Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 985 Dugu 9 Swords!

Chapter 985 Dugu Nine Swords!

What is Dugu Nine Swords?
This set of swordsmanship is said to be only attacking but not defending, and there are moves to win without moves, which breaks the world's martial arts.

The "nine swords" here does not refer to the nine-stroke swordsmanship, but to the nine sword styles. It is said that each sword style contains more than [-] changes.

This thing sounds complicated, but as the saying goes, it is not difficult for those who meet, but not for those who are difficult.

For a master of Chinese martial arts like Su Yi, is it a problem to have no tricks to win?

He has also reached the state where all martial arts in the world can be admired. He has long since broken away from the stereotype of moves, and no longer sticks to any routine moves.

He punches at random, and it can be said that this punch has hundreds of variations.

So what Dugu Nine Swords is, Su Yi knows very well.

It is like the nine formulas in martial arts, all changes are evolved according to these nine formulas.

Rather than saying that Dugu Nine Swords is a kind of martial arts, it is better to say that it is a system of swordsmanship.

Su Yi himself has such a system.

In fact, at the master level, everyone will sum up their own martial arts system.

But this system is generally something that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, and each person's system is only suitable for themselves, not for others.

If you want to summarize and sort out your own martial arts system and pass it on to future generations, you need to go a step further. At least Su Yi can't do this for the time being.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Dugu Qiubai, who created "Dugu Nine Swords", is at least one level higher than Su Yi in terms of realm.

His successor, Feng Qingyang, is known as the Sword Master with his "Nine Swords of Dugu" across the rivers and lakes, and his realm is not bad.

Therefore, Su Yi must be very interested in Dugu Nine Swords, because he is sure that this sword technique can let him see the road after the master.

But he admired "Dugu Nine Swords", but he didn't think Linghu Chong's "Dugu Nine Swords" could threaten him.

"Dugu Nine Swords" is the way forward for Su Yi to take the next step, but it is not a high mountain in front of his eyes, nor is it a magical skill that anyone can use to make Su Yi feel like an enemy.

Su Yi will not underestimate himself, he has a comprehensive understanding of his martial arts.

In the past six months, he has often practiced against Dongfang Bubai, and he is very clear about the extent of his attainments in martial arts.

Linghu Chong's talent in swordsmanship is really outstanding, his sword contains at least dozens of follow-up changes, no matter how Su Yi moves, he can't beat his sword style, and whenever Su Yi makes a move, he immediately anticipates the enemy's opportunity and strikes first Finally, let Su Yi take the initiative to "meet" the tip of his sword.

This is where the power of "Dugu Nine Swords" lies!
It is said that when the sword technique reaches a certain level, the sword technique will come to life, as if it has its own consciousness, as if it is only manifested in the world by the master's hand, this kind of sword technique is called "Sword Intent".

"Dugu Nine Swords" seems to be the embryonic form of sword intent.

Facing Linghu Chong's sword, Su Yi put his hands behind his back.

Seeing the long sword approaching, he tilted his body calmly, snapped the soles of his feet, and came almost close to the blade of the sword.

His gossip steps have already reached the state of perfection, without a trace of fireworks, Linghu Chong only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and Su Yi's big face was so close at hand, he was shocked immediately!
He leaned back and raised his long sword obliquely, while making defensive movements.

But Su Yi had expected such a change in him. While picking up his long sword, he stepped on the side and came to Linghu Chong's side. With a light shoulder on his right shoulder, Linghu Chong's footsteps suddenly became unstable, and he staggered a few steps before standing still stature.

From the beginning to the end, Su Yi's hands were behind his back, as if he was walking in the shadow of swords all over the sky, indescribably free and easy.

"Good swordsmanship." Su Yi praised him sincerely.

This is from the heart, his family knows his own affairs, he seems to be very relaxed, but this is only on the surface, it is very memory-consuming to deal with these two swords in terms of timing.

The seemingly simple two swords have actually blocked 90.00% of the nine ways to deal with them. If Su Yi uses one of the 90.00% nine ways to deal with these two swords, even if he does not lose now, he is afraid that he will be defeated. Embarrassed.

This is where the power of "Dugu Nine Swords" lies!
That is to say, a master of martial arts like Su Yi can lift weights lightly.

And he received the move with his hands behind his back not to make a fool of himself, let alone pretend to be coercive, but to have no tricks.

He knew that "Dugu Nine Swords" is a swordsmanship that predicts the enemy's opportunity first and strikes later, and pays attention to winning without moves.

But what if there is no way?

Can No Move beat No Move?

What if there is no opportunity?
How did you expect that?

Therefore, it is the simplest and most effective way for Su Yi to face the enemy with his hands behind his back.

