Infinite script kill

Chapter 1023 Early Dividends

Chapter 1023 Early Dividends
Too many people outside the door want to come to Laojunfang to confirm the matter of equipment enhancement.

Especially those top teams.

They don't lack money or resources, but they lack channels to improve their strength.

When the strength reaches a certain level, it is very difficult to go further. Relying on massive resources to pile up has little effect.

After all, no matter how many item cards there are, the core abilities are only those few cards.

No matter how many resources there are, it is useless to use them up.

The most painful thing is that people die and the money is not spent.

The most painful thing for them now is to guard the mountains of gold and silver, but they are too slow to transform these resources into strength.

So the appearance of Laojunfang immediately aroused their great curiosity.

They feel that if they can strengthen the props, they don't mind spending some money to strengthen themselves.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't, let's talk about the [Transmission Beacon] matter.

It's really simple for these rich men to think so.

But now, except for the Spear Gods and Yan Xiaoqi, few people really understand how terrifying the huge improvement brought about by strengthening equipment is.

Of course, the degree of burning money is estimated to give them a new understanding of their financial resources.

The activities of the exhibition were not over yet, Xu Tong was not in a hurry to open the door to do business in a short time, so he simply listed and went out of business, making up his mind to wait until the end of this event.

At this time, the most important thing is to play steadily. Money is endless.

Early the next morning, Xu Tong came to Bugui Tangquan.

He took out the key card given to him by Kang Xiazi, and found the last Tangquan villa in Bugui Tangquan.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see the steam rising. Blind Kang is soaking in the soup spring, squinting his eyes to enjoy it.

Seeing Xu Tong coming in, he simply invited Xu Tong to take a dip together: "You are here at the right time, let's try it together, this hot spring can only be soaked once a month!"

Facing blind man Kang's kind invitation, Xu Tong was not polite, he took off his clothes and walked in, which can be regarded as treating him sincerely.

"You don't mean it. It turns out that you opened Laojunfang."

Before Xu Tong even sat down, Blind Kang began to complain.

"You didn't say that, you are one of the two gods!"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes and picked up the towel and stuck it to his face.

When he said this, blind man Kang became unhappy: "I told you when we met that I am the God of Gamblers. If you don't believe me, what can I do?"

"Yes, yes, brother is right, hiss... huh... comfortable!!"

Xu Tong stretched his waist in the hot soup spring, feeling as if his whole body was crispy. This soup spring is really extraordinary. His body of a fairy is soaked in it, and he feels that a large amount of life essence is coming in through his pores. .

Where is Tangquan here? It is clearly the same precious liquid as Lei's hydrops.

"Things are ready for you, but how about your old Junfang's strengthening ability, let me ask for my old friends, so that you can use it!"

Kang Xiazi obviously wanted to get an accurate statement from Xu Tong today.

The relationship between the two is actually good.

In addition, Kang Xiazi's father is Chu Zhao, and he has dealt with him before. Although it is not a pleasant process, it will inevitably give people a feeling of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

After all, the inheritance of both of them came from that chaotic old era.

"If it works or not, you can try it."

Xu Tong naturally wouldn't say much on this issue, but his words already revealed sufficient confidence.

Now Rao is a blind man, and he is a little uncertain.

While the two were talking, Blind Kang glanced at the time; "It's almost there."

After the words fell, the entire exhibition was trembling, and the originally merged exhibitions gradually split again.

The time for this event has expired.

But come to think of it, the organizers might feel like crying if this event is done like this.

Xu Tong also got a prompt from the item book at this time.

"Ding! Congratulations, you have won the special treasure [Industrial Empire] with the first score in this event."

This result is not unexpected.

Of course, Xu Tong still wanted to say: "Thanks to the Gunners, and thanks to the veterans of the West for their support."

Both fame and fortune, this time it was a mess of blood.

Xu Tong was so excited that he wanted to run naked and dance on the spot, but considering that Blind Kang is an old and ugly blind man, Xu Tong dismissed the idea.

"Let's go, Laojunfang will open tomorrow, I welcome you to join me in person!"

After speaking, Xu Tong jumped out of the spring, took the precious medicinal materials he needed, put on his clothes and rushed home.

On the way, Xu Tong issued instructions one after another through the team channel.

Ask Chang Wuzhi and Gu Xibai to come back as soon as possible and prepare for the dividend.

Ask Li Bo to bring back the item card he bought.

Xu Tong took advantage of this time to quickly return to reality.

I went to call out Gao Zhuo and Master to let them enter the exhibition immediately, and when I came back, I would take them to the stage and go to Laojunfang together.

Gao Zhuo readily agreed, but Master screamed again and again: "Omaga, God, these bastards are crazy!!!"

