Chapter 1040 Featherman's Swan Song (two chapters in one)

Xu Tong got out of the car and walked forward step by step. The yin and yang qi flowed, and the dharma figure appeared behind him, making him taller and more impressive.

"A dog, even if it's Queen Mother Xi's mount, is just a beast. If Queen Mother West doesn't want us to make sacrifices, we can turn back, but we still want us to keep the tribute? What's the point!"

Facing the sense of oppression coming from Xu Tong's body, the faces of the two guards turned pale for a moment, and they didn't expect that someone would dare to attack them.

Looking at the spear stuck on the ground, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the spear: "A loose immortal, if you dare to make a mistake here, you won't be afraid of hurting your clan, and you will never be reborn forever!"

While speaking, the guard was about to point his spear at Xu Tong.


A ray of lightning pierced through the air, and the deep purple ray of light exploded between the two guards like a giant dragon.

The Zixiao Shenlei exploded, how could these little defenders be able to bear it, they were smashed out on the spot.

Xu Tong didn't bother to watch the two live and die. He was determined to enter Kunlun today, and no one could stop him.

Looking back at the two demon merchants Jiangnu and Shuangfeng, whose jaws dropped from shock, they put away their facial expressions: "Go ahead!"

The two looked at each other, showing timidity for a moment.

Not only them, but also other merchant envoys who were still on the sidelines. Everyone looked at Xu Tong as if they were looking at a dying person.

Although the Great King of All Souls Sheng Qi is a dog that the queen mother sits down, but it depends on the owner to beat the dog...

Seeing the two hesitate, Xu Tong continued to walk up the mountain without turning his head. He was originally going to be a companion along the way, but now that the road is not smooth, there is no need to be a companion.

"Brother Mei, brother Mei, wait for me!"

Xu Tong hadn't gone far when he heard Shen Gongbao's voice. Looking back, he saw that he had already caught up.

"Aren't you afraid that I will drag you down?"

Xu Tong looked at Shen Gongbao.

"Ha, Brother Mei's words are wrong. Since we came together, we should have the same blessings and share the same hardships. The Jiangnu and Shuangfeng sisters and brothers don't understand this truth, and the poor are ashamed to be with them."

Shen Gongbao looked back at the merchants who were still hesitating in the distance, and sneered: "It's ridiculous that they are too stupid, but they don't know that the Queen Mother of the West prefers the strong compared to this little tribute. If she can win a seat, she will win." Their tributes have been tens of thousands of times."

"Well said, the prince and general Xiang Ning is kind, let's go, let's break in today and find out."

The cold wind was like an ice knife, blowing so hard that people couldn't open their eyes, but it couldn't conceal the vigor of Xu Tong.

He was originally here to join in the fun.

I didn't really want to get involved in this banquet, but now that a mere dog can send someone to point out the country, if I leave in such a despondent way, I'm really sorry for his bumpy journey.

What's more, I also want to see if the Queen Mother of the West entertains the powerhouses of the heavens and the gods of the myriad worlds, whether I can get a seat based on my ability.

Seeing the two walking quickly along the green brick road on the ridge, other merchants and envoys waited for a while before leaving.

I only hope in my heart that King Wanling Shengqi can take all his anger on these two people who don't know how to live or die, but don't get them involved.

The higher you go, the more brilliant the sky in the distance becomes.

A little bit of golden light shines through the gaps in the clouds, making people feel that behind the thick clouds is the place where the rumored gods live.

On the way, Xu Tong could see some golden palaces from time to time. These palaces were built on the wall of Kunlun Mountain, hidden in the clouds, appearing and disappearing from time to time, just like the heavenly palaces that are said in the world.

Shen Gongbao gave full play to his role as a guide along the way, and introduced it to Xu Tong: "That's where 72 stars live, Xingxiu Palace, over there is the lineage of Doumu Linggong..."

The palaces of the gods of the heavens can be found here.

