Infinite script kill

Chapter 1039 Go to Kunlun

Chapter 1039 Going to Kunlun (two chapters in one)

"Snow Clan?"

Xu Tong hadn't heard of such a race, but he noticed that after the girl's skin was split, the skin underneath was not a bloody mess, but a crystal-clear snow-white body, as delicate as cream.

As the girl's mood calmed down, the originally cracked flesh began to recover little by little. The process was so fast that there were no scars left.

Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help laughing: "The abilities of your Snow Clan are really strange, but it's a friend of mine... quite... like..."

At the end of Xu Tong's words, he couldn't help but think of Amei, and a thought suddenly came to his mind: "Could it be that Amei and the Snow Clan are of the same race?"

As early as when A-mei was still in the script studio, Xu Tong had seen that A-mei's skin would crack like the girl in front of her.

Coupled with Amei's dislike and fear of Kunlun, after these details were connected together, Xu Tong made a speculation in his heart, perhaps Amei herself is a group of Kunlun.

The big boss behind the script hall is Kunlun, so they, the ethnic groups attached to Kunlun, have naturally become the service staff in the script hall.

Xu Tong's guess is almost nine out of ten. Although I don't know why my sister hates Kunlun so much, but this is her hometown.

Thinking of Xu Tong's love for the girl in front of him, who was suspected to be from the Amei tribe, he felt even more love for the house and black. After taking out a lot of delicious food from the props book for the girl, he urged her to go back early.

After the girl left, Xu Tong went back to the rock and continued to practice penance.

This stone is very miraculous, as if it came from the same source as his exquisite heart with seven apertures. Every time it beats, it can absorb the pure spiritual essence of this mountain forest.

Xu Tong looked at the stone with divine eyes, and found a figure lying quietly in the stone. The figure was not big, probably just like a baby.

There are seven orifices on the top of the head, and the opening and closing of the seven orifices absorbs the beauty of the world, and it maintains the exact same law as its own seven-orifice exquisite heart.

He sat on the stone, and his heart orifice kept a frequency with it, and distributed part of the absorbed essence to himself, but at the same time absorbed part of the pure yang energy from his body.

No one suffers in this process, it can only be said to be mutual benefit and mutual assistance.

"The fetus hidden in this stone is really extraordinary. If you are given a few more years, you will be born as a god just to get out of your body!"

But having said that, it can be regarded as lucky. If it met Xu Tong, if it were someone else, it would probably smash it, take out the stone tire, refine it into a magic weapon clone, and so on.

Time passes day by day.

Whenever the moonlight shines on Xu Tong's body at night, his thoughts also begin to absorb the moonlight at this moment, and in the process of merging with it, he vaguely sees a fairy appearing in front of him to play music for him, holding a jade Xiao , Playing a song called Fengqiuhuang.

Although Xu Tong doesn't understand music, he is able to follow the beat, breathe out, make thoughts spin in his mind, and dance with the moonlight essence, complementing each other.

In the end, Xu Tong's consciousness came to this fairy, and with her accompaniment, she felt like a fairy couple.

And his thoughts gradually began to change little by little.

Extreme yang produces yin, but the process is not that intense, on the contrary, it is a smooth and silent process.

After the thought absorbs enough yin qi, it slowly nourishes the yin qi, and finally reaches the level of balance between yin and yang.

So this is a process of dripping water and rocks, and Xu Tong can clearly feel the changes in this process, and has a deeper understanding of his own way.

The girl who was let go by Xu Tong occasionally came to see Xu Tong and brought some strange things to Xu Tong.

For example, something called Xuegu fruit looks a bit fluffy like mille-feuille, but it is ice-cold in the mouth, with a sour fruit-sour taste.

It's a bit like eating ice cream, Xu Tong still likes it.

After a long time, Xu Tong learned a lot of things from the girl. For example, there is only one thing in Kunlun Mountains. Apart from the Snow Clan, there are many other magical races.

What feather tribe, spirit tribe, water tribe and so on.

