Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 990 Coping

Chapter 990 Coping
"Brother Sect Leader, Feng Buping said that he would postpone the plan of returning to Mount Hua, and he said that he would reconsider and give an answer later." God Whip Deng Bagong reported to Zuo Lengchanhui.

"You bastard! If there is a slight disturbance, the two ends of the snake and mouse will come to fruition, how can it be done?" Zuo Lengchan raised his eyebrows, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, "I just hesitated because of the rumors. If I really met that traitor, wouldn't I immediately rebel against me? ?”

"Brother means..." Deng Bagong's eyes flashed.

"People from the Huashan Sword Sect can't stay!" Zuo Lengchan gritted his teeth viciously, "Spoil them here, kill them all, not one of them will stay! Hmph, lest I become an enemy of this seat again!"


"And that traitor..." Zuo Lengchan narrowed his eyes angrily, "He wanted to create the situation, but he became Feng Qingyang's heir. The climate is gradually becoming, so we can't keep him!"

"Gather people, pretend to be the Devil's Cult, kill them!"


The more active he is without eating rabbits, the more embarrassing Zuo Lengchan will be.

Because of the West Lake Meizhuang battle half a year ago, his reputation as the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains plummeted.

Zuo Lengchan's reputation plummeted even further after Buchitutu sent an open letter to various sects, "revealing" his identity and heart.

Coveting the martial arts of other factions, and planting spies for other factions, such despicable acts, even the Demon Sect has never done it.

Now Zuo Lengchan's dream of unifying the Five Sacred Mountains through both hard and soft means must be in vain. He has also changed his mind now and decided to forcibly merge the various factions.

One of the purposes of the "Great Contest between Good and Evil" project proposed by Buchitutu is to make all the factions of the righteous way form allies and fight against the evil sect together.

This purpose runs counter to Zuo Lengchan's goal.

You are all allied, how can I defeat them one by one?

So if you don't eat rabbits, you must die!

Zuo Lengchan's murderous intent was awe-inspiring, but on Shaoshi Mountain not far from Songshan Mountain, monk Fangzheng felt that it was absolutely wise for him and Su Yi to sign the "Under the City Alliance" at West Lake Meizhuang.

The turmoil in the outside world is treacherous, and even he, an old Jianghu, feels a little confused, but he is vaguely aware that the situation seems to be on the verge of breaking out.

In fact, apart from supporting actors, the conflicts between the various factions and the Sun Moon God Sect have become increasingly fierce, and frictions continue. Of course, this is due to Yang Lianting's notoriety, but why is there no karma planted in the West Lake Meizhuang battle?

Fang Zheng had a premonition that this turmoil would inevitably sweep the entire rivers and lakes!

And because Shaolin signed a peace contract with the Sun Moon Sect, it announced that the temple will be closed for half a year.So far, he has pulled himself out of this storm very well.

Fang Zheng believes that the current situation is still worse than being quiet, and at this time, Shaolin must be more calm, and wait for the right time to take action to "turn the tide" and show its demeanor.

"Brother Fangzhang, the matter about the villain Jueyue..." Monk Fang Sheng came to see Fangzheng with a face full of shame, "The poor monk really doesn't know how this scoundrel escaped from the temple. After investigating for a long time, he still has no clue. Brother Fangzhang, poor The monk invites you out of the monastery to find the villain Jue Yue, so as to rectify the monastery's rules!"

Fang Zheng shook his head and said, "Forget it, let him go! Let's pretend we don't know about this matter."

"But..." Fang Sheng wanted to say more, but Fang Zheng interrupted him: "Your disciples are not strict, and you are punished to go to the Siguo cave for a month of retreat, are you convinced?"

Fang Sheng hesitated to speak, and finally sighed dejectedly: "The poor monk will obey the decree of the law."

Fang Zheng's eyes are deep.

Although he didn't know why Jueyue sneaked out of the temple and why he got involved with Huashan Laodenuo, a figure on the cusp of the storm, but it was obviously inappropriate for Shaolin Temple to capture Jueyue back at this time.

We are all discussing the fight against the Demon Cult. You guys came to the Shaolin Temple but was arrested by you. I'm afraid I can't avoid it. What do you mean?Are you afraid of the Devil's Cult, or are you unwilling to join us?

At that time, Shaolin will become the target of public criticism if there is a little provocation by someone with a heart.

Originally, the decision of Shaolin to close the temple for half a year was quite criticized in the martial arts circle. If it happened again, the public opinion would definitely turn in a direction that was unfavorable to Shaolin.

How could Fang Zheng allow this to happen?

So he could only pretend not to know about Jue Yue sneaking out.

Moreover, Fang Zheng thinks this is a good thing.

Outsiders don't know that Jue Yue escaped secretly, and it is impossible for Jue Yue to publicize to the outside world that he escaped secretly.

