Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 986 The Undefeated Harvest of the East

Chapter 986 The Undefeated Harvest of the East

Su Yi's scolding was really a blow to the head, which made Linghu Chong feel ashamed and ashamed, like enlightenment.

He raised his hand and slapped himself very hard.

"Master brother!" Yue Lingshan exclaimed.

"Boy, I'm so ashamed! I made Mr. Yang laugh at you!" Linghu Chong cupped his fists and bowed deeply to Su Yi, his words were less frivolous, but his demeanor was more respectful.

""Dugu Nine Swords" is extensive and profound, but this junior is not good at learning skills, so he just scratches the surface. The reason why this junior failed is entirely my own fault, and this junior has embarrassed Uncle Feng!"

Speaking of this, Linghu Chong paused, clasped his fists at Su Yi again, and respectfully said: "Mr. Yang can obviously say nothing and let the boy's mind collapse, but he still tells the truth, which shows that you are open-minded and noble-minded! The boy is here to thank Mr. Yang!"

"That's not necessary." Su Yi said lightly, ""Dugu Nine Swords" is indeed one of the best swordsmanship in the world. No one dares to underestimate it. And one is one, and the other is two. I don't even bother to play tricks to fool you Junior!"

Linghu Chong's expression was complicated, and he said: "It's a pity that Your Excellency and I have a mortal hatred, otherwise..."

Otherwise, he didn't go on, but Su Yi naturally understood what he meant, couldn't help laughing and said: "If you have a grudge, you are not a gentleman. If you give up revenge, I will look down on you!"

After a pause, Su Yi smiled slightly and said again: "However, there is a grievance and a debtor. I killed Yue Buqun, and you all seek revenge from me. But if you vent your anger on my followers, don't Blame me for washing Huashan with blood in the future!"

Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan both shuddered.

"Mr. Yang, don't worry, I, Linghu Chong, act openly and aboveboard, and I will never do things to anger others. If I deal with members of your religion, it will be people of your religion who do things that are harmful to nature, or violate the morals of the world, and act chivalrously. It's just injustice, absolutely nothing to do with revenge!" Linghu Chong said.

The corners of Su Yi's mouth curled up, and his eyes sneered: "Oh? So, the young hero Linghu claims to be chivalrous, but he is a man who does justice for the heavens?"

"I don't dare to act on behalf of the heavens, but the word chivalry is the principle that my mentor has always taught me to practice all my life." Linghu Chong said.

"Half a year ago, the leader and I went to the south of the Yangtze River in white clothes to deal with the affairs of the church, and there was no karma along the way. I didn't want disasters from heaven, and a total of more than ten masters from Shaolin, Wudang, and Wuyue Sword Sect besieged me and the leader." Su Yi stared at the two. Linghu Chong spoke eloquently.

Having said that, Su Yi paused, and looked at Linghu Chong with sarcasm: "Among the ten or so people, there is Ling Shiyue Buqun, and Ning Zhongze, the current leader of Huashan Mountain. Dare I ask you, Master Linghu?" Hero, how can I, Yang Lianting, be so innocent? Let these so-called respected masters of yours kill them quickly? Bully the few with the more, attack and besiege the less, can such an act be called chivalry?"

Linghu Chong's complexion changed slightly, and he argued: "There is no balance between good and evil. Your demon sect has always done a lot of evil. In order to subdue demons and eliminate demons, masters and uncles, no matter how much they fight, is to uphold justice!"

"If you do the so-called chivalrous things with despicable means, what kind of chivalry is your so-called chivalry?" Su Yi sneered, "What's more, is it really chivalrous to besiege me and the Eastern leader?"

"Since the leader came to power, he has always wanted to eliminate the grievances and grievances between the Holy Cult and the various factions. Therefore, he has never stepped down from the Blackwood Cliff for more than twelve years! My Holy Cult has never taken the initiative to attack and provoke the various factions outside. This has maintained peace in the Wulin for more than ten years!"

"My hands, Yang Lianting, have never been stained with blood since I was born. Even if I have become the head of the Holy Cult, I have always lived in seclusion on the Black Wood Cliff, and I have never set foot in the rivers and lakes."

"What's wrong with the two of us, that you are dubbed the devil? Just because I killed your master?" Su Yi sneered, "But don't forget, it's your master and more than ten The masters will surround and kill us together, and the talents who are not as skilled will kill me! If I don't kill people, do I have to stretch my neck and wait for them to kill me, is that right?"

What he said left Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan dumbfounded and speechless.

These words subverted their three views, and they wanted to refute, but found that what Su Yi said was actually very reasonable.

