Chapter 1002 Becoming an Immortal

Seeing this scene, Xu Tong couldn't help widening his eyes, he knew very well how important this thing was to his master.

"It's okay! Only by living can there be hope!"

Xue Gui waved his hand, and stood behind Xu Tong together with Mei Lao and Lao Dao: "Just rush, we old bones are here to support you today!"

With the affirmation of the master, Xu Tong felt as if he had a needle of Dinghai Shen pierced in his heart.

Even if it is to activate the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, it will directly incinerate that divine thought.

After this divine thought fell into the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace, it immediately caused the furnace body to vibrate violently.

This was originally a relatively powerful idea that Shangsheng Zhenjun put into this script world, and it also had some godhead attributes.

Simply priceless, a real treasure.

As long as Xue Gui takes this item back to Du Ziren, I believe that what he can exchange for it from Du Ziren is beyond imagination.

However, Xue Gui did not hesitate to throw this idea into the Ruyi Furnace at this moment. It can be seen that in Xue Gui's heart, Xu Tong's precious disciple has the weight.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

For a moment, I saw a little bit of divine brilliance gushing out from the Great Sun Ruyi Furnace. This light full of divine power poured into Xu Tong's thoughts, making his thoughts seem to be surrounded by layers of brilliant divine radiance at this moment. Wrap it up.

Now Xu Tong's thoughts became even brighter, for a moment he wanted to pierce the darkness and turn the night into day.

The comet was in the sky, as if it had sent out unprecedented anger, and it was also more brilliant, but the more brilliant it was, the darker the sky was.

Ominousness, disease, disaster, all kinds of desperate breaths are suppressed.

The colors of this world are stripped away, leaving only two colors, one black and one white.

Xu Tong's luck began to recover, and the dragon suppressed by the darkness gradually became clear.

There was a roar that shook the sky, as if it was roaring to question the broom star, its sharp claws tore in the darkness, trying to break through the shackles of this darkness.

"Is it going to succeed!!"

Everyone's eyes widened, even Xu Lai and Xiao Leshan raised their hearts to their throats.

But at this moment, the comet suddenly began to flash, as if it was stimulated by something, it became more dazzling.

The darkness in the sky is like a hopeless big world, which is ruthlessly suppressed towards Xu Tong.

"not good!!"

Everyone's faces changed drastically, and they saw wisps of black mist visible to the naked eye falling from the sky, smashing down with an ominous aura of destruction.

The first to bear the brunt was the Sun Battleship. After being shrouded in black mist, in an instant, this divine object, which cost millions of gold and countless craftsmen's painstaking efforts, began to fail. Falling down in mid-air.

Immediately after was Gao Zhuo's unmelted bone, after being hit by the black mist, black mildew spots appeared on this crystal clear jade bone, and Gao Zhuo was involved as well, his whole body was itchy with meat sauce It made Gao Zhuo go crazy.

Da Ya and Gu Xibai were also suppressed, Da Ya's demon pill was almost shattered, while Gu Xibai's whole body was cold, as if he had aged ten years.

The people around him were suppressed one by one, Xu Tong saw it, and felt as if a fire was burning in his heart.

I can't lose, if I lose, not only myself, everyone's efforts will be in vain.

As if feeling Xu Tong's inner mania, the giant dragon behind him also became more and more angry.

But the darkness still seemed to be falling, swallowing Xu Tong's luck little by little.


At this moment, Xue Gui stepped forward suddenly, and took out a scroll of golden apricot yellow from his sleeve.

This scroll has no entity, it seems to be a fuzzy shadow if you look closely.

But as soon as this thing came out, it caused a huge aura to surge in Xue Gui's body. Although it was invisible and intangible, everyone present felt a very strong sense of oppression.

Especially people like Xu Lai and Xiao Leshan, they can see that Xue Gui is not a living person, even if he is a yin official, his grade is not very high, at best he is a ghost.

But the moment Xue Gui took out the object, the expressions of both of them changed.

An unprecedented feeling of hesitation spread in his heart, and the figure of Xue Gui in front of him seemed to become terrifying in an instant.

What exactly is that thing? ?Why do they feel terrified when they are so extreme.

However, this is not over yet, Old Mei also took a step forward, and for a moment there was a bright glow behind him, and the ghostly shadow of an ancient tree full of plum blossoms appeared behind him, above the blossoming plum blossoms, pieces of green leaves were like spring, There are golden veins on the petals.

Each flower represents great merit and luck.

As the foundation of the world's number one hole in the sky, Mei Lao's luck is huge, not much worse than that of Longhushan with a thousand years of experience.

"Why is their luck undisturbed??"

Only then did Xiao Leshan notice a terrifying thing. Under the starry sky where a comet hits the moon, everyone's luck will be disturbed, from the emperor to the common people, but the luck on both of them is not. Being disturbed makes it even more terrifying.

