Infinite script kill

Chapter 1024 Open Strengthening

Chapter 1024 Open Strengthening (Add more tickets!)
Next is the money.

Taiwan was very generous this time, and took out a small part of its own dividends to allow Xu Tong and the others to make up [-] million.

After all, he is making a lot of money, so of course he is happy to do favors.

However, a script score of [-] million sounds like a lot, but in fact, when the six members of the team share it equally...

600 million each.

Comparing this number with [-] million, there is a strong sense of gap in an instant.

But everyone is still very happy.

The dividend money this time is ten times higher than last time.

"Boss, I don't need so much money."

Master looked at the script score assigned to him, and after a moment of distraction, his eyes were only full of emotion.

For other teams, except for the necessary research funding, almost no other resources will be allocated to him.

But Xu Tong still gave Master the money, and he gave back as much as everyone else, which shows that Xu Tong really regarded him as his own person, not a so-called tool man.

So after thinking about it, Master decided to return the money in his hand.

But as soon as he uttered this idea, he was severely reprimanded by Xu Tong: "Take it back, you are insulting me!"


Master did not expect that his kindness would be scolded so severely by Xu Tong, and his face turned red for a while.

Seeing this, Xu Tong could only slow down his tone, and reached out to pat Master on the shoulder: "You are a member of the team, a core member, and you deserve this money except for the R&D expenses, unless you don't Appreciate you as part of our team!"

To put it bluntly, this money itself was earned by Master's [Teleportation Beacon]. Although there are Xu Tong's operations and the blessing of Lao Junfang, Master is the root.

As Taiwan said, I picked up the treasure myself.

How could he treat such a talent lightly? Seeing that Master didn't know what to say for a moment, Xu Tong grinned: "You are the God of Wealth of our team, so you must take this money."

Xu Tong even said such plain words, what else could Master say, he just felt that happiness came too fast, like a hungry beggar who was suddenly stuffed down his throat with a piece of steak.

Suddenly, the soreness of the bridge of the nose hit, and Master, who had been struggling among the players for a long time, was so excited that he clenched his fists tightly and opened his mouth wide, but he didn't know what to say. What is good, in the end, I can only shout with tears in my eyes: "Yes! Leader!"


Everyone burst into laughter, gathered around one after another, and patted Master on the shoulder. To get Xu Tong's approval, that is to get the approval of all of them.

"This time we made [-] million yuan, but this is just the beginning. Starting tomorrow, we will let go of the enhanced market. I promise, the next time we will really make money, we will let everyone roll up!!"

"Roll up!!"

The excited screams of the crowd made everyone excited as if they had been pumped with chicken blood.

"What rolled up??"

Outside Laojunfang, those who were still waiting in line heard the shouts in the room in a trance.

Some people looked at their companions puzzled.

The companion behind scratched his head: "Maybe they are eating leeks and green onions?"

On the second day of the exhibition, the event has ended and most of the shops have opened their doors.

There is still a long queue outside the gate of Laojunfang, and these people have never left.

After all, things like [Flying Paper] are still very popular and in short supply. It was only sold for a few days last time, and it caught up with the event, which resulted in many people wanting to buy but failed to buy.

Now that the event is over, everyone has come here as soon as possible, hoping to buy the [Flying Paper] item card.

It's just that before Laojunfang opened, a large number of item cards suddenly flowed out in the exhibition.

Without exception, these item cards were all low-level item cards, and some of them were item cards that were eliminated by them.

What's even more weird is that the prices of these item cards are extremely high.

More than ten times higher than the market price.

"Is this a brain twitch?? Selling low-level item cards in the high-level exhibition area, the price is still so high?"

Someone has already started laughing.

Do you think this may be someone's wishful thinking, do you think that everyone in the high-end exhibition area is an idiot?
But when people saw these once-familiar item cards, they were instantly stunned by the entries on them.

"No, these item cards are wrong??"

"Yeah, this gossip glove doesn't have such a high attribute entry. I remember that there is no active skill at all, and there is only one passive skill. Why are there three?"

"Look, I remember that dagger very clearly. It only has two passive skills. Why are there four passive skills and two active skills? No, the original two passive skills have been strengthened so much? Are all good??"

Everyone was stunned, and felt that they were dazzled. Although these item cards were ordinary items, their attribute entries were too strong. Even the entries of some top-quality item cards were stronger than high-level item cards.

"No, look at the name of these item cards, there is an extra symbol!"

Everyone saw it, as expected.

Without exception, the words +6 were added on the back of these prop cards, and a small part of them were still +9
"This... seems to be the same as the one behind the flying paper. Could it be that the rumors are true and can really strengthen the props? These are the strengthening props!!"