In this way, the heroes will think that Jueyue came out of the temple was instructed by Shaolin Temple and represents Shaolin.

The outside world will think that although Shaolin closed the temple and did not care about world affairs, it still cared about the situation of good and evil, and sent a second-generation disciple to keep an eye on the overall situation.

In this way, if Jueyue did something good, the credit would naturally belong to Shaolin.

If something bad happens--

That's easy, send out the monks from the Discipline Academy to catch people back, and all the bad things will be done by Jueyue himself.

The most wonderful thing is that in this way, the outside world will not feel that Shaolin, as the master of martial arts, has nothing to do.

Why didn't we Shaolin do it?We have closed the temple, and sent Jueyue to help you, what more do you want?
To advance can be attacked, and retreat can be defended.

The more Fang Zheng thought about it, the more he felt that this was an inadvertent move.

Fang Zheng is satisfied with the situation, and Su Yi is even more satisfied with the state of Shaolin.

Fangzheng felt that Shaolin could stand aloof, but what about Su Yi?

How cheap is it to let Shaolin be honest for a while with a contract that can be torn up at any time?
With the background of Shaolin Temple, if Fang Zheng insists on making wind and rain, it will really be a big trouble for Su Yi.

In Meizhuang, he dispelled Fang Zheng's wariness with a few words, and persuaded this smooth old monk to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and sign some kind of peace contract.

So far, the effect is very good!

But regarding the plan to engage in a "good and evil competition" without eating rabbits, Su Yi felt that this dude was really a six six six.

This trick is really powerful, Su Yi is limited by the rules, and can only watch the plan of not eating rabbits being implemented, and can't do anything.

Moreover, the so-called "Great Contest between Good and Evil" does not require any response from Su Yi and the Sun Moon God Sect.

People shout slogans, saying that they want to select ten outstanding young people from the righteous way to compete with the younger generation of your demon sect, what can you do?
People just laugh at you with no successors to the Demon Cult, and the younger generation is vulnerable, what can you do?

Su Yi couldn't take the initiative to cause sabotage, he could only watch others select talents and laugh at the Sun Moon God Sect.

Regardless of whether Su Yi responds or not, that is a matter for the future.

After Don't Eat Tutu set up the stage to select the "Top Ten Outstanding Youths", his goal will be achieved, the performance of the second unit will be over, and the performance of the third unit will begin.

When the time comes, you, Su Yi, respond to the call of others for a martial arts competition, then come to the competition; if you don't respond, there is no loss to others. Anyway, according to the rules, you, Su Yi, have to take the initiative to attack the top ten heroes.

Moreover, once Su Yi did not respond to others' proposal for a martial arts competition but instead launched an attack on the decent, it would actually confirm the ridicule of "the devil has no successors" and boost the morale of the decent.

The most important thing is, is it okay if Su Yi doesn't respond?

It really doesn't work.

He is indeed the chief executive of the Sun Moon God Sect, and he has indeed established absolute authority now, but if he makes the entire Demon Cult feel ashamed and shameless, then his prestige as the chief executive will plummet immediately.

Isn't it just to save face?

Now people are pointing their noses at you and scolding you that you have no successors, and you still haven't responded at all, is it embarrassing?Will I be able to hold my head up in the future?

Not to mention, if the young hero of the righteous way wants to be famous, the little devil of the evil way should not be famous?
The attraction of fame and wealth is also very attractive to the younger generation of the Sun Moon God Sect.

The "Great Contest between Good and Evil" has become popular all over the martial arts world, and the public opinion is raging. Many young people from the Sun Moon God Sect and heretic sects are also eager to try it, and want to give decent people a try.

With such a wave sweeping the entire martial arts world, it is undoubtedly a very stupid act for Su Yi to resist alone.

Therefore, the trick of not eating the rabbit is to force Su Yi to accept the trick, and he can't do it if he doesn't.

He not only solved the problem of how the young heroes of the second unit became famous, but also defined the battle mode of the third unit "Battle of Good and Evil".

It is conceivable that when the top ten heroes are freshly released and the third unit starts, Su Yi will definitely have to deal with these ten heroes one by one.

When the time comes, people will go to the ring to challenge you, the younger generation of the Demon Cult, what will you, Su Yi, do?
Can you ruin the event?
Certainly not!Because this is going against the general trend of the entire martial arts world, maybe the congregation will betray their relatives and become public enemies.

But Su Yi, you sent someone to play, hehe, sorry, according to the rules, no matter who you send, this is Su Yi, you made the move.

The most important thing is that Su himself B was excluded from this competition.

Because although Su Yi is young, but he is the chief executive of the Sun Moon God Sect, and his magic power is overwhelming, so he can't be regarded as the younger generation anyway.

This is another piece of good news for assistant actors.

