Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 989 Sensation

Chapter 989 Sensation
When Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng arrived outside the door, Sang Sanniang, who was on duty at night, found out and immediately woke up Wang Cheng. The two held their breaths and quickly opened a secret door to let the smoke escape in time.

The two of them didn't know how skilled the outsiders were, so they didn't act rashly and decided to lure the enemy deep.

So Wang Cheng lay on the bed and pretended to be caught in the smoke, but Sang Sanniang used lightness kung fu to hide on the beam.

After waiting for a while, Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng came in.

These two people were also careless. It was right that they took the detoxification in advance outside, but after entering the room, the smell was obviously very weak, but neither of them noticed it.

And the two of them didn't find Sang Sanniang hiding on the beam of the house—even though they found it, it wouldn't change anything.

So Chi Baicheng was directly tapped on the acupoints, and when Shi Dengda ran away, Sang Sanniang immediately issued the black blood needle.

The Black Blood God Needle is a poisonous concealed weapon unique to the Sun Moon God Sect. It is coated with poison that sees blood and seals the throat. Those who get hit by the needle will die within ten breaths, so even if Sang Sanniang does not make up the knife, Shi Dengda will die deal.

Sang Sanniang and Wang Cheng were about to lift off Shi Dengda's mask outside the door to see who this man was, but at this moment, they heard a "plop" in the room.

The expressions of the two changed at the same time, and they rushed into the room almost at the same time.

At this time, Chi Baicheng had already left the set, and his body fell to the ground.

Wang Cheng leaned down and looked at his eyes, checked his mouth and pulse, then stood up and shook his head in disbelief: "He actually committed suicide by taking poison! I obviously pressed his acupuncture points, how did he do it?"

"This man can be considered a man!" Sang Sanniang praised.

Wang Cheng looked puzzled, shook his head and said, "It's incredible... Forget it, check the identities of these two people and report the situation to the higher-ups."

They don't need to report, Su Yi got the news as early as when they activated the performance exemption card.

Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng actually appeared in Bingzhou, Jindi?

This surprised Su Yi a little.

However, the two assistant actors were solved at once, which was definitely a surprise for Su Yi.

"Really strong?" He couldn't help shaking his head.

The main purpose of the trap he set up was actually to make it more difficult for the top ten assistant actors to become famous, and not to give them the chance to gain fame with the disciples of the Sun Moon God Sect.

As for whether he could get ten assistant actors, he really just had the idea of ​​playing two shots, and didn't have much hope.

After all, in his opinion, as long as the top ten assistant actors are more cautious and serious about him, they probably won't give him the idea of ​​splitting the helm. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain and going to the tiger mountain, it sounds majestic, but the difficulty is not usually high.

If Su Yi was replaced as an assistant, he must find another way.

However, although he didn't hold much hope, Su Yi still deployed traps seriously, and each sub-rudder deployed different traps.

I didn't expect to get two of them.

This is called hard work pays off.

Su Yi could only express his regret for the death of Shi Dengda.

The beauty in her arms seemed to notice that Su Yi had woken up, and hugged him tighter.

It was still very late at night, Su Yi turned over and continued to fall into a deep sleep.

He can sleep, but the other assistants can't.

Before the official duel started, three of the top ten assistant actors were reduced to seven people. How can we fight?
All the actors felt the heavy pressure in their hearts.

"Made, you two idiots, why are you so anxious!"

Huashan, who doesn't eat rabbits, was so angry that he cursed.

"Just wait another day, even one more day! Damn, are you in such a hurry?"

As long as they wait another day, they will wait until Buchitutu announces the news of the first step of his "Evil Extermination Plan", "The Contest between Good and Evil".

At this time, they will find that not eating rabbits has built a ladder and prepared a platform for them to become famous!
The so-called selection of "Ten Outstanding Youths" to fight against the younger generation of the Demon Cult, doesn't it just correspond to the Ten Great Heroes?

Don't Eat Tutu has great ambitions, and when the platform is ready, it is to be the mastermind behind the scenes and become the most influential and famous one among the top ten heroes!

Everyone wants to become famous on the platform he created and become famous.

But in the same way, doing so without eating Tutu is also mutually beneficial, giving all assistant actors the opportunity so that they don't have to take risks in order to become famous.

And the reason why he didn't tell Chi Baicheng and Shi Dengda before was because he was afraid that his plan would be cut off by them. After all, when it comes to status, Shi Dengda, a disciple of Zuo Lengchan, had more status than him.

