Infinite script kill

Chapter 1001 Resisting the Heavens!

Chapter 1001 Resisting the Heavens!

"I killed it??"

Li Bo looked at his hands in disbelief, and saw that his palms were scorchingly hot on the one hand, but cold to the bone on the other.

The two forces gradually converged in his palms little by little. In the end, on both palms, there was a strange flame imprint on one side, and a sword-shaped imprint on the other.

At the same time, Li Bo also received a reminder.

"Ding, you have received Xiao Leshan's and Xu Lai's transmission skills, and you have obtained the Immortal Imprint. You can figure out the specific effects yourself!"

"Ding! You have been recognized by two top experts at the same time, and you have been awarded the hidden title [Extraordinary Talent]"

Hearing the prompt, Li Bo realized that he seemed to have accidentally picked up a leak, and it seemed that the leak was quite big.


Before Li Boduo could think, Xiao Leshan and Xu Lai fell to the ground sweating profusely as if their bones had been pulled out behind them.

The two were already seriously injured, and they had to pass on their skills to Li Bo. Now that the injuries were compounded, the two of them couldn't take it anymore.

Li Bo quickly helped the two of them up, and took out the elixir that Xu Tong had strengthened for them to eat, which made their complexions much better.

At this time, Gao Zhuo and others rushed over.


Before Gao Zhuo could speak, he heard a heart-piercing cry, Chang Wuzhi's eyes were red, and he ran faster than anyone else.

If he hadn't known what this guy was like, Gao Zhuo and the others would have almost believed it.

"Are all the acting skills in the mental hospital so good?"

Looking at Chang Wuzhi's red and swollen eye sockets, his at a loss and anxious look on the sidelines, those who didn't know thought he was really Yeluqi.

"It's okay, we're just injured, just go back and recuperate for a while."

Xiao Leshan stood up with Chang Wuzhi's support, looked at Xu Tong who was at the side, regardless of whether Xu Tong could hear him or not: "The favor we owe you is repaid this time, can we survive this hurdle?" , it depends on your own ability."

They were able to do this with the utmost benevolence. In order for Li Bo to achieve a one-hit kill effect, the two of them almost passed half of their skills to Li Bo.

Inexplicably, he made a wedding dress for someone else, but there was nothing he could do about it. Li Bo had the essence of plants and trees in his body, and there was a spirit in his body, which was the best carrier.

If it were someone else, he would have exploded and died. Now Li Bo just needs to find a place to stay quietly, and wait for nature to digest the power in it, which is enough to make him have the potential to become the ultimate.

Xu Tong couldn't hear what Xiao Leshan and the others said. Now he has reached a critical moment. After absorbing the one and a half thoughts of the gods, his thoughts became stronger and stronger. With the blessing of precautions, now all his thoughts have gathered It became a huge silver sun.

At this time, Xu Tong already had a strong feeling in his heart.

Normally speaking, at this moment, he already wants to establish a connection with this world, connect with the Tao, break through the void and become a fairy.

However, the current situation is completely different from normal. This world is still dark, the sky is not right, the earth is not working, and it is elusive.

If you have a choice, you can temporarily suppress your own strength, and you can choose to try to break through tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, any day when you are in a good mood and the weather is sunny.

But he had no choice.

In order to kill Xu Tong, Shangsheng Zhenjun tried his best to kill Xu Tong.

Xu Tong's enormous luck, coupled with the blessing of the fire of faith, as usual, even if he descended with a godhead, it would be difficult to kill him.

However, Master Shang Sheng procrastinated until the critical period when the comet hit the moon. With the help of the particularity of the comet hitting the moon, Xu Tong's original great luck was concealed.

Then personally cast a curse on him, this strong desire to kill is rapidly eating away at his vitality.

Every minute and every second is a torment for Xu Tong.

There is not much lightning strike liquid left in the Dayi Ruyi Furnace, and it is probably impossible to survive tonight.

If the physical body can't bear it, then he can only choose the path of soldiers and immortals.

But if that's the case, I will lose to my grandma's house, and all my efforts will be in vain.

This is something he will never allow.

Bingjiexian? ?That thing is also called a fairy? ?

It's just a last consolation for the loser.

"There is no way out, so we can only do our best to rush out of one place and ascend to heaven!"

