Chapter 981
At the beginning, the Sun Moon God Sect didn't pay much attention to Linghu Chong and the three of them, but a incense master led dozens of people and quietly surrounded them to let them reveal their identities.

Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan didn't want to cause trouble either, so they pretended to be heretic identities for their brothers and sisters, and then reported Bai Muyang's name, saying that they wanted to see Bai Muyang and that they were friends.

Naturally, the incense master didn't know Bai Muyang, saying that there was no such person in the divine religion, and he had never heard of the fake names Linghu Chong and the others gave, so he became vigilant and suspicious.

He decided to take down Linghu Chong and the others first, so he ordered his subordinates to besiege Linghu Chong and the other three.

But when he made a move, he hit the iron plate.

Not to mention that Linghu Chong's Dugu Nine Swords can break through the world's martial arts, Yue Lingshan's newly learned Drizzle Sword Technique is also erratic and unpredictable.

Dozens of people were defeated by the two men, and the incense master was subdued by Linghu Chong and captured alive.

However, their move can be regarded as stabbing a hornet's nest.

Soon, the congregation patrolling nearby rushed over, and hundreds of people surrounded them.

How many hairy blood can you do when you are covered in blood?
Not everyone has the courage to sweep away thousands of troops.

The dense crowd of human heads moving around made Linghu Chong's scalp tingle, and hurriedly stated again that he had no malicious intentions, and that he came to look for "Bai Muyang", and this time he brought up the name "Yang Lianting", saying that the Bai Muyang he was looking for was Yang Lianting's confidant men.

The chief executive's name still managed to bluff the crowd, and they surrounded and refused to attack, and decided to report to the chief executive before making a decision.

The news was quickly reported to Su Yi.

As soon as Su Yi heard the name "Bai Muyang", he knew that the person who came here had something to do with not eating rabbits.

"A family of three?" He was a little puzzled, who would be here?
Su Yi's sense of the guy who doesn't eat rabbits is pretty good. Although the two of them had a bad quarrel on the last set, this guy can afford to let it go, and he took the initiative to find Su Yi to reconcile. In this way, the suspicion was settled.

The reason why Bu Chi Tu Tu was called to be his assistant this time, of course, was not to kill him, but out of the tacit understanding of friends.

On this set, he and Don't Eat Tutu are in an opposing relationship. Of course, they will try their best to find ways to defeat each other, but they will not use any means to kill each other.

That is to say, the two of them will give full play to their talents and abilities, but neither will push the other into a dead end.

Otherwise, why do you invite people you know well to participate in the deathmatch studio, which is clearly an arena where you can live and die?

Do you really think it's murder?

of course not.

Everyone shows their abilities and takes what they need. No life is in danger, and they have more experience in the death battle field. Winning or losing depends on their destiny.

Opportunities like this don't come all the time.

Su Yi invited the assistant who played Lin Pingzhi for the same purpose.

So Su Yi wouldn't feel that the family of three had any plots to kill him, and now that he was an expert in arts and bold, he wasn't afraid of any plots.

"Bring them to see me!" Su Yi made a decision without any hesitation.

This was Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan's first visit to Heimuya, especially the latter, whose pretty face was pale with fright, and his heart was full of despair.

If it wasn't for Linghu Chong's encouragement and comfort along the way, Yue Lingshan might have escaped long ago.

Linghu Chong also wanted to escape, but the densely packed human heads and the sharp crossbows made him dispel this unrealistic idea, and he was not sure of taking Yue Lingshan and Qu Feiyan to escape together.

Now that he is riding a tiger, he can only hope that the Bai Muyang introduced by his second junior brother will be more reliable.

I can't—

He looked at Yue Lingshan's pale face beside him, and was satisfied with Ankang in his heart: "It's my good fortune to die with my junior sister."

After several twists and turns, a group of three people came to Heimu Cliff and entered Chengde Hall.

The group of three saw Su Yi sitting upright in the front seat at a glance.

"Report to Chief Manager, people have been brought here!" The congregation who brought Linghu Chong and the others knelt respectfully and reported back.

Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan were shocked!
Chief Manager?

Yang Lianting!
Is this the big enemy who killed Master (Daddy)?

Yue Lingshan was so young that she couldn't hide her emotions at all. After staying for a while, she immediately reacted, with a look of deep-rooted hatred on her face.

It was this big devil who killed his father and seriously injured his mother!

Yue Lingshan's hateful eyes naturally couldn't hide from Su Yi's eyes, and their disguise was naturally full of loopholes in the eyes of Su Yi, a master of fake makeup.