Each ethnic group has its own unique abilities, especially the Yu clan, who are born with crane-like wings and can fly freely between the heaven and the earth. Their voice is also very unique, and they are called the first music in the three worlds. Voice.

Just by sound, people can eliminate countless troubles.

Xu Tong was surprised, and when he tentatively asked Xue Nu about the main peak of Kunlun Mountain, Xue Nu's face changed instantly.

He couldn't even speak, and was so nervous that the flesh on his body was about to split.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't ask any further questions. In order to appease the little girl's emotions, Xu Tong specially pinched a paper mouse for her by using paper piercing technique, which made the little girl laugh out of tears.

Asked that the little girl didn't have a name yet, Xu Tong called her Xue'er casually. At first she was not used to it, but after a long time, she gradually accepted it.

It is said that there is no time in the mountains, and there is no age in the cold.

Xu Tong gradually forgot the concept of time here.

But the strength is also increasing day by day.

The one hundred and eight thoughts are no longer pure yang thoughts, but mixed yin and yang, forming a huge Taiji diagram in Xu Tong's mind.

Combined with Xu Tong's understanding of Taiji swordsmanship, gradually, his Tao has also unconsciously improved to a higher level.

Femininity is invisible, masculinity is immortal.

At this moment, when he was controlling Moran again, he saw Xu Tong waving his sword, and his whole person suddenly seemed to be in a piece of ink painting.

The sword in his hand was a pen stained with ink. As Xu Tong danced, the ink shadows splashed across the world, turning the world into a white mountain and black water.

In an inch of time, to prepare for a rainy day, Xu Tong also realized the third sword here, and he waved it indifferently in his hand.

The sword edge crosses the world in front of us, dividing the world into two parts. The left side is black and the right side is white. The two are both the past and the future.

At the moment when black and white alternate, time, space, and all things are turned into dust, only the sword in Xu Tong's hand is eternal, as if it is the only one.


With the sword's edge falling, all the mountains and forests in front of him were turned into powder, and a radius of dozens of miles became a dead land.

Looking at the third sword that he had comprehended, Xu Tong was thoughtful, and after a moment of silence, he named this sword Ji Zhou.

Now that he has finally achieved something in his kendo, and his thoughts have completely changed, Xu Tong counted, and it is almost time for him and Shen Gongbao to meet up.

So he put away the ink dye in his hand, and looked back at the stone that had been with him during this time.

"I wanted to take you away, but if I moved your position rashly, it would hurt you instead. Let's get to know each other once. If there is a destiny in the future, we will see you again."

Xu Tong cupped his hands towards the stone as farewell.

Then he left a paper pig on the stone, hoping that Xueer could see it if she came to find her.

After he was done, Xu Tong returned the same way he had come. When he turned back to the city of God, he found that the city of God was extremely lively at the moment.

Xu Tong didn't see any human races on the street before, but now not only can they be seen everywhere, but also a large number of slaves have been brought along with them.

Xu Tong pricked up his ears and learned from the conversations of passers-by that Queen Mother Xi's birthday was coming soon, and all ethnic groups would send envoys and caravans to pay respects to Queen Mother West, and most of these slaves were offering sacrifices to Queen Mother West.

Xu Tong came to a restaurant according to the agreed place, looking around, the restaurant was full of seats.

After seeing Xu Tong, the guy in charge of hospitality immediately went forward: "Several immortals, if there are many people, there are boxes above our house."

Of course, another meaning of the guy is that this place is full and no individual customers are accepted.

Just as Xu Tong was about to say that he and his friends agreed to be here, he heard Shen Gongbao's shout from ahead: "Brother Mei, this way!!"

Xu Tong looked around, and sure enough, he saw Shen Gongbao waving at him on the unremarkable table in the corner.

When Xu Tong stepped forward, besides Shen Gongbao, there were two Yaoxians sitting on the table.

Shen Gongbao introduced each other to the three.

These two demons, the one on the left is called Jiangnu, and the one on the right is Shuangfeng. Both of them are demon merchants. This time, they are rushing to the Queen Mother of the West's birthday to bring tribute, hoping to exchange for some favors from Queen Mother of the West.

