Chapter 1004 The Return

Xu Tong looked at the envelope in his hand and knew that it was given to him by a fool. The picture in front was normal, but the picture in the back was intriguing.

Naihe bridge, Mengpo soup.

The lines on it are crooked. At first glance, I thought it was the style of Van Gogh, but when you look closely, each line looks like a writhing worm, revealing an evil nature.

At this time, Xu Tong noticed that although Po Meng's soup pot was there, Po Meng was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, Xu Tong's eyes widened, and he found that in an inconspicuous place in the corner, a bloody bull's head was being discarded among the bushes, and the bright red blood dyed the bushes red.

"Grandma Meng's big green bull??"

Seeing this, even Xu Tong couldn't help being surprised. Possess Meng's big green cow had its head chopped off? ?

For a while, Xu Tong also began to mutter in his heart, what is the meaning of the scene in this painting?Is it a fool trying to tell himself something?Or give yourself some kind of warning?
It's a pity that the idiot can't write, and the content of this painting is too abstract. Even with the blessing of Qiqiao Linglong, Xu Tong can't figure out the idiot's intention.

But with a fool's character, if the matter was not very important, he would not write a letter to himself in this way.

"Just wait and see!"

Xu Tong put away the envelope, planning to go to Netherworld to find a fool after he finished his work.

Another month passed in a blink of an eye.

Xu Tong and his party stayed on Yunjing Mountain, usually chatting with the great monk Minghai. In his free time, Xu Tong would devote himself to comprehending all the wonders of himself as a fairy queen.

During this period of time, the old man of Gusu stayed by Xu Tong's side, as if he was Xu Tong's full-time reporter and had obtained the exclusive authorization to interview him.

Successively brought many articles to the people of the world, such as Yang Hong becoming a fairy queen, sweeping away the haze and evil spirits in Lin'an Mansion, and restoring the sky to the sky.

It also means that people can go back to live, and there will be no more evil things to harm people, so as to appease the hearts of the world.

It can be said that when a saint comes out, the world will be settled, and all people will be safe and healthy from then on.

This also made many people spontaneously erect statues for Xu Tong, making Xu Tong's reputation as a saint bigger and bigger.

No way, the mountains and forests are secular, and they have long been famous all over the world.

This also made Xu Tong's fire of faith bigger and bigger. These fires of faith can bless Xu Tong's Dharma world, but they can't add any mana to Xu Tong.

This is the difference between gods and immortals. Gods need the blessing of these fires of faith, but immortals do not.

But even if the immortal has no believers, it will still not be affected in any way, but the gods lose their lives if they lose their believers.

However, these flames of faith are also rare and good things. Even if one cannot absorb them, they still have many magical effects.

For example, blessing on one's own Dharma world, although it does not increase mana, it can add a layer of divine power to one's Dharma world.

Or if it is blessed on other people, it will also allow them to obtain a layer of Faith Cloth, which can purify all negative effects on their body and increase their overall physical fitness by 30%.

There are many other usages, Xu Tong needs time to try slowly.

Seeing that Xu Tong's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, even Zhao Meng has to ask Xu Tong to go back to preside over the court.

After Xu Tong politely refused, Zhao Meng sent many gifts.

Of course Xu Tong would not be polite about these things.

Accepting everything according to the order also gave Zhao Meng a lot of peace of mind.

In the blink of an eye, in mid-August, Master Minghai came to find Xu Tong and had a long talk with him.

In the words, Xu Tong was reminded of a word, saying that he has too many karma on his body, and the karma of various families is entangled in him, and this favor will be repaid sooner or later.

This sentence reminded Xu Tong that he was indeed burdened with many things.

Especially the Plum Blossom lineage, he has almost completely inherited the inheritance of the entire Plum Blossom Taoist. If this great karma cannot be made up, it is hard to say whether it will suffer a big somersault in the future.

This is not Xu Tong's mediocrity. After all, Taoist Plum Blossom, why didn't he leave his inheritance to the Mei family, instead he left his legacy to the old Mei, and he was not allowed to pass Yanshu to the Mei family.

The problem here is that I want to find an opportunity to have a good chat with Mr. Mei.

There is also the Buddhist sect, who bears the unique title of the Buddhist venerable, and can even cut the Tao, and there are many shadows of the Buddhist sect behind him.

Based on my understanding of these bald donkeys, when did you see them suffer?

Even if it is the great monk Minghai, he gave himself the Buddhist treasure [Crystal Stupa], this cause and effect, it is difficult for him to return the thing to him now.

Not to mention, I also practiced the Chunyang Sword Code and learned the Zixiao Thunder Technique.

Thinking about it carefully, Xu Tong felt like a big loser. Behind his glamorous appearance, he was already heavily in debt, burdened with countless loans, and was insolvent.

If it is in reality, such a big bank will only act as an uncle, come to condolences every month, take you for a medical examination, give you some policy benefits, or give you some more loans, and try to make a comeback ? ?