It is said that they want to kill the devil, but none of the so-called devils has lived in seclusion for more than ten years and is committed to peace; the other has never been contaminated with new skills, and even did not even know martial arts before.

Can such two people really be called "demons"?

Yang Lianting, whom they had hated deeply before, felt that the devil had killed their father and master, so he deserved his life.

But thinking about it now, if the master hadn't teamed up with all the masters to besiege him first, would he have killed the master?

Master lost his life, shouldn't it be self-inflicted?
Linghu Chong couldn't utter a single word, but Yue Lingshan blushed and shouted: "If you say anything, you can't share the hatred of killing your father, I will definitely settle it with you!"

Su Yi smiled lightly and said: "Miss Yue, I didn't say this to make you give up revenge, but I just think that you two are at least really chivalrous, not those hypocritical hypocrites who do nasty things in the name of chivalry. .”

"Let's go! See you next time, you and I are enemies and not friends!" Su Yi suddenly showed a sad face, and said quietly: "It's a pity, the leader's painstaking efforts for more than ten years have been destroyed, and peace is no longer hopeful. From then on, the rivers and lakes will inevitably set off a bloody storm..."

As he spoke, he shook his head again and again, and walked out the door.

Linghu Chong was in a trance, and she didn't come back to herself until Li Xiangzhu walked up to him with a sullen expression.

"Young Hero Linghu, good luck to you, the chief executive cherishes your talents, and save you and your junior sister! I hope you will take care of yourself and don't make enemies with our Holy Cult again!" Li Xiang said, "You two, please, I Send you down the mountain!"

"Thank you!" Linghu Chong forced a smile, and cupped his fists at Li Xiangzhu.

It wasn't until they were more than ten miles away from Heimuya that Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan breathed a sigh of relief.

Escaping from the dead made them feel as if they were separated from each other.

"Junior Martial Sister, I really didn't expect that we would be able to leave Heimuya alive!" Linghu Chong said with emotion, "I thought we were doomed this time."

"Yeah, who would have thought that Yang would let us go?" Yue Lingshan was also terrified, "This devil has a clear sense of grievance and hatred. Seeing that we sent Feiyan, he didn't kill us. He will avenge us."

"Yang Lianting...he is an upright man! There are rumors in the world that he is a villain, and that he betrays his appearance... Hehe, now it seems that it is ridiculous." Linghu Chong shook his head and sighed, "Oh, this time we , I owe him two lives, and I don’t know if there will be a chance to repay it in the future.”

Yue Lingshan looked at Linghu Chong in surprise when she heard the words: "Master brother, don't you really feel grateful to this big devil?"

"The grace of not killing is a great grace, shouldn't we be grateful?" Linghu Chong asked back.

"It's right for him to let us go, but he shouldn't kill us! He just did what he should do now, why should he be grateful to him?" Yue Lingshan became excited, "Besides, don't forget, he killed my father !"

"But it was indeed Master who went to kill him first, and he just counterattacked passively." Linghu Chong said, "Not to mention, Master and the others besieged two of them, which is very unethical."

Yue Lingshan said angrily: "How can you talk like that? Master and the others are doing justice for the heavens, eliminating demons and defending the way. This is the greatest morality!"

"But as far as I know, Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting really haven't descended the Blackwood Cliff in the past ten years, they are really not demons, junior sister." Linghu Chong said sincerely, "Junior sister, maybe we are all wrong, maybe... ...Everyone should get along peacefully, when will the grievances be repaid?"

"You, you are simply unreasonable!" Yue Lingshan was anxious and angry, and she couldn't believe that Linghu Chong would say such words, "It doesn't matter if he is a demon or not, he killed my father! Whether it is my father or not, go first! The one who killed him, he also killed my father! I must avenge this revenge! It is up to you to live in peace with him! I will never talk to you again!"

Yue Lingshan ran away angrily.

Linghu Chong was stunned for a while, then heaved a long sigh and chased after him.

On Blackwood Cliff, Su Yi ordered his subordinates to escort Qu Feiyan back to Blackwood Cliff by Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan, and spread the news that Yang Lianting won the gambling fight after "beating" him, and then went back to Xiulou in a happy mood.

After today, Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan will definitely become famous all over the world, but the doubts and troubles they face are not small, definitely enough to cause headaches.

In particular, what satisfied Su Yi was that he had planted a seed in Linghu Chong's heart, and there was no visible effect yet, but at critical moments, it would definitely have a miraculous effect.

The core of this deal with Buchi Tutu is "Rama's Internal Strength". After Su Yi returned to his study, the first thing he did was to translate this internal energy.

The inner strength and mental method are not long, only a few hundred words, all of which are exercises.

