Infinite script kill

Chapter 1025 +13 Pure Yang Sword

Chapter 1025 +13 Pure Yang Sword
The improvement effect brought about by strengthening is simply ridiculously strong.

But the extent of burning money is also extremely terrifying.

Everyone can accept the first level 1-6 enhancements, but the subsequent 7-9 levels, the cost of each level of enhancement makes people's guts twitch.

But what Xu Tong didn't expect was that it wasn't the top teams who rolled up first, but the ordinary certified players instead.

These players don't have a lot of money, but if they focus on strengthening an item card, it's okay, and a +9 item card can bring a powerful boost effect that is visible to the naked eye.

The gap between these ordinary certified players is not too big, but if they have an enhanced item card, the gap will increase instantly.

The first time a large number of players got the news, they brought script points and blessing oil to strengthen it.

There are even members of the third-tier and second-tier teams among the six regiments.

As a result, Xu Tong and the others have been so busy these days that even Amei is complaining, asking him to find a way to recruit more guys, otherwise it will be like this every day, and they don't have to do anything.

Xu Tong has no choice but to ask Mr. Tai for help in this matter.

After all, you are a shareholder, so you can't get 25% of the bonus for nothing, and you can't do without work.

Fortunately, Taiwan has a lot of ways to find a group of goblins for Xu Tong. These goblins are not the ugly little guys in the West, but the mother earth elves.

They are not tall, but they are honest and cute, with a fleshy appearance. At first glance, they thought they were a group of dwarves.

These little guys are definitely good at what they do and learn quickly.

Their consciousness is shared by the group, so teach one, and the other goblins will immediately understand how to operate, and they can quickly get started within a day.

This was finally a respite for Xu Tong and others who had been busy for a few days.

Take the brothers to the restaurant to have a good meal, give everyone a holiday, let them strengthen and strengthen, and rest and rest.

Xu Tong also took advantage of this time to refine a furnace of elixir to heal Da Ya.

With the medicinal materials provided by Kang Xiazi and the assistance of Dan Jing, the process of alchemy naturally went smoothly.

It's just that the special passivity of the Blessing of the Sky, but the Hand of God was not activated, so that the elixir failed to reach the ninth rank, which is really a pity.

After eating this pill, Da Ya's injury also began to recover at an accelerated rate, and it seemed that it would not take long for her to recover.

As soon as Xu Tong took the elixir for Da Ya, Chang Wuzhi's voice came from the team channel: "Head, the Gunners have won!"


Xu Tong was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that what Chang Wuzhi said should be about the battle between the Spear Gods and the Western camp.

In fact, this result is not surprising, after all, the [Transportation Beacon] from the auction, the item card enhancement of the team members, and the item card enhancement of Spear God Buluan himself.

Back and forth, the Spear Gods have spent at least [-] million script points on them.

Naturally, such a huge number cannot be dropped for nothing.

The improvement of strength must be able to bring about huge changes.

Therefore, Xu Tong was not surprised by the result of the Gunslinger's victory. On the contrary, if they couldn't win, then it could only be said that the Gunslinger's team was hopeless.

However, Xu Tong still called 404 to pick up the elves, and asked about the news about the gun gods.

The results surprised him.

Not only did the Gunslingers win, but Buluan, the Gunslinger, even accomplished the feat of slaughtering the gods, killing two top players with god-level titles from the western camp.

Although the price is also very heavy.

It is said that three of the core members of the gun god group died, and the deputy head, Meng Changsheng, was almost disabled by beating.

As for the second-tier team, the casualties were even more severe. Except for a few lucky players, all other players were killed.

It can be said that after this battle, nearly 80.00% of the combat effectiveness of the Spear God Regiment was lost.

The brutality of the battle was almost unprecedented.

It can be called the largest casualty in player history.

However, the loss of the Western camp was even more severe, and it is difficult to count the specific casualties. However, two god-level titled powerhouses from the Western camp were killed. The temple headed by the Western camp suffered heavy casualties. It is said that even the deputy head was nailed by Bu Luan. die.

Caesar was seriously injured and fled.

It is estimated that the entire Western camp will be greatly shaken.

But now people are not only shocked by the huge casualties of this battle, but also shocked by the strength of the spear god Buluan.

The disastrous defeat of the western camp was precisely because of their strong self-confidence. Three against one, Bu Luan had absolutely no chance of winning, but the result was beyond their expectations. Up at least two steps.

As soon as the three of them fought, they were instantly crushed by Bu Luan's strength.

In the end, the result of one injury and two deaths ended the war in a disastrous defeat.

When it was revealed that the reason why Bu Luan's strength increased greatly was because of the enhanced ability of Laojunfang, the five major teams went crazy.

The profit of Laojunfang immediately showed explosive growth that day.

Especially those advanced item cards.

Even if it is only strengthened to +6, each card will bring nearly 300 million profits to Laojunfang.

That's right, 300 million.

Taking Chunyang Sword as an example, the basic enhancement fee is 5000, and it costs 6 to enhance it to level 31.

However, when it comes to the enhancement cost of high-level item cards, Amei often adds a 1 after the level 0 enhancement fee.
Then the cost became 310 million.

The net profit is nearly 300 million, so one can imagine how profitable this business is.

This is Xu Tong's strategy. It is okay to strengthen, and the basic item cards can earn less, but the advanced item cards must make them bleed.

