Chapter 982

Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan were very surprised. They thought they would be hacked to death this time, and they were even prepared to splatter the blood on the spot, but they didn't expect that the big devil suddenly made everyone retreat, and even made everyone retreat. Someone brought them two chairs.

The tense atmosphere immediately dissipated, Linghu Chong not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became even more suspicious.

"Yang Lianting, kill if you want to kill, cut if you want to cut, if you frown, I, Linghu Chong, am not a good man!" Linghu Chong laughed intentionally, "Don't think that you can deceive us by making some hypocritical gestures!"

"Yang Lianting, you killed my father, you and I will never die together!" Yue Lingshan cried out through gritted teeth.

Regarding the clamor of the two, Su Yi smiled lightly and said: "You guys escorted the children of my Holy Cult back to Heimuya, which is considered a contribution to my Holy Cult. The people of our Holy Cult have clear grievances and grievances. We should have hacked you to death, but Now, I am willing to give you a chance to live."

Linghu Chong's originally desperate heart suddenly came alive, but he said: "If you want us to sell Huashan, sell Wuyue Sword Sect, or let us join your Demon Sect, then I advise you to die as soon as possible! "

"That's right! We will never recognize a thief as our father!" Yue Lingshan said angrily.

"You bastard! How dare you speak to the Chief Manager like that!" Li Xiangzhu on the side shouted angrily.

What are you talking about about the devil's religion, who recognizes a thief as his father? Isn't this pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey?

Su Yi waved his hand to make Li Xiangzhu back down, looked deeply at Linghu Chong and said, "Ants can steal their lives, let alone humans? Linghu Chong, I don't think you look like a fool who wants to die. Even if you were, you shouldn't take the Your junior sister begs to die."

"I'll give you half an hour, you should think about it carefully here, what reason can I use to make me lenient and let you live, this is the chance I will give you!"

Speaking of this, Su Yi stood up holding the booklet, and waved to Qu Feiyan: "Follow me."

"Yes, Chief Manager!" Qu Feiyan hurriedly got up and walked towards Su Yi.

Su Yi turned around and walked towards the back of the main hall, Qu Feiyan followed closely behind, before going out, he looked back at Linghu Chong who was in doubt, with a little worry in his eyes.

Getting along these days, Qu Feiyan was very grateful to Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan, the two big brothers and sisters who risked their lives to send her back to Heimuya, and she didn't want to watch them die.

In her heart, these two are the only good people in the world besides grandpa.

She secretly made up her mind that she must ask the chief manager to let them go.

Su Yi took Qu Feiyan through many checkpoints, all the way to the study of Xiulou.

"Half a year ago, I issued a black wooden order to summon your grandfather to Heimuya, but he never disappeared." After entering the room, Su Yi looked at Qu Feiyan and said, "Now, your grandfather died in the Nanyue Hengshan head Liu Zhengfeng. At home, those so-called upright people killed him because he colluded with Liu Zhengfeng. Qu Feiyan, is this true?"

Qu Feiyan hurriedly knelt down and explained: "The chief manager, Rong Zhi, grandpa and Liu Zhengfeng only meet because of their mutual interest. They both like rhythm, and they only talk about rhythm when they are together. Grandpa has absolutely no intention of betraying the holy religion!"

"As for the chief executive's summoning...don't dare to lie to the chief executive. For the past six months, grandpa has been living in seclusion in Liu's residence and has never left Liu's residence. Therefore, he has never received the news that Heimuya summoned him, otherwise How dare grandpa ignore Heimu Order?"

Qu Feiyan's speech is clear and logical, and she is so mature that she doesn't look like a child at all. Even many adults may not speak as tightly as she does.

Children are too mature and prudent, often because of lack of security.

But on the other hand, such a child cannot treat her as a simple child.

"You don't have to defend your grandfather." Su Yi shook his head and said, "Even if Qu Yang has no intention of apostasy, he still has the intention of breaking away from the holy religion. Besides, making enemies without permission is a taboo for us and the so-called decent. As an elder of the Holy Cult, Qu Yang has a lot to do with him, and he must lead by example and draw a clear line with the enemy."

"The so-called congenial interests, liking temperament... I believe it is so, but so what? Except for Liu Zhengfeng, is there no one in this world who likes temperament? For the sake of temperament, must we become friends with enemies?" Su Yi's tone was slightly Aggravating, "If I like painting, and Mi Weiyi also likes painting, and I become close friends with him, what do you think of Qu Feiyan?"

