Infinite script kill

Chapter 1017 Kunlun is Hell

Chapter 1017 Kunlun is Hell
Meng Changsheng is a very thoughtful person. As one of the eight evil men, his methods make the enemy frightened.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could only stop there.

The massive resources of the Spear Gods were tilted towards him, but with such massive resources, he couldn't get any further improvement.

In Bu Luan's words, his heart is not pure enough to be pure and flawless. Even if it is piled up with countless resources, it is still a castle in the air, and it is destined to have no room for further advancement.

It was precisely because of this reason that the resources of the team began to gradually shift to the subordinate team, and Meng Changsheng had nothing to do about it.

Especially after Yan Xiaoqi, one of the three independents, completed the conferment of gods, this strong sense of frustration had penetrated deeply into his heart.

However, at this moment, when Xu Tong handed over the enhanced item card to Meng Changsheng, all the thoughts in Meng Changsheng's mind were swept away, and there was only one thing in his mind, strengthening!
So shocking.

When this +9 [God's Cut·Fate] appeared in front of him, Meng Changsheng almost screamed excitedly.

I thought that the enhancement levels of +9 and +6 were just some changes in attributes.

The result surprised him, the two are completely qualitative changes.

Not even a thing at all.

Not only has an active skill been added, but even other passive skills have been greatly increased.

With this long spear, I believe that the strength of the leader is enough to rise at least two steps.

If Caesar and the other three god-level players join forces again, I'm afraid they won't be the leader's opponent.

"Sure enough, as the leader expected, Laojunfang is an important step for them to change the battle situation!"

At this moment, Meng Changsheng couldn't help but lament that the leader's ability to see people and things was still so ruthless.

Put these item cards away carefully, and hand them over to Bu Luan directly through the team warehouse.

At the same time, Meng Changsheng couldn't help asking about Xu Tong's strengthening, such as why the strengthening cost was so exaggerated this time.

Xu Tong didn't hide anything, and told Meng Changsheng the principle that every time he strengthened a level, the cost would be doubled.

In other words, the further you go, the more exaggerated the cost of strengthening.

If the team leader wants to continue to strengthen next time, not only will he have to bear the risk of the item card being broken, but the cost required for each level may be the sum of the previous costs.

When Xu Tong said this, he also gave a serious vaccination to the rich man of the Gunslingers. To put it bluntly, you should keep all your money for me, and don't spend it everywhere.

After learning about these situations, Meng Changsheng left with a look of excitement.

Xu Tong didn't know what he was thinking of, but it seemed that this regimental deputy had the potential to be a big client.

After seeing off the big client, Xu Tong plunged into the basement and pulled Master to strengthen the beacon in his hand.

Master's Teleportation Beacon had only a 20% success rate at first, but every time it was strengthened, the success rate would increase by 10%.

It only needs to be strengthened to level 8 to reach 9%, but Xu Tong still successfully strengthened it to +[-].

And after the teleportation beacon is raised to +9, the effect is even more different.

Not only did the teleportation success rate reach 100%, but it also came with a passive skill.

It's called road sign recognition.

Beacon identification: Special identification can be carried out on the Beacon, and those who have not been identified and authenticated cannot be transmitted through the Beacon.

To put it bluntly, this set of beacons can become the team's exclusive beacons. Even if other people have the beacons in their hands, they cannot be teleported into the location of the beacons arranged by others.

This function has been greatly complemented, and the shortcomings of the teleportation beacons have also greatly inspired Master. He only cared about researching teleportation, but forgot to add a protective door between the teleportation beacons.

Of course it's not his fault.

The new teleportation theories are not perfect, so where would they think about these issues.

The task Xu Tong gave to Master was to concentrate on making beacons. The profits earned by the team would still have his share, which was given to him alone and had nothing to do with research funding.

Now Master has no burden at all, and Xu Tong said that after returning to reality and thoroughly dealing with the things in reality, he will take root in Laojunfang and never return to reality.

This is also a matter of course, of course Xu Tong will not object, but just in case, Xu Tong still gave Master two Zixiao Tianlei Talismans for life-saving, and also authorized Master to put the life-saving talisman on him. Go back after strengthening the item card once.

This is the God of Wealth of Laojunfang in the future, if any accident happens at this stall, then I will cry and faint in the toilet.

After all, such cases abound in reality.

What researched a special coating formula, what used water instead of fuel, anyway, these people basically died inexplicably not long after the results were announced.

Xu Tong didn't want such a bloody thing to happen to him.

"This thing is a good thing. Let's set up a set, so I don't need to run up and down in the future."

At the counter, Amei looked at the teleportation beacon and couldn't help but praise it.

