Infinite script kill

Chapter 1034 Invincible Hearthstone

Chapter 1034 Invincible Hearthstone
Xu Tong's face froze, not only remembering, but vividly in his mind.

"You are the first sacrifice of my blade, I will use your blood to stain my mural red, and use your soul to compose a battle song for me."

Every time he thought of this sentence, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Seeing Xu Tong's embarrassing face, the corner of the old magic stick's mouth raised, and he stretched out a finger towards Xu Tong.

In an instant, Xu Tong felt that the time around him began to freeze rapidly. The terrifying divine power, like absolute authority, suppressed his thoughts.

In front of him, the so-called immortal body was just kraft paper that was slightly stronger than toilet paper.

The old magic stick slowly stretched out a finger: "Your father has hidden something in your body, let me help you find it!"

The moment the finger was protruded, the flesh on Xu Tong's body began to separate, and the heart-piercing pain made Xu Tong's pupils tremble.

"Don't worry, soon, soon!"

The old magic stick gently comforted Xu Tong, but his fingers were grabbing Xu Tong's body at an extremely fast speed.

However, the moment his hand touched Xu Tong's body.

The golden light quickly burst out from Xu Tong's body. The dazzling glare made the old magic stick's fingers unable to go any further, as if they had poked a stone.

【【The Name of the Sage】】

Title Skill: Manifestation

After activating this title, you are immune to all damage and free from all negative statuses.


Although the old magic stick is a self-proclaimed lord of time, he is still not omniscient. It seems that he did not expect Xu Tong to have such a hand.

But he doesn't care, this ability can't last for a moment at all: "See how long you can last!"

What the old god stick didn't expect was that Xu Tong was silently chanting another name in his heart while activating the sage. With the sound of silent chanting, the hot feeling in his chest was ready to come out. Facing the disdain in the old god stick's eyes, Xu Tong just Said: "Then have you heard of Invincible Hearthstone?"

"???" The old god stick was stunned, he had never heard of any invincible Hearthstone.

But soon, the old magic stick knew what an invincible Hearthstone was.

The moment Xu Tonghua's voice fell, a dazzling red light suddenly appeared on his chest, and a vermilion item card slowly emerged from his chest.

Seeing this item card, the old god stick's expression suddenly changed. Only then did he realize why Xu Tong appeared in the Wangchuan River.

This prop is exactly what Xu Tong's father hid in his blood. It burns with a vermilion blood light, which is the unique light of inherited props.

And the way to wake it up is to gently call its name: "Heavenly Prisoner!"

Accompanied by Xu Tong's shout, without putting it in the item book, the function of this item card is already clear by heart, this is the inheritance connected by blood.


Seeing the item card with red blood shining on Xu Tong's chest, the old god stick looked very ugly, because this item card brought back many unpleasant memories in him.

With a thought in his mind, he quickly accelerated the time around him, causing the holy light on Xu Tong's body to disappear almost instantly.

But the acceleration of time does not affect the result.

Under a bright red light, Xu Tong's figure also disappeared without a trace in front of the old magic stick.

So much so that the palm of the old magic stick was empty.

Seeing the disappearing figure in front of him, the old god stick had a bitter face, and said to himself: "What is this?? Invincible Hearthstone? I wanted to play for a while, how annoying!"

After finishing speaking, the old magic stick withdrew his hand disapprovingly, looked at the six circles of reincarnation that had been closed in front of him, and suddenly raised his palm to pat it.

Immediately, the entire underworld trembled, and in an instant, countless ancient existences were awakened in thousands of worlds.


The sound of the trumpet resounded across the earth, and in different times and spaces, the sacrifices began one after another.

The screams of women and children, the crying of children.

In order to protect his wife and children, the man was chopped off in half by the sacrificial guards, and he refused to let go until he died. In the end, he was pushed down into the sacrificial pit with his body and children.

On the side of the street, rows of slaves were pressed to the ground, and the butcher cut off their spines with an axe, splitting the ribs in the chest to expose the organs under the chest cavity on both sides.

Massacres, sacrifices, painful wailing.

Human heads piled up to form a tall tower, and the heads of girls rolled up and down in the huge bronze tripod.

Those shaved limbs were made into exquisite musical instruments, playing creepy music.

As a dye, the blood dyed the priest's robe red, and even wrote a magnificent mural for him.

"Not enough, not enough, more!!"

The magic stick's eyes pierced through time and space. In the ancient and historyless past, his believers were slaughtering wantonly, and tens of thousands of creatures would sacrifice to him every moment.

This long-lost pleasure made him dance with excitement, then his eyes froze, and he squinted at the desolate scorched-earth world behind him.

I saw some fuzzy figures approaching in the distance, and every step of these figures made people feel frightened. The extremely irritable divine power turned the eternal green bricks on the ground into dust.

They are gods, long and ancient gods.

Once their names resounded throughout the land, and even in their era, those so-called righteous gods were just ants.

But after all, they were overthrown by the later gods and suppressed in the depths of hell for tens of thousands of years.

After finally getting free, he was trapped in this ancient and desolate underworld.

"Hahahaha, old friends, your energy for getting up is not normal!"

