Chapter 994
1021、End of this volume 2
Dugu Nine Swords!

How could Brother Shi know Dugu Nine Swords?
The shock of not eating rabbits can't be more shocking!
But at this moment, he didn't have time to think about it, and he and the "brother Shit" in front of him passed more than ten moves in an instant.

Both of them used the Dugu Nine Swords, but it was obvious that the opponent who didn't eat Tutu was completely suppressed by the other party, and was at an absolute disadvantage, and finally escaped in embarrassment.

"You're not shit—you're Linghu Chong!" Don't Eat Tutu looked at "Su Yi" opposite him in shock and anger.

After all, imitation makeup is just imitation makeup. When the distance is close and it is broad daylight, people who are familiar with it can still see that something is wrong.

Especially the eyes.

Of course the one opposite was Linghu Chong, that's why he was "clearly different" from Dongfang Bubai on the couch before.

He was persuaded by Su Yi to pretend to be himself, but he was unwilling at first, and felt it was unnecessary.

But Su Yi told him that he did this to guard against a villain, not a gentleman.

If a righteous person has no ghosts in his heart, it means that Yang Lianting is a villain in vain, but if a righteous person has ghosts in his heart, then he did it by surprise.

The two also made a bet, betting a hundred jars of wine.

Now Linghu Chong was full of bitterness, not because he lost the bet, but because he felt ashamed, because the factions of the Righteous Way really disregarded their face to besiege and raid, and they really became villains...

"Second Junior Brother, why? Why did you do this?" He pointed his sword at the rabbit and said with sadness in his eyes, "Obviously you made an appointment for the Sun Moon Sect to fight brightly and righteously, but why did you turn back on what you said in the end? Why did you have to?" With this kind of conspiracy?"

"I also want to know why you are on the side of the Demon Sect!" Buchi Tutu turned livid with anger, "Did you forget that you are the senior brother of the Huashan sect, and you represent Huashan?"

"Have you ever thought about your wife when you did this? Have you ever thought about the reputation of the Huashan School?"

Linghu Chong's face was full of sternness, and he said solemnly: "Second Junior Brother, I did this for the sake of peace."

"I'm next door to you, Mala!"

The word "peace" directly disgusted Bu Tutu, he couldn't hold back any longer, and rushed towards Linghu with a sword.

But Linghu Chong dodged the sword easily, and said calmly: "Second Junior Brother, you are not my opponent..."

"To Nima!" Don't Eat Tutu gritted his teeth and stabbed with his sword. Just as Linghu Chong was about to make a move, his expression was suddenly blank, and he forgot what he wanted to say and what he was going to do...

In the next second, the sword pierced Linghu Chong's heart.

Linghu Chong watched in disbelief as Tutu pulled out his sword with a dark face, and brought out a string of blood beads. Feeling the power draining from his body, he suddenly felt an indescribable sense of relief.

He suddenly smiled casually at Bu Tutu: "Take care of me, take good care of Master, Master..."


Before he finished speaking, he fell into a pool of blood.

"I will, but not for you!" Tutu gritted his teeth and cursed, turned his head to look at the chaotic battlefield, and suddenly hissed: "Yang Lianting is dead! Yang Lianting is dead!"

This shout immediately made all righteous people cheer, but the Sun Moon God Sect's people were obviously a little out of order.

However, it was only the people below who were in chaos, the hall master, elders, and the two envoys on the left and right were not in chaos, obviously they all knew the truth.

At this time, the battle group fell into a stalemate, the righteous sects and the Sun Moon God Sect.The high-end combat power of the sects of heresy are equal, you come and go, each has casualties.

At the lower level, the number of disciples of the righteous sects is several times that of the Sun Moon God Sect, but the number is not enough, so they use means to make up.

The most indispensable thing for the leftists of the Demon Cult is the means of killing, and they come out endlessly, and they don't follow the rules at all.

Not only did they quench the poison on the concealed weapons, but everyone's weapons were also quenched with a deadly poison that seals the throat with blood.

People from the left wing of the Devil's Cult died, as long as they were not fatally injured, they would still fight alive.

But as long as the righteous sects are cut to the flesh or hit by a hidden weapon, they will die.

Not only that, poisonous smoke billowed everywhere at the fighting scene, all released by the leftists of the evil way.

They had taken the anti-drug pills before they came, and apart from their eyes being so suffocated that they couldn't open their eyes and coughing repeatedly, inhaling the poisonous fumes was not a serious problem.

But the orthodox sects who had not taken the antidote suffered a blow, and those who inhaled the poisonous smoke fell to the ground in shock and anger, and a large group of them fell down.

Do not eat Tutu originally wanted to use the death of the substitute to hit the morale of the Demon Cult, to see if it could save the situation, but seeing the situation at the scene, his heart was cold.

How can this be redeemed?