His eyes swept across Linghu Chong, Yue Lingshan and Qu Feiyan one by one, especially noticing Qu Feiyan's apprehension mixed with fear.

Su Yi had already made a rough guess about the identities of these three people.

He remained calm, and finally his eyes fell on Linghu Chong, who also pretended to be calm and took a step forward and clasped his fists: "I'm going to fight Ni Buxiao with a sword in Qinghai, this is a clumsy thorn with deep hatred, and the dog Ni Feifei, see Big Boss!"

Su Yi looked at him blankly for a while, then slowly said, "Are you looking for Bai Muyang?"

"Yes! I have a good friend named Nordlaw, who is close friends with Mr. Bai of your religion." Linghu Chong said, "My friend asked me to forward a letter to Bai Muyang, saying that he is very important in your religion, and that he Mr. Bai will definitely treat our family of three well. Alas, I didn’t expect that brother Nuo of mine would also brag and give gold to Mr. Bai’s face! If this Mr. Bai is really extraordinary, what about the people in your teaching? As soon as he heard his name, he yelled at us to kill him?"

Linghu Chong put on a show, shaking his head and sighing, his words were full of sarcasm.

But Su Yi seemed to have never heard of it, and said with a blank expression: "Where is the letter to Bai Muyang?"

Linghu Chong said: "Of course the letter must be handed over to Mr. Bai himself for inspection!"

"Hand over the letter, and I will let you see him." Su Yi said.

Linghu Chong deliberately frowned: "Chief, it's not that Ni is ignorant of compliments, it's just that the letter is someone else's privacy. I entrust it to a loyal person, how can I hand it over to someone who has nothing to do with it?"

"You won't pay?" Su Yi asked calmly.

However, this plain tone seemed to contain overwhelming momentum, which put overwhelming pressure on Linghu Chong.

Linghu Chong's heart was pounding, and he said in his heart that this monster is really powerful!

"Please forgive me for being rude, this letter can only be handed over to Mr. Bai himself." Linghu Chong clasped his fists and said, "Boss, please make it easier for us to meet Mr. Bai."

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said expressionlessly, "Master Li Xiang."

"The subordinate is here!" The subordinate on the other side respectfully clasped his fists in response.

"Go and kill Bai Muyang, and bring his head to me." Su Yi ordered, his tone indifferent, but beyond doubt.

Li Xiangzhu was startled, said "yes" respectfully, and then he was about to take his orders and leave.

In fact, he knew that there was no such person as Bai Muyang, but since the chief executive wanted to act, he naturally had to cooperate.

But as soon as these words came out, Linghu Chong and the other three changed their colors.

"Wait a minute!" Linghu Chong hastily stopped him, "Chairman, what crime did Mr. Bai commit? How dare you kill him?"

"You don't know what crime he committed?" Su Yi smiled.

Linghu Chong's scalp was numb from Su Yi's piercing stare, he forced himself to cup his hands and said, "Please make it clear!"

"Just because you, the great disciple of the Huashan School, Linghu Chong came to him in disguise and said you wanted to deliver a letter to him," Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly, "Is he guilty? Should I kill him?"

Linghu Chong was shocked all over, and his expression changed suddenly.

Behind him, Yue Lingshan trembled all over, and drew out her sword with a clang.

"Big devil, I'll fight with you!" Yue Lingshan yelled, and was about to charge towards Su Yi with her sword.

But here is Chengde Hall!
Without waiting for Su Yi's order, Li Xiangzhu on the side shouted loudly: "Enemy attack!"


The next moment, countless congregants holding crossbow arrows rushed out from the shadows in all directions of the hall, and all the arrows aimed at Linghu Chong and the three of them were aimed at Linghu Chong and the three of them.

Linghu Chong hastily drew his sword and stood in front of Yue Lingshan, looking around vigilantly, ready to strike at any time.

In fact, at this moment, he was already desperate in his heart, thinking that he would definitely die this time.

"Chairman, please spare me! Qu Feiyan kowtows to you!" Just as the situation was about to explode, Qu Feiyan finally jumped out with a loud cry, knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and said "boom" to Su Yi With a bang, he knocked his head on the ground.

"Slow down." Su Yi spat out a word.


The rushing congregation all stopped moving.

At this moment, Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan's hearts were almost in their throats. They stood back to back and looked around vigilantly with their swords in hand, ready to fight to the death.