Naturally, Xue Gui would not explain to everyone that what he was holding in his hand was the "Decree of Mandate of Heaven" which was the reward promised to him by the Dao of Heaven.

As for Mr. Mei, he was born out of luck, and he was born under the care of heaven and earth. This broom star can't mess with his luck.

"Son, it's time for you to help!"

Xue Gui looked at Li Bo who was bewildered beside him with a smile, stretched out his hand, and pulled Li Bo from the ground to his side. After the three of them stood up, Xue Gui said to Xu Tong: "Tong Er, your Luck is not enough, how about the three of us borrowing it!"

What is the roof beam of the family, and what is the backer of the family.

At this moment, Xue Gui and Mei Lao are the pillars of the family, and the mountain behind them stands firmly behind Xu Tong.

Xu Tong's nose was sore, his eyes were red, and he bowed deeply to Master Mei and Mr. Mei: "Grandson thank Master, Mr. Mei for completeness!"

Saying that, Xu Tong was not polite anymore, and activated the technique of blocking luck.

In an instant, Xu Tong's physical body became even older, his black hair turned into white hair, and the strong death energy on his body almost swallowed his physical body at this moment.

But at the same time, the darkness that had already been covered was suddenly pierced by a huge dragon cry.

One piece, two pieces, the golden dragon scales became more and more clear from the darkness.

At this moment, even if the broom star came in person, he could no longer suppress this huge fortune.

The dragon claws tore through the darkness, and the huge dragon tail swept across the starry sky. In an instant, the sky was clear, and even the stars in the sky began to become clear.

After the last few unwilling flashes of the comet above the nine heavens, it gradually dimmed. It didn't disappear, but hid its light, and chose to make way for Xu Tong to retreat temporarily.

For a moment, the giant dragon was no longer suppressed, and it rose into the sky, and Xu Tong's thoughts also changed and rose in an instant!

There are all living beings in this world, and there are thousands of stars in the nine heavens.

It seemed that everyone could clearly feel Xu Tong's existence at this moment. At this moment, Xu Tong's thoughts underwent a qualitative change, and a large amount of heaven and earth energy crazily poured into his thoughts.

It made this thought emit a bright light, much brighter than the light of the sun.

For a moment, the death energy in Xu Tong's body was also under this brilliant light, and suddenly disappeared.

Even when this ray of sunlight shone on the earth, some of the corrupted creatures in Lin'an Mansion also returned to normal under the radiance of this ray, while others disappeared.

The Lin'an Mansion, which had been reduced to death, was revitalized after a while, sweeping away the gloom and evil.

A rainbow of light fell from the sky and shone on Xu Tong's body, rejuvenating his body in an instant.

It made every hair of Xu Tong covered with a layer of immortal brilliance.

Xu Tong opened his eyelids, and the thought was to turn into Xu Tong's appearance, stand behind Xu Tong, and grow bigger and bigger, like a giant standing between heaven and earth.

"Becoming an immortal!!"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Xu Tong's body. Whether it was Xue Gui, Old Mei, or even the old Taoist who came out of the void and reality with the two, their eyes were full of yearning.

"Since the Plum Blossom Taoist established the Plum Blossom Manor and passed it on for more than ten generations, someone has finally come to this point."

As a witness of history, Mr. Mei is the most admirable at this moment. He once thought that Taoist Plum Blossom is the person with the most potential and the most chance to become a fairy, but in the end, Taoist Plum Blossom did not take this step. Go outside the board.

Although I don't know how this guy is so far, whether he is still alive or not, but one thing is undeniable, even Taoist Plum Blossom has not completed the road to becoming a fairy in a dignified manner like Xu Tong.

Xue Gui silently put away the Mandate of Heaven in his hand, the expression on his face became more kind, even a little proud.

His own successors, the blue is worse than the blue, not so much the fruit of the plum blossom lineage, but the blessings of his seven sects.

The fairy light was dim, and the dharma figure behind Xu Tong gradually became clear. I saw that the dharma figure was wearing a battle armor and holding a sword in his hand, like a god in a Taoist temple or a temple, with a cloak wrapped around his body.

At the same time, Xu Tong felt something in his heart, as if somewhere in the dark, a force was calling him.

But Xu Tong ignored him, he is not a god, but a fairy.

Even now, it is just a Sanxian (a Taoist term, a deity who has not been awarded an official title by the heavens)

But that is also immortal.

People often talk about gods and gods, but the two are not one. If you practice the divine way, you can feel the call, and you can go to the fairy world to accept the invitation, and you can't go if you don't go.

But I am a fairy, and I have the privilege of not being called, not being granted, not being tuned, as long as I am willing, at this moment, the king of heaven and I can't control myself.

Exactly that sentence:
"Heaven and earth, the world of mortals and the world, the three mountains and five mountains are my own.

The blue sky and the yellow spring, the five continents in the fairyland, the nine heavens and the ten lands are alone. "

(End of this chapter)

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