Of course, this simplicity is relative. It's like a bully telling you "I have a very simple solution to this problem."

Why don't you try it with your hands behind your back?
If you don't make nine holes in your body, it will be regarded as Linghu Chong's mercy.

Su Yi praised the good sword skills, but it sounded like a great irony to Linghu Chong's ears.

At this moment, it was as if a thunderbolt from the blue sky exploded in his heart, which made his scalp numb and the hairs all over his body stand on his head.

He couldn't believe that the sword technique he was most proud of was simply broken by someone with his hands behind his back!
This is "Dugu Nine Swords"!
"Dugu Nine Swords", which claims to break the world's martial arts!
He felt a sense of despair that his beliefs had collapsed, and he was in chaos for a while.

"No, I don't believe it, I don't believe it..." Linghu Chong roared and rushed forward with his sword again.

Brush brush!
One sword fell to the sky, and Linghu Chong stabbed nine swords instantly, sealing off all the ways for Su Yi to dodge.

But seeing heavy sword shadows coming towards Su Yi overwhelmingly, it seems that no matter how Su Yi moves, it is impossible to escape the sword light!
No matter how Su Yi responds, wherever he dodges, the shadows of heavy swords will follow him like shadows, making it difficult for him to get rid of.

But Su Yi didn't dodge or dodge, instead he took two steps forward facing the sword shadows all over the sky!

In the first step, he stretched out his left foot and stepped right. He paused and turned to one side, and half of the sword light flashed away from him in all directions.

In the second step, he turned his left toe slightly, moved his right foot half a foot back and stopped, and his whole body was almost attached to Linghu Chong's body.

Linghu Chong, who was rushing forward, felt his eyes go blurry, and the next second, he slammed into Su Yi's body heavily.

It was like hitting a wall.Bounce his whole body out.

After staggering a few steps before gaining a firm foothold, Linghu Chong was completely insane. With a roar of despair, he flew towards Su Yi again.

A sword cut across the sky, falling like a horse.

When the long sword reached the top of Su Yi's head, and the sword energy made his hair flutter and his skin tingle faintly, Su Yi suddenly turned to one side, and the long sword almost fell against his body again.

Linghu Chong swung his long sword horizontally and swept towards Su Yi, but Su Yi's body seemed to be folded back suddenly, and the long sword swept across Su Yi's abdomen.

Linghu Chong pursued closely, and swung his long sword slantingly, but Su Yi got up at the same time as he swung the long sword. Linghu Chong's blade chased Su Yi's back of the neck for a distance, and his body suddenly fell short. In a flash, he was in front of Linghu Chong again, and his left shoulder slammed into Linghu Chong's body hard.

Linghu Chong's whole body was knocked out.

"No! This is impossible! This is impossible!" Linghu Chong completely collapsed!
If it were him, there would be no way for him to remain calm.

In front of Su Yi, what he has learned all his life is as ridiculous as playing house.

So what's the point of him practicing swordsmanship regardless of cold or heat?
Isn't everything he pursued for half his life a joke?

He can't take this!

Linghu Chong stabbed again with his sword.

With this sword, he used his inner strength!

He took the initiative to violate the agreement because he couldn't care about anything.

Facing this lightning-fast sword, even Su Yi did not dare to neglect it.

Seeing the sword approaching, he suddenly stepped forward to meet it, and quickly reached out to grab it.

Linghu Chong felt a blur in front of his eyes, a numbness in his wrist, and a lightness in his hand——

The next moment, a long sword was placed around his neck.

The sword is his own sword.

But at this moment, it was in Su Yi's hands.

Linghu Chong froze, all thoughts were lost.

He fell to his knees and cried out in despair, "Kill me! Kill me!"

"Master brother!" Yue Lingshan screamed, and suddenly stabbed at Su Yi with her sword.

But seeing the shadow of the sword, it was like the trees rustling, and it was like the drizzle.

Su Yi smiled slightly, and suddenly stabbed obliquely in the rainy sky.

This sword actually passed through the heavy sword net, pierced into the sword curtain, and came first, passed through Yue Lingshan's ribs, and pointed directly at her armpit.

If the castration continues, this sword will stab Yue Lingshan's right shoulder from bottom to top!

But seeing that Yue Lingshan was about to be seriously injured, Su Yi changed the stabbing to shooting.

The long sword infused with internal strength suddenly bent, then suddenly straightened, and hit Yue Lingshan's right arm fiercely.


Yue Lingshan was in pain, the long sword fell to the ground, inertia led her to stagger a few steps forward, and then stood still.