Because they don't need to defeat Su Yi, as long as they defeat Su Yi's subordinates, they can survive the third unit and get points.

Then can Su Yi ask Dongfang Bubai to lie in ambush and forcefully kill the top ten heroes?
I don't care about your rules and public opinion. If I kill all of you top ten heroes, the performance on the set will be over.

It seems feasible in theory, but Su Yi doesn't think that not eating rabbits will give him this chance.

He must have the means to prevent himself from doing this, and it is actually very good at preventing Su Yi from flipping the table.

Because the rules of the third unit of the deathmatch studio must come one by one according to the ranking order, the protagonist cannot skip the current target and deal with the next one first, otherwise it will be a violation.

At that time, if you don't eat rabbits, you can take advantage of this to limit Su Yi's shots.

And maybe if you don't eat rabbits, you will use this to set a trap, just wait for Su Yi to make a move.

Once Su Yi did this, but failed to achieve his goal, then he would be passive.

Therefore, it is not acceptable to directly lift the table.

How about Su Yi calling this plan six six six?
The trick of not eating rabbits is really powerful.

However, it doesn't rule out that this guy didn't think so much, so far, just took a random move, but he didn't expect to achieve such an effect.

This possibility is very high, after all, the luck of this shipment has always been good.

The "big contest between good and evil" really gave Su Yi a headache. Now the elders and hall masters have sent pigeons to send letters, asking to respond to the war, and they are all recommending their own juniors. I hope that the Sun Moon God Sect will also come up with it. In this selection, the "Top Ten Young Heroes" were selected to deal with the so-called "Ten Outstanding Youths" of the decent party.

Compared with the orthodox factions, the Sun Moon God Sect and the Heretic factions are more enthusiastic about this kind of thing, and it can even be described as fanaticism.

Not to mention others, Lan Fenghuang, the leader of the Five Poison Sect who got the news, immediately sent a letter to Feige, saying that she must be one of the places in the competition!
And Ren Yingying is also eager to try, because since she was appointed as the right envoy of Guangming, she has basically never made a lot of shots, and she can't show a decent record to convince the crowd.

The news also caused heated discussions on Heimuya. Even Qu Feiyan, who heard the news, knelt in front of Su Yi's room door, begging her to participate, because she believed that Mi Weiyi would definitely be selected by the righteous way. She wants to go on stage and kill Mi Weiyi to avenge her grandfather.

The will is commendable, but with her martial arts and heart, she is delivering food to others when she is on stage.

What troubled Su Yi the most was not the strong response and enthusiastic attitude of the Sun Moon God Sect to the "Great Contest between Good and Evil", but the younger generation of the Sun Moon God Sect and heretical sects. of!

Ren Yingying counts as one, and Lan Fenghuang Su Yi has never seen it, but she is barely counted as one.

Who else?
Can you name another one?

Anyone who can be named by the Sun Moon God Sect is basically an old gangster, and none of them are young.

The reason why none of the younger generation can name them is very simple, because the younger generation's martial arts are really not good!
Counting on these unknown pawns who are not even good-for-nothings to fight for seven assistants, as well as Linghu Chong, Yue Lingshan and other righteous young heroes, Su Yi is afraid that he will lose so much that he won't even have his pants left.

In fact, strictly speaking, the younger generation of Zhengdao didn't have much talent. If the assistants hadn't landed, who would know which green onion Mi Weiyi was?Who's going to talk to that bad old man Laudenau?
If this young man in the world wants to become famous, he can only rely on his qualifications. After all, Linghu Chong is just a different kind.

But now, with the participation of supporting actors, the young heroes of the righteous way can be said to be full of talents.

On the other hand, the Sun Moon God Sect...

Su Yi, who got the news, didn't express his opinion for the time being, but half a day later, even Dongfang Bubai asked about it.

"Did Feiyan tell you?" Su Yi said helplessly.

"It's not Feiyan, it's a green ant." Dongfang Bubai pursed his lips and smiled, "This girl has been unconvinced since you took her to compete with others last time and lost. She told me that she wanted me to fight with you." If you intercede, count her as a place."

"What do you think about this?" Su Yi asked.

"Bi lo." Dongfang Bubai said, "Look at the excitement, it's also very good."

Su Yi sighed: "You talk about comparing, so let's compare!"

In fact, Su Yi also tends to compare.

Although he accepted the move passively in this round, it was a head-to-head battle based on strength after all. Even if both sides had any means, they were outside the field. For Su Yi, it was a good thing to be able to gather the enemies together to solve them all at once.

As for the selection of candidates for the competition...

Pick it, you can always gather ten people.

Ren Yingying, Lan Fenghuang, Hong Ni, Green Ant, isn't there already four of them?

Is it difficult to find six more among the tens of thousands of congregants and sects?

(End of this chapter)

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