Infinite script kill

Chapter 1033 The Unspeakable Answer

Chapter 1033 The Unspeakable Answer
How long is 1 years?

The vicissitudes of life, the sun and the moon alternate, and there are countless difficulties and obstacles.

Some people are exhausted living 50 years, not to mention surviving ten thousand years in the underworld.

The fool knew that with his strength, it was impossible to last for such a long time. Besides, it would not take ten thousand years, and Ragnarok would come soon. If he could not tell Xu Tong the answer before Ragnarok, everything would be meaningless.

So this is destined to be an endless loop that cannot be untied.

But the fool gave the answer to this question in another way.

Just like that poem: "I would like to become a stone bridge, and be exposed to 500 years of wind, 500 years of sun, and 500 years of rain..."

He did it, and Xu Tong's heart was broken.

But now he couldn't even hug the idiot, he could only watch the idiot's body split little by little.

As large pieces of air bubbles flew out, countless fragmentary memories began to appear in his sight.

Xu Tong looked at the memory picture in front of him, not daring to miss it for a moment, for fear that if he missed the answer, the fool's sacrifice would become meaningless.

Scenes flashed by, and Xu Tong's eye circles were already red and swollen.

In the picture, there is a fool who was born, abandoned, adopted, until the relative who adopted him passed away. That was the time he cried the most, and it made people feel distressed.

And the few remaining memories are all the time when the fool was with him.

It's not that the fool doesn't remember those bad memories, but that he didn't take those things to heart from the beginning.

Such as being driven away by children firing cannons during the Chinese New Year, curling up in a corner and shivering at night in winter, and being beaten up by passers-by as thieves, etc...

In comparison, the fool's mind is so simple that only the pictures of him and Xu Tong together are left.

Happy, warm, and simple to rustic actions, but it is better than countless sensational bad stalks in movies.

It's just that Xu Tong looked at these pictures, but there was a sharp knife in his heart, scraping his heart inch by inch.

Until the end of the picture, Xu Tong saw that the fool had moved a mirror from somewhere.

Put the mirror in front of you, and then sit behind the table. There are only a few yellowed steamed buns on the table, but the fool is eating the yellowed steamed buns while holding a wine jug and drinking continuously.

There was not a word in the whole process, only the funny performance of the fool sticking out his tongue after taking a sip of wine.

It's just that Xu Tong couldn't laugh, and stared anxiously at the memory picture in front of him, but until the memory dissipated, the fool still didn't make any other unnecessary movements.

Just eating and drinking, this operation made Xu Tong anxious, but he still couldn't see what the answer the fool wanted to give himself? ?

"Speak, talk, even if you say a word."

Xu Tong could only watch the idiot eat helplessly, but he still didn't understand what kind of news the idiot was conveying to him.

Seeing that the memory was gradually blurred by the washing of the river, Xu Tong tried his best to remember every detail.

Until the fool in front of him turned into powder along with the shattered memories along with the Wangchuan River, Xu Tong felt that his chest was about to explode.

"Ahh, idiot!!!"

Xu Tong stretched out his hand to grab the powder in front of him, anger, unwillingness, and countless negative emotions surfaced in his heart.

It's my fault, I didn't protect him well.

But now he didn't even understand the last message the fool left for him. This kind of aggrieved made him want to go crazy.

For a moment, the pure yang energy surged up in his body, the angrier he was, the faster the pure yang thoughts in his mind split.

"Fuck the truth, I only want brothers!!"


In the originally clear Wangchuan River, a black mist suddenly appeared, and immediately after, the entire water surface began to boil and be stirred up.

"Give me back the idiot!!! Give me back!!!"

Accompanied by the extremely angry roar, Xu Tong was like a hysterical beast, holding Moran in both hands, and waving it desperately.

Moment black and white, stirring the Wangchuan River in front of me.

A huge vortex was formed on the river surface, Xu Tong swung vigorously, trying to split the time in front of him and go back to before the fool jumped into the river.

"Since this is the future, the death of a fool is not the absolute end!"

Maybe if I go back to the past, I might be able to save the fool.

It's just that this time is too long.

Xu Tong cut desperately, trying to reverse the flow of time, but the result was not as he wished.

He can borrow time from the future, but he can't split the past forward. No matter how hard he tries, he can only fall short in the end.

But Xu Tong didn't care about this, he just waved the sword in his hand, trying to vent all the depression and anger in his heart.

It's just that he didn't notice at all, as he vented wildly, the time around him began to become more and more chaotic.

Time rolled up a storm, even the Wangchuan River was flowing against the current.

In a trance, Xu Tong seemed to see a hand walking from the turbulent flow of time.

"Fool, fool!!"

Xu Tong looked at the blurred figure, and his chaotic consciousness just grabbed at him.

When his palm passed through the chaotic space-time storm.

Xu Tong, who had the body of a fairy, instinctively wanted to take his hand back.