But here, it's not so magical, it's more realistic than reality.

When these loans are due, these creditors will swarm up and strip themselves clean.

The great monk Minghai and Xu Tong went back after chatting, but that night, Xu Tong looked at the room of the great monk Minghai with a feeling.

It didn't take long for a bell to ring from the temple, and this generation of Buddhist eminent monk really passed away as he said.

The next day, Xu Tong participated in the passing away ceremony of Great Monk Minghai. According to the agreement, after Xu Tong burned a large sum of money to him, Xu Tong took Li Bo down the mountain.

"Head, where are we going next?"

Li Bo looked at Xu Tong, blinked and asked.

"Let's go find Wuzhi, and then we'll go home."

Counting the time, Xu Tong found that they had been here for quite a while, and it was almost time to return.

It is fine for Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai to go back directly, and he needs to go back with Chang Wuzhi, because Xu Tong is also very interested in the Sun Battleship, and if he wants to take this thing back, he must bring it first. into your own reality.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong looked back at Ge Zhuo and the others: "Go back too, the rest of the road is up to you to go."

Ge Zhuo and the others were stunned, their eyes turned red immediately, and they bowed down in front of Xu Tong in unison: "I will follow the general to the death, please take us with you!"

"Please take me with you, General."

"Head, how about... let's take it together, anyway, it's not bad for this kind of person."

On the side, Li Bo pleaded in a low voice.

Xu Tong's original intention was to let them stay here. With their current prestige, they must be reused by Zhao Meng when they return to Dagan.

It's not even a problem to be promoted to a noble in the future, but seeing the firm attitude of Ge Zhuo and others, Xu Tong was also entangled for a while.

After thinking for a while, Xu Tong nodded and agreed, but he had to vaccinate them in advance.

If you want to follow yourself, you can, but once you keep up with yourself, there is no chance to come back.

Even for a long time in the future, they will have to live between their own fiction and reality.

It's not a good place there, it's a ghostly place full of ghosts, and it's definitely not good for normal people to stay in it.

"As long as we can follow the general, even if we are willing to die now."

Ge Zhuo's words were forceful without any hesitation. In their view, as long as they were by Xu Tong's side, as long as they were by Xu Tong's side, nothing else mattered.

"Let's go, go to the northern barbarians!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong finally agreed, and took a group of people straight to Beiman. In fact, being able to accept such an elite team would be of great help to him.

After all, the Sun Battleship is huge, and it is not difficult to accommodate them.

Besides, the Sun Battleship also needs an elite team to control it, so bringing them is also a good choice.

When the group arrived at the border, Chang Wuzhi had already been waiting for them with the Sun Battleship for a while.

After Xu Tong let everyone board the battleship, he opened the gap between reality and reality, and let the battleship slowly walk in.

Under the setting sun, the figure of the battleship is sailing into the space between reality and reality little by little.

The good thing is that Xu Tong has become a god now, and the space between reality and reality is as solid as an entity. Otherwise, it would be a bit difficult to stuff such a large ship into it.

On one side, I often lie lazily on a beach chair, with a cigar hanging in my hand, and on the other side there is a radio on the table.

The melodious sound of music echoes in the wilderness, it is the saxophone "Going Home"

"Why, are you reluctant?"

Seeing his lack of interest, Xu Tong kept his eyes fixed on the north, and couldn't help asking.

Chang Wuzhi shook his head, and when he heard Xu Tong's question, the corners of his mouth gradually raised, as if he had thought of something interesting:

"Tell me, if Xiao Leshan knew that Yeluqi was dead, what do you think would happen to him?"

Xu Tong frowned, probably already thinking about what Chang Wuzhi did: "It's cruel for you to do this!!"

"However, I like it!"

"Tch, I really thought you were a saint now, but you are still that bitch in love!"

Seeing this, Chang Wuzhi curled his lips, looking very disappointed.

"The saint is Yang Hong, but I am not. This is the best ending of the story."

At this time, Xu Tong seemed to have noticed something, and turned to look in the direction of Beiman: "It's time to end!"

As he said that, he walked forward and took out the tape from the radio: "This song is not suitable for the ending song, this is better."

After putting on a new cassette, he sat on another chair beside him, took out the long-lost cigarette stick and put it in his hand.

"Zizi..." The sound of the tape spinning on the radio sounded, and the figures of the two gradually disappeared in a puff of green smoke.


At this time, there was an angry roar in the distance, and a figure had already chased him, it was Xiao Leshan who had killed him with a black face, but when he chased him, he couldn't see Xu Tong, Chang Wuju and others.

When he was wondering, in the strange black box on the table, there was a brisk and pleasant singing voice, like Xu Tong and Chang Wuzhi saying goodbye to him.

"Goodbye dad, I'm sailing tonight, don't worry about me, I have paddles of joy and wisdom..."

(End of this chapter)

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