Those who reacted have already started snapping up frantically.

The entries for these item cards all appeared on the information board above the exhibition, and everyone acted extremely fast. Before some people recovered their senses, the item cards were all plundered.

Just when those slow-moving people were still hating their slow-handedness, Laojunfang opened for business.

Xu Tong walked out of Laojunfang with strides: "Everyone, thank you for your love for Laojunfang these days, so starting today, Laojunfang has added a new business and opened an enhanced channel. You can entrust the item card in your hand Provide enhanced services to Laojunfang."

As he spoke, he had someone hang up a sign.

There is a line of big characters written on the sign.

[The success rate of strengthening level 1 to level 100 is 6%. In addition to strengthening the level 9 to [-], you need to pay a bottle of blessing oil as the price, otherwise success is not guaranteed! 】

In addition to this sentence, there is also a special mark below the brand, the calculation method of the strengthening cost of each level.

Xu Tong also deliberately hung up three identical item cards in the hall, except that one was not enhanced, one was enhanced with +6 and the other was enhanced with +9. The three item cards were put together for comparison.

This is no better than ignorance, and you will be shocked when you compare it. The higher the enhancement, the more terrifying the increase.

Especially the enhancement of +6 and the enhancement of +9 are not at the same level at all. As for the item cards without enhancement, they are even more incomparable. No matter how you look at it, they look like garbage.

Now the people who were originally queuing up suddenly rushed into Laojunfang like crazy.

Jixiang, Amei, Amota, and even Da Ya started to help at the front desk.

The process is very simple, you only need to place the enhanced item card on the [Transport Beacon], and then you can directly transfer to the basement enhancement room.

But at this moment, in the strengthening room, there are three more strengthening furnaces that look like the Rubik's Cube.

This is the credit of Qizhen [Industrial Empire], which can be embedded in the industry and replicate the core technology of the industry.

The effect is almost exactly the same, but the copied fantasy Rubik's Cube cannot bring out Laojunfang.

As for the number of copies, it can actually be controlled, but for each additional copy, you need to pay 100 million script points.

And it needs to be renewed once every three quarters.

Considering that their current manpower is not sufficient, Xu Tong can only temporarily copy two.

Except for Master to do research and hurry up to make [Teleportation Beacon].

The others all went into battle, and shifts began to work.

Especially when he got rich, he directly transformed into a tentacle monster, and one was worth two. His excellent performance made Xu Tong decide that no matter what, he had to refine a batch of top-level pills for him and upgrade him a bit.

Because of the opening of the market, Xu Tong specially adjusted the cost of strengthening, and the charge is not high.

Ordinary item cards are just a small increase in the cost of the first-level enhancement, which belongs to the series of small profits but quick turnover.

For advanced item cards, it is even simpler, just add a zero after the first-level enhancement fee.

After all, he is recognized as a conscientious businessman.

So much so that after calculating their enhancement fees, many players called for half-life.

The enhancement fee alone is enough to buy another item card.

But when he saw the other players who had already completed the strengthening happily running towards the direction of the arena, he finally gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and chose to strengthen.

Don't look at everyone scolding and stomping their feet when paying, but when they get the item card that has just been released, they are as happy as a child.

After the six major teams heard the news, they hurriedly sent people over to strengthen it.

I thought strengthening was just a little money.

But after the actual calculation, the enhancement cost is ridiculously high, especially when it needs to be strengthened to +9 to increase the success rate of enhancement with the help of blessing oil, the cost is even more exaggerated.

However, some people really got the blessing oil to strengthen it for the first time, and the effect after strengthening was indeed stronger than expected.

However, when other teams started frantically looking for blessing oil, depressing things happened.

Bless oil prices soaring.

The Gun God Group even opened a temporary shop to sell blessing oil.

"Strange, when did the Spear Gods produce blessing oil??"

"You don't even know this. Fanmishan sold a piece of the script world that blessed the oil production area to the Gun God Group a long time ago."

"Oh, so that's the case, but the Guanyin Pavilion medicine shop in Fanmi Mountain was squeezed out of the exhibition by the gun gods, why are you so kind?"

"Maybe they have a strong relationship."

"Is it iron?"

"if not?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The melon eaters laughed tacitly while buying blessing oil.

It is said that the head of Mount Fanmi, the abbot, was almost so angry that he vomited blood when he heard the news. The loss was heavy and the second most important thing was that he lost all his face.

I'm afraid that when people mention Mount Fanmi in the future, they will probably shout in their hearts, you've been taken advantage of!
(End of this chapter)

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