Infinite script kill

Chapter 1022 Ready to Open

Chapter 1022 Ready to Open

As a businessman, what makes the most money.

The answer is simple, Monopoly!

Any industry, as long as a monopoly is formed, will become huge profits.

Just like the strengthening ability of Laojunfang, it is a proper monopoly business.

Even if others are jealous to death, there is nothing they can do.

What's more, the timing Xu Tong chose was really good. At any other time, this thing would not be able to sell for such a high price.

Even if he went to the Gun God Group in advance and was willing to sell them directly, the price would still be around 6000 million.

This price still refers to the price of those large teleportation arrays in the western camp.

But at this critical juncture, the Western camp is absolutely unwilling to see this kind of thing fall into the hands of the Gunslingers. They are frantically raising the price, and raising the price at any cost.

So much so that the price of this teleportation array began to skyrocket, reaching an extremely exaggerated level.

What Xu Tong did was really bad.

"9500 million!!"

"9800 million!"

"1 billion!!"

When hearing this number, Xu Tong almost fainted from excitement. Did happiness come so suddenly?

Not to mention Xu Tong, even the auctioneer's legs were shaking.

"Can't shoot any more!!"

Zhang Lao firmly held Bu Luan's hand: "We can't shoot any more, we only have a total of 4000 million reserves, plus, the refining plant will be shut down first, how can you practice the elixir of the Sanxian Pharmacy, don't forget to download it!" In one month, our resident still has a [-] million resident fee, no more!"

Mr. Zhang calculated it for Bu Luan, and if he shoots again, he might win, but what happens after he wins? ?
How can the entire gun god group be maintained? ?
It is said that the family is big and the business is big, but everyone ignores how amazing the expenses behind it are.

If Zhang Lao, a business prodigy, was not maintaining the operation of the entire Gun God Group, how could he have such a large family fortune.

Faced with Zhang Lao's words, Buluan, the gun god who was decisive in killing and daring to negotiate with the gods, was also caught in a dilemma.

Just when Bu Luan was upset, the countdown to the auction was over.

Seeing this, Buluan's face flickered, and when he was about to turn around and leave, the host in charge of the auction suddenly said, "Wait!! The Temple of Bidders was unable to raise enough funds for the time being, and the last round of bidding was invalid. Congratulations to the Gunners, who won this round of auction with 9800 million script points."

Bu Luan and the others were stunned, but they didn't expect this result.

"Fuck, I'll report, this guy maliciously raises the price!!"

All the members of the Gunslinger Group were blown up in an instant. After a long time, you have no money. If you don't have money, what are you doing.


Meng Changsheng kicked the glass in front of him, and stared at the host with dark eyes: "The price just now doesn't count, we demand a reshoot!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed. Xu Tong's face darkened and he stood up from the sofa.

"Damn it, can't afford it? Remake your uncle." Gu Xibai lost his temper in a flash, is he trying to play a monkey?
Immediately, he was ready to kick open the glass and scold the street.

"Do not impulse!"

Fortunately, when blind man Kang saw this, he hurriedly stopped in front, and motioned them to wait and see what happened.

Xu Tong's face was dark. If he really wanted to retake the film, he would immediately leave with the teleportation array.

The presenter was about to cry.

If something goes wrong with such a super large amount of transaction, not only will the job be lost, but even life may be lost.

Fortunately, Mr. Zhang realized that something was wrong, so he hurriedly stopped Meng Changsheng, and at the same time called the person in charge of the organizer.

After a round of negotiations, the person in charge hurried out and announced the result to everyone.

"The Gun God Group agreed to take over the auction at a price of 9800 million. In view of the temple's malicious price-raising behavior, a part of the temple's deposit will be deducted to subsidize the Gun God Group."

Hearing the result, Xu Tong was quite satisfied.

It's just that the only regret is that it failed to break the profit by ten thousand times. This is not a small regret, and it is estimated that there will be no such opportunities in the future.

"Be content, 9800 million. I, blind man Kang, have never seen so many scripts for so many years."

As he said that, blind man Kang waved his hand: "Let's go, remember to come and get your things."

Blind Kang got up and walked out of the box after finishing speaking.

Yan Xiaoqi stood up, watched Kang Xiazi leave, and said with a strange expression, "Why do you know him so well?"

"It's considered familiar, but it can't be said to be very familiar. My master almost killed his father. In terms of seniority, we are of the same generation."

As soon as Xu Tong said this, Yan Xiaoqi couldn't hold back anymore, and gave Xu Tong a thumbs up: "Then you are really awesome."

"What? Brother Yan, does this blind man have a lot of background??"

Chang Wuzhi stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

Xu Tong and Gu Xibai also pricked up their ears, and they could tell that Yan Xiaoqi seemed a little afraid of Blind Kang.

Yan Xiaoqi looked at them even more strangely: "You...don't know who he is??"

The three shook their heads.

This time even Yan Xiaoqi slapped his forehead and called it outrageous.

"Six regiments, two gods, and eight evils.

Three independences, five elders, and four respects. "

After speaking, he pointed out the window, in the direction of the gun god group, and then pointed out the door: "Gun God, God of Gamblers, isn't this all right?"