As for whether the power is strong or not, you will know by looking at the Spear God Buluan.

With his walking billboard, Xu Tong couldn't believe that these landlords and old rich were unwilling to spend money.

This fee made the other super teams hate it. When they strengthened to +9, they really realized how outrageous the extent of Laojunfang's money wastage.

But all the grievances can't stand up to the strengthened law of true fragrance.

Apart from the pain, he could only spread all his grievances on the arena, wanting to take this opportunity to challenge Yan Xiaoqi.

It's just that they didn't know that Yan Xiaoqi had strengthened his gloves to +12, and after going there, all he got in exchange was Yan Xiaoqi's explosive hammer.

In the blink of an eye, the four quarters were over, and Xu Tong and the others finally waited for the second dividend. This time, everyone got the dividend. The nearly 3000 million script points almost made them fly with joy.

Looking at the figure of more than 4000 million in the item book, Xu Tong finally felt a little excited. He waited too long for a day.

If it wasn't for the fact that the flow of time in the exhibition was different from that of the outside world, the money would probably not be collected until the end of the next script world.

Holding the money, Xu Tong turned around and plunged into the reinforcement room.

When he came to the Dream Demon's side, he took out the Pure Yang Sword.

The blade of the sword shone with a layer of glaring silver light, and after Xu Tong held it in his hand, it became even more radiant. Xu Tong took a deep breath and put the sword into the fantasy Rubik's Cube.

"Ding! Do you want to spend 256 million script points to enhance this item to level 10?"

"Warning! There is a 40% chance of strengthening failure! Once the strengthening fails, the item is at risk of shattering!!"

When it is strengthened to level nine, it only needs 128 million script points. Now the price has doubled, and the probability of failure has increased from the original 30% to 40%.

Seeing this, Xu Tong took out the blessing oil and poured it on the Chunyang Sword.

The golden blessing oil stained the back of the sword, immediately covering the sword with a layer of light gold.

At the same time, get the special bonus of blessing +1.

Throwing it into the Dream Rubik's Cube again, the probability of failure in strengthening this time really dropped, down to 30%.

It turns out that the so-called counteracting the probability of failure is to use the increase in blessing oil to offset it.

Xu Tong continued to pour blessing oil on the blade, not feeling distressed at all, anyway, he had plenty of these things, and he didn't need to spend money on them.

Each time a layer is poured, the effect of the blessing will increase by 1.

After Xu Tong enhanced the blessing effect to +4.

Then strengthen it, and sure enough, the hint of failure rate disappeared.


Accompanied by a dazzling glare, the Chunyang Sword finally broke through the bottleneck of +10, but Xu Tong was not satisfied, so he repeated the operation and continued to strengthen it.

512 million script points +11
1024 million script points +12
2048 million script points +13
After Xu Tong burned 3840 million script points in one go, finally, the Chunyang Sword in front of him had changed into an appearance that even he felt unfamiliar with.

The sword body, which was originally as white as jade, now has a black sword spine. When the sword body is swung, the black and white halo contaminates the air like a cloud of ink painting.

Xu Tong just held the sword in his hand, and it felt extremely heavy, as if he was holding a mountain in his hand.

If it wasn't for this sword that was connected with him, he might not even be able to control it.

Xu Tong immediately called out the item book and tried to put the sword into the item book.

"Ding! This item is unprecedented, please name it first!"

The Chunyang Sword is not unique, but the sword in front of him has surpassed the Chunyang Sword and has become an unprecedented weapon.

Such weapons are very rare. For example, the gun god's sharp gun belongs to this unprecedented magic weapon.

That's why his enhancement cost is very high.

Xu Tong stroked the blade with his fingers, watching the rippling black and white light marks on the blade.

"Pure Yang is originally like jade, but the world is like ink."

"It's hard for you to accompany me to this Vanity Fair. If that's the case, let's call you Moran."


The blade of the sword trembled slightly and made a light cracking sound, as if he was very happy with Xu Tong's new name.

In the item book, this item card finally appeared, with an orange-gold border and a pure white background. Only this sword was hanging in it, and the whole body was rippling with smoke like ink.

[Ink Dyeing] +13 (soul-bound items, cannot be traded, cannot be discarded.)
The body is pure yang, and the sword is like a pen.

Shi Nuo Danqing, the spectrum of Tianjiao.

Holder: All kendo skills are upgraded by 5 levels.

Passive Skill 1: Anode Generates Yin

The extreme of yang, the extreme of Tao, the extreme will produce and decline, and the decline will cause change. A lone yang does not grow, and a lone yin does not grow, so heaven and earth are matched with yin and yang...

Passive skill 2: Wufeng hides clumsiness

The yin and yang are in harmony, there is no front to hide the clumsiness, and the kendo attainments have been raised to a higher level.

Active skill 1: The sun and the moon shine together

Consume 5000 script points to activate Sun and Moon Glory, the stronger one's own strength, the stronger the lethality, ranging from killing immortals and demons to destroying heaven and earth.

Cooldown: 30 days.

(Note: I don't see the old people before, and I don't see the comers after.)
 Sorry, I have a bit of a cold, my eyes are so sore and uncomfortable, but I definitely don't have a positive, so don't worry, it's just that the update is a little slower.

(End of this chapter)

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