Infinite script kill

Chapter 1032 Ten thousand years, I'll wait for him

Chapter 1032 Ten thousand years, I'll wait for him
【Meng soup pot】

It is rumored that it is the pot used by Po Meng to cook soup. It is said that no matter what kind of ingredients are made in this pot, it will be extra delicious.

Passive Skill 1: Forgetfulness

Drink the soup in the pot, forget the worries in your heart, drink three bowls, and never have a heart.

Passive Skill 2: Return to Dream

There are many tears on the road to Huangquan, joys and sorrows, love and hatred, a pipa and a suona, returning to dreams, smiling and sighing.

Active skill 1: wash life

After eating Mengpo soup, you can have a chance to wash away your fate.

Consumes 3000 script points.

(Note: After making this bowl of Mengpo soup, you will still be a worker in the next life!)
"Oh, Chef Kaka!"

Xu Tong looked at the entries given in the item book, and felt that using this pot to cook food and rice in the future would definitely taste delicious.

Put away this pot.

Xu Tong stood up and walked to the Naihe Bridge. The bridge in front of him was broken. If he wanted to cross the river, he had to fly over it. But when he stepped on the Naihe Bridge, Xu Tong felt that his body was very heavy, as if there was a force Binding myself.

This is not the reason for the bridge, but the Wangchuan River under the bridge.

The Wangchuan water rolling away under the Naihe bridge is comparable to weak water, with great suction, not to mention flying over, even approaching will be affected, otherwise, how could a bridge be built here?
Don't forget that when I picked up Lilith last time, I had a personal experience of the power of the Wangchuan River, and I almost drowned myself in the water just watching it for a while.

Now that he is in the body of a fairy, Xu Tong dare not be careless about this river.

Looking at the distance from the broken bridge, Xu Tong picked up a stone and tried to throw it directly. As a result, the stone flew less than one meter away before being pulled directly into the river by a force.

I know how strong I am, but even stones can't fly over it. It can be seen that it is not easy to cross the river.

"The painting that the fool gave me, there must be a reason for me to come to this place, but what does the fool want to tell me??"

Thinking of this, Xu Tong involuntarily looked at the broken bridge in front of him, remembering in a trance that when he had a psychic dream, the fool asked him to climb on the bridge to watch, and then pushed himself off the bridge.

"Could it be..."

Xu Tong looked at the broken bridge, stepped forward step by step, came to the place where the fool was at that time, and then poked his head out to look under the bridge.

Dots of fluorescent light flickered on the surface of the water. When Xu Tong looked at the Wangchuan River, he felt a strong sense of dizziness, causing him to turn his head sideways.

But thinking that a fool would never harm him, Xu Tong took a deep breath, stimulated both Mingyan Qimen and Buddha Mutong to the strongest, and looked towards the water again.

Suddenly, countless fragmentary memories surfaced in front of Xu Tong along with the waves of the water.

The Wangchuan River reflects the three lives and three generations.

It is said that only ghosts who drink Meng Po soup can walk across the Naihe Bridge. It is precisely because the influence of the Wangchuan River is so strong that ordinary ghosts who do not drink Meng Po soup will be overwhelmed and lose their souls when they walk across the bridge.

But Xu Tong did not see his previous life, but saw countless fragmentary memory pictures.

Some of the pictures have long been forgotten by me, and I don’t even have any impressions at all, but there are also many pictures that I remember.

For example, he saw Chang Wuzhi.

When I saw this guy being locked up in the hospital, his distorted face was like a rabid dog, wanting to bite anyone.

Seeing the ferocious and malicious look in the boy's eyes when he put his hand into the fat girl's arms, of course there was also a picture of him putting him down and performing a minor operation on him.

But these are not what I want to see, instead, the memory that ripples on the river becomes more and more chaotic.

Xu Tong only felt a dull pain in his forehead, and thought of the fool again in a trance.

"Hey Hey……"

The silly smiling face became brighter and brighter. When the concerned eyes looked at him, Xu Tong stepped forward in a strange way.

"not good!"

But it was too late when he came back to his senses.


The icy river water swallowed Xu Tong in an instant, and in an instant, countless memories surfaced in front of him, and they formed a huge palm, pulling Xu Tong to sink.

"This Wangchuan River reflects the cause and effect of memory, but once the spirit is lost in it, it will be pulled in by the river, and it will never be reborn forever."

The old man's voice sounded from Xu Tong's ear, and he looked sideways. It was what the old man explained to everyone by pointing at Wang Chuanhe when he picked up Lilith last time.

Xu Tong's spirit was shaken, thinking of this, he immediately recited the Nirvana Sutra silently, a little bit of golden light emerged for a while, Xu Tong's thoughts turned, split and reorganized, and a Buddha image was condensed in his mind to protect his mind.

At the same time, Xu Tong was struggling upwards, trying to get out of the river.

But it's useless, this Wangchuan River is one of the three rivers of Netherland that are as famous as Huangquan and Xuehai.

