Chapter 991
Although it is a passive acceptance, it does not mean that Su Yi is at a disadvantage, and he has nothing to do with the assistants.

In fact, the real fact is that Su Yi's strength is not something that the assistants can compete with. Don't Eat Tutu helped the actors find a trick so that they don't have to face the powerful Su Yi for the time being.

In other words, there is no disadvantage, Su Yi has always been on the cusp.

And if Su Yi doesn't make a move, it doesn't mean that he really has nothing to do with these assistants.

Soon Su Yi called on the elders and hall masters of the Sun Moon God Sect to recommend two places, and each faction from the heretic sects recommended one place, and rushed to Heimuya within ten days to participate in the competition provoked by the decent faction. The so-called great comparison between good and evil.

He also deliberately called Ren Yingying back.

After doing this, he found Dongfang Unbeaten again.

"Dongfang, I need a martial art that can be mastered quickly in a month. There is no need to consider the disadvantages, as long as it is quick and powerful!"

"It's not difficult, Brother Lian, give me a few days." Dongfang Bubai said that it was not difficult at all.

In addition to Ren Yingying and Lan Fenghuang, Su Yi also planned to have both Red Mud and Green Ant participate in this competition.

However, Ren Yingying has a lot of tricks, so she doesn't need any quick fixes.What you and the green ants lack is experience, Su Yi arranged for them to find some Jiangyang thieves to fight, how about Lan Fenghuang's martial arts, you have to meet them to know.

Following Su Yi's order, the top and bottom of the Sun Moon God Sect and all sects of the leftist sect mobilized and began to select the talents of the younger generation and send them to Heimuya.

At the same time, Linghu Chong was so angry that he didn't eat rabbits but his liver hurt.

"Eldest brother, I'll stroke it first, see if I understand right." Don't Eat Tutu rubbed his forehead.

"You just said that I shouldn't do so many things, because Dongfang Bubai and Yang Lianting of the Demon Cult are both peace-loving people. They don't want to conflict with us at all. They just want to resolve their grievances and live in peace with us, right? so?"

"Yes." Linghu Chong nodded.

Don't Eat Tutu took a deep breath: "You also said that I did these things to stir up disputes between good and evil. I don't know how many people will be killed. Is it wrong for me to do this?"

"Second Junior Brother, you really shouldn't do this!" Linghu Chong said seriously, his face full of compassion, "Actually, if you kill me, so what if I kill you? Have you ever seen a dead person?"

"Damn it..." Don't Eat Tutu almost uttered the beautiful Hua Guo dialect, and he suppressed his breath, "Elder brother, don't you know that the Devil Sect does a lot of evil? You don't know that the Devil Sect killed Our master? This is not a matter of peace or not, it is the crime that must be punished!"

"Although they did do some bad things, many of them are bold men, why not give them a chance to reform themselves?" Linghu Chong said earnestly, "And most of the rumors are wrong, like Yang Lianting, I absolutely don't believe it People are as hateful as the rumors. I have been to Heimuya, and I know that there is no Bliss Building on Heimuya, and there are no human centipedes, such as the ten tortures of Xiaobaicai. There are misunderstandings, and there are many misunderstandings about the Sun Moon Sect!"

"Yang Lianting made this up all by himself!" Bu Chi Tu Tu exclaimed excitedly.

Linghu Chong looked at him like he was looking at a fool: "Second Junior Brother, do you think I look like a fool? How could someone in this world fabricate these vicious messages to scold him?"

"He...fuck..." There is no way to argue against not eating rabbits.

"What about Master's revenge? You don't intend to take revenge on Master's revenge?" Bu Chi Tu Tu asked.

"I will practice martial arts hard and have a fair fight with Yang Lianting!" Linghu Chong said seriously, "I believe Yang Lianting will definitely not reject me as a person. No matter who wins the battle, I hope this grievance will end here!"

Seeing Linghu Chong with a holy look on his face, he wanted to strangle him to death if he didn't want to eat the rabbit. He almost gritted his teeth and said, "So, that's why you want to withdraw from this competition of good and evil?"

"We need peace!" Linghu Chong said, staring at Bue Tutu, "Stop fighting, and don't die anymore!"

"Nye Male Gobi..."

"Hey? Why are you scolding, Second Junior Brother?"

"Get out! Get out immediately!" Bu Chi Tu Tu was already incoherent with anger.

"I'll let my mistress come and persuade you." Linghu Chong sighed, "Also, I want to take my little junior sister away."

"How dare you!" Don't Eat Tutu jumped up with red eyes, "I'll break your leg!"

Why did I raise such a white-eyed wolf?
Shit brother, you can do it, you really can do it, Linghu Chong let you be crippled!
Really angry.