The two were very enthusiastic towards Xu Tong, which made Xu Tong feel good about them.

After the three got to know each other, Shen Gongbao began to talk about the Queen Mother of the West's birthday.

Xu Tong also learned from Shen Gongbao's words that once the Queen Mother of the West's birthday begins, gods and demons from all worlds will come to pay their respects.

Naturally, they couldn't get on the stage, let alone attend a banquet of this level.

But if there are enough sacrifices to satisfy the Queen Mother of the West, the Queen Mother of the West will give her blessings.

Someone once got the elixir of immortality bestowed by the Queen Mother of the West. It is rumored that after taking it, they will live forever and live as long as heaven.

However, even if they want to go to offer sacrifices, it is not an easy task. They need to enter the main peak from the foot of the mountain.

And along the way, other major merchants who came to pay tribute will also take action one after another. After all, killing the opponent will not only get the opponent's tribute, but also reduce one opponent.

So it is precisely because of this that every time this happens, Kunlun Mountain is almost a corpse, and it can only be killed by strength, and the competition is extremely cruel.

When Xu Tong heard it, he realized that he was a free thug when he co-authored it. No wonder these two demon merchants were so enthusiastic about him.

Xu Tong didn't really care, he just wanted to follow in and see what the so-called Kunlun was, and he wasn't interested in things like the Queen Mother of the West's blessing.

But Jiang Nu and Shuang Feng were extremely serious, and they discussed with Shen Gongbao for a long time before finalizing their decision.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of gongs in the street.

Before Xu Tong could ask what happened, Shen Gongbao and the others' eyes lit up, and they hurriedly dragged Xu Tong out. When they walked out of the restaurant, Xu Tong looked in the direction Shen Gongbao was pointing at, and saw Kunlun, which had been shrouded in fog all year round. The main peak is gradually becoming clearer quietly.

"Open, the main peak is open!"

I don't know who yelled, and immediately saw the large and small caravans in the entire city of God set off one after another, and began to rush towards the main peak of Kunlun.

Jiangnu and Shuangfeng also started to get busy. Under the urging of the two, a large number of slaves and convoys were urged to come out from behind the restaurant.

Although Xu Tong doesn't like human sacrifices, it's not easy to intervene in it, after all, he is not a savior.

Just watching these people being tied up in chains and being driven like livestock, I feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Brother Mei, have you gained anything from your trip west this time?"

Shen Gongbao saw that Xu Tong's eyes were not happy, so he approached him and asked.

Xu Tong nodded: "I have seen a lot of beautiful mountains and forests."

"Hahahaha, it's a pity, it's a pity, although the beautiful scenery of the mountains and forests is good, it can't compare to the beauty of my junior sister Yuehua Fairy. If Brother Mei can come back a few days earlier, I can just make friends with my junior sister Yuehua Fairy, maybe I will hug her Be beautiful, be happy and happy."

Shen Gongbao's eyebrows were beaming when he said it, which made people think of Mama Sang who was enthusiastically selling in the bathing center.

Xu Tong said regret, but in his heart, he thought of the fairy he saw when his thoughts merged with the moonlight.

The caravan was assembled soon, and Xu Tong followed the caravan and walked out of the city of God slowly.

Outside the city of God, there are already countless caravans lined up like a long dragon, heading towards the main peak of Kunlun Mountain.

However, Shen Gongbao and the others did not immediately lead the team to join in. Instead, they asked all the slaves to sit down, distributed food to them, and asked them to sit in the open space to eat, drink and rest.

"Aren't we going in?"

Xu Tong looked at the caravans driving in beside him, and couldn't help looking at Shen Gongbao suspiciously.

"Don't worry, let's wait. The main peak of Kunlun has just opened, and the gods of the world have not yet arrived. If you start your journey so early, even if you are the first to arrive, it will be useless if the guests have not arrived. What's more, the road is difficult and dangerous, and the first to leave Yes, it may not be the first to arrive, it is best for us to wait and follow behind."

