Infinite script kill

Chapter 102 WL City

Chapter 102 WL City
"Idiot, why did you bring me to this ghost place!"

Looking at the playground in front of him, Xu Tong suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

The playground was pitch black, and some sporadic emergency lights flashed on and off, and the lifeless appearance made people feel distorted.

The doll also seemed very wronged, staring at the park in front of him with huge eyes, full of fear, and flapping his wings, he wanted to take him away.

But no matter how he flies, the result still remains the same. As long as he lowers the altitude, the gate of the playground remains the same in front of him.

Seeing that he couldn't get out, Xu Tong could only let go of the little guy and try to let him fly by himself to see if he could fly out, but in the end...he never came back.

"Oh, reality!"

The corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and he walked to the gate, looking at the entrance in the shape of a big dog's head.

Looking back, I saw a gray area behind me, and the shadows of high-rise buildings appear and disappear, but it gives people a hazy falsehood, as if there is a special power that isolates this world.

Let alone an evolutionary, he couldn't even see the shadow of an infected person.

Seeing this, he didn't leave at all, and took the brain crystal of the electric leopard man from the item book. This brain crystal was shining with golden arcs.

About the size of a thumb.

In fact, the strength of the electric leopard man is not bad, but he was attacked by Xu Tong first. If he is given a little more time, wait for the countdown on his head to end and enter the next evolutionary time point. As an evolutionary with lightning ability, he is There is huge room for improvement.

It's a pity that he met himself.

After wiping it a few times, I threw it into my mouth casually, and it still tasted salty, but this time I didn’t have such a big reaction as before. I only felt a burst of tingling in my body, but I felt quite comfortable.

"You have eaten the best brain crystals, and your physique is improving..."

As the reminder sounded in his ears, he opened his hand, and saw countless tiny electric currents flowing from his hair.

These small electric currents are like fish in the water, after they quickly shuttled through his hair, they all gathered in the eyeball in his palm.

As if being absorbed by this eyeball, a white arc flickered in the pupil of the eyeball from time to time.

This crunchy and numb feeling disappeared quickly before he tasted it carefully.

At the same time, I also got news from the script world.

"Temporary evolution has been completed. The overall quality has been temporarily increased by 10%. Your evolutionary ability [Pupil of the Thunderer] has been upgraded. For the specific effect, please try it yourself."

"Only 10%!"

Hearing the prompt, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Although Yan Niang had told him that the brain crystal's improvement effect would continue to decay, it was only [-]% of the effect, which still disappointed him.

But even so, he still felt that his strength had increased a lot.

And at this moment, the flashing arc in his palm seemed to be more dazzling than ever.

With this layer of blessing, he finally has some confidence in the next round of evolution of the infected.

He raised his head and glanced at the gate of the playground. He frowned, and actually took out a large cardboard box from the item book, and put it under his buttocks. He had no intention of going in at all.

Continue to rummage through the item book to find food and put it in front of yourself.

It's not that he's hypocritical, it's that he's really hungry.

The side effect of the enhancement of physical fitness is that you can eat and drink, and you get hungry very quickly.

I tossed myself for half the night, didn't eat or drink, my stomach was empty, and I felt very uncomfortable.

Since we can't get out of here temporarily, the infected people outside can't come in either. Shouldn't we sit down and rest in such a good place?

He saw pieces of food being taken out and placed in front of him.

He got a lot of good things from Mrs. Wang, such as canned beef, frozen beef and mutton rolls, and big barrels of Master Kong. In addition, before he entered the script world, he bought two beef patties and a small self-heating hot pot at the door of his house.



After a while, the self-heating hot pot began to steam, and bursts of aroma wafted out of the pot.

The soup base is made of canned beef and original flavored butter, and the seasoning package of Master Kong is added, the fragrance is simply amazing.

The ingredients in the small hot pot were originally poor, but under Xu Tong's tinkering, it suddenly became rich.

Large chunks of beef, fragrant and soft, and then a bite of beef patties, with a solid and rich taste, will bring satisfaction and pleasure on the tip of the tongue.

At this moment, with a sip of Fat Boy's Happy Water, all troubles are gone.

Xu Tong was gorging himself, but there was a gust of cool wind coming from nowhere in the paradise. The cool wind blew along the side of the carousel, and the wind chimes on it jingled.

A blood-red hanging rope was hanging on it, swaying and swaying.

However, the rope disappeared in the next second, as if it had never existed from the beginning to the end, and only a drop of blood dripped down the support of the wooden horse.


The wind is getting stronger and stronger, rolling up the dust on the ground and blowing it out of the park with a howl.

Xu Tong, who was eating hot pot, squinted his eyes due to the sudden strong wind.

Suddenly Xu Tong's throat tightened, as if something grabbed his collar and pulled it back forcefully. The huge force did not allow him to resist at all.