Seeing the appearance of these figures, Rao, a powerful God of Death who claimed to be the Lord of Time, had a somewhat apprehensive expression on his face.

Some of these ancient existences, unless the youngest came out, otherwise, even he would not dare to suppress them.

Seeing that these huge figures did not make a sound, the magic stick silently raised his palm: "Remember, you owe me a favor!"

As he spoke, a space-time storm was born in his palm, and the huge storm engulfed these figures in an instant.

Then the magic stick glanced at the stone carving on the Six Paths of Reincarnation Gate behind him, and then took a deep look at the figure of the woman on the gate, then sighed, turned around and disappeared into the storm of time and space...

At the same time, Xu Tong's figure appeared on a desolate sandbar.


He didn't care where he was at the moment, he just sat down on the ground and gasped for breath.

"The old man, the stick, actually came out. I don't know if the youngest guy has also come out?"

If the old god stick is a real lunatic, but the youngest is different, he is an abyss that cannot be seen through.

Since he was a child, he grew up under the eyes of the youngest, but the youngest always made him feel that he had no bottom.

And the old god stick has always been jealous of the youngest, which shows that the youngest's strength is by no means inferior to the old god stick.

If these two guys came out of the hospital, Xu Tong couldn't imagine how much trouble these two guys would cause.

"It's just what message did the fool convey to me??"

Thinking of the fool, Xu Tong's heart inevitably ached.

It's just that after venting, the current self can calm down even more. He never thinks that a fool is really stupid. On the contrary, this guy is a person with great wisdom.

As the saying goes, great wisdom is like foolishness.

A fool is not stupid, he just sees things in the world too clearly.

So since he wanted to pass on the so-called answer to himself, his actions must have deep meaning.

It's just that my mind is a little confused now, and it will be difficult to figure out a clue for a while, so I can only stop thinking about it for the time being, and think about it after I really calm down.

Then Xu Tong opened his palm, and saw the item card shining with vermilion light appear in his palm.

This is the item card I gave him.

It has been hidden deep in his blood all this time, if he hadn't learned the name of this item card, he probably wouldn't have been able to find it.

Xu Tong included it in the prop book.

[Heavenly prisoner] Inherited props, which cannot be traded.

Passive Skill 1: Unbounded

The holder can travel through the world at will, and can easily sense the existence of the door.

Passive Skill 2: Divine Blessing

The bearer is no longer damaged by any space-based skills.

Passive Skill 3: Bloodline Inheritance

This prop is a bloodline inheritance item. When the user activates the active skill of this prop, there is no consumption.

Active Skill 1: Ten Thousand Realms Like a Prisoner

You can travel through a world at will.

Cooldown time: 1 hour
(Note: Although I have never hugged you, this is my greatest love for you, prisoner!)

Compared with the power of this item card, Xu Tong cared more about the small words on the bottom of the item card.

Although he couldn't remember his father's appearance at this moment, Xu Tong's heart was extremely warm when he read this message.

Putting away the item book, Xu Tong doesn't know where he is now.

Looking at the surrounding rocky mountains and forests, I don't know where I have traveled through.

The cooldown of Ten Thousand Realms as a Prisoner takes one hour, so I can only walk around and look outside right now.

The wild roads in the mountains and forests are completely a world that has not been developed by modern times.

At least Xu Tong's fairy body didn't feel repulsive here at all, but felt extraordinarily comfortable, and even couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling that the air in this place was so good.

I don't know how long I walked, but I heard shouts from behind.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay..."

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, then looked back, and saw a middle-aged man with disheveled hair walking fast, chasing after him.

Seeing this, Xu Tong slowed down his pace. After the other party chased him, he saw this person bowing his head and bowing to Xu Tong with a smile on his face. In the mountains and forests, I think Taoist friends have good roots, so I dare to ask you if you want to go to Kunlun Mountain to cultivate immortals?"

"Is it such a coincidence??"

Xu Tong's eyelids twitched, and he was in a hurry to shuttle through the space at will, not knowing where he was shuttled to.

He looked at the Taoist in front of him and thought, "It's just right, since we're here, we might as well go to the so-called Kunlun to see what kind of place it is."

Thinking of this, Xu Tong smiled and nodded, "Of course."

"Hahaha, so we can walk together, and there are many talking companions on the road. I haven't asked fellow Taoists how to call them."

When Xu Tong thought about it, he pointed to the plum blossom hairpin on his head; "Don't dare, Taoist Meihua, you can call me Taoist Meihua."

Xu Tong thought to himself: "Anyway, I inherit the plum blossom lineage, and the title of plum blossom Taoist just happens to be used by myself."

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Mei, the poor Daoist Shen Gongbao, you are so polite...Hey, Fellow Daoist Mei, why are you leaving, wait for me...wait for me!"

Shen Gongbao had just finished speaking, and before he could open his mouth, Xu Tongren had already run a thousand meters away...

 I wanted to add updates, but my body couldn’t take it anymore. Go to bed early, get up early and update early. I will wait until I get over this breath. I’m sorry, today’s is gone, everyone take care of your health.

(End of this chapter)

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