Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 983 Covenant Chapter 3

Chapter 983
In the deathmatch set, no one should be blindly confident until the last moment, thinking that they have controlled the overall situation and are foolproof.

Success is a very difficult thing. If you travel a hundred miles, you will be half-ninety, and you will not be able to win by a cent.

But failure is very easy. Sometimes as long as you are careless, you will capsize in the gutter and lose everything.

Su Yi is very aware of this truth, so he has long planned to use props to get rid of the hidden big boss Feng Qingyang in this set, and he will do it immediately as soon as this unit is over.

But he didn't care about Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan, because they were more useful alive than dead.

So did Linghu Chong.

But now he doesn't eat rabbits and uses the "Rama Nei Gong" that Su Yi really wants to get to keep his style clean, which makes Su Yi very entangled.

I can do whatever I want with a fish, and I can do whatever I want with a bear's paw.

Is it possible to obtain "Rama's Internal Strength" and also be deadly?
In fact, Su Yi can accept the things now and refuse to accept the debt, but things can't be done like this. If you don't eat Tutu, give him the things first and then talk about things. Although Su Yi's way of doing things before was unconstrained and did not follow the rules, his character is still very guaranteed.

Su Yi has never cheated his teammates.

After weighing in his mind for a long time, Su Yi finally decided to accept the gift and acquiesced to the deal.

He may not be able to beat Feng Qingyang, but Dongfang Bubai is number one in the world, and his reputation is by no means in vain.

It is also worth taking an extra [-]% risk for "Rama Internal Strength".

Not eating the third thing mentioned in Tutu's letter is even more excessive.This guy actually went even further and asked Su Yi to show mercy to Yilin, an assistant.

"The only woman my younger brother has ever had a crush on, Big Brother Bai, please don't destroy the flowers with your hands..."

This is the original words in the letter.

This request is obviously more excessive, and it can even be said to be unreasonable, but this guy made it very confidently.

Not only was he asked, but this obviously more excessive request was not paid.

Su Yi couldn't help laughing, it's quite interesting not to eat rabbits, the reason why he didn't get paid was not because it was unimportant, on the contrary, it was more important, but he felt that Su Yi would give him face, even if he had nothing. Won't kill his woman.

This guy seemed to be convinced of himself, which made Su Yi feel uncomfortable being kidnapped by morality.

But it's okay to be unhappy, he will still give the face that should be given.

Su Yi was originally a tolerant person, and he was more tolerant when dealing with capable and lucky people.

After these three things have been said, the rest of the letter is meaningless.

After that, there is the cheat book of "Rama Internal Strength".

Su Yi was not in a hurry to translate it, because Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan were still hanging out in Chengde Hall.

Returning to Chengde Hall again, Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan obviously calmed down a lot. The latter's eyes were red, as if he had just cried.

They were not stupid enough to escape while Su Yi was not around. It was difficult to go up and down the Blackwood Cliff, not to mention that the guards outside the hall were heavily guarded, and if they made a slight movement, they would be considered seeking death.

In fact, this is also the biggest difference between a rookie like Linghu Chong and a veteran like Su Yi.

Even if Su Yi and Linghu Chong have the same level of martial arts, what Su Yi dares to do and can do, Linghu Chong neither dares nor can.

Because he was inexperienced, he simply didn't have the ability and calmness to take the head of an enemy general among millions of troops.

Su Yi knows how to fight a hundred with one, and how to stand out from the encirclement. He has rich experience; but Linghu Cong has little experience in one-on-one confrontation since he was a child.

If it had been Su Yi, he would have been bloodied and drifted here in half an hour, and disappeared without a trace.

As for Yue Lingshan, she was even worse.Once in a tight siege, if she could display half of her abilities, it would be regarded as a super long performance.

"See you, Chief Manager!" The disciples of the Sun Moon God Sect who surrounded Linghu Chong and the two greeted Su Yi with thunderous voices.

It was not only Su Yi who came, but also the maid, Green Ant, who followed Su Yi step by step.

Su Yi walked up to the main hall, looked down at Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan from high to low, and asked lightly: "Linghu Chong, have you thought about how to persuade me to let you live?"

Linghu Chong smiled, cupped his fists and said, "Mr. Yang, I would like to ask, how is that Mr. Bai Muyangbai doing now?"

"Before you came, I discovered his identity and executed him." Su Yi said blankly, "And he confessed everything to me. I also learned the name Lao De Nuo from him."