When he came back to his senses, he suddenly realized that the person holding him was actually Yan Niang.

"Look at that!!"

Yan Niang raised her head to signal him to look forward, Xu Tong raised his head and couldn't help but stand there in a daze.

The entrance gate of the paradise 50 meters ahead is also the place where he ate hot pot just now, but it is different from what he saw just now.

On the gate of the paradise, there are actually several corpses hanging, including infected people and ordinary people.

Everyone was strangled by a hanging rope around the neck and hung in mid-air.

"It's a good thing you didn't go in, otherwise I wouldn't be able to save you."

She stared at the gate of the paradise in front of her. Her dark green pupils seemed to be looking at the deepest part of the courtyard through the gate, but no one knew exactly what she saw.

"What the hell is in there!"

Xu Tong touched his neck, looking at the corpses, he couldn't help but feel a little tired, but he was more curious about this paradise.

It seems that there are still some unknown things in the script of this doomsday background.

"do not know!"

Yan Niang shook her head: "There are many things in this world that cannot be explained clearly, and those who ask the bottom line often end badly."

As he said that, he threw the bag containing the fat paper to him, urging Xu Tong and himself to leave as soon as possible.

"Let's go, I've been a little restless recently, and it seems that the call from the west has become much weaker again."

When talking about the north, Yan Niang always had a somewhat dazed look on her face, and she didn't know what the source of that call was.

But I just feel that it is something very important to me.

"The west is so far away, and we are not Tang Sanzang, why do we have to walk there with our feet."

Standing behind, Xu Tong stuffed the ham sausage into his mouth in one gulp, his cheeks were bulging, but his eyes were staring at the display case of the shop next to him.

Hearing this, Yan Niang turned around suspiciously, and saw him pointing at the motorcycle displayed in the showcase beside him.

Looking at Yan Niang with fiery eyes: "Maybe you don't know, ever since I completed the feat of drifting in a curve with a bicycle, my teacher often said that one day my name will be on the tombstone of the Isle of Man... ..."

The noon sun baked the earth, as if the whole world had turned into a giant oven.

An infected person walking on the edge of the road exudes a strong rancid smell, and white maggots are crawling up and down on his head.

The empty eye sockets seem to be two black holes of thinking, contemplating a philosophical question about oneself and even about the universe.

Who am I, where am I, where am I from, where am I going.

Staring at the sun above his head, he suddenly waved his palms like a frantic child, and made piercing screams towards the sky.


Suddenly, there was a violent roar from behind.

The infected person stiffened and turned around slowly. With a howling roar, his eyes were suddenly covered by a mass of black tires.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

The blue and white car logo reflects the metal texture in the sunlight.

The bodies of men and women wearing helmets in the car were tightly pressed together. The strong wind blew up the woman's long black skirt, revealing her slender thighs and pink lace trim. A doll was hung behind the car with a chubby face. The little meat had already been blown out of shape in the strong wind.


The infected person probably never dreamed that he would be able to complete the most difficult Thomas turn in the history of gymnastics one day after his death.


The black rubber wheel hit the ground heavily, compressing the anti-vibration spring of the wheel tightly to the extreme, leaving a frictional car mark on the ground, and then quickly drove to the distance.

Xu Tong looked at the right hand resting on his left shoulder, and casually threw it on the ground.

The hour hand on the speedometer has already pointed to 200, but he has no intention of slowing down. Even a small crack on a bad national road will always cause the car to have a strong sense of shaking.

This is a deadly threat to any driver.

But fortunately, Xu Tong's strength is strong enough, and the super control bonus also played an auxiliary effect at this time, which can completely suppress this jitter.

Occasionally, I saw some infected people alone on the road, but when they noticed Xu Tong and the others, the car often left them far behind.


At this moment, Yan Niang seemed to feel something suddenly, and patted Xu Tong on the shoulder, telling him to stop the car.


Accompanied by the sound of brakes, the car slid for a full 300 meters on the road before finally coming to a slow stop.


As soon as the car stopped, the doll tied behind immediately vomited. Seeing the pink liquid he vomited out, Xu Tong once wondered if the guy had vomited out all his brains.

After Yan Niang jumped out of the car, Xu Tong instantly felt two icy chills on his back, and knew without looking, that there were two round watermarks there.

"over there!"

Yan Niang stood on the side of the road, closed her eyes and could feel a strong sense of calling ahead, pointed to the west, turned her head and said to Xu Tong: "I can't drive anymore, let's walk the rest of the way."

Xu Tong raised his head and threw away his helmet. He glanced at the road sign and saw a few large characters suddenly written on it: "Three kilometers from WL city"

PS: There are two more changes in the evening, so continue to code words.

(End of this chapter)

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