Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 993 The end of this volume

Chapter 993 The end of this volume

Luoyang City, under the White Horse Tower.

All the sects of the Righteous Path had already arrived, and the arena was built high and crowded with people.

This competition between good and evil can definitely be called the most lively event in the Wulin for hundreds of years. All the major sects can come, and there is no one head of each sect. All of them are present.

There are thousands of people from each group, and the scene is buzzing and noisy.

The sect leaders also gathered in twos and threes, chatting with each other.

On the top floor of the White Horse Pagoda, Tutu, Lin Pingzhi, Yilin, and Xuan Gao gathered together, looking at the large army with banners and banners more than ten miles away, all of them looked very serious.

"Here we come!" Xuan Gao couldn't hold back his excitement, "It seems that there are quite a few people."

"In addition to the hundreds of people they brought from Heimuya, there are also some people from the leftist sect, and people from the whole Yuzhong branch of the Devil's Cult have also followed." Yilin said, "But the total is only one thousand. There are many people, much less than ours."

"Are you sure it's just these people?" Xuan Gao asked worriedly, "There won't be an ambush?"

"Thinking too much!" Buchi Tutu laughed, "I have settled people in every direction in the twenty miles around, and whenever there is a large group of people, they will immediately light the beacon to warn, and we will immediately stop them." to the news."

"That's good!" Xuan Gao breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm afraid that this shit brother will send a large army to kill us, and then we will be self-defeating."

"We hid Hou Renying and the others in advance, what are we afraid of?" Yilin said sharply, "If he really sends a large army to encircle and suppress, it will be Hou Renying who has surpassed the tenth, which will definitely be considered a violation. I can't wait for him come."

"I'm afraid he will find Hou Renying and the others first..." Xuan Gao said.

"Hehe, they're all hidden underground, and they're all in different positions." Buchi Tutu shook his head and said, "If he can find out all of this, then he's too powerful, so let's just throw in the towel and forget it." .”

"That's right, don't scare yourself." Yilin said angrily, "Brother Shit is a ruthless person, but we have worked together and prepared so carefully, no matter how powerful he is, we have to follow our rhythm!"

"Let's hide Hou Renying, Mi Weiyi, and Jueyue separately, and let them rush over one by one when it's time to fight, so that Brother Shit won't dare to lift the table to break our rules when he gets here. Because once he destroys it, we can leave without hesitation, and he still doesn’t dare to attack us, he can’t even send someone, otherwise the rules will be broken, and he can only honestly send someone to compete on stage.”

"If something unexpected happens, as well as the master masters below, these days Mi Weiyi activates his abilities every day to persuade two of them to be used by us. As long as we give an order, they will desperately cover Let's, let's leave first."

"The most important thing is, didn't we all find out clearly? Brother Shit has already prepared all the candidates for our duel, which means that he is also ready to follow our rules, otherwise why would he bother?"

The other three couldn't help but nod their heads when they heard the words. In order to perfect this situation, they had indeed made thorough preparations and basically did everything they could.

"Actually, this fight is not bad for Brother Shit." Don't Eat Tutu smiled, "He doesn't have to go all over the world to find us, we just limit his shots. If he has confidence in the person he chooses, It's a fair fight."

"But even if they lose a game, they will start the fourth unit." Lin Pingzhi frowned, "For Brother Shit, the fourth unit is hell mode, and if the fourth unit is opened, he will directly lose hundreds of dollars." Director's score."

"Then what else can he do?" Xuan Gao spread his hands, "He has to bear the loss, right?"

"Based on what I know about him, he will never compromise with us so easily." Lin Pingzhi shook his head, "I think we'd better be careful."

"Why are you so careful?" Don't Eat Tutu sighed, "We've done everything we need to do."

"Why don't you just lift the table!" Yilin said viciously.

"Don't be funny, we have been preparing for so long, and finally restrained him..." Xuan Gao rolled his eyes.

But Buchi Tutu and Lin Pingzhi were both stunned, they looked at each other with subtle expressions.

"Hey, don't you really want to flip the table!" Yilin's eyes widened.

"Do the math, the power we can use now is our limit, right?" Don't Eat Tutu said quietly.

"That's right, the masters who should come have come, no matter how hard we struggle, we can't be stronger than we are now!" Lin Pingzhi looked at him deeply, "Besides, we have many people, but they have few... Unexpectedly, he actually brought such a few people here, how dare someone with high skills?"

