Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 995 First-line actor

Chapter 995

"Actor Su Yi, the third unit of "Ten Heroes Fighting the Devil" has ended, "The Battle of Good and Evil", you have eliminated all the supporting actors, defeated the top ten heroes, and obtained 1000 director points.

"Top Ten Heroes Fighting the Devil" director group"

"The performance statement of "Top Ten Heroes Fighting the Devil":

Actor: Su Yi

Performance status: The performance tasks have been completed.

Performance rating: Amazing.

Cumulative harvest from the performance: 1200 director points.

The crew of "Ten Heroes Fighting the Devil". "

Huge benefits are always accompanied by huge risks. The deathmatch set is a performance that needs to be faced with caution for assistant actors and leading actors, because if they are not careful, they will die.

Although there is no suspense for Su Yi to win this game, it is also dangerous, but this risk was minimized by him.

After leaving the set, Su Yi first spent 200 director points to activate the Gentleman's Self-improvement props card to preserve his physical condition, and then checked his attribute panel while putting on his clothes.

"Actor Name: Su Yi
Current level: first-line actor

Current stage name: Brother Shit

Director points: 2643 points

Fan value: 3575890
Ability: Pulling Pan Zhoudan madly
Permanent Props for Actors: The Gentleman is Self-improvement

Temporary props for actors: actor immunity card (1), temporary killing card (1)
Permanent Auxiliary Tool: 20% more chance of winning
Temporary Auxiliary Tools: Advanced Mathematics from Beginner to Master Stream of Consciousness Teaching"

Become an actor!

To be honest, Su Yi really didn't feel much. According to his understanding, after becoming a first-line actor, the biggest difference from a professional actor is that he has the right to choose the set of the performance independently.

And the performance frequency of first-line actors is not so high.

Besides, Su Yi didn't know much about it.

But judging from the fact that I have never encountered first-line actors in previous performances, there should be no overlap between the types of sets performed by first-line actors and the sets of professional actors.

Of course, this is just Su Yi's speculation, not sure yet.

"Su Yi, there are two assistant speakers who say they are your friends and they want to see you." 032's assistant stood aside and said with a smile.

Su Yi was not surprised, nodded and asked, "Where are they?"

Of course the ones who want to see Su Yi are Buchi Tutu and Lin Pingzhi.

As Su Yi's old acquaintances, they were invited by Su Yi to participate in the deathmatch set this time, which can be regarded as "friendship participation".

In fact, it’s hard to say whether it’s a profit or a loss as an assistant to participate in the deathmatch set. For example, if you don’t eat Tutu and Lin Pingzhi, their income from participating in this performance is not only the income from the second unit, but also the compensation for quitting the set. Director 200 points, adding up to almost [-] director points.

But each of them consumed a performance exemption card worth [-] director points. From this point of view, they lost money.

But apart from the director's points, they all have extra income. For example, one of them learned the Dugu Nine Swords, and the other learned the evil sword technique.

In addition, the fan value contributed by the deathmatch studio is not a small amount.

But in any case, these two people are considered to have helped Su Yi. An objective fact is that these two people were not so "desperate" in this game.

"Brother Shit!"

"Brother scum!"

Both of them were very happy to see Su Yi, the one called Brother Shit naturally didn't eat rabbits, and the one called Brother Scumbag was of course Lin Pingzhi.

"Congratulations on being promoted to the first line!"


The two said words of blessing.

Su Yi shook hands with them one by one and said with a smile: "I'm just one step ahead of you. I also want to thank you for coming to help."

After a pause, he looked at Lin Pingzhi: "I've known you for so long, but I still don't know your stage name. I'm really ashamed."

"Fat intestines." Lin Pingzhi smiled wryly, "Our audience has a lot of bad tastes."

"That's better than me..." Su Yi said quietly.

"Haha, if you want to blame, blame Brother Shi, you are too fierce!" Buche Tutu laughed loudly, "Brother Shi, you didn't do anything about my teacher, did you?"

As soon as Su Yi mentioned this, his eyes became weird: "You tell me honestly, what did you do to your wife?"

After all the assistants left the set, Su Yi did not leave immediately, but did some "finishing work", one of which was to kill Yue Lingshan, one of the ten remaining heroes, or make her admit defeat.

