Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 987 Demon Extermination Plan

Chapter 987 Demon Extermination Plan
"Two things." Su Yi said to Dongfang Bubai, "Qu Yang's granddaughter, Qu Feiyan, is back. I met this child once, and she has a good heart. I left her in Xiulou."

"Oh? How old is it?" Dongfang Bubai asked.

"13 years old." Su Yi said.

Dongfang Bubai frowned: "It's a bit young, Brother Lian, let's raise it for two years first."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment before realizing what Dongfang Bubai meant.

"Do I look like a person who is obsessed with lust?" He said a little speechlessly, "I mean, you have seen it too. If it hits the spot, we can adopt her as a foster daughter, and we will have a future."

Dongfang Bubai was shocked, both surprised and delighted: "Brother Lian, think so? I thought you... Actually, you don't have to be like this, I'm really not a jealous woman who can't tolerate people."

"But I can't tolerate others in my eyes." Su Yi smiled faintly.

Ren Yingying thought about it and hinted at him several times, but Su Yi was unmoved. In this world, he really didn't have the mind to do things with his lower body.

Dongfang Bubai was moved beyond measure: "Brother Lian, I will never fail you in this life."

"I know." Su Yi smiled, "There is a second thing, and that's it."

He took out the piece of paper on which "Rama's Internal Strength" was transcribed and handed it to Dongfang Bubai.

"This is a set of internal energy exercise routes, which should be left by Shaolin Patriarch Bodhidharma." Su Yi said.


Dongfang Bubai's eyes lit up immediately, he took it hastily, and asked impatiently, "Where did Brother Lian get this?"

"The source is a bit complicated, so I won't talk about it, but it should be true." Su Yi said, "It is said that Bodhidharma came from Tianzhu hundreds of years ago and went to the Central Plains to promote Buddhism. Afterwards, Yiwei crossed the river to face the wall of Mount Jiuhua for 19 years, and finally thoroughly understood the Mahayana Buddhism, and also realized the peerless martial arts, and lived for more than [-] years before he died without illness."

"After Bodhidharma's death, the body has not decayed for hundreds of years. This set of practice lines is the line derived from the excavation of Bodhidharma's body, dissecting his body and restoring it."

Speaking of this, Su Yi paused and said: "According to the person who got the body, Bodhidharma's body is complete and there is no defect, but if the legend is true, he entered Liang Wudi's palace for three years, and he clearly passed away. of."

"That is to say, is it true that life has never been born, and death has never died?" Rao Dongfang Bubai, who is almost hopeless, is also flushed with excitement at this moment, "Brother Lian, this exercise route is similar to "Yi Yi" There are some overlaps in the Jin Jing, and the non-overlapping parts can be completely complementary! Shenfeng, Lingxu, Mingfu, Qihai, Xiasanzhui... Its movement routes all fall at the intersection of blood vessels and meridians!"

"No! This skill is not complete!" Dongfang Bubai suddenly frowned, thought hard for a long time, rushed out like crazy, and ran back after a while, holding a lot of Buddhist scriptures in his hand, and hurriedly flipped through them.

She seemed to have forgotten that there was Su Yi in the house.

"Dongfang? Dongfang?" Su Yi called her twice, but she didn't respond at all, she just frowned and muttered something.

Yes, stupefied.

Su Yi shrugged and walked out of the room, closing the door smoothly, full of anticipation in his heart.

What will "Rama Nei Gong" look like after Dongfang Bubai's perfect integration?

The news that Linghu Chong, the great disciple of the Huashan School, and Yue Lingshan, the daughter of the old master Yue Buqun, defeated the blood demon Yang Lianting in a sword fight from Heimuya, and also escaped unscathed, instantly ignited public opinion in the entire martial arts world!

People's first reaction when they heard the news was disbelief, because it was so absurd and many things couldn't be explained.

For example, why did Linghu Chong and the others go to Heimuya?

Yang Lianting's magical power is so powerful that many people are even arguing about who is number one in the world, he or Dongfang Bubai. How can Linghu Chong be his opponent?
But after these two unimaginable questions were answered, people began to accept this fact and believed that it was true.

It is rumored that the reason why Linghu Chong went to Heimuya was to escort Qu Feiyan, the granddaughter of Qu Yang, the elder of the Demon Cult. After Nanyue Xiaoxia Mi Weiyi "justified" this daughter, some decent knights did not agree with Mi Shaoxia's ideas. , felt that the evil should be eradicated, so he chased and killed Qu Feiyan.

But Linghu Chong believed that Qu Feiyan was too young and ignorant to die, so he escorted Qu Feiyan to Heimuya.