Qu Feiyan was stunned for a moment, imagining the scene in his head, and subconsciously said: "Then how can it be done? The villain Mi Weiyi killed my grandfather!"

"Liu Zhengfeng has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, how many brothers of my Holy Cult have been killed by him?" Su Yi snorted, "Your grandfather, as an elder of the Holy Cult, made friends with him, you let these brothers who died at the hands of Liu Zhengfeng How do relatives and friends think about it? Has your grandfather taught you the principle of not doing to others what you don’t want to do to yourself?”

Qu Feiyan murmured and couldn't speak, she had never thought about this issue from this angle.

She has always felt that there is nothing wrong with grandfather and Liu Zhengfeng being friends. Both of them are elegant and refined people. Breaking through worldly grievances and hatreds and becoming close friends like mountains and rivers will inevitably become a good story in martial arts.

Even if Mi Weiyi killed her grandfather, she still thinks it was Mi Weiyi's fault. She calls Liu Zhengfeng by his first name now, but hates Liu Zhengfeng's attitude change too quickly. As soon as his grandfather died, he immediately repented, with a disgusting expression of remorse.

She felt worthless for Grandpa.

But now, with empathy, she somewhat understood that it was not right for Grandpa to befriend Liu Zhengfeng, no matter what it was for.

Seeing that the little girl understood, Su Yi said in a slow tone: "The deceased is dead, the Holy Cult will not pursue your grandfather's mistakes, and will avenge him. You are a child of the Holy Cult, since you returned to Heimu alive Ya, it means that you recognize this place as your home, and the Holy Cult will not ignore you!"

"But you have to remember, you must draw a clear line between you and these decent people! Your grandfather's lessons are still in front of you, don't be distracted by a little favor, mistaken for your relatives!"

Qu Feiyan was very smart, knowing that Su Yi was talking about her, Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan, she was actually a little afraid in her heart, fearing that if she still pleaded for Linghu Chong, she would make Su Yi angry.

But she hesitated and said it out.

"Boss, Brother Linghu and Sister Lingshan are really good people!" She knelt down in front of Su Yi, "They sacrificed their lives to escort me to Heimuya, without asking for anything in return, just because of righteousness! Chief Manager, you are lenient and let them go! Feiyan promises that he will never have any contact with them in this lifetime!"

There was a little smile in Su Yi's eyes, he walked around the table, leaned over to support Qu Feiyan, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Knowing kindness and repaying it, being kind and righteous, he is a good boy!"

"However, your friendship is only small and small! Your friendship violates the big right and wrong, so your friendship is wrong!" Su Yi said, "This matter of giving favors and repaying favors should not have happened at all. There is something wrong in Huashan The unclear Linghu Chong, our Sun Moon Sect has another unclear Qu Yang, which led you astray, that's why such an outrageous thing happened. Normally, you and Linghu Chong should be in a life-and-death relationship That's right!"

The Sun Moon Sect and the Five Sacred Sword Sect have been fighting for decades, and the damage they have caused to each other can be regarded as a bloody debt. Even if justice and evil are not discussed, the enmity between the two sides cannot be resolved.

This is like the rabbit and the footbath during World War II. There are traitors in the rabbit, and good people in the footbath, and even people worthy of respect. Entubao's drama, then you deserve to be scolded as stinky shit, or even directly labeled as a traitor and shot.

The reverse is also true. At that time, the situation and fate of those who spoke for rabbits were generally not very good.

These parties naturally feel that there is nothing wrong with making friends or pursuing love, or justifying the other party, for example, he is a good footed person, not a beast.

But you ignore the big right and wrong of the whole nation and the emotions of the whole nation for your own little affection and righteousness. How dare you say that you are right?Are you detached from the world?

"You and Linghu Chong just read too little. After listening to some stories and learning some truths, you feel that kindness and righteousness are justice. You can see the leopard from the inside and watch the sky from the bottom of a well, but you can't see the big picture. In the end, you end up wronging others and yourself. It's pitiful!" Su B shakes his head.

Of course, there is another kind of person who understands, but is unwilling to understand, or pretends to be confused. This kind of person is exquisite and self-interested.

"These two people, I will give them a chance to leave alive." Su Yi said to Qu Feiyan, "It can be regarded as repaying your kindness for you. From now on, you and them will settle your grievances, understand?"

"Thank you Chief Manager for making the decision, Feiyan understands!" Qu Feiyan hurriedly knelt down again.