Shen Gongbao seemed to be very familiar with the process of the Kunlun banquet, and he was in charge of leading the team. The two demon merchants beside him, Jiang Nu and Shuang Feng, had already obeyed his advice.

Seeing that he looked confident, Xu Tong simply sat on a stone beside him and waited silently.


At this time, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, and the huge electric snake left a huge hole in the void.

"Look, there are gods coming!"

Everyone raised their heads and looked up after hearing the words, only to see a black sky-horse pulling the carriage through the nothingness in the crack, appearing in everyone's sight.


Tianma roared loudly, as deafening as thunder, and as soon as it moved its body, a strong wind suddenly blew up, flying sand and rocks.

Then Tianma leaped down, opened its mouth and sucked in, those caravans on the ground couldn't dodge in time, and in an instant, many caravans were directly swallowed by Tianma.

The horse's hooves stepped down, causing the rocks to burst, the sky was dark, and the huge cracks were torn open out of thin air. Many slaves fell directly into the abyss, dying without a place to bury them.

Now those slaves were running, screaming and screaming, and some were lying on the ground crying and begging, the scene became a mess.

Only when Tianma lost interest, he pulled the carriage straight to the main peak of Kunlun, leaving only mess and corpses all over the ground.

"Is there no one to care about this?"

Xu Tong watched the bright red blood stain the snow-white mountain road red, and his face inevitably became ugly for a while.

"Hey, they are sacrifices to the gods. Who cares about their life and death. As for these losses, that is their business, and it has nothing to do with us."

Shen Gongbao said disapprovingly.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Xu Tong, and said meaningfully: "Brother Mei, although you are a loose immortal, you have a deep foundation, and sooner or later you will become the overlord of an era. It may be said that you have a place at this banquet."

Xu Tong frowned slightly, but did not answer. He looked at Kunlun in the distance, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao stopped talking.

The caravan waited here for a full two days, until almost all the teams entered the main peak of Kunlun, Shen Gongbao led the crowd to the main peak.

The mountain road is rugged, and the route is quite normal at the beginning. As long as you are careful, everyone can pass, but as the team gradually starts to go deeper.

The painting style in front of him also began to become weird.

Corpses can be seen everywhere in the forest, and broken wheels are scattered on the ground. Judging from the traces of fighting on the ground, it doesn't look like several caravans are fighting with weapons, but more like something terrible, killing all the people in the caravan. kill.

After all, many tributes were scattered on the ground, and these things were not taken away.

Shen Gongbao picked up a scale on the ground, picked it up casually and inspected it a few times before solving the case.

"It's the three-headed flood dragon!"

Shen Gongbao shook the scales on his hands: "The three-headed dragons are rumored to be the guards of Kunlun and the pets of Queen Mother Xi."

As he spoke, he patted the dust off his hands, then he stood up and said, "It's unlucky for them to meet three dragons, but now the three dragons are full, let's go as soon as possible."

Shen Gongbao glanced at Xu Tong as he spoke, and said in a low voice, "The Tianwu we met last time, and Sanshoujiao are good brothers. If you meet you, don't force yourself, just hide if you can."

Hearing this, Xu Tong couldn't help sneering, he is really looking forward to meeting Tian Wu now, he failed to behead him last time, if he meets again this time, he will definitely chop off all eight of his heads and kick him as a ball.


From time to time, a thunderbolt flashed across the sky, and everyone could see some huge carriages coming out of the sky from time to time.

There are many peerless powerhouses among them, as well as future gods.

This place is like a meeting point of all time and space, attracting the gods of the past, present, and future to this feast of the Queen Mother of the West.

"Hehehe, I haven't been to this place for a long, long time. I believe many old friends will be very surprised to see me."

"Hmph, it's not just an accident, I'm afraid they will be scared out of their wits by you!"

On the carriage, two figures were sitting in the carriage, one of them was the old magic stick who almost dismembered Xu Tong.

I'm afraid Xu Tong never dreamed that this guy would appear here, and he was still swaggering in the carriage, looking down on all living beings like the gods.

At the same time, there was another person in the carriage. This person had black hair, red eyes, eight arms behind him, and an ancient golden curse pattern on his body.