And the reason why he was able to defeat the blood demon Yang Lianting was because he was the successor of the former Huashan sword sage Feng Qingyangfeng.

In this way, two of the most puzzling questions have been answered.

But the answer was answered, and even greater controversy followed.

That is, does Linghu Chong's actions count as collusion with the Demon Cult?

Say it, it doesn't seem to count; but say it doesn't count, I always feel that this matter is a bit awkward.

The most controversial question is - why did you, Linghu Chong, have to send Qu Feiyan to Heimuya?

You can send her anywhere, you can even leave her in Huashan, let her change her ways.

Why send her to Heimuya?
After Heimuya trained her for a few years, isn't this another female devil?
On the way back, Linghu Chong was blocked by many people. Some came to him for a sword competition, and most of them questioned his collusion with the Demon Cult. The reason was the above.

The explanation given by Linghu Chong is - to Qu Feiyan, only Heimuya is safe.

But this explanation is not convincing. Some decent people are aggressive and want Linghu Chong to kill him again on Heimuya, killing Qu Feiyan to prove his innocence.

Isn't this crazy?

But there is a market for this kind of crazy talk, and many people think that Linghu Chong has to do this to prove himself.

In fact, Linghu Chong returned to Mount Hua with Yue Lingshan, but few people questioned Yue Lingshan.

It's not because Yue Lingshan is trustworthy, but because she is the daughter of the head of Huashan, and few people dare to label her.

Linghu Chong was not the grandson of Lord Rao either. At first he explained patiently, but later he simply didn't explain anything. Whenever someone questioned him, he would sneer and ridicule him, making the other party fly into a rage.

He almost fought all the way back from Heimuya, and at the end of the fight, more and more people were offended, and a large number of people followed him, asking him to give an explanation.

If he hadn't been good at swordsmanship, he would have been captured alive long ago, and let Huashan send him to lead him.

Not eating Tutu who was far away in Mount Hua naturally heard about what happened to Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan.

He first reported the good news that the two "survived" from Heimuya to his teacher Ning Zhongze, and then he reported the encounter of the two.

Ning Zhong was trembling with anger: "These two villains! First they sneaked to the main altar of the Demon Cult, and now they make enemies everywhere for my Huashan! Once someone with a heart takes advantage of it, the consequences will be unimaginable! My Huashan is now in a precarious state. A little carelessness will destroy the building. Jiang Qing, these two evils...why are they so ignorant?"

"Master, don't be angry, as long as people are fine." Buchi Tutu said, "I have a way to resolve this matter. I originally had a plan and I was going to discuss it with you, Mistress. If this can be done, senior brother and junior sister Your troubles will be solved immediately!"

Ning Zhong hurriedly said, "What plan?"

"It's about a package plan to fight against the Demon Cult and promote justice." Don't Eat Tutu took out a stack of paper, which was full of dense writing and drawing.

These are the PPT project plans he has made these days.

And now, Ning Zhong is the first "client" he wants to convince.

Don't eat Tutu and lick his lips, and start to tell.

His whole plan is called "Devil Extermination Plan".

His plan is divided into three major steps, the first step is called "the comparison between good and evil".

That is, the Righteous Way and the Devil's Cult heresy each select the "Top Ten Outstanding Youths" and choose a date to hold the life-and-death competition.

The purpose of this step is to boost the sluggish morale of the righteous way, and to combat the arrogance of the evil way.

Don't Eat Tutu believes that the young generation of the righteous way is full of talents, and masters emerge in large numbers. On the other hand, the younger generation of the magic way has no one who can make a move.Once there is a competition, the demon cultists will definitely lose!

He intends to use the public opinion of the entire martial arts world to force the Demon Cult to respond to this "must lose" contest.

The second step is called "cannibalization and differentiation".

This step refers to using the advantage of public opinion caused by the great comparison between good and evil to win over some leftist forces who seldom do evil, give them the status of righteousness, and instigate specific high-ranking figures and followers of the Devil's Cult to support their internal struggle.

The third step is called "besieged on all sides".

After a series of manipulations, all sects surrounded Heimuya, set fire to the mountain, erected walls to clear the fields, and trapped the demon Dongfang Bubai and his minion Yang Lianting to death on Heimuya.

The specific plan must be more detailed, and it seems more feasible. In short, if you don't eat Tutu, you will write this plan full of flowers and flowers, which is very convincing.

Ning Zhong looked surprised and suspicious.

"De Nuo, why did you make such a plan?"

"Master, of course it's for our Huashan." Don't Eat Tutu sighed, his face turned serious, "Master, our Huashan has reached the point of life and death!"

Ning Zhong let out an "ah" and hurriedly asked him why he said that?

