Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 988 Assassination

Chapter 988 Assassination
The three months left for the assistants seems to be sufficient, but it is actually very urgent.

In three months, it is impossible to improve one's own strength and make a name for oneself in the Jianghu world, if only conventional methods are used.

So they have to do things, stir up the situation, and disrupt the situation, and then they can rise from the chaos and achieve fame.

Wudang Xuangao hurriedly came to look for Shi Dengda but was in vain, and immediately gave up his plan to continue meeting with his "little partner".

The world is so big, who knows where Shi Dengda will go?

What's more, since Shi Dengda has come out of the mountain, he must be rushing to become famous. Maybe he is already planning to become famous. Don't say that he can't find it. Even if he finds it, will he be counted as himself?

Xuan Gao didn't feel that he was so proud of himself.

At this point, he felt that he could only fight alone.

But he told himself that he must hold his breath, find the right time, and make a move before it's too late.

On the other side, Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng, who had left Mount Hua, headed north all the way, first to Jindi.

They conducted a careful inspection of the Sun Moon God Sect sub-helm here, and found that there was only one elder of the Demon Sect sitting in charge.

Moreover, the security in the sub-helm is not strict, but rather slack.

The two were very excited and felt that their chance to become famous had come!

At this time, the two were sitting in a restaurant in Bingzhou City, discussing the plan to sneak into the branch and assassinate the elder of the Demon Sect.

"In terms of martial arts, we are definitely not opponents. Even if we sneak attack, we are not very sure, so we can only outsmart!" Shi Dengda said, "We are only two people, it is best to enter the village quietly, don't shoot anyone, don't alarm anyone, cut If you get the head of the elder of the Demon Cult, run away!"

"It's not easy!" Chi Baicheng said solemnly, "Unless you use poison!"

"You followed Zhang Zhaozhong in Shujian, you must have learned such tricks as poisoning and hidden weapons?" Shi Dengda asked.

"Yes, but I'm not sure how to stun a demon elder." Chi Baicheng frowned and said, "The value of force in this world is much higher than that of books and swords. Who knows if people with deep inner strength can resist poison?"

"Increase the dose!" Shi Dengda gritted his teeth, "Yilin and Huashan's grandson ran away, and now it's just the two of us, there is no way we can have any more helpers, so we can only rely on ourselves, let's take a gamble!"

"Oh, it's too risky!" Chi Baicheng shook his head sadly, "I always think we should be more cautious, what if this is a trap?"

Shi Dengda still wanted to talk, but he heard the person at the next table slap the table and shouted loudly: "I think that Linghu Chong is clearly singing a double reed with the Demon Sect! Where is Heimuya? That's Longtan and Tiger's Lair! Eleven masters of martial arts The siege of Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting was completely defeated, how could he, Linghu Chong, defeat Yang Lianting? How could anyone believe such a ridiculous thing? What a big joke!"

The person opposite him shouted excitedly: "What do you know? Linghu Shaoxia has learned "Dugu Nine Swords" by the sword master back then!"

"What's wrong with "Dugu Nine Swords"? I don't believe that you can escape from Heimuya with just one sword technique! Let me put my words here, this Linghu Chong must have colluded with the Demon Sect!"

"Fart! Young Hero Linghu and the Demon Sect have a feud against killing masters, how could they join forces? And don't forget, there is Junzijian's orphan Yue Lingshan with her. Her father died at the hands of the Demon Sect, she will never betray her, right? ?”

"That's not sure, people's hearts are separated by belly, and people nowadays... ha ha!"

"You man is really unreasonable!"

"You're still stubborn!"

Seeing the two of them quarreled while talking, Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng looked at each other, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Linghu rushed to Heimuya?" Chi Baicheng couldn't believe it, "Which song is this song?"

"Anyway, it's not a good thing!" Stengda gritted his teeth, "Go, find out about this first!"

The two quickly found out the ins and outs of the matter from the people in the rivers and lakes on one side, and after finding a secluded place where they could talk again, the two stared at each other for a long time, speechless.

"Linghu Chong, Yue Lingshan..." Shi Dengda sneered, "I just said that Huashan's grandson is not a good guy. He obviously wanted to grab the top ten places for the top ten heroes by promoting these two people!"

"How did he do it?" Chi Baicheng was puzzled, "Even if Linghu Chong practiced "Dugu Nine Swords", but he went to Heimuya, how could Yang Lianting let go of the fat that came to his door?"