Xu Tong knew that he had reached a dead end, as his wife said, no one could help him this time.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong collected all his thoughts, and then the thoughts burst out from the center of his brows. In an instant, the light of pure sun turned the dark night into day.

This is Xu Tong's method. He wants to use his own thoughts to transform into the sun and drive away the night, so as to reduce the impact of the comet's attack on the moon.


Seeing this, Xu Lai and Xiao Leshan finally let out a sigh. They knew that Xu Tong was losing his composure, and they wanted to use their thoughts to break through the influence of the comet attacking the moon and forcefully join forces.

"Uncle, doesn't he have a chance?"

Seeing that both Xu Lai and Xiao Leshan were sighing, Chang Wuzhi hurriedly asked.

Xiao Leshan took a deep breath, and then said: "This is a stupid method. Generally speaking, it is only used by those old guys who have no hope of breaking through and have run out of fuel. The probability of success is extremely small, or even negligible, but... ...Yang Hong may not have no chance, at least his thoughts are huge, and he has already reached the point where he is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, but it is just because the comet attacked the moon and interfered with the sky."

Xiao Leshan's analysis made Gao Zhuo and the others calm down: "In other words, my boss has this opportunity!"


Xu Lai poured cold water on the side: "Forcibly interfering with the celestial phenomena? It will only be suppressed even more. I'm afraid he won't be able to pass this test!"

Gao Zhuo and the others couldn't help looking at Xiao Leshan when they heard the words. It can be seen that he didn't refute Xu Lai's words, so he knew it was difficult.

"So, this guy is sure to die today!"

Chang Wuzhi narrowed his eyelids, and the black water dragon teeth hidden in his sleeves were already ready to move. He joined Xu Tong's team just to wait for this day. Instead of you dying like a fool, let me kill you myself It's more fun.

But the moment the murderous intent in Chang Wuzhi's eyes arose, Gu Xibai noticed it, and Gu Xibai calmly stepped forward, intentionally or unintentionally, blocking Chang Wuzhi's sight.

"If you want to make a move at this time, you can try to see if you can pass my level!"

Gu Xibai directly broke Chang Wuzhi's thoughts in the team channel.

Now Gao Zhuo and Li Bo couldn't help becoming vigilant.

"Tch, this is the grievance between me and him, you guys are really lenient."

Seeing this, Chang Wuzhi could only put away the black water dragon teeth cursingly, knowing that he had no chance to strike.

At this time, Xu Tong's thoughts had already rushed to the clouds.

The whole dark night was abruptly illuminated, and the sky and the earth seemed like daylight for a while, and everyone also noticed that the chaotic luck in themselves began to recover little by little.

"It worked!"

Everyone showed joy at first, but soon, the whole sky suddenly became darker.

Looking up, I saw that the comet seemed to become dazzling all of a sudden.

Now everyone can feel that their luck has been disrupted by some indescribable force again.

"Sure enough, it's still here!"

Xu Lai's face was very helpless: "The broom star is at the end of the stars, and it only appears once in a long time. Everyone hides whenever they can. This is tantamount to directly provoking the authority of the broom star, and he will definitely receive extra attention."

This is like when a staff meeting is held in a company, the big leader in the front finally finishes talking for several hours, and the small leader in the back wants to say a few more words to finish, but suddenly an employee jumps up, gets up and leaves.

You can see that the little leader's complexion is as ugly as if he had eaten arsenic, and he wants to hate you in all likelihood.

For the same reason, for a thorny head like Xu Tong, the broom star naturally needs to take extra care.

I saw that the more brilliant the comet, the more chaotic the fortune of the heaven and earth, Xu Tong's thoughts were hanging in the sky, the huge pure sun fire, wishing to ignite the whole sky, but the sky was getting darker and darker.

At the same time, various ominous auras began to descend, mingling in the dark sky like countless monsters and ghosts, rushing towards Xu Tong's thoughts.

At this moment, Xu Tong was startled in his heart, and he could clearly feel that the violent aura between heaven and earth was suppressing his own pure yang fire, but now he was at the end of his rope.

"Is this the end??"

Xu Tong's heart beat faster, his heart's seven orifices were beating, and he thought of countless ways in an instant, but in the end every one of them was rejected.

"Teacher, I will help you!"

