Infinite script kill

Chapter 1026 Borrowing Three Treasures

Chapter 1026 Borrowing Three Treasures

In a script world that does not know the time, skyscrapers rise up one after another.

Medical care and education have been developed to the extreme, and civilization has been highly developed to the extreme in this world, but theocracy has also become an almost irreplaceable necessity at the same time.

And in the center of the world, a glorious palace stands tall on the ground like a pyramid.

Thirteen statues of gods and spirits with a height of [-] meters, like the giants of this world, are indifferently looking down on the sky and the land.

"How's it going!"

Buluan stood in front of the thirteen statues, with his back to everyone, and no one could see the expression on his face at the moment.

Zhang Lao held a ledger and whispered; "36 people died in the battle, and only four of the second-line team survived. Two of them were seriously injured and have been rescued in the hospital, but the effect is not very good. The curse on them is too strong. Difficult to eradicate."

Because this war is not a normal scripted world, even if they leave this world, they cannot directly recover from their injuries and can only be treated on the spot.

Mr. Zhang glanced at Bu Luan, saw that he didn't speak, so he continued, "Meng Changsheng was seriously injured, but fortunately he is from the natural department, and he has been sent to the kingdom of nature to heal his injuries. There shouldn't be any major problems."

"Wang Zhang, Da Shan, and Chu Yiran, their funerals are ready, why don't you... go and see them?"

Zhang Lao lowered his voice again.

But Bu Luan casually threw out the two heads.

These are the heads of a man and a woman. Judging from their skin color and face shape, they are obviously not from China. They are the heads of the two god-conferring powerhouses from the Western camp, the Rose Goddess and the Phoenix King.

"Take it, make a tribute for them, ask the great mage to make it for them, and after the first seven days, send them to the Netherworld personally, and arrange for their family members. That's it, I'm tired."

Bu Luan's voice was very cold, without the slightest warmth.

His long hair hangs over his shoulders, and his long gun is on one side.

Mr. Zhang wanted to persuade him a few more words, but when he heard the last three words, he had a thousand words in his stomach, but he couldn't say it in the end. He raised the two heads on the ground and brought a group of people together. Get up and go.

Only after everyone left, Bu Luan raised his head and stared at the thirteen statues in front of him with deep eyes: "Is this the result you want to see?? Or, this time, you have come from all over the West again. What did God win?? Believers? Treasures? Or just a piece of innocuous nonsense?"

Bu Luan stood up, raised his hand to hold the spear, the tip of the spear slid out a trajectory in the air, and then slowly pointed at the thirteen gods in front of him.

However, the stone statue was still a stone statue, neither moving nor responding, except for those empty eyes that ignored Bu Luan in front of him.

As if that was the silent answer...

Bu Luan looked at the statue that had never moved, and crackled between his fingers, but finally let go of his hand, turned around and strode away with the spear in his hand, not sure if it was an illusion.

While Bu Luan was leaving, the thirteen god statues behind him seemed to stare blankly at Bu Luan, their contemptuous eyes were more like looking at a poor reptile...

At the other end, Xu Tong has already left the exhibition.

He planned to take a trip to Netherworld while there was still plenty of time.

Not for others, but also for fools, to see what happened to Nether.

As for the exhibition, there is a sister in Laojunfang, and Gao Zhuo and the others still need time to digest the script points in their hands, so Xu Tong does not plan to take them with him. It is very convenient to go in and out of the Netherworld by himself.

But before entering Nether, Xu Tong still needs to go to Mei's house.

There are two things to go to Mei's house, one is to pay homage to Taoist Plum Blossom, and find out the reality of this guy.

On the other hand, it is borrowing treasure.

I was too careless last time, I didn't expect things to be so dangerous, so I didn't think about it.

This time is different, Xu Tong has a very strong feeling in his heart that going here may not be so simple, so it is more reliable to take more precautions.

After calling Mei Du in advance, Xu Tong took a taxi and headed straight to the train station, intending to take a plane to the city.

From Xiangxi to Chengdu, the distance is still very far. Even if I want to fly there, there are too many cameras along the way.

Even if it is not captured by the camera, there is no guarantee that it will not be captured by passers-by's mobile phone.

Speaking of it, it seems that since the pixels of mobile phones have become higher and higher, such FUO incidents have become less and less.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Xu Tong can only buy the ticket honestly.

Enduring the dirty air in reality, Xu Tong got on the plane and headed straight to Chengdu.

Before the plane entered Chengdu, Xu Tong felt that the second soul was particularly active.

As soon as Xu Tong thought about it, he knew that this little fat man must want to eat the Chaoshou made by that mother-in-law.

"Be patient, I'll let you eat chaoshou when it's night."

Xu Tong comforted softly.

He could feel the joy and anticipation in Xiaopang's heart, perhaps because of the influence of the second soul, Xu Tong's mood suddenly improved a lot.

After the plane landed at Shuangliu Airport, Mei Du was already waiting for him at the pick-up station.

"Brother Xu!"

As soon as he saw Xu Tong, Mei Du immediately walked up to Xu Tong, waving his hands.

"Brother Xu, I haven't heard from you for a long time, hurry up, let's go eat hot pot first!"


In the past, Xu Tong might have readily agreed, but now, Xu Tong has lost interest in real food.

It's not that he has a bad taste, but that the body of a fairy rejects the real world too strongly.

