Infinite script kill

Chapter 1035 Holding Meat as a Sacrifice

"This day's prisoner's ability to travel through myriad worlds is really strong enough, and it directly brought me into the ancient era of Shang."

Xu Tong found that without the constraints of the script, he felt like jumping out of the chessboard when he was here.

Perhaps this is a gift from his father, even if he has not become a so-called player, with this item card, he can ignore the constraints of the gods and roam the heavens at will.

Of course, this understanding can also be reversed, such as at this moment.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong looked at Shen Gongbao and rolled his eyes: "Unlucky!"

I never dreamed that I would meet this unlucky guy when I was walking casually.

The sentence "Friends of the Daoist, please stop" made Xu Tong feel uncomfortable all over.

He even wondered for a while whether this sentence was a way to activate some kind of spell. Like Baishankou, it looked polite, but actually had a hidden murderous intent.

So he didn't run away anymore, he accepted his fate, and he could walk with this guy.

To save this guy from chasing after his ass, shouting while chasing, he can't stand it.

"Fellow Daoist Mei, I see that you have a body of pure yang, pure and flawless. I don't know if you have a teacher?"

"No! It's a casual cultivator with no family or sect."

"Oh, that fellow Taoist is practicing on that mountain, does he have a fixed cave?"

"Wandering around the world, the four seas are home."

"Ahahahaha, it's so wonderful, Fellow Daoist Mei is indeed a true fairy of Xiaoyao, and the poor Taoist is really envious."

Shen Gongbao pinched his long beard, and after laughing, his voice changed:
"That... I have a junior sister, Fairy Yuehua, who has a pure yin body. If my fellow Taoist doesn't give up, I'll go and make peace with her. If I achieve happiness and form a Taoist couple, wouldn't it be beautiful to reconcile yin and yang from now on? .”

The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, he had only known Shen Gongbao for a day, and this guy almost sold out all the colors of his junior sister's underpants.

Seeing that this guy was talking too much, Xu Tong was skeptical that this Yuehua Fairy was real, but she was not Shen Gongbao's junior sister, so he had to say something.

I'm afraid this guy took advantage of the poor information and went around as a matchmaker. It's his credit for the success, or it's because of making friends extensively.

Hmm... got it.

But let alone, with Shen Gongbao's character, it's no wonder he has many friends.

But having said that, he is also very curious, whether there is really a dispute between cutting off teaching and elucidating teaching, and whether he can meet the rumored Master Tongtian during this trip.

Of course, it turned out that he was thinking too much, and Xu Tong only found out after a tentative question that there was no such thing as Master Tongtian.

However, Sanqing does exist, but at this moment Sanqing is not the respected and revered patriarch of the immortal way as in later generations.

At this moment, Sanqing claims to be a Taoist of Sanqing, and there are not many people in the world who know about it. Shen Gongbao also heard about it by chance. He thinks the thoughts they preach are very interesting, so he wants to listen to them.

This made Xu Tong a little excited.

Sanqing, that is the highest god of Taoism in the future, and I can only be called Xiaoxian in front of them. If I can get a suggestion from these three elders, it may be of great help to my strength. …

Thinking of this, Xu Tong inevitably began to feel excited.

While the two were talking, they had already walked out of the mountains and forests to a secular place.

At the beginning, it was peaceful and peaceful, and the weather was calm.

But after walking for a long time, Xu Tong discovered that all kinds of ghosts were walking at night and the kingdom of ghosts was open. They were all pediatrics. Looking around, there were countless wandering ghosts in the plains, mountains and forests.

There are too many of these lonely ghosts, and sometimes they are densely packed like locusts passing through the territory, forming a huge haze, and wandering towards the east unsteadily.

When the two came to the town, Xu Tong wanted to go in and find something to eat, and taste the special delicacies here.

As a result, as soon as he entered the city, he realized that this era was more bloody and cruel than he thought.

To sum it up in one sentence, gods and demons dance together, and humans and ghosts are indistinguishable.

On the streets, statues of gods can be seen everywhere, and priests carrying all kinds of exquisite instruments walk in the streets and alleys.

A group of slaves were shoved into the square.

"Cut! Cut! Cut!"

Seeing this scene, the surrounding people gathered around and shouted as if they were going crazy.

The so-called "cutting" here means beheading, but here it is more of a ritual.

"These are ordinary people from the Dongyi people."

Seeing Xu Tong's strange expression, Shen Gongbao misunderstood: "The lowly slaves cannot be sent to the capital of Yin. Only the tribal leaders and nobles of Dongyi can be sent to the capital of Yin as tribute to the gods."

Hearing Shen Gongbao's words, Xu Tong was even more puzzled, and asked him in a low voice, "Is this kind of sacrifice very common?"

"Common? It's about the same. Specifically, where do you want to look?"

Shen Gongbao then raised his finger and began to count for Xu Tong.

"There are not so many such remote places, they are nothing more than shrines, shrines, altars, and hurdles."

The so-called She, Shi, Altar, and Kan are the four ways of offering sacrifices.

The society is a sacrifice to grain farmers.

