Infinite script kill

Chapter 103 Fighting with Heaven, Earth, People and Oneself

Chapter 103 Fight with Heaven, Earth and People

WL city belongs to the city of the provincial capital center in this world.

There are many high-rise buildings, as bright as a pearl sitting on the ground.

However, those glorious histories have disappeared forever in the long river of time, and now there is a new name here, lair!

"You want me to come into this place with you???"

Xu Tong prostrated himself on the ground, looking at the infected people in front of him, he frowned slightly.

There are too many, on the provincial road in the distance, you can still see a large number of infected people gathering towards the city in front of you.

"Yes, as my tribute!!"

Yan Niang squatted down and carefully examined Xu Tong: "There is something special about you, as my tribute, I can take you in."

Xu Tong rested his head on his arm, called out his item book and looked through it, only to see [Source] shining with colored light in the corner exuding a special light.

I thought to myself that this is the thing in all likelihood.

"Then what good do I do? I'm in, I'm afraid I won't even think about coming out again."

He pointed to the black infected people below, and asked Yan Niang.

Just 10 minutes ago, when they climbed the dirt slope, Xu Tong received a reminder that [Special Plot Mission 1 All the Way West] had been completed.

So in theory, the cooperative relationship between myself and Yan Niang has ended here.

If Yan Niang wants to go in with her, no problem, just take some practical benefits.

After all, he was not someone who dedicated his life to slogans.

Yan Niang couldn't help but frown in the face of Xu Tong's frank demands for benefits, "If you help me get what I want, I can also help you get what you want."

"What do I want?? Let's talk about it. Let's talk about it first. Let's just paint big cakes or something. Everyone is an adult, so don't come here."

"Your power! No matter how many brain crystals you swallow, these powers do not belong to you completely. Before you die, they can only be regarded as parasitic on you, and I can make these powers truly become a part of you."

This is the biggest promise Yan Niang can make so far.

As soon as her voice fell, Xu Tong heard a reminder sound next to her ear.

[Special Story Mission 2: Nest Disaster]

Mission objective: Capture the mysterious object deep in the lair.

Mission description: In the depths of the lair in front of you, there is brewing power beyond human imagination. A king of a new world is destined to be born here, but there is definitely more than one competitor for you.

"Special plot mission 2 has been activated, you have the power to choose once, whether to accept the mission."

"Warning, because you have accepted the special plot mission 1, if you refuse this mission at this moment, there will be a temporary vacuum in your mission line, and your identity will also be marked as a human traitor."

Looking at the mission prompts, Xu Tong couldn't help thinking. He carefully examined every word of the mission description.

I couldn't help but think of those four figures marked as the villain's portal.

From the perspective of the mission direction, he, Ranger, and the two players he met a few days ago should have been in the same direction.

So now in the mission description, remind yourself that there are still competitors, that is to say, you are likely to meet four other players here.

Now, the rudiments of the opposition between the two camps have taken shape.

Thinking of Xu Tong unconsciously licking the corner of his lips, he chose to accept it without hesitation.

It's not just because of the big cake that Yan Niang gave.

Although her pie is very tempting, if I can help her to the end, it means that I can permanently obtain an ability and a powerful increase that belongs to me.

No script points are required, there is no cooldown time, and it is not restricted by any negative effects. Who can not be tempted by this ability.

But if it's just that, he may not accept this task.

The real reason for his acceptance lies in the other four players.

As the saying goes, it is infinitely fun to fight with the world, it is infinitely fun to fight with others, and it is even more fun to fight with yourself.

Getting one of the three in life is a kind of happiness.

What's rare is that the world, people, and self are all alive in front of me. If I don't fight, I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life.

What?What if it fails? ?

Don't worry, he has already thought of the most heroic way to die in his mind.

Seeing that Xu Tong agreed, Yan Niang also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, if he didn't agree, she could only take Xu Tong in by herself.

