Infinite script kill

Chapter 1018 Ten Thousand Realms Auction

Chapter 1018 Ten Thousand Realms Auction

Xu Tong has never seen Amei's emotions so intense.

This made his plan to ask more about Kunlun disappear in an instant, and he could feel the fear of Kunlun in Amei's heart.

It was a general fear engraved in his bones, and even when Xu Tong proposed to go to Kunlun to take a look, Amei's hands would tremble involuntarily.

Seeing this, Xu Tong gently hugged Amei in his arms and comforted him softly, until Amei calmed down after a while.

It's just that after regaining her composure, Amei seemed to be a different person. She coldly pushed Xu Tong away, stood up and walked to the counter to continue with her own business.

"If one day you really go to that place, remember, every glass of wine you drink will contain the blood of countless races!"

Xu Tong didn't know what stimulated Amei, but he was sure that the topic of Kunlun could not be discussed any longer.

So he hurriedly said haha, and slipped out the door.

Gu Xibai and Chang Wuzhi are both in the arena now. Ever since Gu Xibai became a martial saint, Chang Wuzhi has been trying to find his flaws.

So these two guys just hang out in the arena every day. Anyway, the arena is closed now. In the huge arena, the two of them can fight as they want, without worrying about being noticed.

Best of all, it's free!
Xu Tong is also very happy to see the success of this. With the help of Gu Xibai, a martial sage, I believe that Chang Wuzhi will improve his strength much faster.

Gao Zhuo is still taking care of the child outside for the time being. Xu Tong reckons that this guy is holding his son happily at this time, and will not come to the exhibition for a while.

After thinking about it, Xu Tong went to the low-level exhibition area to find Li Bo to see how his business is doing now.

Compared with the high-level exhibition area, the low-level exhibition area is more lively.

The places on the street that should be open are open, and the transactions that everyone should trade are hardly affected.

Think about it too, how much can you spend in low-level exhibition areas.

What's more, ordinary players live with their heads in every script world. If there is no tomorrow, why do you care about the life and death of your gun gods? ?

So relatively speaking, it is still very lively here.

Li Bo's business was not affected at all. When Xu Tong came in to see, this guy even hired a buddy.

He has already assumed the attitude of a boss, sitting at a small table beside him, drinking tea, eating snacks, listening to storytelling, living a happy life.

"You kid is very relaxed."

When Xu Tong stepped forward, Li Bo realized that it was the boss who came, so he hurriedly got up to give up his seat, and said with a smile, "Business, there is always time to relax."

After speaking, he asked the shop assistant to take out the account book and hand it to Xu Tong. Xu Tong looked it over a few times and nodded. The account book was done well.

All kinds of item cards are classified in this ledger. If you want to find what kind of item card, you can easily find it by opening the directory.

Xu Tong glanced at it, and found that there was still a list of time-related item cards. When he opened it, he found that there really was.

A time system item card has been registered.

"No surprise, no happiness, no hit."

Standing aside, Li Bo started to chatter, this time is an item card, but he spent a lot of effort to buy it.

Because he opened this store, the price of buying item cards is reasonable enough, so in the low-level exhibition area, many people will directly come here to trade.

This time-type item card was only recently received.

And he offered a very high price, [-] script points. This price is at least in the low-level exhibition area, and no one can offer a higher price than him.


Xu Tong had to sigh again, this guy Li Bo is simply an invincible lucky star, even a novice player knows the preciousness of time-based item cards.

They would rather keep it in their hands than sell it, so Xu Tong never thought that Li Bo's shop could receive such things.

However, he still underestimated the potential in the low-level exhibition area.

Then Xu Tong looked at the time item card, and after carefully checking the entry of the item card, he understood why the other party wanted to sell it.

It's not because it's not strong, but because this item card belongs to the type of time booster, which is completely different from the time traveler and sand of time in my hand.

This item card is in the shape of a silver cigarette case with only one cigarette inside.

【Smoke of Time】

The years are like the wind and I am like smoke, I hope I will not regret the golden years

Passive skill 1: bloody silver cigarette case.

A cigarette is automatically generated every 30 days.

Passive skill 2: Smoke dyes time shadow.

For the wearer, the effect of time-based abilities is increased by 2 seconds.

Active skill: Time is like the wind
Lighting a cigarette can double the time-based skills.

Cooldown: 30 days.

(Note: Can you give me time for a cigarette!)

"It smells like that!"

Xu Tong looked at the introduction of the item card, and asked Li Bo to take out the item card and put it in his hand to play with.

Very interesting item card, perhaps because when men smoke, they always think of many things inadvertently.

So much so that cigarettes can always make people involuntarily associate him with time and stories.

Xu Tong took the things: "Go back and tell my sister, quote the price, and when we settle this quarter, I will make it up for you."

Xu Tong is also poor now.

Not to mention [-] script points in his pocket, he couldn't even get [-].

Although the gun god group just sent a big order with a profit of 2000 million yuan, they still have a valuable teleportation beacon in their hands.