Then he asked Xu Tong, "How much do you plan to sell this thing?"

"Of course, the more expensive the better, after all, this thing is much better than any teleportation array."

Plus the cost of strengthening, the cost is about 40.

If Xu Tong didn't sell this thing for a hundred times the price difference, would he still be able to make money? ?

After thinking about it, A-Mei also felt that there was a lot of money to be made, and then asked: "Then do we still sell other things?"

"Sell, flying papers will continue to be sold, this teleportation mark master can only make four in a month, let's sell flying papers freely, the income may not be worse than the teleportation mark, this is called luxury and civilians. "

Seeing Xu Tong speaking so confidently, Amei suddenly covered her mouth and laughed.

"Huh?? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Seeing that Amei suddenly smiled so happily, Xu Tong couldn't help scratching his head and asked.

"I laugh at you, not like a fairy, but more like a real profiteer."

When A-Mei laughed, there were dimples at the corners of her mouth, which looked extraordinarily beautiful, and Xu Tong was stunned for a moment.

When A-Mei came back to her senses, she gave him a blank look: "Stinky brat, your compliments are useless."

"Hey, money can't buy a beautiful smile, not to mention you look so pretty when you smile."

Xu Tong didn't avoid A-Mei's gaze, but took a step closer.

Seeing this, A-mei panicked and looked around: "I'll go see how Master's room is being cleaned upstairs."

As he said that, he ran away in a hurry, Xu Tong grinned when he saw this, and when he wanted to take the opportunity to tease his sister again, he heard Mr. Tai's voice behind him: "cough cough."

Xu Tong looked back and found that Tai had already walked in, and sat on the sofa with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Sorry for disturbing your good mood."

"Why are you here? It's not time to pay yet?"

Xu Tong's thick skin has long been invincible in the world, but when he saw this, he glared at the stage with resentful eyes.

When it comes to money, Tai immediately showed a satisfied smile on his face: "I don't want to see how such a profitable industry will work."

The two sat on the sofa, and Xu Tong also took the opportunity to talk about the teleportation beacon. He wanted to know if there was any special standard for the enhancement cost of the Dream Rubik's Cube.

Why is it so cheap to enhance things like Teleportation Beacon?

After Tai heard about it, he asked him to take out an unenhanced teleportation beacon, and after careful examination, Tai threw it to Xu Tong.

"You damn luck, why can you always find the treasure I want!"

It turned out that after Taiwan got the Dream Rubik's Cube, he knew it was a super treasure, so he tried his best to research it.

I didn't know how many things I tried before I finally figured out that the cost standard of the original enhancement is not the effect of the thing, and it has nothing to do with the value of the enhanced item itself, but the defect of the item itself.

The bigger the defect of this thing, the cheaper it will be to strengthen.

For example flying paper.

This thing can only carry a weight of 20 kilograms, making this thing almost a fighter jet in the ribs.

The kind that no one wants to throw on the street.

Although Xu Tong was a little puzzled, he didn't say it out. He only admitted it on the surface, but he didn't think so in his heart.

The two then talked about the auction.

"The organizer of this event is almost autistic. It's really interesting to hear that the higher-ups are furious about this event."

Seeing Tai's schadenfreude look, Xu Tong asked, "Who is the one you are talking about?"

The expression on the table changed, and he quickly stretched out his hand to signal Xu Tong not to continue, looked around vigilantly, dipped his finger in the tea, and wrote two words on the table.


After seeing off the table, Xu Tong sat on a chair, looking at the traces that had been wiped off on the table, feeling lost in thought.

At this time, A-mei came down from upstairs, and seeing him thinking about things, she asked, "Why, are you shocked?"

Xu Tong nodded.

Kunlun, the place where the gods live, is rumored to be the Dojo of the Queen Mother of the West, a holy place that the gods yearn for.

It is rumored that King Mu of Zhou once went to Kunlun to meet the Queen Mother of the West.

It is also said that Lao Tzu went west, and eventually went to Kunlun.

It can be seen that there is the source of the land of the gods.

But from the dialogue on the station, the so-called top of the playhouse turned out to be the rumored Kunlun.

Xu Tong will inevitably feel a little shocked, and nodded: "If there is a chance, I would also like to visit Kunlun!"

"do not want!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, A-Mei's face turned horribly pale, and she grabbed his hand.

"Don't go! It's a place that eats people regardless of their bones. Listen to me, if you don't have to, don't go to that place!"

Amei's uncharacteristic expression caught Xu Tong a little surprised. She stared at him seriously, her eyes filled with fear.

As if recalling something terrible, he said to Xu Tong word by word: "That is the real hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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