Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 980 Rejection

Chapter 980 Rejection
A person like Linghu Chong would never think that his master just died in the hands of the Demon Sect, and his wife was stabbed with a gun. He turned his head and rescued a remnant of the Demon Sect from the hands of the righteous people and had to escort him How inappropriate it is for people to go to Heimuya.

Not to mention, he planned to do even more egregious things, he planned to abduct Yue Lingshan as well.

What is the nature of this?

It's like some bad boy is going to sneak your daughter into northern Burma right now.It is absolutely intolerable for any parent.

He took Yue Lingshan and Qu Feiyan away that night.

In the early morning of the next day, the senior brothers didn't see the senior brother and the junior junior sister coming out to practice exercises, and they didn't feel any difference, they just thought that the two had gone to play somewhere again.

On the contrary, Don't Eat Tutu looked very nervous, and directly disregarded the dissuasion of all the juniors and brothers, broke into Yue Lingshan's boudoir to check, even the teacher's wife was alarmed.

Yue Lingshan's bed was very tidy, as if no one had slept on it, and half of the clothes in the closet were missing.

As soon as Ning Zhongze came, he turned pale and knelt in front of Ning Zhongze if he didn't eat the rabbit: "Master! I made a big mistake!"

Ning Zhong widened his eyes and tremblingly said: "Could it be that you put Lingshan..."

Fuck, mistress, your mind is unhealthy...

"It's the senior brother!" Don't Eat Tutu hastily explained, "I suspect that the senior brother brought his junior sister to Heimuya!"

As soon as the word came out, the stone was shocked!

Ning Zhongze swayed, his face flushed instantly, his willow eyebrows were erected, his eyes were like fire, and he looked very superior.

"What's going on, tell me!" She gritted her teeth every word, her fists clenched tightly, her chest heaving violently.

Don't Eat Tutu looked gloomy, and hastily told the ins and outs of the matter.

What he said was basically the truth, except for the part that he concealed from himself.

"Actually, the disciple is the same as the senior brother. They all think that this Qu Feiyan is just the cardamom years. They are still young. How can they know what is right and what is wrong? I also feel compassion in my heart." After talking about the matter, Don't Eat Tutu said heartbrokenly, "But her identity is sensitive after all, and my Huashan is in a precarious time. For the sake of righteousness, I can only ignore the small details and stand by her."

"But when Eldest Brother learned about this, he repeatedly scolded me for being cold-blooded and selfish, calling me a chivalrous person, and I was so ashamed, so I was shaken and agreed to hand over Qu Feiyan to him..."

"You, you are confused!" Ning Zhong stamped his feet angrily, "Chong'er has always been reckless and ignorant, and does not care about the importance of things, so I would rather do many things myself than leave it to him! But I always think you are mature and stable, How could you do something so unwise?"

Don't eat the rabbit and said in shame: "I also know what I did wrong this time, but Naqu Feiyan is really pitiful, alas, I'm really infatuated, it's all my fault! It's all my fault!"

Seeing that he blamed himself so much for not eating rabbits, the brothers all begged for him.

Ning Zhong also knew that although he was responsible for not eating Tutu, Linghu Chong was the one who hated him the most.

"When he comes back, I will imprison him for ten years!" Ning Zhong gritted his teeth, obviously annoyed Linghu Chong.

"Master, I didn't expect that the junior sister would secretly follow the senior brother, and I didn't expect the senior brother to be so ignorant and take the junior sister to Heimuya together." Don't Eat Tutu said, "Fortunately, I did Some arrangements should be able to play a role. I will immediately send people to chase them along the way to see if they can be brought back. But this matter must not be made public, otherwise if it gets out, outsiders will think that Huashan is in collusion with the Demon Sect. Huashan is not good for me."

"Didn't Linghu Chong think about this?" Ning Zhong was still very angry, "He really disappointed me!"

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely make up for it, and ensure the safety of the senior brother and the junior sister!" Don't Eat Tutu promised.

Ning Zhong looked at the second disciple who had repeatedly shared his worries, and his heart softened, and he sighed: "De Nuo, don't blame yourself too much, no one has faults? What's more, you are just too kind-hearted, and my wife doesn't blame you. you."

"Master, you are so kind to me!" Buche Tutu looked very touched.

Ning Zhong forced a smile, walked over to help the Bunny Tutu, dusted off the dirt on his body, and said: "Go and do it, if you have any news, come to my room anytime and tell me, no matter how late, I will Be the first to know the news."

