Infinite script kill

Chapter 1003 Letter from a Fool

Chapter 1003 Letter from a Fool
Xu Tong felt the changes in himself a little bit. After becoming a fairy, his own thoughts became bigger and bigger, and he could command the power of the surrounding heaven and earth with his gestures.

He waved his hand and swept away, and the dharma behind him bloomed with immortal light, pouring down the pure Yang energy like a sea of ​​clouds, which restored all the ominousness and injuries on Gao Zhuo and others to their original state.

If it is said that before becoming a fairy, one can use the power of heaven and earth for one's own use, then after becoming a fairy, one's own power is the power of heaven and earth.

The difference between the two is enormous and extraordinary.

To use an analogy, it is like two businessmen, one businessman is doing business with loans, and the other businessman owns a bank at home.

In addition, there are many mysteries, Xu Tong needs some time to digest slowly, and immediately the mind is moved, and the dharma form returns to the physical body behind him.

Standing up, the first thing to do is to grab Li Bo away from the master and put him aside, then kneel down to the master and Mei Laoxing to salute.

"My apprentice and grandson lived up to expectations, thank you master and Mr. Mei."

How difficult it is to become a fairy, Xu Tong, as a person who has experienced it himself, understands that in the eyes of others, he may be smooth and smooth, soaring upwards.

But behind this is the master, Mr. Mei, and even the resources of the entire Meihua lineage to support him.

For Gao Zhuo and the others, Xu Tong can use all his resources to arm and repay them.

But for the selfless devotion of these two old people, Xu Tong can only show his respect with big gifts.

"Hey, where are there so many fake moves, you and your master are getting more and more alike." The master said disapprovingly, but the wrinkles on his face had already betrayed his inner joy deeply.

Mrs. Mei hurriedly stepped forward to help him up: "It's a good thing to be able to become a fairy. Your master and I are not working in vain. You should deal with the affairs at hand first, and then come to us when you have free time."

After Mr. Mei finished speaking, he nodded with Xue Gui, the two of them didn't intend to stay longer, they stole Xu Tong's limelight, after finishing speaking, they waved their hands and stood up to return to the space between reality and reality.

"Farewell to Master, Mr. Mei!"

Xu Tong only closed the gap between virtual and real after the two left.

Then he took a closer look, but seeing that the old man hadn't left yet, he was stunned for a moment.

"Hahaha, congratulations, you boy became a fairy and became a Taoist, I am very envious of the old Taoist."

The old man walked forward with a smile all over his face.

"you are leaving?"

Seeing the old man staying here, Xu Tong immediately understood in his heart that the old man was probably saying goodbye to him.

"There is no feast that lasts forever. The poor Taoist saw the divine dragon descending into the world today, and he knew that the time for parting had come. From now on, there will be no Taoist who seeks dragons in the world."

The dragon mentioned by the old Taoist is exactly the huge destiny behind Xu Tong.

He claimed to be a Taoist looking for dragons and wanted to see the demeanor of the dragon, but he was born in the age of the end of the Dharma, and it is so difficult to see the real dragon.

Now that the knot is over, knowing that the opportunity has come, I want to say goodbye to Xu Tong.

"Little brother, please return Pindao's body."

Gao Zhuo was startled when he heard the words, and he came back to his senses after a while, and hurriedly called out a coffin, which was exactly the coffin where Lao Dao's body was stored.

The old Taoist walked up to the coffin, waved his hand, and saw the coffin lid was lifted.

Strangely, the old Taoist glanced into the coffin, and then he saluted himself in the coffin: "Fellow Daoist, please get up!"

As soon as the words fell, the old Taoist body in the coffin really opened his eyes, stood up straight from the coffin, grinned, and bowed to the old Taoist in front of him: "Congratulations, fellow daoist, we've given up our obsessions, and we're on our way Bar!"

"Of course!"

The old Taoist nodded, turned around in unison for a while, and bid farewell to Xu Tong: "Little brother, we are destined to meet again!"

After all, the physical body of the old man stepped out of the coffin, and walked down the mountain side by side with the old man. After walking a few steps, the two became one person. What's even more strange is that the aura of the old man gradually followed his steps. Lift up.

Firstly, it is the realm of enlightenment, but within a few steps, it is already the realm of slashing the Tao. After the figure disappears, Xu Tong can vaguely feel the aura of the old Taoist body gradually returning to its original nature.

After going here, I'm afraid it won't be long before there are signs of becoming a fairy.

"Sure enough, this old guy is extraordinary!"

When Xu Tong saw this, he knew in his heart that there must be some mystery behind the old Taoist's delay in asking for his body.

This time, I want to be like the eldest princess. From then on, the dragon enters the sea, the sky is high and the earth is far away, and there are no more shackles to restrain them.

After the old Taoist was sent away, the rest of the matter was much simpler. Xu Tong took a group of people down the mountain, and Xu Lai took Xu Fan with him, not planning to return to Lin'an Mansion.

Although the Lin'an Mansion was completely wiped out by Xu Tong with the power of pure yang, and there was no more evil, but the Xu family had already been destroyed, and Xu Lai didn't plan to go back, lest he would be hurt.

He planned to take Xu Fan to find a quieter place. On the one hand, he would cultivate his body, hide his identity, spend a few years of leisure, and hide from the little emperor Zhao Meng by the way.

Xu Tong nodded his head to express his understanding. After all, Zhao Meng was congenital and qualified to fight Jue Ding. If he knew that Xu Lai's realm had plummeted and his strength was greatly damaged, he would definitely kill him.

Wasn't Shen Kuo of Sitianjian a case in the past?