Hearing his voice full of resentment, the old godstick instead spoke to comfort him: "Ni Shen, I know you have been suppressed in the underworld for thousands of years, but this time, we are not the protagonists of this banquet."

The person known as the anti-god snorted coldly: "Of course I know, you went to the Netherworld this time, you didn't go there just to pick us up, did you?"

"There was a little guy who couldn't deal with it and let him run away, but it's okay."

"Hahahaha, you are the time lord, who can escape in your hands, is it possible that the other party is also the god of death?"

Ni Shen seemed to have heard something interesting, and after laughing out loud, he began to ask the bottom line again.

Of course, the magic stick would not tell him the reason, but he pricked up his ears when he was questioned: "Listen, the banquet has already begun. I haven't heard the singing of this feather man for a long, long time. This is the sound of nature." voice."

An empty voice sounded, coming from the top of the snow-capped mountain. The voice was quiet and moving, touching the heartstrings. There was no sound of lyrics, but it was moving. It seemed that there was no such moving song in the world.

"Is there a fairy singing?"

Xu Tong looked up at the top of Kunlun, but with his eyesight, he couldn't see the scene on the top of the mountain clearly.

Everyone looked weird when they heard the words, Jiang Nv wanted to explain to Xu Tong, but Shen Gongbao said first: "Yes, yes, this is the song of the Yu clan."

"The Feather Clan!"

Xu Tong recalled that Xue'er once told him that the voice of the Yu clan was the best in the world, and he thought it was exaggerated at first, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"Hahaha, the Kunlun clans are under the protection of the Queen Mother of the West, so on her birthday, each clan will pay tribute to some of them. For example, the Yu clan needs at least 500 people to perform a complete piece of music."

Shen Gongbao said with a smile.

"Is it so spectacular?"

Hearing what Shen Gongbao said, Xu Tong was really looking forward to it. He didn't know what the final effect would be if such a huge group of people sang together.

It's just that Xu Tong obviously didn't notice the strange look in the eyes of Jiang Nu and Shuang Feng.

The convoy walked up the mountain along the road paved with bluestone.

Encountered more and more caravans along the way.

Now it was Jiang Nu and Shuang Feng's turn to get nervous. These caravans deliberately slowed down, maybe they were here waiting to rob other people.


At this time, someone was standing in front of the convoy. They were two heavenly generals in battle armor and holding spears.

The two stood in the middle of the road, their eyes were like copper bells, glaring at the convoy.

Seeing this, Jiang Nu hurried forward, took out the gift she had prepared and sent it up, but was pushed away by one of the heavenly generals.

"By the king's decree, let you keep these tributes, he will accept them on his behalf, and the others will go away immediately!"

Jiang Nu was startled, and immediately asked in confusion: "Which king is it?"

"It can still be that great king, of course it is the Queen Mother of the West who sits down, the Great King of All Souls Sheng Qi!"

Xu Tong listened from behind, and when he heard this name, he suddenly became suspicious, but he had never heard of this god.

Shen Gongbao saw his doubts and whispered something in Xu Tong's ear: "That's right, cunning, he is the mount of Queen Mother Xi."


Xu Tong thought about it carefully, as if he had read this name in the book. It was recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas that its shape was like a dog with leopard prints, its horns were like a cow, its name was cunning, and its voice was like a dog.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong couldn't help sneering: "Who am I, after all, I'm just a dog."

Xu Tong's voice was not loud, but the two guards heard it clearly, and their expressions changed drastically: "You're looking for death!!"

While speaking, he threw the spear in his hand towards Xu Tong.

Xu Tong's eyes froze, facing the flying spear, he raised his hand with one hand, a yin and yang thought appeared between his brows, before the spear approached, he was caught by the yin and yang energy in his palm, with a backhand wave, the spear suddenly stuck in the guard's mouth. Put the ice and soil in front of you.

Xu Tong simply jumped out of the carriage at this time: "Go away, a dog is starting to be the master of the house, and he deserves it."

(End of this chapter)

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