Su Yi retracted his sword, and said leisurely: "You probably haven't fully learned this set of swordsmanship. There are four big flaws, and it should be four moves missing."

Su Yi looked at Yue Lingshan: "These four moves are the core of this set of swordsmanship. Without these four moves, this set of swordsmanship can be regarded as second-rate at best! Once you meet a master and catch your four flaws, you will definitely die!"

Yue Lingshan's face turned blue for a while, then turned red for a while, she clenched her teeth and cried out in a crying voice, "Kill me if you want to kill me, you big devil!"

This little girl looked like she grew up in a honeypot since she was a child, and she only used the word "big devil" when she cursed.

Su Yi sighed, and handed the sword back to Yue Lingshan: "Remember to learn all the sword skills when you go back, and take your brother with you, let's go."

Yue Lingshan and Linghu Chong froze together, looking at Su Yi in disbelief.

Su Yi put his hands behind his back and said indifferently: "If you don't fight this one, how will you explain to the so-called Righteous factions when you go back? How will you explain to them that you two juniors were able to retreat from the Black Wood Cliff?"

The corners of Su Yi's mouth curled up, and a faint smile appeared on his face: "It's all right now, when you go back, you can declare to the world that you played with me, and I accidentally lost half a trick, so I had to follow the agreement and let you go. Of course, just like this, there will still be many people who don’t believe it.”

"After you go down the mountain, I will send someone to pretend to assassinate you a few more times, so that it will appear that our Demon Cult can't afford to lose, and want to kill people to silence us... Hehe, so that the world will believe it. Demon Cult, treacherous and shameless It's normal, how can you keep your promise?"

Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan stared blankly at Su Yi, unable to react for a while.

Su Yi took a deep look at the two, waved his hand and said, "Send them down the mountain!"

"Yes!" Li Xiangzhu at the entrance of the main hall immediately took orders.

"Wait a minute!" Linghu Chong called out hastily.

Only then did he recover from his bewildered state.

He took a deep breath and asked with a serious face: "Mr. Yang, what do you mean, you didn't intend to kill us, but let us go? The so-called gambling, to give us a chance to live, just help us find a An excuse to explain to the outside world?"

"You risked your life to send Feiyan to Heimuya, such a righteous person, it would be ominous to kill." Su Yi smiled.

Linghu Chong's chest was hot, and he said in a deep voice, "But we are your enemies! My master died at your hands. One day, I will definitely avenge him!"

"That's right! Even if you let us go today, we won't be grateful to you! As long as we have the chance, we will definitely kill you!" Yue Lingshan said loudly.

"Hahaha..." Su Yi suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"If you want revenge, come to me at any time, and I will accompany you to the end." Su Yi said with a half-smile, "But you'd better practice your martial arts before you come back. See you next time, and I may not be merciful."

Hearing this, Linghu Chong's expression suddenly became gloomy, and he said with a sad smile, "What if you practice again? I can't beat you without using your hands. If I practice all my life, I might not be as good as you..."

Yue Lingshan's expression darkened when she heard the words.

Su Yi's strength made them feel deeply desperate.

"You bastard!" Who knows that Su Yi's face turned pale when he heard this, and he yelled sharply, "A man was born in the world, how can he be depressed because of a momentary success or failure? Linghu Chong, I thought you and your junior sister were rare young heroes. I only gave you a chance to grow up, but if you are really the type who complains about the slightest blow, I will kill you right now!"

Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan were shocked.

Su Yi said coldly: "The sword technique you use should be the unique skill Dugu Nine Swords of old Mr. Feng Qingyangfeng?"

"Mr. Yang actually knows Dugu Nine Swords and Uncle Feng?" Linghu Chong was a little surprised.

"Dugu Nine Swords was an invincible hand in the rivers and lakes back then, how could I not know?" Su Yi said, "I knew you were using Dugu Nine Swords from the first move you used, so I fought you with my hands behind my back. You Do you think I’m supporting you? I’m humiliating you? You’re wrong! I’ve never humiliated my opponents! I just know that Dugu Nine Swords is about anticipating the enemy first, and it’s about winning without moves!”

"So I don't make any moves, and I don't even have the first move. The biggest advantage of your martial arts will naturally be broken by me!" Su Yi stared at Linghu Chong and scolded, "You are short-sighted, a younger generation. I want to deal with you. Clearly going all out, even taking risks and slanting the sword, in your eyes, it turned out that I defeated you without even using my hands? You are still disheartened and broken because of this?"

"What kind of hero is Mr. Feng? Why did you accept such a bastard junior? What kind of magical skills is "Dugu Nine Swords"? The world can't ask for it, and it is in your hands, it is like a pearl in the dust!"

(End of this chapter)

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