"How could he have guessed that we would lift our own table!" Don't Eat Tutu's eyes lit up, "We have prepared for such a long time and spent so much energy, how could he have guessed that we will suddenly lift the table and stop playing?" gone?"

"That's right. If he brings more people, we might run away. He should bring less people to show his sincerity and reassure us. He is definitely inclined to cooperate with us and fight with us." Lin Pingzhi Said, "The key is whether he will come in person? Is it possible that he will not come?"

"Impossible!" Buchi Tutu shook his head, "How could he not come to watch in person at such a critical moment? If he didn't come, none of the people he sent to fight would be able to win! Then we just lay down and win. "

"That's right." Lin Pingzhi thought for a while, and felt that it was impossible for Su Yi not to come.

If he does come...

"Then we have to recruit Mi Weiyi quickly!" Lin Pingzhi hurriedly said, "Let him deal with your Grand Master...he has to deal with Dongfang Bubai!"

Not eating Tutu hesitated slightly, and said: "Can I let my teacher and junior sister go first? I will think of a reason to send them away."

He had an agreement with Su Yi, but once the table was overturned, it would be a chaotic battle. If there was a real fight, who could guarantee that Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan would survive?

"What are you thinking!" Lin Pingzhi said angrily, "Unless Mi Weiyi is allowed to go, how can I persuade Mrs. Ni to leave? But Mi Weiyi's skills must be reserved for one chance, don't let him use up all of them?"

Don't Eat Tutu shook his head: "No, my mistress and the others must go! Don't use rice for righteousness, I will convince them myself! Uncle Feng Tai doesn't need it either, as long as Dongfang Bubai comes, he will definitely do it."

Without waiting for Lin Pingzhi to argue, Yilin and Xuan Gao on the side listened more and more frightened.

"Hey! We've been planning for so long, and we're going to launch the plan soon. When it comes to the end, you just give up if you say so? It's too casual!" Yilin yelled.

"That's right, it's going to be a chaotic fight if we really fight later, swords don't have eyes, we can't do it even if we leave the battlefield!" Xuan Gao hurriedly said, "It's too dangerous, no way!"

"I think it's feasible!" Lin Pingzhi narrowed his eyes and said, "To be honest, Brother Shit has too much advantage. The game we have saved this time is the greatest power we can use! If this can't help him, I think We don't need to die anymore."

"Just do what you say, I'll signal Mi Weiyi to come first!" Buchi Tutu gritted his teeth.

Lin Pingzhi said helplessly: "It's just an NPC, if you really want to do this..."

"No! My teacher's wife and junior sister must go! I promise to protect them!" Don't eat Tutu firmly, "I have to do what I say!"

After all, he hurried downstairs.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head helplessly.

"No, I think we should discuss it again, and really want to flip the table?" Yilin panicked, "It's really too hasty!"

"That's right, you can't ask for our opinion, right?" Xuan Gao was also very unhappy.

It’s not about the two of you if you give up a good plan, so why do you make decisions for everyone?
At this moment, not to mention Xuan Gao, even Yi Lin has a problem with the two of them.

Lin Pingzhi unhurriedly pointed to the Demon Cult team winding up not far away: "They will be here soon, if we want to change our mind, we must recruit Mi Weiyi before they arrive. Do you think we should Do you have time to discuss?"

Before Yilin and Xuangao could speak, Lin Pingzhi said again: "If you think it's not right, I suggest you withdraw now. It doesn't matter how far you can run."

"Isn't this a rogue?" Xuan Gao was so angry that his face was ashen, "The reason why we got together is because of this great competition between good and evil. Now you are going to forcibly overturn the table. What can we do? Do we have to fight with Cai?" Row?"

"Brother, calm down!" Lin Pingzhi said sternly, "Think about it calmly, Brother Lao and I suddenly changed our minds, whether the benefits outweigh the risks or the harm outweighs the benefits, and it is definitely not a loss for you. You have already used this time The opportunity to become famous, now you can leave or stay as you like, no one is forcing you! "

"I'm going!" Xuan Gao gritted his teeth.

He was also straightforward, turned his head and left, with a resolute expression that didn't speculate.

Yilin's face was cloudy and sunny, and she suddenly sighed: "Forget it, I'll stay, isn't it Stud? I'll follow!"

As the saying goes, looking at the mountains and running dead horses, although they didn't eat rabbits and they saw the large troops of the Sun Moon God Sect coming from a distance, but in fact, it was an hour later when they arrived.