Don't Eat Tutu resisted the urge to beat Linghu Chong to death, at least to ensure that the little junior sister Yue Lingshan was not "polluted", and then drove this guy away.

He was afraid that if he didn't chase Linghu Chong away, he would not be able to help but kill his senior brother.

Originally, he wanted to train Linghu Chong to become a tool man and earn points for himself, but now it seems that all his hard work has been fed to the dogs.

He was busy with the great competition of good and evil now, and he didn't have time to correct Linghu Chong's three views, so he simply drove this guy away and let him fend for himself.

But still very angry!

"Ma De, I've never seen this kind of mental retardation! Just being fooled by others makes me limp! I'm so mad!" He couldn't help complaining to Jue Yue and Yi Lin, his hands were still shaking with anger.

"You should have known earlier, this Linghu Chong is the Biao of the Holy Mother of the White Zuo." Yilin gloated, "This kind of person is more than successful than he is, you sent him to Heimuya? You are asking for trouble!"

"I should figure out a way to kill this guy and finish it off! I'm so disgusted!" Buchi Tutu scolded, "What the hell, Brother Shit sent that Jia Bu to kill people everywhere, and he said Brother Shit loves peace? Also, the Demon Cult is a group of terrorists who are anti-human and anti-society. They do bad things, and he actually said that these people are straightforward men? I can fuck his grandma!"

"Hahaha..." Jueyue on the side couldn't help laughing.

"You're still laughing!" Don't Eat Tutu's expression was unkind.

"I think of happy things!" Jue Yue said, "My wife gave birth to a child."

"Pfft!" Yilin on the side also burst out laughing.

Can you please stop talking about this meme with a ring scar on your head?
"Okay, okay, let's get down to business!" Buchi Tutu waved his hand, "We have to invite someone to sit in the town, Brother Shit is very shady, we can't give him an opportunity, we assistant actors should try our best to pay attention, don't Give him a chance to catch him all."

"Who is invited to sit in the township? You can't invite Zuo Lengchan?" Yilin said, "It's fine if he doesn't kill you."

"He will definitely kill me, maybe the person who kills me is already on his way." Buchi Tutu said, "But if he can't kill me, he has to come and sit for me. Don't worry, I can handle this person."

"All the heads of the Wuyue Sword Sect must come, but now it's Shaolin Wudang, can Fang Zheng and Chongxu be invited?"

"Fang's evidence is enough." Jue Yue shook her head and said, "This bald donkey has made it clear that he wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

"You are also a monk, and you still call him a bald donkey?" Yilin complained.

"Yeah..." Jue Yue froze for a moment.

"As far as I know, Mi Weiyi has the ability to persuade people to change their minds." Buchitutu said, "Can you invite him to Shaolin to persuade Fangzheng to come down the mountain?"

"You can have this!" Jueyue and Yilin's eyes lit up at the same time.

"For Chongxu..." Buchitutu thought for a while, and finally shook his head and gave up, "Forget it, Wudang is too far away, I'll write a letter, if you can come and go, you can't come and pull it down."

"Don't forget the older generations of Qingcheng, Emei, and Kunlun sects." Jueyue reminded, "These people come, even if they are heads, they are big heads."

"Okay, then let's do it!" Buchi Tutu said, "Jueyue, you go to meet Mi Weiyi, if you meet him, take him directly to meet Fangzheng. Yilin and I are busy with the selection competition thing."

"Okay!" Jue Yue responded, and asked again, "What about Linghu Chong? I don't think I should take care of it? Don't let him make any more fools."

"Huanghuang's general trend, what kind of moth can he make?" Buchi Tutu sneered, "I don't have time to talk to him now, after I've been busy for a while, let Mi Weiyi brainwash him."

"Are you really using Mi Weiyi as a mule?" Yilin complained, "You stole the limelight from others, and they probably have a lot of opinions on you."

"Don't worry, this person is a smart person, and he will definitely cooperate with us." Don't Eat Tutu said to himself.

Not eating rabbits is still very capable, he has arranged complicated affairs in an orderly manner, and things are moving forward rapidly in the direction he expected.

Except for Linghu Chong.

Linghu Chong is still a moth.

To be precise, he was a moth.

First of all, he was scolded by Yue Lingshan and threatened to sever ties with him in the future. Linghu Chong felt that he was abandoned by the whole world and left in grief.

Immediately afterwards, he met some well-known and decent people who taunted him, and he shot angrily, but was besieged, and he was accidentally plotted against and seriously injured.

He fell on the side of the road, but was discovered by Ren Yingying.

Ren Yingying received Su Yi's order and was about to rush back to Heimuya, but unexpectedly, she ran into the seriously injured Linghu Chong.

It's just that Ren Yingying has feelings for Su Yi now, and she has a high position and authority, and her martial arts are super ordinary, so naturally she won't take Linghu Chong, who is like a bereaved dog, in her eyes.