"Ding! Actor Hou Renying activates the professional actor's performance exemption card. From now on, no actor shall cause physical or mental harm to the actor in any way. Violators will deduct 1000 director points. Note: The actor who activates the performance exemption card cannot use any Participate in the plot in the same way, and must leave the performance scene as soon as possible, and exit the performance set, otherwise it will be regarded as a failure of the immunity."

Buchi Tutu was startled by the sudden news from the terminal, with a look of extreme shock and disbelief on his face.

How can it be!

Hou Renying was already hidden by them, how could they find out and force them to use the performance exemption card?
He was completely stunned.

Not only him, but also Lin Pingzhi, Yilin and others who fought hard to kill the enemy were also stunned.

"Ding! Fuwei Escort Di Youle is dead!"

Before they could recover from the shock, the terminal received another bad news.

Lin Pingzhi's most talented subordinate was killed in the chaos of war!
"Ding! Actress Yilin activates the professional actor's performance exemption card. From now on, no actor shall cause physical or mental harm to the actor in any way. Violators will deduct 1000 director points. Note: actors who activate the performance exemption card cannot use Participate in the plot in any way, and must leave the performance scene as soon as possible, and exit the performance set, otherwise it will be deemed as a failure of the exemption."

Not eating Tutu has not yet recovered from the shock of the previous news, and received another bad news!
He was terrified, and hurriedly looked towards Yilin's position.

"Ahhh... Tutu save me!"

I saw Yilin hissing and screaming, struggling left and right to resist Ren Yingying's attack.

Not far from them, the monk who did not quit was drenched in blood, dying with regret!
Ren Yingying has strong internal strength, and her swordsmanship is treacherous and fast. Yilin is no match at all, and dangers abound.

She was about to die, and everyone around her was fighting with each other, and no one had time to rescue her!
Don't eat the rabbit and grit your teeth to activate the skill again!Ren Yingying, who was chasing and beating Yilin, was startled and froze in place.

And Yilin took the opportunity to sneak into the crowd and escape.

Don't Eat Tutu performed lightness kung fu and swooped down, piercing Ren Yingying's back with a sword.

But at this moment, Ren Yingying had already recovered from the short-term sluggishness, and turned around and stabbed Buchi Tutu with her sword.

dang dang...

The two passed more than ten strokes in the blink of an eye.

After all, the ability of not eating rabbits is just "forbidden speech", which makes people forget what to say, not what to do.

The reason why he successfully activated his skill to kill Linghu Chong before was because he seized the hand that moved Linghu Chong at the moment when he suddenly forgot what he was going to say and was stunned.

But now Ren Yingying has recovered from the short-term forgetfulness just now.

If he doesn't eat rabbits, the more he fights, the more frightened he becomes. Even though he has the Dugu Nine Swords, he is still not good at learning.

On the other hand, Ren Yingying is not inferior to him in terms of moves, and her internal strength is much stronger than him. Gradually, if she doesn't eat Tutu, she will lose the upper hand.

He wanted to seduce Ren Yingying to talk, so that Ren Yingying would be in a daze again, but at the moment he was forced into a panic by Ren Yingying's fierce and treacherous swordsmanship, let alone talking, he didn't dare to look at him any more!
"Ding! Actor Jue Yue activates the performance exemption card for professional actors. From now on, no actor shall cause physical or mental harm to the actor in any way. Violators will be deducted 1000 director points. Note: actors who activate the performance exemption card cannot use Participate in the plot in any way, and must leave the performance scene as soon as possible, and exit the performance set, otherwise it will be deemed as a failure of the exemption."

Jueyue also rushed to the street?

How can it be?

The mentality of not eating rabbits is a little bit broken.

Jueyue's hiding place and Hou Renying's hiding place are completely in two directions, and they are also very hidden. How did Brother Shi find him?

Now there is a great chaos in the rivers and lakes below, and all sects and sects are attacking the Sun Moon God Sect. This is all because the assistants took the initiative to attack in an abnormal order. Su Yi has 8 hours of legitimate defense time, so he doesn't have to follow the established rules of the knights in order.

So as long as Su Yi finds Jue Yue, he can attack him.

but why?
Why did Brother Shi find Jueyue?

Even making Jue Yue too late to activate the Immortal Cable?
It's even more difficult to figure out if you don't eat rabbits.

When he was distracted, he slapped his body twice, and Ren Yingying pierced two bloody holes.

"Ahhh..." Buchitutu yelled in pain, and attacked frantically, forcing Ren Yingying's attack back.

"Despicable and shameless, you are a saint in vain!" Bu Chi Tu Tu glared at her and cursed.

Ren Yingying sneered: "Uh..."

There was a sudden bewilderment in his eyes.

It was too late to say that year, and the long sword in Buchi Tutu's hand suddenly dropped.

When Ren Yingying came back to her senses again, the long sword had penetrated her abdomen!

Ren Yingying screamed and flew backwards, falling heavily to the ground.

At the same time, I saw an old figure suddenly shattered into pieces with a scream at the same time!
It's breezy!

Although Feng Qingyang's swordsmanship is superb, but after all, he is old and his internal energy has begun to decline.