"Is it hard to understand?" Shi Dengda showed resentment, and gritted his teeth, "One of the ten great knights has a radish and a pit, and Lao Denuo pushes two up, and we have to be pushed down by two, at least one! This pair of Yang Lianting It is also beneficial! If we are not one of the top ten knights, the power we can rely on will not be too great, and the attention of the sect will be smaller, and it will be easier for him to deal with us!"

"On the other hand, Lao Denuo not only earns more points, but also shows his strength and takes the opportunity to win over other people! Maybe he even has the idea of ​​letting us rely on him!"

"It's so disgusting!" Chi Baicheng said gloomily, "Why does this person have no sense of the big picture? We have a common enemy, so can't we reduce internal friction?"

"He makes enough money by himself, so why would he care about other people's lives?" Shi Dengda took a deep breath and looked at Chi Baicheng, "We can only take a risk now! Otherwise, if we don't become famous, the situation will be even more unfavorable to us Already!"

"I'm afraid this is a trap." Chi Baicheng frowned, "Think about it, we are facing NPCs this time, if they shoot us to death with a burst of arrows, even if we have a performance pardon card Too late to use."

"I don't think it should be a trap." Shi Dengda shook his head, "Think about it, there is only one Beiyue Hengshan faction in Jindi, and Yilin has already gone to Huashan. After Yang Lianting heard the news, he relaxed Jindi's guard and transferred an elder to Huashan , is very likely."

"Really?" Chi Baicheng still hesitated.

"Do it!" Shi Dengda gritted his teeth, "Either become famous all over the world, or fail to exit, there is nothing to hesitate! Half and half of the chance, as long as we bet right, the situation between the two of us will be opened immediately. But if we don't do it, If you can't get famous, get good reviews, and earn director points, even if you stay, it's a waste of time!"

"Fight it?" Chi Baicheng was persuaded, and his expression gradually became resolute.

"Fight!" Stendah said, slamming the table hard.

It was night, and the two sneaked into the Jindi branch of the Sun Moon God Sect.

Those who can become professional actors are naturally not too bad in their own abilities.

Their martial arts are not high, but their mobility is very strong, and they are very agile, and they have rich experience in stealth and sneak attacks.

Soon the two quietly sneaked into the sub-rudder and came to the room of the garrison elder.

They have inquired clearly about the terrain and azimuth arrangement in the sub-helm, and now they are very familiar with their actions.

It was the dead of night at this time, both of them were wearing night clothes and black scarves, and approached the room quietly. One of them looked around vigilantly, and the other quickly took out a leather bag wrapped in a bamboo tube, and first listened intently to the room. Then, soak the window paper with saliva, poke a small hole, and put the bamboo tube in.

He quickly untied the rope that tied the skin bag tightly and squeezed the skin bag.

Immediately, milky white gas jets out from the bamboo tube in the room.

After squeezing the air in the skin bag, the two quickly hid themselves.

After waiting for about three minutes, the two looked at each other, each took out a pill and swallowed it, then quietly entered the room again, and quickly opened the door and jumped into the room while there was no one around.

The door of the room was closed again, and the two of them had appeared in the house.

There was no light in the room, and through the moonlight, the two saw a person lying quietly on the bed.

"It's done!" Chi Baicheng couldn't help but get excited.

"Are you sure he was recruited?" Stendah asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I tripled the dose, even an elephant will be stunned by me!" Chi Baicheng replied while pulling out the dagger from his waist, "I'll cut off the head, you leave a note!"

"Okay!" Stenda agreed.

Leaving words is naturally for the sake of fame.

How could anyone know who killed someone without leaving any words?

The two had already discussed what words to leave—Songshan Shidengda and Taishan Chi Baicheng acted on behalf of the sky, and the elders of the Slaying Demon Sect were here to serve as a warning to everyone else!

Shi Dengda quickly looked around, and soon found the writing brush on the table, and also found a suitable wall for writing.

Now I'm short of ink.

There was ink on the table, but he wasn't going to use it because they were going to use blood!

Only by leaving bloody words can the enemy be deterred, cause a sensation even more, and gain a greater reputation!

Now we are waiting for Chi Baicheng to bleed that demon elder.

Shi Dengda looked back to the side of the bed, only to hear a soft "poof", and Chi Baicheng, who was raising the broken sword to slash down, suddenly froze in place, motionless.