Even though these gods do not live here on weekdays, there are still servants cleaning and guarding the palace all the year round.

Just as the two were talking excitedly, the dark clouds above their heads squirmed, and a black shadow pierced through the haze, fell through the air, and landed directly in front of the two of them.


Suddenly, the mountain road exploded, and countless gravels flew around like shells.

When you look closely, it is a piece of solid ice the size of a mountain.

"Bastard, you were the one who injured my subordinate!"

An angry roar followed, tearing away the clouds above his head, revealing a huge dog's head with horns and one eye.

This is Qiao's real body, just like the rumors, with a dog's face and horns, like a mountain, that one-eyed first glanced at Xu Tong, then at Shen Gongbao, and then his huge head let out bursts of hoarse laughter.

"I thought it was someone who dared to be so reckless, but it turned out to be just two little loose immortals!"

It's no wonder that Qiao looks down on Xu Tong and Shen Gongbao.

The so-called Sanxian has neither the conferment of the heavenly court nor the inheritance of the master.

There is a saying in "The Immortals" that one is a loose immortal, and one is not allowed to perform duties, but one must not die.

It can be seen how embarrassing the status of Sanxian is.

To tell the truth, even if he is a god, he spells the word "backer", like cunning, although he is only the mount of the Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of Kexi can directly give him the title of god and grant him the priesthood, even if ordinary gods see him, they have to be courteous.

Without a teacher, even if he is bestowed by the Heavenly Court, he is only a small fairy official.

Just like Monkey King in Journey to the West, he is only a Bi Mawen when he is entrusted to heaven.

Faced with Qiao's ridicule, Xu Tong looked Qiao's face up and down, and then smiled angrily: "You are obviously a dog, but how can you still have horns? Your family tree is really a bit messy."

In terms of cursing, Xu Tong has never suffered a disadvantage.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the sneer on the cunning face suddenly froze: "You're courting death!"

The dog's head turned into a sea of ​​blood, surging towards Xu Tong and Shen Gongbao with an incomparably terrifying tide of blood.

Facing the power of destroying heaven and earth.

Xu Tong raised one hand high, and saw the Dharma figure appearing behind him, and then the Dharma figure opened its arms, and [-] thoughts turned into Taiji diagrams and surrounded the Dharma figure.

Facing the overwhelming blood, the Tai Chi Diagram is like a magic needle for calming the sea. To put it bluntly, it blocks the blood.

I saw Xu Tong being held in the palm of the hand by the Dharma Prime Minister, his clothes were spotless, his god was majestic, and the dragon was walking in the world. His whole figure seemed to have a layer of sacred brilliance, and he raised his hands and feet, showing the demeanor of a peerless master.

There is a murderous curse in this blood, but this kind of trick is not worth mentioning to Xu Tong.

Even when he hadn't made a breakthrough, he could easily crack it with pure yang energy alone. Now that yin and yang are combined, he is even more invincible.

This is also the reason why Xu Tong dared to make up his mind to go to the Kunlun Mountains.

Seeing that his blood curse was ineffective.

Qiao immediately stopped doing useless work, retracted his thoughts, and rushed out of the clouds himself.

When the cloud and mist were torn apart, revealing Ji's body, even Xu Tong couldn't help sighing: "It's so big!"

Being able to serve as the mount of the Queen Mother of the West, and being appointed by the Queen Mother of the West as the King of All Souls, is enough to show the horror of strength.

The huge mountain-like body directly charged towards Xu Tong, and the sharp claws slapped it, and the surrounding void was crushed.

However, Xu Tong followed closely and said, "Well done, I just have you to test the sword!"

As he said that, Xu Tong summoned Mo Ran, and with a swipe of his sword, the world around him suddenly turned into a piece of white mountains and black waters.

"The sharp edge of the sword is the pen, and the ink is splashed with the sword, creating the arrogance of heaven!"