There is no mental method and martial arts, and there is no general formula. This mental method is like a very simple "instruction manual", dry and dry.

But thinking about the origin of this internal skill, Su Yi felt relieved.

This thing was forcibly taken from Rama's body. It would be nice to have an exercise route. What kind of bicycle do you need?

Su Yi looked at it for a long time and couldn't see any tricks. The specific effect of this thing can only be known after practicing.

Although he didn't believe that he would cheat himself if he didn't eat rabbits, he still had to be on guard against others. He took the copy of "Rama's Internal Strength" introduction to the exercise route, and went directly to Dongfang Bubai.

Dongfang Bubai is in the East Wing, and she has almost always kept herself bored in this room for the past six months.

In the room, the fragrance of Zen is wafting, and the room is full of various Buddhist scriptures.

Eight years ago, Dongfang Bubai began to study various Buddhist scriptures. She seemed certain that the Buddhist scriptures contained superb martial arts.

Su Yi felt that she was a little bewildered, and even a little worried that she would suddenly convert to my Buddha one day and shave her hair and become a nun.

Fortunately, this kind of thing has not happened yet.

Hearing the movement, Dongfang Bubai raised his head and smiled slightly at Su Yi who walked in: "Brother Lian, you are here."

"Still reading Buddhist scriptures? Can you see what is famous?" Su Yi asked.

"How easy is it?" Dongfang Bubai shook his head, "Shaolin Temple has been passed down for hundreds of years, and there are countless eminent monks who have attained Taoism in the past. If it is so easy to understand martial arts from Buddhist scriptures, why wait until today, when I, an outsider, can do it for me?"

"Don't you have any idea?" Su Yi asked.

"How come?" Dongfang Bubai pursed his lips and smiled, "There are still some gains."

"I have seen some sentences in some Buddhist scriptures that seem to be martial arts and formulas, but unfortunately they are not systematic. There are only theories, but no actual method of internal strength operation. For example, here..."

Dongfang Bubai spread out a roll of bamboo slips from the left side of the table, pointed to a passage on it and read to Su Yi: "Life is born of love, and is inspired by desire. Once it falls into form, everything is filthy. If you want to cultivate the Buddha's truth, you will move the obstacles to the truth, and the five internal organs The six internal organs, four limbs and one hundred skeletons must be washed one by one first, so as to see pure emptiness before they can continue to practice and enter the Buddha's wisdom place..."

"This scripture seems to tell people to purify their hearts and pay homage to the Buddha, but when I think about it carefully, it seems to be talking about the principle of refining the inner essence of the five internal organs. It's just that there is such a martial art in this world? If there is, it must be longevity The law, not martial arts."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. Su Yi suddenly thought of a possibility, and couldn't help his heart pounding.

But he was very determined, and continued to ask calmly: "What else can I gain?"

"Yes, there is another passage." Dongfang Bubai picked up another Buddhist scripture, pointed to a passage on it and said: "The weather has been lingering for a long time, turning into water, soil and trees, the wood hair Kunlun, the four reaches into the pit, sit quietly There is heating, there is a fire in the water, the heat and humidity are transpiration, it is rain and dew..."

"On the surface, this paragraph is about the birth and disillusionment of the Great Thousand World, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, isn't it the martial arts of the human body?" Dongfang Bubai frowned, "It's just that the scene described in it is really unimaginable, you see This sentence, "Life has never been born, and death has never died, so what's the use of leaving the body, the living person is the living thing", this passage is combined with the scriptures before and after, it actually says that people can regenerate their limbs, and they can be resurrected after death?"

Dongfang Bubai laughed at himself at this point: "I think this Shaolin patriarch made a fuss to put gold on his face. How can there be such a magical method in this world? This is already the method of a fairy."

The words "regeneration of severed limbs" made Su Yi's heart skip a beat again.

"Dongfang." He looked at Dongfang Bubai and asked, "If there is such a martial art in the world that can regenerate a broken limb and make up for a missing limb, would you be willing to practice this martial art and regain your manly body?"

Dongfang Bubai was stunned for a moment, and said quietly: "Brother Lian, do you really mind?"

"No, no, you misunderstood!" Su Yi hurriedly waved his hands, "I said this on the surface, don't overinterpret it, Dongfang."

Dongfang Bubai shook his head and said: "My heart is a daughter's heart, and my body is also a daughter's body. If there is such a harmful martial art, I will never practice it."

How can making up for the vacancy become a martial art that harms others?
Su Yi couldn't laugh or cry.

"Brother Lian, did you come to see me for something?" Dongfang Bubai asked with rolling eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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