The reason why he didn't keep Chi Baicheng and Shi Dengda in Huashan was also because of their inconvenient identities.

Especially Shi Dengda, as a disciple of Zuo Lengchan, if he stayed in Huashan, his status as a "traitor of Songshan" would be very embarrassing.

Don't Eat Tutu originally thought that after his plan was implemented, Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng would naturally "enter the urn", but he didn't expect that the two of them had already entered the urn before his "urn" was finished.

This is really the old birthday star hanged himself, rushing to find death...

I'm very depressed if I don't eat rabbits.

He is depressed, and other actors are afraid.

Almost all other actors had the idea of ​​attacking the Demon Cult branch, but out of caution, they all gave up—except Xuan Gao.

Xuan Gao felt that he had nowhere to go, but in fact, tonight he was going to visit the Yuzhong sub-helm of the Sun Moon God Cult.

He sneaked in carefully, and also planned to assassinate an elder to make his name famous.

But before he could do anything, he received the news that Shi Dengda and Chi Baicheng had failed.

Especially Shi Dengda, who died directly.

Xuan Gao gave up the assassination without saying a word, and escaped directly from the sub-helm.

But what he didn't know was that his assassination attempt this time would really succeed.

The two elders who were at the helm of Yuzhong were actually a bit slack. They did not follow Su Yi's orders strictly on duty, especially the elder who was on duty this night. He was drunk yesterday, let alone a sneak attack tonight. , even if he swaggered into his room, he could be killed with a single knife.

No matter how good the upper order is, it must be strictly followed and implemented by the lower level.Su Yi can't control everyone's words and deeds.

It's a pity that Xuan Gao was stimulated by Shi Dengda's death, and immediately retreated in fright, missing his great opportunity to become famous.

remote fujian.

Lin Pingzhi was also awakened by these two news, and he was filled with emotion: "Brother scum is still brother scum, be steady, accurate, and ruthless!"

More than a month has passed, and his temperament has become much more feminine and sharp.

"It's also time to go to the Central Plains." He thought to himself, "My current swordsmanship has already entered the room, and with various means, it is enough to protect myself in the Jianghu."

After a night of silence, Lin Pingzhi bid farewell to his parents early the next morning, and with a few loyal subordinates, he embarked on the road northward to the Central Plains.

It is worth mentioning that the more than a dozen subordinates behind him have a soft temperament and fierce eyes.

While Lin Pingzhi was on his way, Bu Tutu also set off with Yilin and Jue Yue early in the morning to meet Linghu Chong.

Don't Eat Tutu has already got the news, because Linghu Chong called all the way, he and Yue Lingshan were blocked in Pingyang Mansion by angry people from various factions.

They started a wheel battle with Linghu Chong, trying to continuously consume Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan's internal strength, so as to achieve the goal of taking them down.

But this kind of predicament is what Linghu Chong is best at.

It can't be said that it is easy to handle, but Linghu Chong did rely on his three-inch tongue and good strength to deal with the heroes until he rushed to the scene without eating a rabbit.

After Don't Eat Tutu arrived at the scene, he quickly took control of the situation.

He himself was famous for his break with Zuo Lengchan, and after showing a peerless sword, he completely shocked the people present.

But he didn't choose a domineering way, but sincerely assured everyone that Linghu Chong had never colluded with the Demon Sect, and the Huashan faction would definitely be at odds with the Demon Sect.

Jueyue, as the disciple of Master Fangsheng in Shaolin, coupled with the guarantee of "cold-faced nun" Yilin, finally calmed down the group of heroes temporarily.

After the situation was brought under control, Don't Eat Tutu immediately struck while the iron was hot, and began to give lectures on his plan for the "Great Competition between Good and Evil".

Elaborate from the starting point, purpose and feasibility of the plan, with concise, powerful and persuasive language.

In his description, this plan has become the only way to punish evil and promote good, deter evil spirits, and promote righteousness.

Moreover, the plan of not eating rabbits is very detailed, which makes people think it is very reliable. When he finished his plan, everyone present was in high spirits and responded one after another, supporting not eating rabbits to engage in this "good and evil competition" activity.

Don't Eat Tutu took the opportunity to strike while the iron was hot and announced that he would go all the way to Kaifeng Mansion, where he would conduct the selection of the decent "Top Ten Outstanding Youths".

At the same time, Don't Eat Tutu also revealed that he and Linghu Chong are both descendants of the sword master Feng Qingyang.