Xiao Leshan naturally wanted to return to the Northern Man, while Chang Wuzhi continued to play the role of a good nephew.

When going back, Xiao Leshan asked him why he chose to help Yang Hong this time, Chang Wuzhi was not in a hurry to find an excuse, but thought for a moment and said: "Uncle and Xu Lai risked half their lives, but he died lightly, how could he not?" It’s not that I’ve let down my uncle’s painstaking efforts, and besides, why can’t I help him if he can go against the sky, this time, he owes me a favor, which will be doubled in the future.”

Chang Wuzhi's remarks were reasonable, Xiao Leshan was quite happy in his heart: "Okay, if Your Majesty has such vision and mind, why should Beiman be unhappy!"

Xiao Leshan became more and more satisfied with his good nephew.

Chang Wuju immediately served tea and brought it up: "In the future, please ask uncle to help Qi'er more."

"Good good!"

On this side, the father is kind and the son is filial, and on the other side, Xu Tong is also temporarily separated from Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai.

After all, he can stay here for another three months. During this period of time, it is a rare leisure time. Gao Zhuo must hurry up and find a feng shui treasure to refine the corpse.

Gu Xibai plans to go to Shaolin Temple to study martial arts.

This time in the battle with Xuantong, he already had some signs of a breakthrough, and he planned to work harder and strive for a breakthrough before going back.

After the two left, Xu Tong took Shenwuying and Li Bo, and was worrying about what they were going to do next, when he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps.

At first glance, it turned out to be an old man from Gusu.

Seeing Xu Tong and the others, the old man in Gusu widened his eyes, walked up to Xu Tong and looked around, and then... Wow!With a bang, he even sat down on the ground, and began to cry loudly.

It turned out that after Xu Tong took Xiao Leshan and Xu Lai to the top of the Immortals, there was no movement. Later, the turmoil broke out in the prison, and Gusu old man immediately sent a message to the world.

After they united a large number of people from the rivers and lakes to rescue many people, they took the people to Yangzhou, just in time for Zhao Meng to go to Yangzhou, and Yangzhou should be established as the place to go.

The old man Gusu simply settled down in Yangzhou, and when he got the news, he hurried over, but the day lily was cold. Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Xu Tong can actually understand his feelings. It’s the same as watching a movie. After watching the first nine or ten minutes, he suddenly had a stomachache in the last two or ten minutes. It took him time to go to the bathroom. The movie was over, and the final big Neither the ending nor the climax has been seen, which is equivalent to watching a movie for nothing.

Seeing him crying pitifully, Xu Tong thought about it, and he really remembered something, so he bent down and said to Gusu old man: "Don't cry, come with me, I'll take you to watch it again. play."

"What a show??"

The old man in Gusu immediately regained his spirits when he heard the words.

"Just follow me, just tell me what happened in the world during the time we went in."

"That's good, you can also tell me, are you really a fairy now, what does it feel like to be a fairy?"

As the old man in Gusu spoke, he took out his notebook and turned himself into a qualified journalist again...


At the foot of Yunjing Mountain, there are only green bamboos in the shade, and the crisp bells are rippling in the mountains and forests.


When Xu Tong and his party arrived at the foot of the mountain, the great monk Minghai had already been waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing Xu Tong and others coming to the mountain gate, he took the initiative to meet him, clasped his hands together: "Amitabha! Your Majesty is here, and Ming Hai is far away to welcome you. It's a sin, a sin."

"Why does the great monk need to be so polite? Didn't we agree at the beginning that I will see you off when you complete your merits and virtues in August?"

Xu Tong remembered that when Monk Minghai gave him the [Glass Relic Pagoda], he said that he should pass away in August this year.

Being idle is also idle, so I simply came here to recuperate and recuperate, and here I would like to say that when passing Suzhou, Xu Tong searched for the place Xuantong said at the beginning, and found Xuantong's descendants.

After sending Xuantong's words over, he left some gold and silver treasures for their family, and then completed the side mission.

Now I bring people to Yunjing Mountain just to finish the last thing, and then return to reality. It is a good story from the beginning to the end.

"My lord, please wait for someone to go up the mountain."

The Great Monk Minghai grinned and asked Xu Tong and the others to discuss it in detail on the mountain. Xu Tong motioned for Ge Zhuo and the others to set up camp at the foot of the mountain.

He took Li Bo and the old man from Gusu, and followed Monk Minghai up the mountain slowly.

Tea was already prepared in the quiet room, and after everyone was seated, Monk Minghai took out a letter from a small cabinet beside him:

"The venerable came here at the right time. Yesterday, when the poor monk was chanting sutras, he fell asleep suddenly. He met the boy in front of the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha and asked me in a dream. .”

Monk Minghai said, and sent the letter to Xu Tong.

If it was so outrageous, other people would probably think that this bald donkey was trying to cheat incense money.

But in front of him was Monk Minghai, a generation of Zen. Xu Tong felt curious when he heard the words. He picked up the envelope and opened it. It was not so much a letter as it was two paintings.

This first painting is a simple and honest smiling face, pointing to a Buddha statue, Xu Tong looked at this painting, a familiar feeling came over his face, and he couldn't help laughing immediately, he knew it was given to him by a fool painting.

Although I have never seen a fool draw a picture, but the unique temperament of a fool in the painting is very well grasped.

Judging by his appearance, he should be telling himself that he is safe, and it seems to have something to do with Buddhism.

Later, when Xu Tong looked at the second portrait, his expression gradually became weird. He saw that the lines on this painting were crooked. Looking carefully, there was a huge soup pot standing there. Behind the soup pot, there was actually a bridge. , isn't this just... Naihe Bridge?
(End of this chapter)

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