I saw the combination of yin and yang, the light of the sword piercing through time and space in an instant, and the next moment the figure appeared from the future, dodging Qiao's sharp claws, and appeared in front of Qiao's huge dog's head.

Immediately, Xu Tong's figure turned into thousands of afterimages in an instant, and countless sword glows splashed down like waving pens and inks.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

At this time, the cunning who was still full of confidence missed a blow with his huge sharp claws. Instead of hitting Xu Tong hard, he was beaten back continuously by the dense sword lights.

Finally, with a loud cry, he turned somersaults and flew out. The first hit was a big loss, and he couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

"Good fight!!"

On the jade roof of Yaochi, I saw several gods looking down at this scene, seeing that the cunning being beaten retreated steadily, they clapped their hands and applauded.

A god was very excited to see it, and took a bright red fruit from the fruit plate, pinched it with his fingers, and the outer flesh of the fruit split open by itself, revealing the white and tender flesh inside, and he opened his mouth to put it in his mouth. Tuck it in.


When the snow fruit entered the mouth, there was a rattling sound. After taking two bites, the god threw it away with disgust, thinking that the taste was a bit old.

Then he looked at the other fruits in the fruit plate, picked up a red flesh that couldn't wait to tear off the outside, and put it in his mouth to eat.

"Hahaha, this big dog is really useless, even a Sanxian can teach him a lesson."

Seeing this, the other one-eyed spirit couldn't help pursing his lips and shaking his head.

"Hey, since that's the case, how about we add more chips." A fairy wearing a long skirt woven with gorgeous feathers saw that the cunning below had been beaten on the head, so she opened her mouth to suggest.

As soon as the words came out, the gods immediately became interested: "Oh, this is interesting. The banquet hasn't started yet, so let's have some fun first."

"Then how to play?"

Fairy covered her mouth and chuckled, and glanced around, seeing the Yu clan people who were pressed up beside her, her eyes lit up, and she pointed to the most burly Yu clan warrior among them.

Soon the feather warrior was escorted to the front.

"Go and kill that Sanxian. If you succeed, I will make the decision and let your people go."

Hearing this, the Yu clan man's pupils tightened, his huge palms were clenched into balls, and from time to time a little thunder light flickered on the man's fists.

"Go, but hurry up, I'll time you with her singing."

The fairy chose another woman from the Yu tribe, and then saw that the woman was roughly grabbed by several guards and tied to a shelf beside her.

This shelf is very strange, hanging on the edge of the cliff, below are two large millstones that rotate slowly.

Seeing this, the muscles of the feathered man's whole body tensed up, followed by the fairy in front of him nodding, he leapt forward, spread his wings, and quickly jumped off the cliff.

"Interesting, this is too interesting."

Seeing this, the gods followed the figure of the Yuren closely, and their eyes suddenly became more expectant. The Yuzu is a born warrior, and the Yuzu just now is the strongest among the tribes who made an offering this time.

Now it's interesting.

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

At this moment, Xu Tong didn't know that his every move had become a good show in the eyes of the gods on the top of the mountain. He swung the long sword in his hand and twitched the cunning head in front of him.

Even a gigantic beast of Qiao's size couldn't lift its head up even after being smashed.

"A beast is a beast, no matter how great the honor is given to you, you are just a watchdog!"

Xu Tong pressed one hand on the cunning head, and saw the yin and yang qi flowing, like ten thousand mountains falling on the cunning head, making it almost out of breath.

The cunning claws frantically scratched all around, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, countless rubble smashed all around.

But the more he struggled, the more suppressed the yin and yang energy became.

Seeing that cunning had been suppressed by him, Xu Tong felt a little melancholy in his heart.

"When I broke into the Immortal Gate, those old Taoists in Qingcheng Mountain wanted to kill me with the Liangyi Mote Formation, but they didn't really master the way of Yin and Yang, otherwise with my original strength, I would surely die.