Don't Eat Tutu starts with Huashan's own shortcomings, the threat of the Demon Cult, Zuo Lengchan's wolf ambition, and the transcendence of Shaolin Wudang.

He didn't talk nonsense, and many of what he said were facts, or reasonable speculations, but in some places he appropriately exaggerated the situation, and immediately made Ningzhong feel that Huashan was in danger of being destroyed at any time.

"Master, as far as I know, Zuo Lengchan has long been entangled with the remnants of our Huashan School's Sword Sect, and is planning to overthrow Huashan and restore the Sword Sect!" Don't Eat Tutu solemnly said, "Brother and I have learned from Feng Tai Martial Uncle's Dugu Nine Swords, once the Sword Sect comes, Fengtai Martial Uncle is on their side, not to mention the embarrassment between me and Elder Brother, how can anyone be able to match Fengtai Martial Uncle's martial arts?"

"If this is the case, I will be a sinner of the Huashan faction!" Ning Zhong's complexion was pale, her voice trembled, and she grabbed Tutu's arms, "De Nuo, we must not let such a thing happen!"

Don't Eat Tutu smiled slightly, and said softly: "Master, of course I won't let such a thing happen, and I won't let anyone hurt you either."

Ning Zhong's body froze, and he unnaturally let go of his hands.

He didn't eat rabbits but didn't realize it, and talked eloquently: "Master, if we want to stop Zuo Lengchan from mobilizing, we have to let Huashan stand on the cusp and receive the attention of the entire martial arts world. Only in this way will he be worried." Expose his despicable behavior, and dare not act rashly."

"You mean... your plan?" Ning Zhong came to his senses, "Are you going to let Huashan gather all the righteous factions to launch an initiative and implement your plan?"

"No, Zuo Lengchan is the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains. If he convenes the various factions to discuss matters, he can use many methods in it, and he can easily control us. Once we are disrupted by him, and he seizes the opportunity to start early, Then we will be in danger." Buchi Tutu said, "My disciple thinks that it is best to announce our plan to the whole world before they realize it. Of course not all plans, at least the first step. "

"Once our plan causes a stir in the Jianghu, Zuo Lengchan will definitely not dare to act rashly. Not only that, but we can also take the initiative to speak out before him, so that the disciples of Jianzong will see it for the sake of Uncle Feng Tai Back to Mount Hua..."

"This is inappropriate!" Ning Zhong's face changed, "The battle of sword qi in the past has caused blood to flow into rivers. If the remnants of the sword sect are recruited back to Huashan, I am afraid that the same mistakes of the past will be repeated and another tragedy will happen!"

"Master, senior brother and I are both Qizong disciples, but Master Feng Tai taught us the peerless swordsmanship, why?" Buchi Tutu patiently persuaded, "I tried to ask Master Feng Tai before, The old man thinks that the battle of sword qi is unnecessary, don't worry, I will convince Uncle Feng, let him persuade those disciples of the sword sect, so that Huashan will no longer have the distinction of sword qi."

Ning Zhong frowned, still doubtful.

Don't Eat Tutu smiled and said: "Master, even if you can't trust others, can't you still trust this disciple? Don't worry, this disciple will definitely not let the battle of sword qi repeat itself in Huashan. What's more, if the disciples of the Sword Sect return to Huashan, it will be impossible for them to trust me." It will make Zuo Lengchan's conspiracy self-defeating and make my Huashan stronger, and this ambitious person will definitely not dare to take my Huashan faction lightly again."

Ning Zhong was finally persuaded, nodded slowly and said: "Okay, De Nuo, I believe you. Then how to launch your plan?"

"According to the information I got, there are hundreds of heroes from various factions and all walks of life who are following the senior brothers and junior junior sisters, and the number of surrenders is still increasing." Don't Eat Tutu said, "Master, I want to immediately On behalf of the Huashan faction, I went to welcome the senior brother and the junior junior sister, and then began to set foot in various states and provinces to preach my plan to exterminate demons."

"I have persuaded Yilin and Xuanyue to fully support my plan on behalf of Beiyue Hengshan and Shaolin!"

"What do I need to do?" Ning Zhong asked.

"Sit in Huashan and wait for my triumphant return!" Don't Eat Tutu said slowly.

When he was complacent about not eating rabbits and rabbits, Wudang Xuangao rushed to Songshan Mountain in central Henan, but found that he was in vain.

The Stenda he was looking for had long since left the sect and disappeared without a trace.

He secretly groaned in his heart, almost half of the three-month period had passed, but he, Xuan Gao, was still a nobody, what should he do?
(End of this chapter)

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