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't know what happened to Master, but fortunately, after a while, Master replied: "I have already entered the script gallery, and I will enter the exhibition immediately!"

Hearing this, Xu Tong felt relieved.

After re-entering the exhibition, as soon as Master returned to Laojunfang, he began to complain to Xu Tong crazily.

"God, those bastards want to kill me, are they crazy, they don't even care about the camera, I was almost beheaded by them!"

Master was stunned, he didn't know what happened.

As a result, he was chased and killed for no reason. If it wasn't for the Thunder God of Purple Cloud Talisman that Xu Tong gave him, and a wave of enhanced item cards, he would have almost died.

Even when they ran into the script hall, they didn't let themselves go. Fortunately, when they entered the exhibition, because their team was in the Huaxia District, they were transferred to the Huaxia District Exhibition. Otherwise, they didn't know what kind of situation they would face next. trouble.

Xu Tong hurriedly appeased the cash cow from the West.

I probably already figured out what was going on in my heart.

Teleportation Beacon, this time definitely earned everyone's attention.

Although the distance during the demonstration was only about 100 meters, it was only a demonstration, and the real range is very wide.

In theory, as long as it is in a script world, the teleportation beacon can be teleported across continents.

If the distance is really too far, it is entirely possible to set up a transfer point halfway, but it is just a matter of adding an extra road sign.

The appearance of this kind of thing is enough to change the situation of the battle.

The Western camp will definitely investigate this matter when they go back, and Master’s [Teleportation Beacon] has been studied by teleporters from other teams before.

In addition, he had joined some large teams before, so if he went back and asked, he would soon be able to find Master's information.

Fortunately, Master went back early, and he had nothing to worry about, so he was ready to go back after packing up his things and taking notes.

If the delay is longer, this guy may really never want to come back alive.

"It was my negligence!"

Xu Tong looked a little guilty, he only thought about making money and earning points, but he ignored Master, and almost made this guy jealous.

Everyone seemed to be at the same place, but Gao Zhuo didn't come back for a long time. Unexpectedly, he was the slowest one.

Everyone waited for a long time before Gao Zhuo came late.

"I really have a doll, I forgot my brother."

Gu Xibai began to tease.

"There are not many players who can have future generations. You are better than us in this regard."

"I heard that the boss is recognized as a godfather, why don't you recognize a few more."

Li Bo also booed.

"Go, go, where, I can't explain it to you."

Gao Zhuo waved his hand, unable to explain.

But Xu Tong noticed that the corpse aura on this guy's body was terrifyingly large. It is said that after practicing the princess's reversal of life and death, this guy should be more like a living person. Why did the corpse aura on his body increase so much? ?

Thinking of this, Xu Tong pulled Gao Zhuo and asked in a low voice: "You have such a dead body aura, don't tell me, you go and throw away your ancestral grave!"

"Hey, how do you know??"

Gao Zhuo was startled, and stared blankly at Xu Tong.

As expected, Xu Tong kicked Gao Zhuo's ass: "You really went to dig your ancestral grave?"

When Gao Tianfang took him to that place, he said that he would tell Gao Zhuo about the ancestral grave after he had a child.

That's why I thought of this matter, but I didn't expect Gao Zhuo to actually dig his own grave.

"Hey, you misunderstood me!"

Gao Zhuo hurriedly explained: "I don't dare to make such an idea, it's just that I invited the ancestors out, strolled around, and let them do some activities."

Xu Tong rolled his eyes at this guy, thinking that Gao Tianfang must not let Gao Tianfang know about this, otherwise he would have to take Gao Zhuo's skin off.

"Okay, let's talk about homework later, let's pay dividends first!"

This time it was Taiwan's turn to be anxious.

The profit figure this time is too astonishing, even if he only occupies 20.00% of Wu's shares, it is an astonishing figure.

A-mei picked up the ledger and began to move the abacus, and soon the profit figure came out.

"The income of flying paper and elixir is 404 million, excluding the 200 million research and development funds spent by Master, plus the 2600 million enhancement cost of the Gunners, plus the 9800 million profit from this auction.

Throw away the payroll deductions for the five of us.

The profit during this period is 600 million!"

Hearing this number, everyone gasped, only Gao Zhuo and Master looked blank.

I don't know what happened at all, but it's not important. What's important is that after throwing away Taiwan's 20.00% five-year bonus.

Their team directly earned nearly [-] million script points.

This number is too astonishing. For a while, they counted it with their fingers, and everyone can get it. When the tens of millions of scripts are shared, they can't help but become short of breath.

Now everyone's eyes turned green, and they all stared at Xu Tong like they were waiting to feed wolf cubs. This time, didn't they strengthen enough to fly? ?

(End of this chapter)

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