Compared with an hour ago, the atmosphere of the Zhengdao factions has become more tense and depressed.

Soon, the team with banners and banners came to the front.

When the heads of the various sects stepped forward to greet them, Buchi Tutu and Lin Pingzhi mixed in the crowd, looking at the people on the couch.

One is Dongfang Bubai, and the other is a face they are all very familiar with - Su Yi!
Su Yi had a casual and unrestrained smile on his face. He looked around, and when his eyes fell on the Huashan faction camp, his brows frowned slightly.

He didn't see Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan present.

The reason is very simple, the two girls have already been persuaded to go away by not eating rabbits.

"As a male favorite, he didn't lie in Dongfang Bubai's arms, bad review!" Buchi Tutu casually complained, staring at Dongfang Bubai's face with some jealousy, "Qingxia, the beauty is not shallow, if you change If it's me, even if it's a boss, I'll admit it!"

Lin Pingzhi looked at him strangely: "Why don't I change into women's clothes?"

"Damn it..." Don't Eat Tutu was stunned, "Can you die a little bit farther away and die as an eunuch?"

Lin Pingzhi was not angry either, he smiled and looked at Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi, who were greeting the heads of various factions not far away, and said, "Why is Brother Shit so far away from Dongfang Bubai? Why do you still avoid suspicion? He doesn't always act boldly." , isn't this his style?"

"The public should pay attention to the influence!" Don't Eat Tutu narrowed his eyes slightly, "But today he is really low-key, he doesn't even say a word."

"With the leader of Dongfang Bubai here, how can he speak?" Lin Pingzhi said.

After a pause, Lin Pingzhi's eyes suddenly sparkled, and he said hastily, "Ready!"

Not far away, the upright sect leaders have already moved out of the way, asking Dongfang Bubai to come over.

It stands to reason that Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi should come down to the couch at this time, but they just sit on Mount Tai, and they have no intention of going down at all.

The faces of the decent leaders were not very good, because Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi were superior, but they were standing on the ground, making it look like they were visiting these two people just now.

"It's really rude..." Don't Eat Tutu narrowed his eyes slightly, his whole body tensed up, and he pressed his right hand on the hilt of his sword, "I hope the masters don't let us down... It's not easy to convince them to sneak up and attack , I wasted Mi Weiyi's two supernatural chances today!"

Not far away, Mi Weiyi also nervously stared at Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi on the couch.

Seeing that the Devil's Sect team was approaching the middle, Tutu who didn't eat suddenly drew his sword and took a step forward, his tongue burst into a lotus flower and shouted: "Kill!"

Brush brush!
The battle begins instantly!
All the sect masters who just vaguely surrounded Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi suddenly made a move and attacked Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi who were on the couch.

But as soon as they made a move, the porters who were carrying the couch suddenly yelled and threw the couch up, and greeted all the master masters at the same time!
They actually blocked it!

This turn of events was completely beyond everyone's expectations. No one expected that the Sun Moon God Sect was actually on guard against their sneak attack!
Seeing this scene, Bu Chi Tu Tu and the others immediately felt a "thump" in their hearts!
The most frightening thing is not that they are prepared, but that these people's martial arts actually blocked the sneak attack of the masters of the righteous way!

"Elder of the Demon Cult!" Bu Chi Tu Tu gasped, guessing the identities of these people.

But aren't these people scattered in various sub-helms in various provinces?

How can it be concentrated here?

Before he could figure out the problem, Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi, both in red robes, swooped down with long swords in their hands and flew down on the couch that was thrown into the sky.

"Go!" Don't eat Tutu, before he had time to think about it, his tongue burst into spring thunder, and he kicked his feet to meet Su Yi.

Brush brush!
As he stopped drinking, more than a dozen figures rushed towards Su Yi!
Just as Dongfang Bubai was about to make a move, a white-haired old man suddenly jumped out from the crowd and stabbed her with a sword!

Dongfang Bubai was immediately restrained!

Don't Eat Tutu and everyone rushed to Su Yi, at this moment he has calmed down from the series of accidents.

Even though the Devil's Cult had prepared to surprise him, it was fine, because now is the key!

This is a killing game set up against Su Yi!

Don't Eat Tutu rushed to Su Yi with the determination to fight to the death.

Then, he saw Su Yi use Dugu Nine Swords.

Suddenly, thunder exploded in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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