After a pause, Su Yi continued with a half-smile but not a smile: "So next time Linghu Shaoxia don't take people for a fool, thinking that as long as you read the name backwards, you will deceive others. Don't even think that you have a homonym for yourself. Names are interesting."

Linghu Chong laughed at himself: "Mr. Yang's lesson is that I'm the kid who is watching the sky from a well, and I'm blindly arrogant. No wonder you can call me out of my identity."

Linghu Chong looked at Su Yi: "Mr. Yang, Yu Gong, you and I have no balance between good and evil; Yu private, you killed my master, and you and I have no vengeance! So I really can't think of any reason you have Let me go."

Having said that, he paused, and looked back at Yue Lingshan, tenderness and reluctance flashed in his eyes, but when he looked at Su Yi again, his eyes became determined again.

"However, Mr. Yang, the majestic head of the holy religion, said that he gave me and my junior sister a chance to live. If you think about it, it shouldn't be just a talk, right?"

Su Yi smiled, "Of course not."

"Mr. Yang keeps his word, Linghu Chong admires it!" Linghu Chong hastily clasped his fists in praise, "Since that's the case, the boy Linghu Chong wants to have a game with Mr. Yang, and the bet is the lives of my junior sister and me!"

"Gambling?" There was no surprise in Su Yi's heart, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

"Exactly! I've always heard that you, Mr. Yang, are highly skilled in martial arts, especially half a year ago in the Ludi Chiyou Tomb, where you fought against a hundred with one enemy. You are really majestic and fascinating." Linghu Chong said, "I think you must not be stingy Can you teach me some tricks?"

"I, Linghu Chong, have been studying with my master for more than ten years. My martial arts is the most ineffective among all the disciples. Compared with Mr. Yang, it is naturally the difference between a firefly and a bright moon." Linghu Chong said with a smile, "But the boy is also a member of the martial arts. Today I dared to ask Mr. Yang for some advice."

"However, I'm a junior, and my martial arts are low. Presumably, Mr. Yang doesn't bother to bully the weak with the big, right?" Linghu Chong said.

Su Yi smiled and said, "How are you doing?"

"It's very simple, I want to have three chapters with you, Mr. Yang!" Linghu Chong said.

Su Yi was very cooperative and continued to ask: "How to make three chapters?"

"First, Mr. Yang, you have inherited the lifelong internal strength of Ren Woxing. Even today's famous martial arts masters are no match for your star-absorbing method. If you use your internal strength, even a hundred Linghu Chong will not be your opponent!" Linghu Chong spoke frankly. And Tan, "That's why I dare you, the first agreement is that both sides of our gambling fight must never use internal force. We only compare moves, and see whose moves are more subtle, how about it?"

Su Yisha nodded pretentiously: "It makes sense, if you use your internal force, you may die if you meet him face to face."

"Mr. Yang's miraculous skills are world-class, the boy is ashamed of himself, if he uses internal force, then there is no need to compare, the boy just admit defeat, and he will kill him immediately." Linghu Chong said with a smile.

"Go ahead." Su Yi said irrefutably.

"Secondly, even if you don't use your internal strength, Mr. Yang, you have both swords and guns, and your kung fu is superb, how can little Linghu Chong be able to match it?" Seeing that Su Yi did not agree or refuse, Linghu Chong felt a little uneasy, and continued to speak bravely.

"That's why the kid suggested that you have to let the kid do ten more tricks, so that you can show the demeanor of the holy religion and the demeanor of the seniors."

"Hehe..." Su Yi couldn't help laughing, "You don't need to use internal strength, and I will let you do ten tricks, Linghu Chong, why do you think I will agree to your rude and stupid requests?"

Linghu Chong smiled slightly: "Of course, Mr. Yang can not agree, but if Mr. Yang refuses to agree to the three chapters of the contract proposed by me, and use the money of a brat to confront Mr. Yang's Bright Moon Light, it is undoubtedly self-destruction and death! In this case, Yang Mister just reneged on his promise and got fat, don’t give us a chance to survive, just give me and my junior sister a happy one, it’s over.”

"Anyway, it's all your people here. Even if you don't count what you say, Mr. Yang, no outsiders will know. As long as my junior sister and I die, there will be no evidence for our death."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows: "According to what you said, as long as I don't agree to the three chapters of your agreement, it means that my words don't count?"

"I can't help it, the brat's martial arts are too weak, so weak that it's not worth mentioning in front of you!" Linghu Chong sighed, "Actually, even if you agree to make a contract with me for three chapters, the chance of me surviving is not even one in a hundred. Now it's just killing them unwillingly, struggling to the death, and fighting for a chance."

