Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 984 Showdown

Chapter 984 Showdown
"You proposed a bet, and the bet included your junior sister's life, but now you want me to let her go first? Is there any reason in the world to let go of the bet before you start betting?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Linghu Chong, I'll give you two choices. First, you and I will bet on the fight, and the bet is the lives of both of you. As long as you lose, I will kill you!"

"Second, if you have confidence in your junior sister's martial arts, you might as well ask her to compete with the green ant behind me." Su Yi said, "The green ant was originally my maid. Half a year ago, our Eastern leader was very bored. Having taught her some martial arts, speaking of it, she can be regarded as the registered disciple of our Eastern leader."

"Miss Yue can gamble with the green ants, as long as Miss Yue wins a move and a half, I will let her go."

After Su Yi finished speaking, Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan's eyes fell on Green Ant.

The green ant was a little nervous, but also a little eager to try, because she had never really fought anyone since she practiced martial arts.

"Brother, I'm willing to give it a try!" Yue Lingshan whispered.

She has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and she is very confident in her own martial arts, especially after learning the drizzle sword technique taught by her second senior brother, she is even more confident.

Linghu Chong was a little hesitant, he was worried whether Green Ant's martial arts would be very high, otherwise, how could Su Yi feel relieved to let her fight?
"This green ant girl is actually a high-ranking disciple of the Eastern Hierarch, what a disrespect!" Linghu Chong smiled and cupped his hands, "I don't know what martial arts this girl has learned from the Eastern Hierarch? Could it be "Star Absorbing Dafa"? If so "The Dafa of Attracting Stars", I don't think there is any need for my junior sister to compare."

"She doesn't know how to absorb star magic." Su Yi said.

"She really only started practicing martial arts half a year ago?" Linghu Chong deliberately questioned, "You can't learn anything well after practicing martial arts for half a year. Mr. Yang wouldn't..."

Su Yi said impatiently: "Linghu Chong, I told you, don't play your tricks in front of me! You can either compete for your junior sister or let her compare herself! What are you probing for? If I really want to kill you, I won't do it at all. Any means are needed! Your corpses have already been thrown into mass graves, how can you live till now?"

Linghu Chong was taken aback, and immediately cupped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, it's the kid who judged a gentleman with a villain's heart, so ashamed and ashamed! Okay! Then we two brothers and sisters will learn from Mr. Yang and this green ant girl's clever tricks today! The bet is settled, and you will have no regrets!"

Su Yi's face turned pale, and he nodded to the green ant: "Go."

"Yes, master!" The green ant clasped its fists at Su Yi, and jumped down the steps with a light and quick movement.

Just this light hand made Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan's hearts sink.

This is not like an achievement that can be achieved by practicing martial arts for half a year!

How did they know that Dongfang Bubai has been trying to improve the Yi Jin Jing for the past six months, and deliberately used green ants and red mud for experiments. In addition to learning the "Yi Jin Jing", the two girls also obtained a set from the "Sunflower Treasure" The swordsmanship derived from it.

The internal force cultivated in the "Yi Jin Jing" is endless and volatile, coupled with the swordsmanship similar to the evil swordsmanship, in fact, the martial arts of the green ant and the red mud two girls have surpassed most people in the Jianghu.

At least in Su Yi's opinion, with Green Ant's own martial arts, as long as she is not careless, it is still no problem to defeat Yue Lingshan.

But martial arts competitions are not won by whoever has the highest strength. It is not uncommon for the weak to win the strong. What's more, the strength of the strength is not only compared to the level of martial arts.

There are also details such as experience, temperament, impromptu performance, and the ability to adapt to changes, and even the environment, the mutual generation and restraint of moves, etc., will affect the final outcome.

So even Su Yi couldn't guarantee that Green Ant would win.

Compared with the green ants who have only learned martial arts for half a year and have no actual combat experience, Yue Lingshan has at least completely defeated the green ants in terms of experience. From this point of view, Yue Lingshan actually has the advantage in this battle.

But it doesn't matter who wins or loses to Su Yi.

It's just a show.

There was no nonsense greetings, and the battle between the two girls began soon.

The green ant was the first to attack, kicking off her foot, she shot at Yue Lingshan like a spring swallow falling into the forest, the speed was extremely fast.

Yue Lingshan was startled again, raised her sword horizontally, leaned back, and made a move of Tianshen hanging upside down and attacking with defense belt, but the next second the green ant changed its move, and it swiped and stabbed five swords in mid-air, covering Yue Lingshan The main points all over the body.

The speed of the green ant was so fast that Yue Lingshan had no time to parry and dodge. She blocked two swords, but was pierced by the remaining three swords in the abdomen, left shoulder and right rib.