"Sun Moon God Sect, invincible, Eastern leader, Wencheng Wude, eternal, unifying the rivers and lakes!" Qu Feiyan's voice was as clear as an oriole, and he prostrated himself on the ground while chanting, "The sinner, Qu Feiyan, see Chief Manager, I wish the Chief Manager a long life and good health!"

"Report to the chief supervisor, the sinner has the property of the chief supervisor and handed it over to the chief supervisor, please review it before making a decision!" Qu Feiyan said, hurriedly took out a cloth bag from his arms, and held it high above his head .

Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan were vigilant and did not suspect Qu Feiyan's behavior, because Qu Feiyan told them on the way that his grandfather had something to give to Yang Lianting before he was alive, saying it could save his life.

They trusted Qu Feiyan very much and did not doubt this statement.

Su Yi looked at Qu Feiyan who was dressed as a tomboy, and said slowly, "Qu Feiyan, bring the things here!"

"Yes, Chief Manager!" Qu Feiyan kowtowed respectfully again, then got up and walked forward with the cloth bag in his hands. Wherever he passed, the congregation gave way one after another.

She went straight to Su Yi's table, put the cloth bag on the table, and was very respectful.

She is only thirteen or fourteen years old, but she is so mature and tactful that it makes people feel distressed.

Su Yi didn't go to get the cloth bag immediately, but looked Qu Feiyan up and down, and said in a gentle tone, "Did you suffer a lot this way back?"

With just this one sentence, Qu Feiyan was shocked and instantly broke his defense.

She burst into tears in an instant, and burst into tears with a "wow", she knelt down in front of Su Yi and cried, "Master, my grandfather was killed by the bad guys! Please avenge my grandfather, please! As long as you can avenge your grandfather, Feiyan will treat you like a cow and a horse for the rest of your life! Woooooo..."

Su Yi shook his head and said: "Get up first, we will talk about your business later. Come on, give me a seat!"

"Yes!" Someone responded, moving a chair for Qu Feiyan to sit on.

Qu Feiyan didn't get up immediately, but continued to sob and said: "Chief, this brother Linghu and sister Lingshan are good people, they escorted Feiyan all the way back, please don't make things difficult for them... "

Hearing the words, Linghu Chong burst into pride, and laughed heartily: "Feiyan, with your words, brother Linghu will die in peace! But you don't have to plead for us, it is righteousness for me and my junior sister to send you back. The ancients said that they were born to be righteous, and it doesn’t matter if we die, as long as the Sun Moon Sect doesn’t distinguish between right and wrong, and indiscriminately suspects that you are in collusion with us!”

Su Yi glanced at him and said, "Don't play tricks in front of me!"

One sentence made Linghu Chong's heart tremble.

Su Yi didn't pay any attention to anyone, but slowly released the cloth bag that Qu Feiyan put on the table.

There was nothing in the cloth bag except a thick bound booklet.

Open the booklet, except for the first two words on the first line of the first page, the rest are all groups of numbers.

The first line on this first page reads—"Item No. 4529."

On the second line, everything starts to become numbers.

Su Yi thought for a while and understood what was going on.

This booklet filled with groups of numbers should be a secret letter written by Buchi Tutu to himself.

Each set of numbers represents a word, and the key to deciphering this secret letter lies in the message "Product No. 4529" on the first line.

With a thought in mind, Su Yi directly opened the actor terminal, searched for the number "4529" in the actor mall, and immediately a product popped up - "Binding Summary of Alpha Company Rules and Regulations".

The price is 1 director point.

Su Yi understood it, and knew that this was the "mother password".

Such a thick booklet, I don’t know when it will be fully translated.

Su Yi withdrew his consciousness and refocused on the situation in the hall.

Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan escorted Qu Feiyan to Heimuya, and Qu Feiyan still had a secret letter to himself not to eat rabbits.

Does Linghu Chong have a letter addressed to "Bai Muyang"?
No, the letter on Linghu Chong's body should be just a cover. His key information is only the three words "Bai Muyang". As long as Linghu Chong says these three words, Su Yi will know who is looking for him.

If Tutu really wants to tell himself, he still has to read the secret letter on Qu Feiyan.

After thinking about this, Su Yi waved his hand: "Let's all step back."


The congregation worshiped Su Yi's words like a god, without any doubts. Following Su Yi's order, all the congregation immediately retreated with a "crash".

"Give a seat!"

When Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan were in doubt, Su Yi slowly spit out two more words.

(End of this chapter)

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