"Yes, Mrs. Mistress!" Don't Eat Tutu cheered up.

Don't Eat Tutu said that he sent people to chase him, and he really sent people to chase him. He didn't worry about whether it would be self-defeating, and he really chased Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan back.

With Linghu Chong's abilities, it was more than enough to get rid of the pursuers.

And even if he was caught up, if Linghu Chong could come back honestly, he wouldn't be Linghu Chong anymore.

The most wonderful thing about this matter is that no matter whether it is Ning Zhongze or Linghu Chong, no matter how they go back and confront this matter afterwards, they will find that Bu Chi Tu Tu did not tell a single lie about this matter, and they are really frank and selfless.

The road from Huashan to Heimuya is not close, more than [-] kilometers away, Linghu Chong and the other three hurried on the road, and it took nearly three days to arrive.

At the same time Linghu Chong arrived at Heimuya, Yilin, Shi Dengda, and Chi Baicheng also arrived at Mount Hua.

As soon as they heard that the disciples from Beiyue Hengshan, Songshan and Taishan came together to visit, the disciples who guarded the gate did not dare to neglect, so they immediately reported to Ning Zhongze directly.

Ning Zhong found Buchi Tutu and was very worried: "Could it be that Chonger rescued Qu Feiyan privately and they learned about it, so they came together to ask the crime?"

"Probably not." Don't Eat Tutu shook his head, he knew exactly what these people were here for, nothing more than to form an alliance.But how Yilin got mixed up with Shi Dengda and the others, I don't know if I don't eat Tutu.

"Master, I think their arrival has something to do with the recent changes in the Demon Cult. In addition, Shi Dengda is a disciple of Zuo Lengchan, and he may have come to persuade me." Do not eat Tutu pretending to analyze, "I will go to meet them first, see the trick Dismantle the trick, don't worry, my wife, my heart will always belong to Huashan, and it belongs to you!"

Ningzhong has a different expression, it's fine if it belongs to Huashan, why does it still belong to me?
However, it was you who didn't eat Tutu, not you, which made him feel that he was thinking too much.

It's like "I like you" and "I like you" are completely different things.

The two sides met soon.

As a middleman, Yilin introduced each other to both parties, and finally asked Buchitutu, "Have you learned Dugu Nine Swords?"

"I've learned." Buchi Tutu nodded, "But I haven't learned everything yet."

"Damn, are you still so lucky?" Yilin was depressed, "No, you have to teach me."

"It's fine, but you can't use it in this world." Buchi Tutu said, "Otherwise I can't explain it."

"Don't worry, I won't cheat you." Yilin immediately beamed with joy, and patted Tutu's shoulder with a big grin, "You're not bad, you're so interesting!"

Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng on the other side were dumbfounded. It is a great blessing to be able to learn the Dugu Nine Swords.
Chi Baicheng immediately apologized and said with a smile: "Brother Lao, can you also teach me the Dugu Nine Swords? I also promise that I will never use it in this world."

Don't eat rabbits and said with a half-smile: "It's not very convenient."

How big is your face?When we meet for the first time, are you embarrassed to open your mouth?

"Come on, old Chi, do you think I learned this for nothing?" Yilin raised her eyebrows, "I want to pay for it, that is, this guy has never slept with a nun, or you just teach him as he preaches?"

Rao Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng have fully experienced the girl's sturdy character along the way, so they can't help but want to scold her at this moment.

How did you say such a thing so boldly?

"Actually, I can also pay with meat..." Chi Baicheng watched eagerly as he refused to eat Tutu, "Brother, would you like to try something new?"

I almost didn't spit it out if I didn't eat rabbits.

Speechlessly, he gave Chi Baicheng a thumbs up: "Brother, you are really willing to let go."

"It's just a stinky skin, you don't bring it with you when you die." Chi Baicheng laughed.

"No way." Buchi Tutu explained, "And don't listen to her nonsense, my relationship with her is not that bad, we had a relationship before, but she and I were both carefree, so we broke up peacefully Yes, but I owe her love, so I won't refuse anything she wants, if it's someone else, even if my father comes."

Yilin smiled, but did not object to this statement.

Chi Baicheng sighed and said, "All right, you don't need to worry about me, I'm just jealous."

Shi Dengda coughed twice, and said, "Brother Lao, Master has a lot of grievances against you. Why did you blow yourself up all of a sudden and announce to the world that you will sever ties with Master?"