After all, she needs a qualified tribute to knock on the door of the lair in front of her.

But the final result of doing so would not be what she hoped for.

Of course, if they want to enter the lair, they can't just walk in like this, otherwise those brainless infected people will inevitably rush up after they smell the living person on Xu Tong.

Facing the overwhelming army of infected people like a tsunami, even Yan Niang could only retreat.

So she needs a ladder to get them in.

The two were waiting on the slope.

From dawn to dusk, during the period, some evolutionists seemed to smell the breath of a living person on Xu Tong and groped over quietly.

But after sensing the smell from Yan Niang's body, she left in despair.

Xu Tong was very curious about this, and asked Yan Niang the question he had been holding back for a long time: "Are you an evolutionary, or a living person?"

It is said that she is a living person because this bitch looks almost the same as a living person now.

Especially after she devoured the sarcoma, the wound on her head had healed, and she had grown thick hair in the past few days.

He believed that if he brought her into a human camp, no one would be able to discover that this woman was actually an evolutionary.

But that's exactly what he was wondering about.

"You can understand that we are the source species of the virus. There are many types of source species. Unfortunately, you followed the weakest one, so do you regret it?"

Yan Niang asked half jokingly.

But she soon regretted why she had to throw this question to a guy who never got hurt by his mouth.


He thought about it seriously, then half-closed his eyes and stared at Yan Niang's chest, and said with a vile expression on his face:
"Then can you compensate me with something? I am such a sunny and good boy, and I have been guarding myself for my future lover for so many years. You will not let me die with regrets! Sit up quickly, and I will move by myself. "

The corners of Yan Niang's mouth twitched a few times, her eyes were instantly cold as if she could kill someone, she spat at him coldly: "Bah, can you be more shameless?"

"With your permission... I think I can."

Yan Niang simply closed her mouth, thinking that if she continued to chat with this guy, she would not be able to help but kill him first.

In the middle of the night, the two finally waited for the opportunity to enter the lair.

I saw a small team of evolutionaries coming from a distant road.

The evolutionary who walked in front was like a giant bull.

There was a huge tumor on his neck, and his huge physique made him pull up two huge chains and slowly walk forward.

Behind the chains was a smashed bus.

The roof of the car was torn off, and there were more than a dozen living people crowded inside.

These people curled up, and when they saw the black infected people in front of them, some of them simply passed out.

"Hide in, they will escort you into the lair, my bone flute is on you, trust me, I will find you out as soon as possible."

As Yan Niang said, she grabbed his collar and rushed towards the team quickly.

Seemingly aware of something approaching, several evolutionists escorting the car raised their heads one after another, and the leader of the evolutionists let out a low growl.

Is a stern warning and anger.

In the end, only Yan Niang's ruthless mouth and those slender, sharp nails that were sharper than blades responded to him.


In an instant, half of this guy's face was torn apart by Yan Niang. The intense pain made him roll all over the floor. Before he could get up, Yan Niang's foot stepped on this guy's head. Instantly stomped his head to pieces.

She raised her head, and her originally pretty face was cracked, revealing the dense eyeballs on her forehead, glaring at other evolutionists, and whispering strangely.

As if reprimanding them, Xu Tong stared at the face in front of him with wide eyes, couldn't help covering his forehead, and said in a low voice: "Don't move, don't move, sure enough, love will disappear. "

Yan Nianghe gave him a hard look, and threw him into the back of the bus.


I don't know how many people were hit, anyway, the bottom of the body is quite soft.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just give me a free ride." He got up and took a look, only to see pairs of desperate eyes looking at him in the carriage.

It seemed that the ease on Xu Tong's face was in stark contrast to their despair.

Being stared at by so many people, Xu Tong had to shake his shoulders: "Ahem, don't be like this, believe me, be optimistic, my teacher always said that no one can leave this world alive."

PS: Post it first and then change it. After the modification, go to the next chapter. The old rule is to post it in the early morning.

(End of this chapter)

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