It shows that the sacrificial group is prosperous.

The altar is dedicated to the sun.

Kan is a sacrifice to the moon.

Each kind of sacrifice has a different method of sacrifice, but there is only one tribute, people!
The only difference may be the identities of these people, the more precious the identities, the higher the standard of sacrifice.

Therefore, the word "sacrifice" has the so-called saying of holding meat.

Shen Gongbao spoke excitedly, and said to Xu Tong: "But these are small scenes, and there is no way to compare with the big scenes in Yindu. The sacrifices in Yindu are more spectacular. Killing tens of thousands of people at a time can attract gods from all directions to bless them .”



Rao Xu Tong, hearing this scene, couldn't help feeling his scalp go numb: "Where are so many people doing sacrifices?"

"Well, sometimes when there are fewer sacrifices, you have to use the lives of the nobles to make up for it, and the more precious the life, the more valuable it is to sacrifice, especially those noble girls."

Shen Gongbao didn't notice the coolness in Xu Tong's eyes at all, instead he told him about several noble girls who were sacrificed by the king of Shang in recent years.

At this time, the sacrificial ceremony in the square had already begun.

Human heads were chopped off one by one, and the heads were neatly placed aside, and then the residents of the entire town began to dance and dance like crazy. …

But at this moment, the figure of a god also appeared above the city. The huge god's form, like a giant in the sky, sprinkled crystal rain and dew with satisfaction amidst the carnival and dance of the crowd.

It's just that Xu Tong didn't have the patience to watch it any longer, and he felt very uncomfortable with this bloody scene.

Originally, he wanted to taste the gourmet specialties here, but now he can't whet his appetite at all.

After leaving the town, Xu Tong casually hunted a bison in the forest, then took out the Meng soup pot, and prepared to cook the meat.

Buddhism, Taoism, art, and even some Confucian skills, Xu Tong can be said to be complete.

But only in cooking... Uh, it was an indescribable pain, as if he was born without the cells to cook.

Speaking of this matter, it has already become a pain point in Xu Tong's heart.

Fortunately, Shen Gongbao was good at this. When he saw Xu Tong staring at the pot and didn't know what to do, he simply took over the chef's task and started to help Xu Tong handle it.

Pao Ding Jie Niu didn't dare to say it, but his movements were swift and clean, and he cleaned up the bison with just three or five blows.

I happened to have some seasonings in my hand. Although Shen Gongbao's cooking skills are average, with the addition of seasonings and the blessing of Meng Tangguo, the fragrance will soon become more and more fragrant.

Even Shen Gongbao didn't expect his cooking skills to be so good. The two of them sat in the forest for a while and ate, and Xu Tong took out the jug [沉沙].

The wine in [Chensha] is originally Meizhuang's hundred-year-old wine. Now it is put into the container of [Shensha]. After the blessing of its passive skills, after precipitation, the taste is even more different.

"This wine..."

Shen Gongbao tasted slowly, the more he tasted, the more sad his face became.

It feels like I'm not drinking, but more like taking medicine. The more I drink, the more bitter it becomes. It's not that the wine is bad, but that the taste of this wine is too strange.

A glass of wine is poured into the throat, only to feel that the wine is vigorous, mellow and thick, aftertaste carefully, but it is at the last moment of entering the stomach, it is like flying sand, and it is gone without a trace. smell.

It gives people the feeling that the world is miserable, life, old age, sickness and death, fate is impermanent, and they are only willing to repent when the doom has come, but it is too late.

The two ate meat while drinking, and finally drank several bowls of steaming beef soup in a row. The meat and soup were completely eaten by the two of them.

On a trip to the forest and lawn, the passive effect of the Meng soup pot also appeared.

Passive Skill 1: Forgetfulness

Drink the soup in the pot, forget the worries in your heart, drink three bowls, and never have a heart.

Xu Tong's mood gradually relaxed, and he gradually came out of the haze of the fool, but his thoughts suddenly became extraordinarily light: "The fool is not dead, it doesn't matter that the past cannot be changed, and the future cannot be trusted. It will be tampered with ten thousand years later, but that is not the only ending, it is just one kind of ending, that is to say, I still have a chance to save the fool."

In other words, this itself is a hint that Fu Jun is giving himself.

"Junior Sister...Junior Sister..."

While Xu Tong was thinking, Shen Gongbao had already started talking in his sleep. This guy drank a lot of wine, and now he lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

Just looking at his appearance, it seems that another passive of Meng Tangguo has been triggered, Menghui.

Passive Skill 2: Return to Dream

There are many tears on the road to Huangquan, joys and sorrows, love and hatred, a pipa and a suona, returning to dreams, smiling and sighing.

But seeing Shen Gongbao sleeping so soundly, Xu Tong's mind moved, and a thought flew out from the center of his eyebrows, floating on Shen Gongbao's body, and in a moment, it escaped into Shen Gongbao's eyebrows.

"Dream Walk!"

When the skill Dream Walk was activated, Xu Tong's thoughts immediately appeared in Shen Gongbao's dream.

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