At this moment, Shi Dengda felt a warning sign in his heart, and without thinking about kicking his feet, he rushed out of the door.

"Want to leave?" There was a soft shout from behind, followed by the sound of "咻咻" breaking the wind, and he hit the door almost immediately and fell to the ground, rolling over in embarrassment.When I stood up again, I felt a tingling pain in two places on my back, and a faint tingling sensation.

He was terrified, why didn't he know that he was hit by a hidden weapon?

He flipped over and was about to flee, but at this moment his legs gave way, and he fell to the ground with a "plop"!
There is poison in the hidden weapon!
Such a thought flashed through Stengda's mind, and the next second he received a message on his actor terminal—"Actor Chi Baicheng activates the professional actor's performance exemption card. Offenders will be deducted 1000 director points. Note: Actors who activate the performance exemption card cannot participate in the plot in any way, and must leave the performance scene as soon as possible and exit the performance set, otherwise it will be regarded as a failure of the exemption."

Is there still time to quit?

Stendah felt desperate, gritted his teeth, and directly used the performance exemption card.

"Actor Stengda activates the professional actor's performance exemption card. From now on, no actor shall cause physical or mental harm to the actor in any way. Violators will be deducted 1000 director points. Note: The actor who activates the performance exemption card cannot participate in any way plot, and must leave the performance scene as soon as possible and exit the performance set, otherwise it will be deemed as a failure of the immunity.”

"Surrender! I surrender!" Dizzy, he shouted with the last of his strength.

The next moment, a knife was on his neck.

He raised his head with difficulty, and saw a middle-aged woman looking at him with a sneer.

Why is it a woman?

Confusion appeared in Shi Dengda's eyes. During his investigation, the elder of the Devil's Cult who was at the helm of this branch was a male elder named Wang Cheng. How did he become a woman?
The Demon Cult has only one female elder—Sang Sanniang.

"Forgive, forgive..."

At this time, Stendhal didn't have time to think about it. He felt his tongue start to go numb, and his heart was full of fear of death.

"You're a weakling, yet you have the guts to assassinate my old lady?" Sang Sanniang sneered, "Go to hell!"

She killed Stendah with a single blow of the sword.

With unwilling eyes, Stengda fell into a pool of blood.

As soon as she finished her hands, another person came out of the room, and it was another elder——Wang Cheng!
He frowned and looked at Shi Dengda, and said: "San Niang, didn't the manager say that if you surrender, you will stay alive?"

Su Yi and the top ten assistants have no grievances and no enmity, so naturally they won't be too ruthless, so they told the elders under him that if anyone surrenders, they will stay alive.

This is also an opportunity for these assistants to use up their performance exemption cards and quit the set.

Although the performance exemption card is good, it also has a lot of restrictions. It can only take effect after leaving the performance scene.

For example, now, under the watchful eyes of Sang Sanniang, it is impossible for Stengda to leave the set directly.

On the contrary, Chi Baicheng in the room is now surrounded by no one, and he is not in the sight of any plot characters, so he has left the performance scene and can leave the set.

Before Chi Baicheng left the set, he received another message from the terminal——

"Actor Stendah failed his immunity and failed to leave the set, so he died."

Brother Shit, count yourself as ruthless!

Chi Baicheng was startled and terrified, until he left the set, he still couldn't figure out why this happened?

Outside the door, Sang Sanniang heard Wang Cheng's question, giggled and said, "He got hit by my black blood magic needle, even if I don't kill him, he's dead."

After a pause, he said strangely: "I really don't understand, why are you here to assassinate with such poor martial arts? The bones are so soft, why are you so courageous?"

"Don't look down on them!" Wang Cheng said angrily, "If the chief executive hadn't made arrangements in advance and reminded us to be careful, this time it might really capsize in the gutter!"

"Really." Sang Sanniang thought for a while, and said with some fear.

These two people picked up a sneak attack in the middle of the night, and sneaked into the room very smoothly. If they hadn't been prepared in advance, they might have caught the truth and had their heads cut off secretly!

They deployed according to Su Yi's instructions, guarding the sub-rudder in one day and one in the dark, Wang Cheng was in charge of the day, Sang Sanniang was in charge of the night, and Sang Sanniang basically hid in the room all the time, and the whole sub-rudder didn't even know her. The purpose of existence is to confuse the enemy.

Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng were also capable, but they only found out Wang Cheng's identity, and never expected that Sang Sanniang had been hiding in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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