It's okay, this wave of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is self-taught, and it's pretty smooth.

Su Yi smiled and looked at him: "You might as well talk about your third condition."

"The third condition is even simpler. As the saying goes, good men don't fight with women, and good chickens don't fight with dogs. Mr. Yang, why bother to involve women when you and I fight?" Linghu Chong laughed, "Why don't you ask Mr. Yang to fight first?" Let my junior sister go down the mountain, so that I will have nothing else to do, so I can concentrate on gambling with Mr. Yang. After all, if there is a fight later, if my junior sister is still here, I will put half my heart on him, how can I fight with Mr. Yang? Have a good fight? Well, I'm afraid I can't even use half of my ability."

When Linghu Chong said this, Yue Lingshan lowered her head with a gloomy expression, and did not respond.

Obviously, they should have communicated about this issue before, and Linghu Chong obviously convinced Yue Lingshan.

Su Yi smiled and looked at Linghu Chong for a while, laughing so hard that the latter's heart trembled. He was pretending to be calm, but he became more and more uncomfortable. He couldn't help but clasped his fists again and said, "Mr. Yang, these three requirements of mine are very important to you. It's not worth mentioning at all, if you really want to give my brothers and sisters a chance, you won't refuse, right? Unless, you're just lying to us, and you don't want us to leave alive at all!"

Su Yi sighed: "Linghu Chong, I give you a piece of advice."

"All ears, kid!" Linghu Chong clasped his fists and said.

"Smartness can fool a fool, but not a discerning person." Su Yi said indifferently, "You are actually humiliating yourself by playing cleverness in front of a discerning person."

Linghu Chong's eyes changed slightly, but he pretended not to understand: "Mr. Yang, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Su Yi smiled: "You should have a kind of martial arts that does not rely on internal strength, so you put forward the first condition of the three chapters to me."

Just the first sentence made the smile on Linghu Chong's face stiffen.

"You asked me to give you ten moves. It should not be to display your powerful martial arts, but to deliberately show the enemy weak in these ten moves, so that I feel that you are vulnerable." Su Yi continued, "Otherwise, once I Feeling threatened, I will send out my internal force at any time, and use thunderous means against you. I am the only one who is careless to you. Guess there is an opportunity to take advantage of it. The second condition, you should be for the sake of taking care of yourself and pampering me."

Linghu Chong couldn't laugh anymore.

"You have repeatedly emphasized in your words that you are weak and I am strong, and it is also to make me relax my vigilance against you." Su Yi looked at him with a half-smile, "As for the third condition you mentioned, you must not expect me to agree to it at all. .let me guess……"

Su Yi thought for a while: "If I reject your third condition, I think you will soon settle for the second after a lot of struggle, let me promise you to let your junior sister go down Heimuya first, or even leave this hall. "

Linghu Chong's expression had become terrified, because Su Yi had completely guessed his thoughts!

"You should also have some confidence in your junior sister's martial arts. You believe that as long as I don't make a move, as long as she is caught by surprise, she still has a certain chance to break out of the tight encirclement." Su Yi continued with a smile, "As for you, you are not entirely for Sacrifice yourself to seek death, but you think you are likely to restrain me, threaten with my life, and force my subordinates to let you go."

"If it really doesn't work, you can kill me and die with me to avenge your master, right?"

Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan's complexions were pale!
all hit!

This was indeed the whole plan that Linghu Chong thought of in a hurry!
Including all his thoughts and thoughts, they were all hit by Su Yi!
Is this person a monster?Why can you even guess what other people think?
Linghu Chong's chest heaved violently, and a determination was already welling up in his heart. He calculated the distance between himself and Su Yi, and decided to go up and fight to the death!
But at this moment, he saw that the other party's smile was slightly restrained, and he said lightly: "It's not a bad idea to gamble!"

"Three chapters of the agreement may not be impossible!"

Linghu Chong's murderous intent that had just risen up was immediately dispelled by these two words, and the hope of surviving was rekindled.

Su Yi looked at him and said, "You escorted Feiyan back to Heimuya. This is a truly chivalrous act. I said that I would repay your kindness and virtue for the children of our Holy Cult. Naturally, it was not hypocrisy."

"Since you proposed gambling, it's okay to give you life in this way."

"I can agree to the first two of the three chapters of the contract you mentioned, but as for the third have to change it, and I will mention it."

Linghu Chong thought a lot, and said cautiously: "Mr. Yang, please tell me!"

(End of this chapter)

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