It hurt too much, the mania of time and space was like the blade of time, but it withered and aged his palm in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, at this moment, a palm wearing a black leather glove protruded from the chaos. The moment the palms were clasped together, an indescribable force brought time back to calm. The palm gradually returned to its original appearance.

And Xu Tong also felt a chill rushing up his arms at this moment, making him tremble, and all his thoughts were suppressed by the opponent's power in an instant.

"I don't know why you call me a fool, but... I don't like this name!"

The figure in the storm gradually approached.

The familiar voice gave Xu Tong a creepy feeling in his heart. He was so familiar with this voice that he instinctively wanted to pull his hand out of the chaos.

But the black glove was clasped tightly on Xu Tong's wrist like a poisonous snake. At the same time, the other palm of the other party slowly opened, and the five fingers gently slapped towards the surroundings, just gently With one beat, the time that was out of control and frenzied around became quiet like a tamed rabbit.

"Time is a terrible toy, and the gods dare not say that they can surpass time. My child, if you want to deal with time, you are still too young!"

Black cloak, long silver-gray hair, that big face that I have seen since I was a child, and it was the first time I talked with him at such a close distance.

"You're out!"

When Xu Tong called out to the opponent, Mo Ran drew a black and white sword energy in his hand, and slashed at the old magic stick head-on.

However, the sword energy passed across the face of the old god stick and passed directly from his body, but it did not cause any damage to the old god stick.

The old magic stick was very happy when he saw this, and looked at Xu Tong with meaningful eyes: "Silly boy, time is not used like this!"

As he said that, the magic stick waved his fingers, and on his fingertips, crystal clear gems emerged. These gems are the products of time solidification.

When Xu Tong saw this, he couldn't help feeling turbulent waves in his heart.

His understanding of time definitely surpassed most players, but in front of the magic stick, he was as immature as a three-year-old child.

The time that I can't freeze with all my strength is just a matter of ease in the hands of the magic stick.

I saw the magic stick gently waving the palm of my hand, and all the time around me stopped in an instant, even the Wangchuan River was frozen.

"Go, I'll take you to see a good thing."

The old magic stick didn't care about Xu Tong's ugly face, just pulled him up, stepped on the water of Wangchuan River, crossed the Wangchuan River, and came to the other end of Naihe Bridge.

I saw a huge round stone gate standing there.

The Shimen is huge, covering tens of thousands of square meters, like an unattainable mountain standing in front of him.

Xu Tong looked intently and saw a woman wearing a jade crown flying into the sky surrounded by gods.

At the same time, under the woman's feet, there are gods, human beings, Shura, hell, hungry ghosts, animals, etc., representing the six reincarnations. "

"This is Empress Houtu??"

Xu Tong looked at the door in front of him curiously, thinking: Could this be the rumored Six Realms of Reincarnation? "

I can be considered a long-sighted person.

It's just that what he thinks more about now is how to escape from the old god stick.

The strength of this old magic stick is too terrifying. I am not an opponent at all in my current situation, but if I want to escape, it will not be an easy task.

Right now, he can only choose to follow temporarily to find out what this guy is going to do.

I saw the old god stick walking in front of the gate of reincarnation, stroking the traces of degradation and time on the gate in front of him with his fingers.

"Son, do you know that this is reincarnation, the core of the entire Netherland, and the end of the Three Realms. People, gods, immortals, and ghosts, even those asuras, can be reincarnated as humans through this place. The greatest kindness in the world, but also the cruelest kindness."


Xu Tong looked at the old magic stick in front of him in puzzlement, and at the moment he had no choice but to make a deal with him, and at the same time find a way to escape for himself. At this moment, his heart moved, and he remembered the scene of seeing his father in the Wangchuan River.

"By the way, there's that thing!"

Thinking of Xu Tong trying to recite the name of the vermilion item card silently in his heart, along with his silent recitation, Xu Tong soon felt a faint force in his chest responding to him.

"I sensed it!" Xu Tong secretly rejoiced in his heart.

The old magic stick didn't notice Xu Tong's strangeness, he just said: "If you have been to Kunlun, you will naturally know that there are all the answers there."

"It's Kunlun again..."

Xu Tong couldn't help thinking of the fear in Amei's eyes when she mentioned Kunlun.

So he tried to ask the old god stick: "Shouldn't that be the residence of the gods, the world of the gods?"

"The fairy world?"

The old godstick looked at him with a smile, stretched out his palm and patted his shoulder: "I hope you can still say that after you go."

After all, the old god stick took out a bronze pocket watch from his pocket, looked at the time on the pocket watch: "It's really disappointing that this guy has turned the whole Netherland into this."

Said the old magic stick looked at Xu Tong: "Son, do you still remember what I said when we parted last time!"

 After burning for two days and two nights, the highest temperature was 39.8°, and I took Annat tablets. Although the temperature was reduced quickly and the pain was relieved, the side effects were huge, rash all over the body, immunity dropped rapidly, and the ears were swollen like Buddha's ears. Fortunately, I got through it, and started to resume updating today.

(End of this chapter)

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