Ren Yingying recognized this person as Linghu Chong, and also knew that he had just been to Heimuya not long ago.

Ren Yingying scoffed at the rumors that he had defeated Yang Lianting. She simply did not believe that besides Dongfang Bubai, there was anyone else who could defeat Yang Lianting.

However, as the Right Envoy of the Light, Ren Yingying knew very well that the people who spread the news were from the Sun Moon God Sect.

So Yang Lianting should have some plans for this Linghu Chong.

Based on this judgment, Ren Yingying rescued Linghu Chong and took him all the way back to Heimuya.

Along the way, she basically covered Linghu Chong's experience from childhood to adulthood, and also followed Linghu Chong to instill some distorted views on him.

When Su Yi saw Linghu Chong again, he was also surprised.

Ren Yingying quickly told Su Yi what she had learned, and Su Yi almost laughed out loud.

Not happy, but gloating.

He can completely imagine the expression like eating poop without eating rabbits.

But Linghu Chong came to Heimuya again...

Su Yi rolled his eyes, wondering if it was possible for this "peace ambassador" to represent the Sun Moon Sect in battle?


This matter must be carefully considered.

On the other hand, Bu Tu Tu was assassinated by the so-called "Evil Cult".

He was completely defeated with Dugu Nine Swords and came to the enemy's rear, instead of killing the opponent, he asked them to bring a secret letter to Zuo Lengchan.

Zuo Lengchan locked himself in the room for a long time after reading the letter, and suddenly said with emotion: "Good! Good! You are indeed my good disciple! If you can really get the evil sword manual for your master, I will let it go." What about you?"

So he gave up chasing and killing Tutu, and came to Kaifeng Mansion to sit in town for Tutu.

Not long after, news spread that Zuo Lengchan and Lao Denuo had settled their feud, and Huashan still respected Zuo Lengchan as the Lord of the Five Sacred Mountains.

Not only that, Lao Denuo also persuaded the two schools of Beiyue Hengshan and Nanyue Hengshan to continue to respect Zuo Lengchan as the main one.

Not long after Zuo Lengchan arrived in Kaifeng, Jueyue took Mi Weiyi to Shaolin Temple to meet Master Fangzheng.

On the same day, Shaolin Temple announced that due to the rampant evil ways, Shaolin would no longer close the temple in order to support justice and save the common people from suffering.

Master Fang Zheng took eight eminent monks from Shaolin to Kaifeng Mansion to sit in town for not eating rabbits.

When the news came out, the morale of all factions of the righteous way was greatly boosted!
In Wudang Mountain, Chongxu, who originally planned to watch the show, was puzzled by the change in his opponent's certificate. For a long time, Wudang has followed Shaolin's footsteps, but this time...

Chongxu felt something was wrong and decided not to follow.

He finally sent his younger brother Qingxu Taoist to Kaifeng, which can be regarded as "jointly participating in the grand event" on behalf of the Wudang faction.

On Heimuya, Su Yi also heard the news that Fang Zheng had left the mountain.

And his information is more detailed, he also learned that it was after Jue Yue and Mi Weiyi went up the mountain that Fang Zheng changed his mind.

"Mi Weiyi..." Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

When this person persuaded Liu Zhengfeng to betray Qu Yang, he had actually exposed his supernatural ability, but it was not confirmed at that time, but now, Su Yi dares to confirm that this guy's supernatural ability must be related to demagoguery.

This guy actually convinced Fang Zheng, which shows how powerful this ability is.

"We have to guard against this move..." Su Yi paid more attention to this situation in his heart.

More than ten days later, the heroes of Kaifeng Prefecture gathered together, and a large-scale "Top Ten Young Heroes" selection contest was launched in full swing under the witness of the big figures from various factions of the righteous way!
The rules of the game are extremely reasonable and fast under the design of not eating rabbits, which is somewhat similar to the group arena designed by Su Yi in the Republic of China.

After five days of competition, ten young heroes were freshly released!
Of course, these ten young heroes included Bu Chi Tu Tu himself, and the ten of them also had a competition among themselves, and their rankings were determined. From the first to the tenth, they were respectively——

The first place is Lao Denuo, the little gentleman of Huashan!

The second place is Lin Pingzhi, the young hero who wards off evil spirits!
Third place: Di Youle from Fuwei Escort Bureau!
Fourth place: Drizzle Sword Yue Lingshan!

Fifth place: Nanyue Xiaoxia Mi Weiyi!
Sixth place: Nie Yilin, the cold-faced god!

Seventh place: Xia Monk Jueyue!

Eighth place: Wudang Xiaoxia Xuan Gao!

Ninth place: Li Dayi from Fuwei Escort

Tenth place: Qingcheng swordsman Hou Renying!
(End of this chapter)

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