Su Yi promised not to eat rabbits, so naturally he would not destroy flowers with harsh hands, so he single-handedly chased to Huashan, captured Ningzhong and threatened Yue Lingshan, forcing her to surrender.

However, Su Yi didn't kill their mother and daughter afterwards, but just left in a hurry.

During this process, Su Yi discovered that Ning Zhong was particularly concerned about her second apprentice, Lao De Nuo.

This kind of care has gone beyond the care between ordinary elders.

"Cough cough, confidante, confidante is just a confidante." Do not eat Tutu pretending to be calm and waved his hand.

"Fuck, you beast!" Fat Chang's eyes widened, "You don't even let your teacher's wife go? When I saw you, you still pretended to be serious..."

"Nonsense, if this is known to outsiders, how can she still be alive? She is the jade girl of Huashan!" Don't Eat Tutu rolled his eyes, looked at Su Yi, "Brother Shit, I promised you the cheat book of Dugu Nine Swords , I will store it on the terminal, you can receive it."

Su Yi's heart moved, and his mind was immersed in the terminal interface, and he found an unread message in the mall——

"You received the designated monopoly product "Dugu Nine Swords Cheats" from Do not eat Tutu, the price is 0 director's points, do you want to buy it?"

Su Yi knew about this function of the terminal, and it was used for mutual transactions between actors, but Su Yi had never had a chance to use it before.

He chose to accept, and smiled at Buchitutu: "Thank you."

"Why are you being polite? This is an agreement." Don't Eat Tutu smiled.

Su Yi thought for a while, and sent "Yi Jin Jing" to Buchi Tutu, and "Sunflower Collection" to Fat Chang, and the price was set at 0 director points.

"You should need this," Su Yi said with a smile, "don't be polite to me either."

The rivers and lakes are far away, these two people are not bad, Su Yi thinks that they can make friends and support each other in the future.

Both of them were a little moved when they received the message from the terminal.

"Okay! Then I won't be polite to you!" Buchi Tutu patted Su Yi's arm vigorously, "I'll see you later."

Su Yi smiled and nodded.

On the other side, Fat Chang thought for a while, and passed the "Evil Resisting Sword Manual" to Su Yi, and said embarrassingly: "This is the best I can do, Brother Shit, let me know if you have something to do in the future."

Su Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "It's the same with you, you're all welcome."

The relationship between the three is one step closer.

After exchanging pleasantries, Bu Chi Tu Tu and Fei Chang bid farewell, and Su Yi also went to see 032.
032 looked radiant, very happy, his eyes lit up when he saw Su Yi, he laughed and said, "Hey, our leading actor Su is back!"

"Director." Su Yi smiled, "You seem to be in a good mood."

"That's because you are so proud of me!" No. 032 walked up to Su Yi with a smile, "Thanks to you, because of "The Republic of China" and this time you were successfully promoted to the first line, and my director level has also been successfully promoted. One grade."

"It's because you, the director, are outstanding, and the promotion is just a matter of course. Even if I played a role in it, it's because you have the knowledge of people." Su Yi said.

No. 032 couldn't help laughing, and said with emotion: "I still remember when you and I first met, you talked to me like this. At that time, I always thought you were too tactful. But now I know that you are humble. "

She said to Su Yi: "Congratulations on your promotion to the first-line actor. The stage of the first-line actor is a brand new stage for you, with greater rewards and a higher degree of freedom, but at the same time, the risk is also greater."

"At the level of a first-line actor, you have the right to refuse six director invitations, and you will enter the death set after six rejections or failed performances. At the same time, you only need to complete the task of six films a year, and the time is up to you and I agreed together. This one-year time limit is calculated according to the timeline of the world you are in. For example, you are now in the world of "Love Apartment", and the time is also calculated according to the time of this world."

"In addition, you have the right to choose the set every time you play, but it's not an unlimited choice, but one of three choices."

"The rules for first-line actors' performances have also changed. Unless there are special circumstances, they usually participate in a group portrait performance after each independent performance of two films, and so on." 032 continued, "The type of performance also varies. Changes, I believe you have also noticed that you will basically not come into contact with those low-level martial arts films in the past, and all you will come into contact with in the future will be super-type films. But don’t worry, it will be done step by step, not all at once Too high."