"You think I want to?" Don't Eat Tutu said in a bad mood, "That Lu Dayi who killed a thousand knives betrayed me as soon as he came, and wanted to monopolize Huashan's resources. If I hadn't been smart and decisive, I would be the one who is out now. !"

"Look, what did I say." Yilin immediately said to the two, "I just said that this guy is not that kind of person!"

Both Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng smiled and nodded, saying that it was so.

In fact, only they themselves know how much they believe.

One-sided words, things that have no proof, whoever believes is stupid.

"Brother Lao, we are looking for you this time mainly for the purpose of forming an alliance." Shi Dengda got serious and got to the point.

He talked about his thoughts and the situation he was facing, and then sincerely invited Buchi Tutu to join his team, and everyone joined together to complete the task.

After hearing what he said, Don't Eat Tutu frowned and said: "This matter is not feasible! Brother Da, I sent someone to investigate in the Ganshan branch of the Devil's Cult. There are two elder-level masters sitting in the branch. It is very strict. I am sure that all the sub-rudders are traps set by Brother Shit for us, just waiting for us to take the bait. Let alone the four of us, even if we call the other five, it is no different from sending us to death. "

"Of course we won't force our way in, but outsmart it." Shi Dengda said, "We also know that Yang Lianting's plan half a year in advance will definitely not make us famous easily, but now we just want to confront him. Now we even have him The means arranged in advance can’t be broken, how can we face him directly in the future?”

I still shook my head without eating Tutu: "I'm sorry you two, I have already planned how to become famous, please forgive me for not being able to take risks with you, but you two are brave, and I will help you succeed!"

Both Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng were stunned, they didn't expect that they would refuse to eat Tutu so simply.

"Brother Lao, is it convenient for you to disclose, what is your plan to become famous?" Stengda asked.

Don't eat Tutu with a smile and said: "I don't want to be careful at all, so I won't make a fool of myself. Brother Da, the two of you have come from a long way, stay in Huashan for a few more days before you leave, even though we can't cooperate this time , but I still hope that in the next unit, we can still work together to fight against the enemy. Let me make a guarantee to you two, I will never do any despicable behavior to backstab my comrades or beat Sap , and as far as I can, I will do my best to help where I can!"

Both Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng looked a little unhappy, but they came from afar but were rejected, and neither of them would be in a good mood.

But if they don't eat Tutu's words well, they are also embarrassed to make faces.

The four of them ate together without embarrassment, and Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng persuaded them not to eat Tutu, but their attitude towards not eating Tutu was very firm and they did not let go.

And about his plan to become famous, he didn't reveal a word.

In fact, he didn't even mention Jueyue was in Huashan, so he didn't mention it to them.

Faced with the oil and salt of not eating rabbits, Shi Dengda and the two were extremely disappointed, and they bid farewell shortly after the meal, and had no intention of staying in Huashan any longer.

When the two left, neither of them mentioned to take Yilin with them. Yilin had said before that she would stay and stay in Huashan for a while.

The alliance that the three of them had agreed to before was naturally not counted.

It can be said that the two lost their wives and lost their troops. Not only did they fail to achieve their goals, but they even made an ally.

After they left, Yilin asked, "Will this offend them?"

"If you offend, you will be offended." If you don't eat Tutu, you don't care at all, "As long as they still ask me in the future, if I offend them ten or a hundred times, they will forgive me soon."

"Do you really have a plan to become famous?" Yilin asked again, "Why didn't you bring them along?"

"Are you familiar with them?" Don't eat Tutu "and", "What if they cut me off?"

Without waiting for Yilin to speak, she said without eating Tutu: "Let's go, I'll take you to see Monk Jueyue first, he arrived a few days ago, this time the three of us will cooperate."

Yilin looked at him for a while, then suddenly asked: "Master is still junior sister."

"Master." Don't eat rabbits and said honestly.

Yilin sighed and said, "So you broke up with me because I'm young, right?"

"I can go to you!"

At the same time, Blackwood Cliff.

Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan escorted Qu Feiyan to Heimuya without any danger.

Arriving here is equivalent to arriving at the hinterland of the Sun Moon God Sect. Su Yi has been operating for half a year, and even the slightest disturbance in this area cannot be hidden from his eyes and ears.

So as soon as Qu Feiyan and the other three arrived near Heimuya, the three of them attracted the attention of the Sun Moon God Sect.

But the people below didn't know Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan, and the three of them had simply disguised themselves as a family of three, and Qu Feiyan even pretended to be a tomboy.

(End of this chapter)

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