In front of everyone, he said with deep sorrow that the infighting between the two sects of Huashan Sword Qi in the past was wrong. Now that the uncle Feng Qingyang of Jianzong sits in Huashan, he hopes that the disciples of Jianzong who left Huashan back then return to Huashan. welcome.

After the announcement of the plan not to eat rabbits, the intelligence network he had built over the past month immediately began to exert its strength, and began to publicize it in various state capitals.

This plan has caused a great sensation, especially for the younger generation, and has a fatal appeal.

You must know that the people who became famous in this arena are all the giants of the older generation, and it is difficult for the younger generation to get ahead and become famous.

And now, Don't Eat Tutu gives all young people a chance to become famous!

His plan is much more advanced than Mi Weiyi's so-called "Destroying Demon League".

Mi Weiyi just used his name to kill Qu Yang to shout a slogan, formed such a loose organization, and recruited a group of young heroes, but specifically how to destroy the demons, what action plan does this organization have, and what is it? The specific organizational structure...

Everything is blank.

Now Mi Weiyi takes these people to eat, drink and have fun every day, promoting his name as the Nanyue Xiaoxia, basically doing nothing serious.

On the other hand, not eating rabbits has something to say, and the plan is feasible, and it is for the benefit of the younger generation in the whole martial arts.

Compared to not eating rabbits, Mi Weiyi, the Nanyue Xiaoxia, is not enough to watch.

After the news spread to Hengyang City, all the friends around him immediately became excited, and they all expressed that they would go to Kaifeng Mansion to participate in the selection and gain a reputation.

Mi Weiyi was also confused by the trick of not eating rabbits, and it took him a while to react, and said with a wry smile: "This is our army..."

Don't eat Tutu to make such a mess, he has to go if he wants to go, and he has to go if he doesn't go.

Otherwise, once the "Top Ten Outstanding Youths" are selected, but he, the "Little Hero of Nanyue", is not among them, his reputation will definitely be affected.

Especially in the final selection of the second unit, what if the top ten knights are ranked according to the top ten outstanding youths?

Wasn't everything he did in vain?

Mi Weiyi weighed the pros and cons, and finally had to go north to Henan.

Hou Renying of the Qingcheng faction who was directing and acting on his own and was a hero all the way also heard the news, and was immediately overjoyed.

"This Laudno is very smart! Not bad! Not bad!"

His chivalry and righteousness all the way are small fights, and the actors around him are always a fixed team. After a long time, it is inevitable that people will see the clues, which has already caused some controversy.

Most importantly, he, the "Swordsman of Qingcheng", could no longer support his acting team.

At this time, the news of the "Great Contest between Good and Evil" was a life-saving straw for Hou Renying. He desperately needed a new way to become famous. He really fell asleep and someone gave him a pillow.

Immediately, he disbanded his performance team on the spot and rushed to Kaifeng mansion alone.

Wudang Xuangao was as ecstatic as Hou Renying.

After he was shocked by Stendhal's death that night, he had been at a loss for how to become famous. He didn't expect such good news to come out suddenly. In this way, he would no longer have to worry about becoming famous!
He only needs to be one of the top ten outstanding youths in the selection competition, and it is enough to be famous in the entire martial arts world!

Even Lin Pingzhi, who was rushing from Fujian to the Central Plains, heard about this news. He also admired the brains of not eating rabbits, and expressed a hundred thousand welcomes to the plan of this "big competition between good and evil".

In fact, he already has a plan on how to become famous, but he just needs a public place with many people from all walks of life to play it out.

Wouldn't this selection contest for the top ten outstanding youngsters be suitable for him to manage his fame?

The "Great Contest between Good and Evil" must be the hottest topic in martial arts, and as the initiator, Lao Denuo's name has become a household name.

Because he told Wulin and Zuo Lengchan to draw a clear line before, and swore to be loyal to Huashan when the Huashan faction was most in danger, he already had the reputation of "Huashan Little Gentleman". Now, this title has been completely called out up.

The more famous Lao Denuo became, the more dull Zuo Lengchan's face became.

As expected, since he broke with Zuo Lengchan publicly, Zuo Lengchan hated this traitor who made him lose face in the whole martial arts world.

But he couldn't send someone to kill Laodenuo, because once Laodenuo died, everyone would know that he did it, which would have a worse impact on his already bad reputation.

So he has been planning to let Jianzong's people go to Mount Hua recently.

He has persuaded the people of Jianzong to cooperate with him, and fully supports them in taking Huashan.

But at this juncture, the traitor Laudno exploded again.

(End of this chapter)

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