After a pause, 032 mused slightly: "Generally speaking, the first film after being promoted to the front line is a supernatural film, and you are no exception. I will give you a vaccination first, and after you go back, pay more attention to it." Make a film about it."

"Also, after becoming a first-line, there are more restrictions on off-field assistance. You can learn about this from your mall. This is why I must help you get a special function before you advance to the first-line. Because once you are promoted to the first line, the probability of getting the ability is almost negligible, and it is even very likely that you will never be able to get in touch with the ability again throughout your entire acting career."

"Finally, the most important point is that after becoming a first-line actor, failure in performances will become the norm, because the performance of first-line actors is too difficult and more dangerous." 032 solemnly warned, "Take a look at your actor mall first. "

Su Yi has been listening carefully, nodded when he heard the words, and immediately entered the performance mall, he was surprised when he saw it.

There are only two products left in the mall, the same is called "First-line Actor Free Death Card", priced at 2000 director points.

There is another one called "Universal Stream of Consciousness Space Teaching", which sells for 500 million fans.

Other than that, nothing else!
"Did you see it?" 032 continued, "When it comes to first-line actors, there are only these two products left. If you become an actor, even the mall will be completely closed..."

032 mentioned a sentence, as if consciously slipping the tongue, and continued: "In short, after becoming a first-line actor, the actor's personal ability is very important, and an actor who is not capable, even if he is promoted to the first-line actor, there will be no good end."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully.

"Do you still remember 031?" 032 asked suddenly.

Su Yi came back to his senses, nodded and said, "Of course."

"He has already heard the news of your promotion to the front line," 032 sighed, "I told you before that he has been preparing a film for group portraits, and you are one of the seed players he selected. He has been with me I've contacted him, and I want you to help him."

Su Yi frowned slightly, and said, "Director, what's your suggestion?"

"My suggestion is not to go!" No. 032 sneered without even thinking about it. "The danger level of his film is close to the death set, and he wants to soar to the sky with this film! If you go, you may even activate the activation to avoid death." There is no chance of getting stuck! Are you willing to die after working so hard to get to this day?"

Su Yi's heart was awe-inspiring.

As early as when No. 031 devoted himself to cultivating him, he knew that there is no free lunch in the world. No. 031 spared no effort to cultivate him, he must have a big goal, and he must reap greater rewards from him.

But at that time he had no choice but to accept No. 031's kindness.

"But you can't go if you don't go." No. 032 suddenly sighed again, "This person 031...he has a lot of friends."

This secretive sentence immediately made Su Yi understand everything.

Su Yi nodded and said, "If I have to go, director, what do you think I should pay attention to?"

"If you can't resist, try your best to make friends." No. 032 said, "Although I don't get along with 031, I have to admit that this person's character is still fine. As long as you do your best to help him, he will not treat you badly." yours."

After a pause, No. 032 continued: "At the stage of first-line actors, resources are very important, such as "The Grudge" and "Zombie Family", which one do you want to play? The former has a narrow escape and there are no good resources on the set, but the latter It's not that dangerous, and you can still learn the Taoism of Uncle Jiu."

"After I upgrade, the film sources I get will be better, but they are still lacking compared to No. 031. Think about it, before you debuted, he took out three film studios in one go to help you grow. There are not many such generous ones. The director can do it!"

"So if you help him with all your heart, he will at least reward you with a good performance resource."

"Understood, thank you director." Su Yi nodded solemnly.

""Republic of China" will be judged soon. If you can become the best actor, you will get more benefits." No. 032 said, "You are very promising this year, you go back first, and I will teach you on the day of the awards." .”

"it is good."

Director 032 left first, and Su Yi sat on the spot and went over what No. 032 said in his mind before reopening the mall.

He first sold the actor's exemption card and the temporary killing card, because these props are only for professional actors, and now that Su Yi is a front-line player, naturally he can't use them.

These two props, Su Yi, sold a total of 1440 director points, and then Su Yi directly bought a "first-line actor exemption card". As soon as he bought it, the prop immediately turned gray, showing "temporarily out of stock".

Su Yi was startled, and immediately thought of something, and hurriedly opened the actor trading area.

I saw that in the first-line actor trading area, there were almost all posts asking for "first-line actor free death card" at a higher price.

The price is basically doubled, and some even bid 5000 director's points.

(End of this chapter)

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