On the other hand, Dongfang Bubai is at the peak state, because inspired by Rama's internal strength, now his martial arts have gone a step further, reaching an incredible state.

How can he be undefeated under the ups and downs?

It has been difficult to persist until now.

After killing Feng Qingyang, Dongfang Bubai flew down with a long roar, rushing into the battle group below.Fang Zheng, who was fighting against Tong Baixiong, saw Dongfang Bubai flying towards him, his expression changed and he wanted to run away, but how could he escape?
Whoosh whoosh!
Several embroidery needles shot down, forcing Fang Zheng to dodge in embarrassment. Tong Baixiong took the opportunity to attack fiercely, forcing Fang Zheng to respond in embarrassment.

At this moment, Dongfang Bubai had arrived behind Fang Zheng, and slapped Fang Zheng's chest hard.

After a loud noise, Fang Zheng's body disintegrated directly, and the body parts flew!
Seeing such a brutal scene, everyone present was heartbroken.

At this time, Dongfang Bubai had rushed towards Zuo Lengchan.


Seeing such a scene, don't eat rabbits, my heart is completely cold.

"Ding! Li Dayi from Fuwei Escort is dead!"

The message pops up again in the terminal.

Not eating Tutu was startled and a little desperate. Of the top ten knights, two died, and three activated the performance exemption card. Mi Weiyi had not been found yet, and Xuan Gao and Yue Lingshan left the battlefield.

He and Lin Pingzhi were the only two left at the scene. Although there were many decent people, they were completely defeated at this time. Dongfang Bubai was unstoppable, how could they fight?

With a scream, Zuo Lengchan was also beaten to death, Dongfang Bubai turned to fight again, and rushed towards Taoist Chongxu, Chongxu knew he was invincible, turned around and fled.

At this moment, Don't Eat Tutu saw a man and a horse not far away, holding a long gun and carrying two knives, galloping towards this side!

Who is not Su Yi?

This became the straw that broke the camel's back.

Do not eat Tutu decisively activated the performance exemption card, turned around and ran towards the white horse tower behind.

This battle is over!

He doesn't even know how to lose!

"Ding! Actor Laudenau activates the professional actor performance exemption card..."

Lin Pingzhi, who was struggling to fight, received this news, stabbed the enemy in front of him to death with a sword, jumped out of the battle group, stunned for a moment, smiled wryly and sighed: "That's all! Lie down!"

He also flew towards the White Horse Tower.

"Ding! Actor Lin Pingzhi activates the professional actor performance exemption card..."

Somewhere not far from the White Horse Tower, in a crude cave dug out temporarily, Mi Weiyi's face was pale and shocked.

He faintly heard the sound of fighting coming from a distance, but he didn't understand why?
Among the top ten supporting actors, except for him and Xuan Gao, all the rest are on the street!

He doesn't understand why!
He hid here and didn't even know that if they didn't eat Tutu, they had temporarily changed their plan. He had been waiting for his turn to fight before going out, so that Brother Shit could take advantage of it.

In the end what happened!
Not long after Su Yi arrived on the battlefield, the battle ended quickly.

Almost all the heads of the Zhengdao sects were killed in battle, only Chongxu escaped quickly and escaped from the sky.

Only some elders from the Songshan and Taishan sects knelt down and begged for surrender, but they were controlled by the congregation who laid down their weapons and tapped their acupoints.

The battle at the bottom also ended quickly, and the disciples of the righteous sects died or fled.

Ren Yingying didn't die, she was merciful in refusing to eat Tutu after all, the sword that was released did not kill her.

Su Yi sat on the horse and looked around the messy battlefield with indifferent eyes and expressionless face.

How could he not be careful not to eat the rabbits and they would overturn the table?

Even if they don't eat rabbits and they don't lift the table, Su Yi will force them to lift the table.

In today's round, Su Yi had originally planned to make a decisive battle.That's why Su Yi arranged for Linghu Chong to pretend to be himself.

Why did he find Hou Renying and Jueyue?

Naturally because of intelligence.

But the intelligence only told Su Yi that Hou Renying, Jue Yue, and Mi Weiyi were hidden nearby, but they didn't know where they were hiding.

Both Hou Renying and Jueyue came out by themselves and walked towards Su Yi.

Su Yi has three chances to activate his ability every day, so how long should we wait now?

He galloped around on his horse, silently reciting the names of the two people, as long as the two people were within his range, the skills would take effect immediately, and the two people crawled out of the burrow uncontrollably and walked towards him.

That's why they hurriedly activated the performance exemption card.

"With this battle, we can live a peaceful life for decades." Dongfang Bubai looked around and said with emotion.

Su Yi came back to his senses: "Dongfang, I leave this place to you, I will come as soon as I go!"


Not long after, Su Yi followed suit and found Mi Weiyi, who activated the performance exemption card and exited this world.

Xuan Gao knew that there was no hope, so he withdrew immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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