This is not what he wants, but it is also a fact that there is nothing he can do.

But in order not to spoil Meidu's interest, Xu Tong still complied.

The two of them were eating hot pot, and Mei Du also opened up the chatterbox and said a lot of things.

For example, in the recent situation of Qingcheng Mountain, it seems that Longhu Mountain has now taken over Qingcheng Mountain. Some time ago, under the auspices of the Taoist Association, a return ceremony was performed.

In fact, Qingcheng Mountain and Longhu Mountain are a family, and no one can find anything wrong with doing this.

It is claimed that Zhang Haisheng has been retreating all the time, but only a few people know the truth.

During this period of time, the Mei family lived in peace, and the newly renovated crematorium was also making money every day.

It's just that their old man's health has been getting worse and worse recently, and he even developed hysteria at night, saying that ghosts are walking at night, and their family members are not allowed to go out at night.

Everyone in the family was taken aback at first, but when they came back to their senses, they realized that it was the old man who was hysterical.

Sure enough, the next morning, the old man woke up, and he didn't know what he said or what he did.

And it happens every night, making the family members sleepless during the recent period.

After Mei Du finished speaking, she also looked at Xu Tong's expression, and she almost said directly, "Can you help the old man take a look?"

It's just that Xu Tong feels that this is not hysteria.

And hearing what Mei Du said, Xu Tong always had a very strong feeling in his heart: "Could it have something to do with the changes in the Underworld?"

"It doesn't matter so much, let's go to Mei's house first, and then talk about it. If there is nothing unexpected, go call the master tonight, and tell them not to go to Netherworld no matter what."

After Xu Tong made up his mind, he and Mei Du set off to Mei's house.

The Mei family had thought of inviting Xu Tong when the old man was suffering from hysteria, but they couldn't get in touch with Xu Tong, so they could only wait.

Now that Xu Tong is here, they are naturally more enthusiastic than each other.

Especially the old man, he didn't let go of the smile on Xu Tong's face as soon as he saw him, he was pulling Xu Tong to talk and laugh, this kind of treatment even Mei Du had never experienced.

Xu Tong took the opportunity to give Mr. Mei a pulse.

From the pulse condition, it seems that there is no problem at all. Xu Tong tried to inject some pure yang energy into the old man, but the strange thing is that this ray of pure yang energy went in and dissipated after a while.

Seeing this, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, scanned the old man with his eyes, and then looked away.

"Old man, I'm here to see you this time, and I want to borrow the three treasures of the Mei family by the way."

"Hahaha, that is something from the Plum Blossom lineage. If you want to use it, just take it away. Why don't you borrow it?"

Mr. Mei's heart is really broad, and when all the properties of the Meihua family were allotted to Xu Tong, he didn't even raise his eyebrows at all.

Now that Xu Tong wanted to borrow the family treasure passed down by the Plum Blossom Taoist, he did not hesitate at all. He untied a key from his waist and handed it to Xu Tong, telling him that the three treasures of the Plum Blossom were enshrined in a box in the ancestral hall, and he could take them away anytime he needed .

I chatted with Mr. Mei for a while. The old man was very talkative. After chatting for half an hour, I got tired and went back to my room to rest.

As soon as Mr. Mei left, Mei Du's father and uncles hurried forward to ask Xu Tong, but they saw that Mr. Mei had some kind of illness.

Xu Tong's expression gradually became a little embarrassed, and his expression made the hearts of everyone in the Mei family tense.

Xu Tong deliberated over his words for a while, but still lowered his voice and said, "The old man is not sick or in disaster, but... the time is coming soon."


Although everyone in the Mei family can understand this term, subconsciously, they still don't want to admit it.

He even asked stupidly: "When is it coming?"

Xu Tong didn't say any more, and only left four words: "The end is coming!" After finishing speaking, he got up and walked towards the ancestral hall.

It's not that he refuses to help, but that Mr. Mei's age is indeed too old. Even if he is healthy and healthy, his lifespan has already come to an end.

Xu Tong told the Mei family that he also hoped that the Mei family could get together with the old man as much as possible while the old man was still there, so as not to leave a regret.


Pushing open the door of the ancestral hall, looking at the portrait of Taoist Plum Blossom hanging in front of him, Xu Tong took a deep breath, stepped forward and bowed his hands: "Meet the Patriarch."

As he spoke, he looked up squinting, but he didn't see anything unusual in the painting, so he took out the key given by Mr. Mei, and opened the iron box under the altar.

The box was opened, and there were three plum-blossom-shaped hairpins lying quietly in the box.

It is the so-called three treasures of plum blossoms, 【Qingming Plum Blossom Hairpin】【Huangquan Plum Blossom Hairpin】【Xielang Plum Blossom Hairpin】

Xu Tong took out the three plum blossom hairpins, and when he was about to put them in the props book, a gust of breeze swept across his forehead, Xu Tong felt a little bit in his heart, and then squinted up, only to see the person standing in the painting Taoist Plum Blossom... gone!
 Tell everyone a good news and a bad news.

  The bad news is that my wife may be positive, and has already started to have a low-grade fever.

  The good news is, I'm not positive yet (but probably soon)
  This is a tragic era, I advise everyone to protect themselves as much as possible, don't let yourself become cannon fodder for generations!

(End of this chapter)

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