Even if the body of a fairy falls into it and wants to struggle out, it is not an easy task.

The more Xu Tong struggled, the faster he sank. He wanted to use Faxiang Tiandi, but before he could get out of his body, he was almost frozen to death by Wangchuanhe.

"Am I going to die here?"

"No, the fool is helping me every time. He asked me to do this. There must be a reason for him. It's just that a fool never says these things with his mouth, he only does it!"

"So if a fool wants me to see Wang Chuanhe, what exactly does he want me to see?"

Seeing that he would not be able to go up for a while, Xu Tong simply calmed down, and gradually a silly smile appeared on his face, as if he was imitating the thinking of a fool to think.

But after a while, Xu Tong failed.

He can imitate many people, with superb acting skills, he is destined to learn what he looks like, whether he is playing a court official, or playing the role of a wealthy family, or a general who is on the battlefield, he can bring his own thinking into the role middle.

But he just couldn't play the fool.

Because the way of thinking of a fool is too simple, so simple that you can't imagine it.

If you give him a piece of candy casually, he may hide the candy and won’t eat it until it goes bad. Just looking at it like this, it feels very sweet every day.

Xu Tong's wish to bring him into the mind of a fool is purely wishful thinking.

But although he couldn't get into the thinking of a fool, Xu Tong smelled a bit of the character of a fool.

"Since he pushed me down, it means there must be something down here. I can't be a fool, but I can always trust a fool!"

Thinking of this, Xu Tong simply stopped struggling and plunged into the water instead.

He wanted to see what the fool wanted to show himself.

It is difficult for Wang Chuanhe to struggle out, but it is easy to sink.

Xu Tong sank with all his heart, and the world in front of him became darker and darker.

"Is this my son!"

In the chaotic darkness, there was a deep and long sigh. There was no joy in the voice, but it was full of worry.

A vague memory appeared in front of Xu Tong, and with the faint light, one could see a haggard face looking at him silently.

This man's face is somewhat similar to his own, especially the eyes and nose, the two are almost carved out of the same mold.

"Don't blame me, child, this is your first gift and the last gift I give you. It is hidden on your body. As long as you call it, it will take you to wherever you want place!"

In the man's hand, he held a crimson card and shook it in front of him: "Remember the name of this card, Sky Prisoner!"

As the memory began to shatter, before Xu Tong recalled it, a vague figure quietly appeared in front of him in the darkness in front of him.

Xu Tong was taken aback first, he didn't expect that there would be another person under the Wangchuan River.

But then his heart trembled suddenly, and an ominous premonition struck.

"No no no no!!"

Xu Tong screamed in his heart, frantically waved his arms, and rushed towards the figure in front of him.

Finally he saw clearly...

Under the dark river bed, a figure with a silly smile stood there, his hands were outstretched, and two iron chains were wrapped around his arms.

One end of the chain is wrapped around two huge stone statues, keeping him in this position all the time.


Xu Tong thought about many possibilities, but he never thought that the fool would sink himself under the Wangchuan River, let time pass by, and turn him into a stone sculpture.

"What do you want me to do? Tell me, why do you sink yourself here and wait for me?"

Xu Tong's heart seemed to be torn apart, and his ferocious face seemed to be screaming, but at this moment, a gap quietly opened in the fool's body.


A crack sounded.

Then, spider web-like cracks began to spread from the fool's body.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's eyes widened even more, but he could only watch helplessly as the crack grew bigger and bigger.

At this moment, strands of memory fragments emerged from the idiot's cracked chest, and under the influence of the Wangchuan River, they turned into pictures.

Xu Tong looked at the figure of the idiot in the picture, he was kneeling in front of a Buddha statue, with a silly smile on his face, his heart was about to break for a moment.

"Amitabha, the great emperor will personally exile the Netherland after ten thousand years.

But if you want to tell him the truth, you must allow yourself to live to that age, otherwise the answer you gave in advance will be useless, but that will be 1 years later, it is too difficult. "

"1 years? How long is it?"

The fool raised his head and looked to the side. Xu Tong saw a long-lost figure, the fat monk from back then.

"Why is he here??"

Xu Tong showed doubts in his heart. After he climbed to the top of Youshan and came back, he never saw this fat monk again.

But why did he appear in this place? ?
The fat monk showed a look of embarrassment, and pointed to the lotus platform carved out of stone in the pond outside: "Look, the lotus platform has been there since I came here, and now only a few thousand years have passed, and the lotus platform is about to be destroyed. It's worn out."

The fat monk seems to want to use this method to tell the fool how hard it is to live for tens of thousands of years.

Seeing this, the fool scratched his head, and suddenly grinned: "1 years, I'll wait for him!!"

As the memory in front of him shattered, the next memory appeared in front of Xu Tong.


Two large stones wrapped with iron chains were thrown down the Wangchuan River one after another, causing the servants in the distance to curse.

But the idiot didn't care about this, he smiled at them, and after distributing his belongings to these unintelligible errands, he jumped into the Wangchuan River under everyone's surprised and shocked eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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