She screamed and rolled, and escaped from the battle group in embarrassment.

After meeting each other, the green ant actually hurt Yue Lingshan!

Su Yi watched carefully and couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

This is because Yue Lingshan played too cautiously. At the beginning, she was very conservative in her moves. On the contrary, it was the first time that Green Ant dared not neglect the enemy. The moment she made a move, it was like a thunderbolt. She used her strongest attack. It works!

Green Ant saw that he had succeeded in one blow, and his confidence was boosted immediately. He won't let anyone down, and once again charged at Yue Lingshan, his moves were fierce and quick, without mercy.

Yue Lingshan's defeat at the beginning inevitably affected her mentality. In her panic, she had more openings and was clumsy. She struggled to deal with it more and more, and even suffered a few blows on her arms and legs.

Linghu Chong was anxious like an ant in a hot pot, staring at the field all the time without blinking his eyes, only waiting for the slightest mistake to rush in to rescue Yue Lingshan, even if he was scolded for being unruly.

But Yue Lingshan had rich experience, even though she was in a terrible state, she only had the power to parry, but not to fight back, she managed to hold out more than [-] moves, but she was still not completely defeated.

The current situation on the field is completely that the green ants are pressing down on Yue Lingshan to fight, but seeing the figures flying around and the shadows of swords intertwined, both sides are fighting faster and faster.

The green ant has already used its speed to the extreme, and what is rare is that Yue Lingshan can still keep up with her!

Although it was just a parry in embarrassment, it still did not completely fall.

One must know that Green Ant used the sword technique used in the "Sunflower Treasure", and the speed is the most important thing, but Yue Lingshan has seen every move until now.

"The green ant is going to lose." Seeing this, Su Yi had already foreseen the outcome of this competition, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

With his eyes, he could see that apart from the first move, what Yue Lingshan used later was no longer the Huashan School of swordsmanship.

This is a sword technique that Su Yi has never seen before. It is meticulous and continuous, like a rain curtain and a waterfall.

But no matter how meticulous the sword technique is, it is impossible to be without flaws. If Su Yi had played instead, he would have killed Yue Lingshan at least a dozen times.

As far as swordsmanship and internal strength are concerned, the Green Ant is naturally better.

It's a pity that Green Ant is obviously far behind in terms of vision and keen grasp of changes in the battle situation, including the judgment of the battlefield.

She didn't seize many opportunities that could be killed with one blow. Although her swordsmanship is good, the person who uses the sword is difficult and inflexible.

Now Yue Lingshan has gradually adapted to the green ant's swordsmanship, and what's even more frightening is that the green ant is so poor that it knows those moves from time to time, and now it has started to use old tricks and old tricks.

Yue Lingshan already had a lot of experience, how could there be no reason for it?

"Green ants! Get back!" Su Yi suddenly said and stood up slowly.

The green ants, who were still attacking frantically, hesitated when they heard the words, but they still didn't dare to disobey Su Yi's order, jumped out of the battle group, and retreated to Su Yi's side, flushed and panting violently.

She bit her lip, unwilling to look at Yue Lingshan opposite.

Compared to her unscathed, Yue Lingshan was stabbed several times, dripping blood all over her body, looking very embarrassed.

The green ant felt that as long as she exerted a little more effort, the opponent would be defeated, but at this time the master stopped, how could she be convinced?

"Give me your sword." Su Yi reached out for Green Ant's sword.

"Do you think you are sure to win?" Su Yi smiled lightly, and drew a sword flower with the sword in his hand.

He doesn't use a sword, so it is inevitable that there will be traces of a knife when using a sword.

But in terms of eyesight, understanding of moves, swordsmanship has no secrets in his eyes.

"If you go back to the master, the maid feels that if you attack for a while, you will definitely win!" Green Ant replied.

Although Yue Lingshan showed pain on her face, she immediately retorted when she heard the words: "Don't blow your breath, if you don't shout to stop, at most three breaths, I will cut you under the sword!"

"Come again if you have the ability, and the winner will be determined by the sword!" Green Ant snorted coldly.

"Come here! Whoever is afraid of whom!" Yue Lingshan showed no sign of weakness.

"Junior Sister!" Linghu Chong stopped Yue Lingshan and asked Su Yi, "Mr. Yang, you stopped the competition, but you broke the rules first..."

"Needless to say," Su Yi interrupted him lightly, "You guys win this game!"

As soon as these words came out, Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan were stunned for a moment, and then they both showed joy.

This meant that at least Yue Lingshan could leave alive.

The premise is that Su Yi means what he says.

