help to us."

"Then there are only Shaolin Jueyue, Yilin from Beiyue Hengshan, Mi Weiyi from Nanyue Hengshan, and Lao Denuo from Huashan School." Shi Dengda said, "I heard from Zuo Lengchan that Shaolin has been announced to the world. , the temple will be closed for half a year, we may not be able to find Jueyue if we look for it.”

"Closing the temple for half a year? After half a year, the day lily will be cold, this assistant will definitely find a way to get out." Chi Baicheng said, "But it's not certain what method he will use to get out, and we can't find him."

"Forget about the one from the Huashan faction." Shi Dengda ruled out another one, "There is something wrong with the starting teammate Jitian, and Huashan Road is not close."

"I'm so convinced. They say it's the Five Sacred Sword Sect. There are everywhere in the world. Is it meaningful to have an alliance of five sects?" Chi Baicheng couldn't help complaining, "If our Mount Tai is attacked by the Demon Sect , you are far away in Songshan Mountain, so what if you know? Come and collect the corpse for us?"

"The significance of forming an alliance is not to guard against the sneak attack of the Demon Cult, but to express the attitude and stand of being united and fighting against the Demon Cult together." Stenda said, "Then we can only find two people now, one for righteousness and one for righteousness. Yilin."

"Nanyue Hengshan isn't close either..." Chi Baicheng sighed, "And Yilin, in f*cking Shanxi! Damn, it's too difficult for us. We just want to form an alliance, why do we need so many of us? "

"If you want to blame it, blame the vast territory of the motherland." Shi Dengda said quietly.

Both of them have a close heart.

"However, there is no need to go to Shanxi to find Yilin. You know that our Songshan Sect has been paying attention to the movements of the Wuyue Sword Sect. Ten days ago, I heard from a colleague who was engaged in intelligence that there was a strange thing among the group of nuns. A little nun left He ran away from home and looked for Tian Boguang all over the world, saying that he wanted to do justice for the heavens. He also called himself a cold-faced god nun." Shi Dengda said.

"Cold noodles?" Chi Baicheng sneered, "Cold noodles from Gaoli?"

"Anyway, this alien must be talking about Yilin!" Shi Dengda ignored his complaints, "As far as I know, Yilin has already gone all the way to Ludi, if we hurry to Jinan Prefecture, maybe we can meet again." to her."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Chi Baicheng suddenly couldn't sit still, "If you can catch one, it counts as one! We can't really just go for it, can we?"

"Then go!"

The two rushed to Jinan Mansion immediately.

Hurry up and get there in half a day.

The two of them were busy in the world and didn't care about rest, Shi Dengda immediately took Chi Baicheng to their Songshan faction's sub-helm in Jinan Prefecture.

The disciple in charge of the sect came in person, and the people at the helm of Songshan did not dare to neglect, that is called being attentive.

Their attitude of responsiveness also provided the greatest convenience to the two of Shi Dengda, and Shi Dengda immediately ordered the entire sub-helm to spread out and search for news about Yilin all over the city.

However, before Yilin's news came, they heard another "bad news".

Mi Weiyi of Nanyue Hengshan School is famous!

According to the information obtained by the Songshan School, Mi Weiyi learned that Master Liu Zhengfeng had colluded with Qu Yang, the elder of the Demon Cult, so he persuaded all his brothers to use tricks to capture Xia Qu Yang and his granddaughter, and together they went to persuade Master Liu Zhengfeng to "return evil and return to righteousness." , to sever ties with the Demon Cult.

Liu Zhengfeng was naturally furious, but Mi Weiyi's generous speech made Liu Zhengfeng burst into tears and was very ashamed. In the end, Mi Weiyi killed Qu Yang with his own hands, beheaded Qu Yang, and then let Qu Feiyan go.

The juniors once persuaded Mi Weiyi to kill Qu Feiyan to silence him, but Mi Weiyi said solemnly: "If we kill the grass and kill people everywhere, what is the difference between us and the Demon Sect? Qu Yang is a member of the Demon Sect, but his The granddaughter is innocent. I let her go today because I hope she will take a warning and turn around! If she is still obsessed with it and becomes a tiger in the future, can't I, Mi Weiyi, kill her again?"

These words were resounding, and the brothers in Nanyue Hengshan admired Mi Weiyi's mind and heroism very much.

Because of Mi Weiyi's eloquent tongue, he blatantly publicized the disadvantages of colluding with the Demon Sect, and there was no lack of alarmist words, so the fact that he killed Qu Yang was unanimously approved by the sect, and even the matter that he disobeyed Liu Zhengfeng was also criticized. Everyone covered and explained the past for him in the name of "righteousness".

In fact, the success of Mi Weiyi is also related to what the Demon Cult has been doing all along.

The Sun Moon God Sect is called the Demon Sect, and they have not been wronged. They are different from the Ming Sect back then. The Sun Moon God Sect is the real Demon Sect, an organization that opposes humanity.

First of all, the Church of the Sun Moon God harassed the people, and killed innocent people indiscriminately, eating human flesh, raping and looting, and doing everything.

Secondly, the methods of the Sun Moon God Sect are indeed cruel and cruel, even inhumane and anti-human.