But the money is all in the account of Laojunfang. If you want to settle the account, you have to wait until the next quarter to settle the account.

So I can only owe it to Li Bo first.

Oh, plus what I owed before, I owe at least Li Bo, nearly 170 million.

It is rare for Xu Tong to be the head of the team because he owes the team members money.

Fortunately, the Wanjie Auction will start tomorrow.

Xu Tong has been waiting for this day, and I believe that not only Xu Tong is waiting for this day, but many people are waiting for the auction to start.

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Tong stretched out from Laojunfang. He originally wanted to take Li Bo, a lucky boy, with him, but Li Bo didn't like this kind of so-called big scene, he preferred to hide In the corner of the low-level exhibition, silently be a businessman with enough income.

In Li Bo's words, this kind of place where resources are highly concentrated, there is no leakage to pick up, and you can't buy satisfaction with money, it is not as comfortable as in the low-level exhibition area.

After all, there are many players, and there will always be one or two guys who don't know the goods. As long as you succeed in picking up the leak once, you will be happy for several days.

It was rare for Xu Tong to feel that what this fat boy Li Bo said was quite reasonable.

So he called Chang Wuju and Gu Xibai, who knew that they had already entered the arena with the God of Fighting Yan Xiaoqi ahead of time.

Now he can only walk slowly in the direction of Wanjie Auction by himself.

The organizer of this auction is Wanjie Commercial Bank.

A high-rise building standing proudly in the center of major exhibitions.

Just looking at it gives people a modern feeling.

As soon as he entered the building, Xu Tong felt that there was an obvious difference between this place and the outside, as if all the players were gathered in this place.

It is densely packed with people.

The auction is also divided into floor levels, and ordinary certified players can only conduct auction transactions in the lobby.

The prop cards that can be traded will appear on the big screen.

These include attributes, entries, and low prices, asking prices, and so on.

If you come here with the intention of picking up leaks or watching the excitement, then you are doomed to return disappointed.

Going up is the intermediate exhibition hall. There are still a lot of players here, but the environment is much better than in the hall.

Everyone can also have a separate seat, which is a bit like the auction scene in TV dramas.

Xu Tong stopped and watched for a while, then turned and left. There was nothing worth buying.

"Head, have you come to the auction?"

At this time, Chang Wuzhi's voice came from the team channel.

"Here we are, where are you?"

Xu Tong was a little surprised, he didn't expect Chang Wuzhi to come too.

After getting Xu Tong's response, Chang Wuju immediately asked Xu Tong to wait for him at the No. 3 elevator, and he got off immediately.

About 2 minutes later, Chang Wuzhi walked out of the elevator, waved to Xu Tong, and led Xu Tong back to the elevator.

He and Gu Xibai came here with Yan Xiaoqi, and Yan Xiaoqi's status as a Fighting God has the halo, and they can directly enter the highest-level top-level auction.

Knowing that Xu Tong was coming, Yan Xiaoqi specially used the privilege of Fighting God to open a separate suite for Xu Tong.

Although the two have not admitted to joining forces with each other, they have already formed an offensive and defensive alliance tacitly.

This is a kind of tacit understanding between smart people. The potential of Laojunfang is too great, and it needs a very reliable helper to sit in charge.

This helper can't be Six Regiments, it can only be Yan Xiaoqi, because he is a newly rising force, just like Laojunfang, and his foundation is not solid enough.

Only by relying on each other can we gain a firm foothold here little by little.

As for other people, it is impossible to be the object of cooperation.

Don't look at him flirting with the Gun God Group now, but Xu Tong dares to say that as long as the Gun God Group has a chance, they will definitely try their best to swallow Lao Junfang.

Including the point rewards of this event, Xu Tong did not believe that the Gunners would give the top prize to Laojunfang so easily and naturally.

I'm afraid I don't know how many conditions will be added by then.

This is also one of the reasons why Xu Tong must participate in this auction. Of course, there is another reason why he participated in the auction, because he is poor!

When he entered the suite, Yan Xiaoqi was already sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

Xu Tong sat down and took a look, vomited, the line of sight is really wide, the sofa is facing the glass, behind the glass is a space like a football field.

All auction props will appear on the glass in the form of three-dimensional projection.

As for who took out the items for auction, the buyer will basically not know.

"How about it, have you prepared anything good this time?"

Yan Xiaoqi looked at Xu Tong, looking forward to whether this guy could come up with something amazing.

"Of course, what about you?"

Xu Tong nodded, and asked Yan Xiaoqi back, only to see Yan Xiaoqi smiled mysteriously, took out something from the item book and handed it to Xu Tong.

Xu Tong took a look at it, and suddenly his face flickered: "Are you crazy? You also sell this thing?"

"Hahahaha, it depends on whether you are willing to buy it. If you like it, I welcome it. After all, I am really short of money!"

"If you're scared, you're ruthless."

Xu Tong hurriedly waved his hand and returned the 20% share contract of the arena...

(End of this chapter)

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