"God of Gamblers??"

The three of Xu Tong exclaimed in unison, especially Xu Tong, who couldn't help but think of the first time he and Kang Xiazi met in his mind.

Blind Kang told him that he was the God of Gamblers.

But at the time, I understood the wrong meaning.

After all, the person on the rooftop, who never boasted that he was a god of gamblers, didn't end up beating the Brazilian team.

But Xu Tong really didn't expect that this old blind man was actually one of the two gods who were as famous as the gun god.

"Hey, I really lost my sight."

Xu Tong patted himself on the forehead and felt a blood loss instantly. If he had known that this guy was a gambler, he should have raised more conditions.

Having said so much, as the so-called one thing does not bother two masters, Xu Tong simply asked to understand.

Six regiments, two gods, and eight evils.

Three independences, five elders, and four respects.

He knows the Sixth Regiment, Spear God Regiment, Beidou, Dimen, Fanmishan, Momen, Shark.

Sandu, no, it's now called Erdu.

A death knell, a cold drum.

The Eight Great Evil Ones don't have to worry about them.

But who are the five elders and the Sifang Zun?I'm still not sure, just ask to understand.

"Gu, Huan, Huan, Tai, and Shang, the directors of the five script studios are the five elders. They may look very young, but they have the same white hair and eyebrows, so they are called the five elders."

Hearing what Yan Xiaoqi said, Xu Tong was relieved, it turned out that Wu Lao meant it that way.

"As for the Sifang Zun, I have never seen it before. There are many rumors that they are the Four Venerables, and some say that they are the Four Square Vessels. It is even a bit exaggerated. It is said that this is a person called Sifang."

When Yan Xiaoqi mentioned Sifang Zun, he was also very confused, because when he became a certified player, he had a saying like this.

I have also asked people who are older than myself, but they have different opinions on this, and I have no chance to verify it.

I even asked Gu among the five elders, but he avoided talking about it, as if he was very taboo to talk about it, so let alone Xu Tong, even Yan Xiaoqi didn't know what the Four Square Zuns were referring to.

"However, these three words will not be groundless. Since it has been passed down from a long, long time ago, there must be a reason for it. Maybe it was compiled into this jingle because it was too mysterious."

Xu Tong and the others looked like this, although they were very curious, but since even Yan Xiaoqi didn't know the origin of Sifang Zun, they didn't have to worry about it.

Next was the auction of Yan Xiaoqi's 20% equity. Although the asking price was high, there were not many bidders. In the end, only a price of 4000 million was sold.

This price almost made Yan Xiaoqi faint in the toilet.

In fact, this price is not too low. 4000 million script points to buy 20% of his shares is already considered an extremely high price.

After all, not everyone can have such a huge fund reserve like the Spear Gods.

It's just that this price is indeed a little less than Xu Tong's teleportation beacon.

After the auction, Yan Xiaoqi said goodbye to Xu Tong, and he was in a hurry to go back to pay his employees.

"Boss, Wuzhi and I went together, just call us if you need anything."

Gu Xibai and Chang Wuzhi followed Yan Xiaoqi back to the arena, those who didn't know thought they were part of Yan Xiaoqi's team.

Fortunately, the two were soaking in the arena, and their strength improved extremely quickly, which finally comforted Xu Tong.

Xu Tong was not in a hurry to leave, he hadn't eaten yet.

I deliberately had a feast at the auction of Wanjie Commercial Bank.

Looking at the standings, Xu Tong was so happy from ear to ear. Because he participated anonymously, only the highest score was displayed on the standings without his name.

Of course, if Xu Tong is willing, he can change a name on it at will.

9800 million points is really desperate.

Looking at the blank name, Xu Tong casually changed a line and sent it: [advertising space for rent]

Good guy, this left all the players in the exhibition speechless.

But this is even more curious, what exactly is auctioned for such a high price.

Because this auction is not top-secret, anyone who is interested can find out if they inquire.

[Teleportation Beacon] This is also the first time that this thing has appeared in front of the public.

However, the enhanced number of +9 in the back makes many people feel extremely familiar.

Reminiscent of the props sold by Laojunfang not long ago, flying paper.

Suddenly, a terrible idea appeared in everyone's mind.

"Laojunfang can also strengthen item cards??"

Some people had doubts about this idea when Feizhi was released, but now it has further confirmed this conjecture.

Everyone was shocked at this moment.

So much so that Xu Tong was taken aback when he returned to Laojunfang while carrying the packed meals.

I saw that the gate of Laojunfang was already surrounded by people.

Fortunately, the rules of the exhibition do not allow the use of force, otherwise Xu Tong thought it was the group who bought it for zero yuan.

He could only run back through the back door in despair.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Amei holding her cheeks to settle accounts with a sad face, and seeing Xu Tong come back, she casually took out a stack of invitations and threw them to him.

Xu Tong picked it up and took a look, vomited, good guy, Dimen, Shark, Fanmishan, Momen, Beidou are quite a few.

Looking at the people outside the door again, Xu Tong suddenly felt like an Alexander. Sometimes too much money seems to be a painful thing.

(End of this chapter)

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