As the saying goes, killing is nothing more than nodding, but the Sun Moon God Sect kills people, often to torture people, the elderly, children, women and children will not be spared.

Many horrific tragedies that broke the bottom line of human beings were committed by the people of the Sun Moon God Sect.

Mi Weiyi just talked about these things, and everyone will naturally understand the nature of their leader Liu Zhengfeng's collusion with the Demon Cult.

Mi Weiyi killed Qu Yang and let the Nanyue Hengshan Sect set things right. This incident caused a great sensation. After all, this incident was both dramatic and controversial, and the one who was killed was one of the ten elders of the Demon Sect. Mi Wei As a matter of course, righteousness has become popular all over the martial arts.

People in the rivers and lakes call him Nanyue Xiaoxia!

When Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng heard the news about Mi Weiyi, they were not at all happy for him, but rather depressed.

Because Mi Weiyi has completed the process of becoming famous, it means that he will not follow the two of them to take the risk of attacking the Demon Cult branch.

They have one less choice.

"I don't know where the Nanyue Xiaoxia is ranked. Should I persuade him to further consolidate his reputation?" Chi Baicheng said unwillingly.

"Forget it, let's give up on him!" Shi Dengda said helplessly, "We are all professionals, and we have moved from place to place. Now that there are hot spots and attention, the next fool will start a new stove to stir up public opinion. Qu Yang's effect is brought to the extreme!"

"Okay, Made!" Chi Baicheng cursed angrily.

The fact is exactly as Shi Dengda expected, Mi Weiyi has won the support of the whole faction for his smooth tongue in the past month, even his master Liu Zhengfeng also obeys him, and regards him as the orthodox successor of the next generation of Nanyue Hengshan Sect.

When his fame continued to grow, he continued to work hard, wiped out some bandits and bandit forces nearby, did some chivalrous things, recruited friends, preached in crowded places, clarified the dangers of the Demon Cult, and appealed to Let's fight against the devil together.

It is said that Mi Weiyi is planning to set up a force called "Devil Demon League", aiming to recruit all the young heroes who are interested in destroying the Demon Cult, and jointly fight against the evil Demon Cult.

As soon as this plan was put forward, it was widely welcomed, and there were many responders.

"Then there's only one Yilin left?" Chi Baicheng said depressedly, "If we add her, can we make it happen? Yang Lianting has gathered all the sub-rudders, and if he wants to get rid of one, he can't use hot weapons and gunpowder. It's not that difficult."

Stendah also frowned, not having any good ideas for the time being.

"Anyway, let's find Yilin first."

Yilin wasn't hard to find, because she didn't deliberately conceal her whereabouts, but instead advertised along the way.

It's no wonder that the intelligence personnel of the Songshan faction called her a "heterogeneous". When Shi Dengda and the others found Yilin, Yilin was holding a big banner that "swears to kill the prostitute Tian Boguang" and swaggered through the market. The image is particularly striking.

With this look and high-profile demeanor, it's no wonder that her reputation as a "cold-faced nun" has spread so quickly.

It is said that although she did not catch the big prostitute Tian Boguang, she caught many small prostitutes, all of whom were physically castrated by her.

A nun, all the way from Hebei Province to Ludi, incited more than [-] men all the way, she is not famous, who is famous?

Dingjing, the leader of Beiyue Hengshan Sect, is a good-natured old man, but when he heard about her, he was so angry that he knocked out his wooden fish, and immediately sent someone out to arrest Yilin, but unfortunately, the people sent out They all returned in vain.

It wasn't that they couldn't find Yilin, and it wasn't because of how powerful Yilin was. In fact, Yilin didn't need to do anything, because Yilin was always followed by one person—Monk Bujie!
This wine and meat monk is Yilin's biological father. Since Yilin frightened Hengshan and became famous, he approached Yilin and wanted to persuade his daughter to go back.

But although Yilin, an actor, doesn't have the ability to speak eloquently, she is also very eccentric. She easily handles the beloved Master of Discipline who loves her daughter, and even tricks him into hiding in the dark, acting as a free thug for herself.

During this journey, she is so ostentatious as a young nun, it is impossible for her to be smooth and safe, and it is impossible for her martial arts and experience in the world to handle everything.

A considerable part of the troubles were solved by Monk Bujie for her.

The force value of Monk Bujie, but even the Six Immortals of Peach Valley and Tian Boguang were subdued by him. He is definitely a master of the level of the head of the Five Sacred Mountains. That's why Yilin is so confident.

After Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng met Yilin, they revealed their identities and put forward the idea of ​​forming an alliance. Yilin has been looking for Tian Boguang but failed, and she is so high-profile, Tian Boguang did not take the initiative to come to her, and she lost patience a long time ago. The proposal hit it off immediately.

However, Yilin raised objections to their proposal to attack the path to fame of the Demon Cult branch.

"According to the reliable news I got, Yang Lianting merged the provincial branches, and each branch has a master from the Demon Cult, at least at the level of an elder." Yilin said, his so-called reliable news is naturally his father's monk. found out.

A monk who does not quit can be regarded as a heretical person, because of his high martial arts skills, he is naturally well-informed, and it is normal to know some news that others do not know.

(End of this chapter)

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