Suddenly, the voice of the big girl came, and I saw the girl rushing out of the hall, wearing a white dress, opening her mouth to spit out her demon pill and rushing into the sky, keeping pace with Xu Tong's thoughts, and igniting them together.

"Get out!"

Xu Tong never expected that Da Ya would do this. This demon pill is the foundation for her to become a demon fairy. return.

But this time, Da Ya didn't obey, instead, she tried her best to destroy her demon fire, trying to light up the sky.

"Don't go crazy, step back, you can't hold on!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong was really anxious, and shouted for Da Ya to go back as soon as possible, but Da Ya didn't turn her head back and said: "The head teacher forgot, you are the head teacher of the hall, if you are at the end of the road, I will wait for you." If we could die, our lives would have been bound together long ago."

Now Xu Tong couldn't find any words to refute.


At this time, Yunxun also jumped out from the entrance of the hall and landed on Xu Tong's shoulder. It didn't have a demon pill, nor any supernatural powers, but it just opened its mouth to swallow the entangled death intent on Xu Tong's body.

It wanted to use this method to prolong Xu Tong's life, but the death intent was too strong. After a few mouthfuls, the newt started to turn black all over, and even it began to be a little bit overwhelmed.

"Damn it, I can't be inferior to a fox!"

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo gritted his teeth, and saw him rushing forward, inserting his sharp nails into his chest, digging out his own incomplete bones.

He held the pure white jade bone in his palm, and then poured all the evil energy into it. With the injection of evil energy, the bones became more brilliant instead of melting, and Gao Zhuo held them high above his head, rushing towards the sky.

"I'm coming too!"

Seeing this, Gu Xibai took a look at Chang Wuzhi, jumped up with a cold snort, and saw that he cut a wound in his arms with a Wu hook, poured all his martial arts will into the wound, and then looked up to the sky Splashing, for a moment, the blood stained with the will of martial arts emitted a dazzling golden light, and then exploded in the sky.

"Old Gao, Old Bai!"

Xu Tong was seldom moved, but this time, seeing the figures of the two fighting for themselves, his eyes suddenly became wet, and he smiled wryly: "Sorry, I have troubled you!"

"Go to your uncle, you are my son's godfather, don't say such depressing words, go back and drink the full moon wine with me!"

Gao Zhuo turned around cursing and said.

At this moment, there was a sudden bright light in the sky, and Chang Wuzhi was already on the Sun Battleship at some point, driving the Sun Battleship straight into the sky.

Then the huge essence of vitality was concentrated in the lights of the Sun Battleship, making the Sun Battleship hang high in the sky as if it had turned into the sun.

Chang Wuzhi said coldly in the team channel: "What you owe me, you will have to pay it back sooner or later!"

"Hey, knife mouth, tofu heart, let me just say, Lao Chang is not a bad person!" Gao Zhuo said with a grin on the team channel.

"Stop talking nonsense, work harder!" Chang Wuzhi turned his head, and there was warmth in his cold eyes.

At this time, Gao Zhuo summoned the Blood Ancestor Blade and stabbed it viciously on his body. Suddenly, a huge amount of evil energy gushed out from his body and poured it into the non-melting bone. fireball.

Chang Wuzhi didn't care about the pain, he called out the item book, and threw all the treasures he looted from Ouchi's treasury and Yeluqi's treasury into the vitality stove.

Gu Xibai jumped onto the deck of the Sun Battleship, completely releasing his martial arts will, and the blood splashed like golden flowers.

For a time, the sky gradually became brighter, as if a force was about to emerge from the darkness at dawn.


Seeing that his teammates were desperately trying to help, Li Bo turned around in a hurry, squatting beside Xu Tong with a sad face: "I'm sorry, I...I can't help!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a chill behind him, and only heard a very kind voice: "My child, if you want to, I will help."

Li Bo was stunned, thinking that there was no one behind him, and when he turned around, he saw three old men slowly walking out of the virtual space that Xu Tong hadn't closed.

The old man in the head is very thin, tall, and has a kind face, just like his own grandfather, giving people a sense of intimacy from heaven and man. I saw him walking behind Xu Tong, took it out of his sleeve, and was taken by the teacher. The divine thought that was taken away: "Silly boy, can a grandpa still steal his grandson's treasure?"

Seeing the old man talking, he just threw the thing away and directly threw it into Xu Tong's Great Sun Ruyi Furnace...

(End of this chapter)

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