Su Yi didn't pay attention to them first, but looked back at the green ant, and performed one of the tricks that the green ant used before.

"If you continue to fight just now, you will definitely use this move." Su Yi said while demonstrating, "If the opponent uses this move at this time..."

He performed another move that Yue Lingshan had performed before, staring at the green ant and said: "If you are not prepared, you will surely die!"

The green ant widened its eyes, imagining the scene of these two moves, as if seeing the scene of itself being pierced by a sword, its pretty face turned pale with fright, and it felt frightened.

She fell to her knees in front of Su Yi with a "plop", and said in a trembling voice, "Thank you, master, for saving my life!"

Su Yi put away the sword, handed it back to the green ant, and said calmly: "You didn't lose in this trick, think about where you lost, if you can't figure it out...don't use the sword again in this life! "

The green ant trembled all over and bowed its head in agreement.

Su Yi did this for the benefit of the green ants. If she can't find her own problems, no matter how exquisite her sword skills are, no matter how deep her internal strength is, she will die sooner or later.

Instead of this, it's better not to use martial arts anymore, but you can be safe.

Su Yi went down the stairs, walked into the arena, looked at Yue Lingshan and said: "Although your swordsmanship is a little immature, but you have the demeanor of everyone. If you practice for three more years, you will not be inferior to your mother. The jade girl of Huashan can be regarded as a successor." gone."

Su Yi boasted, but Yue Lingshan didn't appreciate it, and snorted coldly: "Big devil, I will avenge my father sooner or later!"

"Filial piety is commendable, and you are always here." Su Yi smiled and looked at Linghu Chong, "Come on, let me see what Yue Buqun's apprentices are capable of."

"You don't need a weapon?" Linghu Chong couldn't help asking in doubt when he saw that Su Yi was bare-handed.

Su Yi smiled lightly: "If you still use weapons to deal with a junior like you, wouldn't it make people laugh if I spread the word?"

Seeing Su Yi's support, Linghu Chong was overjoyed and felt that his chances of winning had increased by [-]%.

"That's right! Mr. Yang, you are a master in the world, and I, Linghu Chong, am just a low-level student, an unknown soldier. If you use weapons, you will think highly of me." Linghu Chong laughed at himself.

But in fact, he used words to force Su Yi back, lest Su Yi go back on his word.

Su Yi couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

This Linghu Chong is playing tricks all the time, this problem has been engraved in his bones.

On the surface it seems to be nothing, but in fact, this kind of cleverness that is present all the time is the chief culprit of him disregarding right and wrong because of small righteousness, blinding Mount Tai.

Because he is used to making things simple in such a slippery way, and when he thinks about problems, he often doesn't think so much "follow the rules" like ordinary people. Over time, this kind of person will become very emotional , All his actions will also be driven by emotions.

Linghu Chong thought that he would take advantage of Su Yi if he used words to hold Su Yi back without weapons.

But he didn't know that Su Yi chose to use his bare hands because he was very cautious about his Dugu Nine Swords.

Su Yi's most powerful kung fu has never been swords and guns, but fists and feet.

"Mr. Yang, you and I agreed not to use internal force. If one of the contestants uses internal force..." Linghu Chong said again, deliberately half-spoken.

"If you use your internal strength, you will lose." Su Yi said lightly.

Who is more powerful than a master of martial arts without internal force?

It's really clever but being mistaken by cleverness.

Linghu Chong was overjoyed again.

"And what you said before, you have to give me ten tricks..."

Su Yi separated his legs slightly, stretched out a hand forward, and Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi's guru demeanor rushed towards him instantly.

Linghu Chong, who had a playful smile on his face, suddenly shuddered, and couldn't help laughing.

Su Yi looked at Linghu Chong and said, "If you can use the No.12 move, then I will lose."

The expression on Linghu Chong's face froze.

How domineering are these words?

Even as an enemy, he couldn't help but be impressed by Su Yi's bearing at this moment!

Su Yi promised him ten moves, but now he said that as long as Linghu Chong uses No.12 moves, he will lose.

The meaning in the words was that as long as he made a counterattack, Linghu Chong would definitely lose!
Linghu Chong naturally didn't believe it and was not convinced, but the overwhelming domineering still gave him heavy pressure.

He no longer had a playful smile on his face, restrained all his little thoughts and cupped his fists: "Mr. Yang, I've offended you!"

When the last word landed, Linghu Chong's eyes froze, and the person under his feet shot forward. The sword in his hand trembled and stabbed straight at Su Yi, pointing directly at Su Yi's throat, and the tip of the sword trembled rapidly.

Jian Jian stabbed out with a single sword, but there was a faint sound of wind and thunder!

(End of this chapter)

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