Now that I have an epiphany of yin and yang, I can easily suppress this beast with only the qi of yin and yang. If I go back and focus on practicing and strengthening it, I may not be able to meet the old god stick next time, even if I don’t use the invincible hearthstone. Can escape smoothly. "

Just as Xu Tong was thinking about how to go further in the future, his heart beat suddenly, and the ink dyed in his hand drew a clever trajectory, slashing towards the back.


A dagger collided with Mo Ran's blade, making a metallic hiss.

Xu Tong took a closer look, and saw that the person who came was tall and burly, nearly three meters tall.

The most eye-catching thing is that the person has wings on his back, with dark golden textures on the wings, and there is a sound of wind and thunder when the wings are flapped.

"The Feather Clan??"

Seeing this, Xu Tong thought of the Feather Clan that Xue Er had told him about, and was about to ask him why when he shot at him, the man seemed to go crazy, with his wings spread high, and instantly turned into a human-shaped lightning bolt He came straight to Xu Tong.

The opponent's speed was extremely fast, and when he waved his wings behind him, there was the sound of rolling thunderstorms.

The silver-gray feathered dagger in his hand trembled harshly, as if it was too fast.

This is a violent burst of divine power, which exploded with dazzling brilliance, dyeing the sky brilliantly, as if a round of scorching sun shattered in the air.

Xu Tong's face changed, and he could feel the terrifying killing intent in the opponent's blow. He didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He swung the long sword in his hand, the blade seemed fast and slow, and combined with the energy of yin and yang to form a strange force field .

Moran can not only improve the skill of swordsmanship, but also raise one's own swordsmanship to a higher level.

So much so that at this moment Xu Tong's Taiji swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle, like the level of transformation, even Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Taiji swordsmanship, may not be able to find any faults in person.


Countless electric lights exploded in the void, and the dagger in Yuren's hand had stabbed hundreds of times in an instant, but without exception, once it touched Xu Tong's sword, it was dissolved invisible by the gentle power of the sword.

Xu Tong used his strength to strike even more, the edge of the sword slanted, and the blade of the sword was like an antelope's horns, and it slammed hard behind Yuren.


This blow was so powerful that it was like a huge mountain hitting Yuren's back chest, causing him to spit out a mouthful of bright red blood.

The whole body is also in a mess, almost falling to the ground.

"Hey, it's the first time we meet, can't you be so hard-working?" Xu Tong could tell that the Yuren in front of him was a master.

But in Xu Tong's view, the opponent's desperate style of play is completely suicidal.

Yuren didn't speak, but looked at Xu Tong with dark eyes.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of empty singing in the sky. The singing was beautiful and long, as if it had some kind of special magical power. It made people feel comfortable and felt that the whole person would be intoxicated by it.

But the moment the Yuren in front of him heard the singing, his eyes were instantly bloodshot, and he was like a madman.


The Yuren raised his head to the sky and screamed, his hair flew wildly, his roots stood upright, his vigorous body shook out a sea of ​​terrifying waves, his wings spread out behind him, and then he slammed back violently.


The huge sonic boom, as heavy as a mountain, collapsed the space. It was hard to imagine what kind of mad force it was.

Yuren turned into a flash of lightning and struck towards Xu Tong in an instant.


No matter how fast Yuren was, when Xu Tong swung the long sword in his hand, the surrounding time and space would come to a standstill.

The sword edge flickered to block the sure-kill blow, and then punched Yuren's face like iron, making a loud clanging sound.

This guy's physical body is comparable to a mountain, and his strength has reached an incredible level.

I wanted to knock it into the air, but I didn't know that the other party seemed to have expected such a result long ago, and at the same time it was hitting Xu Tong's fist on the face.

The wings behind him ignited like thunder and fire, and then they embraced Xu Tong's body fiercely.

Now Xu Tong was a little caught off guard, and was sent flying by these two thunder flames.