Su Yi waved his hand to stop her: "Tell me in detail the process of meeting the person who asked you to bring this thing to me,"

Su Yi raised the brochure in his hand.

"Yes, Chief Manager!" Qu Feiyan collected her thoughts and began to talk about the whole process of her meeting and talking with Buchi Tutu.

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully after listening, and said to her: "You will stay here for the time being, you can come in this study room at any time, and read more books on weekdays. The rest will be discussed later."

"Yes!" Qu Feiyan hastily responded.

Su Yi called Hongni and asked her to arrange for Qu Feiyan to rest in an empty room next to him, then spent 1 director's point in exchange for the book, and began to translate the secret letter.

"Brother Bai, since we parted, we have wandered around everywhere, blocked the Guan River, cut off the sound and books..."

"Worthy..." Su Yi muttered, and continued to translate.

The entire half of the following text is basically reminiscing about the past, expressing thoughts, the text is quite sensational, and it really brought back some memories of Su Yi.

After hundreds of words, the guy changed the subject and started talking about the set.

First of all, I would like to thank Su Yi for thinking highly of him, invite him to perform, and then make an agreement with Su Yi to have a "war of gentlemen", which means that both sides should not play dirty. Pao, fight in the open and square, and dedicate a perfect performance.

This is all nonsense, Su Yi believes that whether it is him or not eating rabbits, if there is a real fight, it is absolutely impossible to engage in a "battle of etiquette and righteousness", but the characters of both sides They are relatively trustworthy, if you can not kill each other, you will definitely try not to kill each other.

This tacit understanding is still there.

Su Yi continued to translate.

The following content can be regarded as entering the topic and talking about useful words.

To sum up, there are three things in total——

The first thing, explained his routine Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan's purpose of coming to Heimuya, is to let these two people also enter the list of the top ten heroes, but this requires Su Yi's cooperation, and Su Yi needs to do a fight Xiulai made the two famous.

Su Yi didn't reject this proposal, because it didn't do him any harm.

But it is definitely a great benefit for not eating Tutu. There are extra director points, and it will affect the final performance evaluation. The most important thing is that it is also very beneficial for his next actions on this set.

The bargaining chips that don't eat Tutu are also good - Dugu Nine Swords.

Don't Eat Tutu promised that after leaving the set, he would pass on the Dugu Nine Swords to Su Yi.

Su Yi doesn't doubt that not eating rabbits is just a joke, and this is not considered an enemy, the most important thing is that he can see Dugu Nine Swords in advance.

So why not trade a wave of PY...

Speaking of Dugu Nine Swords, Su Yi felt that it was a good move for Linghu Chong to learn Dugu Nine Swords by not eating rabbits.

This is equivalent to the Huashan faction having two masters at once.

In addition, Feng Qingyang, who is a dragon who can't see the end, good guy, a three swordsman.

But this seemingly simple trick is not something that everyone can use, and not everyone has the mind to not eat rabbits.

It is the most common human nature to have what others have.

The second thing, this guy puts forward even more aggressively, he is a person who attaches great importance to feelings, especially for his wife, junior sister, and his master Feng Qingyang. He doesn't want Su Yi to hurt these three people. three people.

Of course, he knew that as the two hostile parties, he hoped that Su Yi's demands on the three of them would be too much, but he was willing to use "Rama's Internal Strength" in exchange for the safety of the three.

"Rama Internal Strength"!
Su Yi suddenly lifted his spirits, and secretly sighed that there are quite a lot of good things that don't eat rabbits!
This guy mentioned in the letter that in order to express his sincerity, he had attached "Rama's Internal Strength" to the back of the letter and "delivered" it to Su Yi in advance.

Paying so much sincerity for three NPCs, this is really something only this guy can do!
No wonder Su Yi found out that the letter was almost over, but he had only translated less than one-tenth of the content of the code in this booklet. It turned out that the content behind it was actually the mental method of "Rama Neigong".

"Isn't this embarrassing me, Fat Tiger?"

It stands to reason that "Rama's Internal Strength" is even more valuable to Su Yi than "Dugu Nine Swords". If this thing really has any effect of making up for the incomplete, it means that this internal energy is very good at healing , This is definitely a very useful internal strength of the door.

Moreover, it is also an authentic Buddhism, Su Yi thinks it should have some connection with "Yi Jin Jing".

But although "Rama's Internal Strength" is good, Su Yi also wants to kill Feng Qingyang, a strong man, so as to avoid future troubles.

He even planned to kill Feng Qingyang with the plot as soon as the third unit started.

(End of this chapter)

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