The more intense and high-spirited the singing on the mountain, the crazier the feather warrior's dismissal was.

It was a completely risk-free style of play, which caused Xu Tong a lot of headaches, and finally became angry in his heart.

"You like playing thunder so much, let's try whose thunder is stronger!"

Xu Tong's mind moved, and he saw the little fat man of the second soul flying up from the top of Xu Tong's head, with a trace of seriousness on his chubby face.

Xiaopang raised the drum hammer and began to strike the three thunder drums behind him. In an instant, countless electric snakes flashed, and a thunder snake rushed towards Yuren like a world-destroying dragon.

Yuren didn't seem to have expected that the Sanxian in front of him was still proficient in thunder techniques. Seeing a sea of ​​thunder in front of him, he immediately let out a long cry and rushed towards Xu Tong desperately.

"What a lunatic!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't know what kind of enmity he had with this guy, what kind of resentment would make him want to kill him so desperately.

Seeing that the other party's wings were pierced by lightning and wanted to pounce on him to kill him, Xu Tong finally showed murderous intent in his eyes.

Slowly put down Mo Ran in his hand, and the moment Yuren rushed out of the sea of ​​thunder with all his strength.


The world in front of him is suddenly divided into two, the left side is black, and the right side is white. The two colors turn the world into a piece of ink, completely frozen.

Until the moment when black and white alternated, Xu Tong's sword flashed away, piercing time and space, and directly piercing Yuren's chest.


Faced with such a heavy blow, even this Yuren, who was born to be a warrior, couldn't take it anymore. Blood spurted from his mouth, his long hair fell loose, and he staggered and fell to his knees on the ground.

It's just that until now, Xu Tong can still see the killing intent towards him in his eyes.

"Why do you hate me so much? What enmity do I have with you?"

Xu Tong looked gloomy. He believed that there was no love for no reason in this world, but there should be no hatred for no reason either.

Just when Xu Tong was puzzled, Shen Gongbao stepped up and stopped Xu Tong: "Don't hit him, he probably won't live long like this."

Shen Gongbao knew what Xu Tong was wondering about, and quietly pointed to the mountain behind him.

Seeing this, Xu Tong suddenly realized something, stepped forward and grabbed the already exhausted Yuren on the ground: "Could it be that you killed me because of the singing?"

Xu Tong mistakenly thought that the singing voice was controlling the opponent, so he simply wanted to take Yuren to see what happened.

Yuren's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and he pushed Xu Tong away, and then, caught off guard by Xu Tong, he pulled out the feather and stuck it into his heart.

This scene couldn't help but surprise him, and the confusion in his eyes became more and more.

He looked at Shen Gongbao, but he saw Shen Gongbao sigh: "You will know when you go up and have a look."

Xu Tong nodded, and turned his eyes to look at Qiao who was suppressed by him.

It turned out that the suppressed cunning turned out to be a fake, and disappeared without a trace with a gust of wind, leaving only a handful of dog hair on the ground.

It seems that the golden cicada's ability to escape the shell was used, but the real body had already fled in despair.

Seeing this, Xu Tong sneered disdainfully, got up and walked up the mountain.

The higher you go, the more ethereal and moving the singing becomes.

Even if there are no lyrics, it still gives people a sound like fairy music in the world.

But only when Xu Tong passed through the clouds and raised his head to look at the Kunlun jade roof floating in front of him.

Xu Tong's face turned pale in an instant.

He saw Yuren singing, but it wasn't the picture of him dancing to the singing as he had imagined.

Instead, she was tied to a frame, and as the millstone under her body moved inch by inch, her legs were rolled inside and crushed inch by inch.

In this process, just taking a look at it will send chills down the spine.

And that beautiful and touching singing voice was exactly the desperate scream of this Yuren.

The blood was blown by the cold wind on the cliff of Kunlun Yuding, and that cliff has now turned into a bright red cliff over the years of accumulation...

(End of this chapter)

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